Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1285 Jinjiang Plan

Chapter 1285 Jinjiang Plan
"Where is the general's remains?" Qian Taichong was very concerned about this question.

"The general's head, I preserved it with lime when I escaped ashore, and hid it in a secret place at the mouth of the Jiulong River, but I don't know if the body left on Xiamen Island was snatched by the robbers."

After the generals "recovered the lost ground", they did search for Zheng Zhilong's body. However, the Japanese mercenaries who accompanied Zheng Zhilong on the last journey of his life either died in battle or were captured. Those who escaped also followed Tong Taro to Jinjiang—— ——No one cares about Zheng Sen, and Tong Taro naturally won't have anyone to ask for advice.The generals got nothing.After a long time, this matter was forgotten.After all, the actual struggle for power is more important.

"It's easy to handle." Qian Taichong thought, it is indeed a bit of a pity without the body, but there is no problem with the head.

"Stupid fellow, redneck!"

Qian Taichong thought: The generals of the Zheng family only know how to fight for power and profit, and they still have the short-sightedness of a businessman who only pursues short-term interests.The political significance of Zheng Zhilong's funeral was not considered at all.Zheng Zhilong is not a humble man, but an upright military officer of the imperial court. Hosting his funeral is tantamount to announcing to the world that he is Zheng Zhilong's heir.Funeral itself has immeasurable significance.

"You send another fine person to quietly go to the mouth of the Jiulong River and try to take out the general's remains." Qian Taichong instructed, "Everything must be done secretly."

"I can save this."

"I'm going to Fuzhou tomorrow to see the governor. You have to protect the young master here." Qian Taichong said, "Don't go out, try to deal with people as little as possible, and don't mention the governor and my whereabouts."

Totaro nodded solemnly.

Qian Taichong's trip to Fuzhou went smoothly.When Zou Weilian heard that someone had brought the whereabouts of Zheng Zhilong's son, he immediately asked to meet him personally.When he heard that Zheng Sen had escaped from the Kun thief and was currently living in Jinjiang County School, he couldn't help being very happy, praised Qian Taichong, Tong Tailang and others for their "loyalty and bravery", and expressed deep sorrow for Zheng Zhilong's death Condolences, and then asked when Zheng Zhilong's funeral would be handled, so that he could go to express his condolences in person.

"After the general was killed, the remains were brutally poisoned by the thieves. Only the leader was brought out by his subordinate General Tong. Now he is enshrining in the temple, ready to choose a sacrifice and hang himself..."

"This matter should not be delayed." Zou Weilian said with a frown, "The general has already been martyred, so he should go to the ground to rest in peace. It has been a month now, and the hanging has not yet been lifted. Speaking of which, the public opinion is not good."

First of all good filial piety, it has been almost a month since Zheng Zhilong died in battle, and all the generals of the Zheng family have "recovered" all the places in Zhangzhou Bay, and now there is no news of funerals. Rumor has it that he must be impeached.

For this matter, Qian Taichong had already made up his mind, wiped away his tears, made a heartbroken appearance, and gave a rough account of Zheng Sen's current situation.

"...Master Sen is living under someone's roof now, and he can still rely on others for a meal and a tea, let alone the funeral?" Qian Taichong said that the emotional place burst into tears, half true and half artificial, and suddenly fell out of the chair. Standing up, he lifted his robe and knelt down to salute, "My lord, please be the master of Master Sen!"

Left and right quickly helped Qian Taichong up, and Zou Weilian immediately stated that he would "call the shots" for Zheng Sen.

The servants around Zou Weilian were greatly surprised that day. His Excellency not only received this poor-looking scholar in person, but also had a "happy conversation", and finally even sent out the servants. The two talked secretly in the warm cabinet. hour.

Qian Taichong returned to Jinjiang County full of ambition: Zou Weilian, as he estimated, was very interested in supporting Zheng Sen and restraining the generals of the Zheng family. practical stuff.

One is to implement Zheng Sen's assault as soon as possible. Qian Taichong has already drawn up Zheng Zhilong's "legacy" and asked the Governor to submit it on his behalf.

Secondly, Zou Weilian promised that once Zheng Zhilong's funeral was held, he would personally lead the officials from the province to attend the funeral, in order to fully demonstrate the support of Fujian officials for Zheng Sen.At the same time, he would also secretly write letters to the county magistrates of Zhangzhou Prefecture and its subordinate counties, asking them to give Qian Taichong sufficient convenience.

In the end, he also promised to support Qian Taichong financially and even militaryly, so as to ensure that the legitimate son of the Zheng family can successfully inherit the position of head of the family.

"This is General Cao." Zou Weilian ordered someone to send one of the chief executives in the bid, "You don't think he is young, but he is a loyal man..."

Qian Taichong looked at this young general, he was very tall and strong, he had a round face with a few beards on his pointed chin, his nostrils were turned up and his eyes were small.It also looks tough.It seems a little familiar, as if you have seen it before.

"Mr. Cao Qian and General He fought against the Kun bandits back then. In Chengmai City, our army was at a disadvantage. Fortunately, General Cao fought to the death in the rear, and He Zhentai was able to escape from the bandits' encirclement." Zou Weilian laughed.

Only then did Qian Taichong suddenly realize that this young general, like himself, was also a survivor of Chengmai's defeat.

"Humble generals are incompetent!"

"Don't mention the past." Zou Weilian waved his hand, "This is Mr. Qian, and you will work together in the future to defend our eight Fujian seas."

The two sang promises in unison.

"Tomorrow, I will order Cao Qian to move a hundred soldiers to Jinjiang to help you secretly." Zou Weilian smiled, "You will work together in the future."

"Yes, thank you sir!"

Although there is an extra "supervising army" by his side, Qian Taichong thinks that it is not a serious problem: they are currently weak and do need manpower.Moreover, Cao Xiangjiao is the governor, so it is good to use it to strengthen his appearance.

Tong Tailang, on the other hand, has a grudge. Like most people in the Zheng Group, he is very wary of the government's instinct.But Qian Taichong said that if the governor wants to contribute, this price is necessary.What's more, there are people on the governor's level in Jinjiang City, and other factions must be cautious if they really say anything that is "unfavorable to the child's heart".

"We are very weak. If we want to rely on the power of the governor, we can only bear the burden." Qian Taichong explained patiently. He knows that Tong Tailang can risk his life and death at any time for the sake of "righteousness", which is rare. A person with both loyalty and righteousness will definitely be a rare confidant general by Zheng Sen's side in the future.If I want to assist Zheng Sen to regroup, I must do a good job of enticing him, "The so-called small intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans. We must be patient."

After Qian Taichong met Zou Weilian, the Jinjiang county magistrate's originally wait-and-see attitude suddenly warmed up.Not only did they send people to send rice and firewood to greet them twice in three days.He also said that they can live in the county school as long as they want, and they will no longer be urged to move out to make room.The situation of these people improved greatly.
In this way, not only Tong Tailang and his group were greatly convinced by Qian Taichong, but also the stragglers who thought they had nowhere to go and lived in seclusion in the county school also gained confidence in Qian Taichong and his group, and "actively approached the organization" one after another.

Qian Taichong thought he was satisfied, Jinjiang County was never the territory of the Zheng family, he could only be regarded as a sojourner here, and could not be used as a place to revive his strength, it was necessary to seize a piece of his own territory in Zhangzhou Bay!

"We want to take back Anping." Qian Taichong said.

The reason why we set the goal as Anping is because Anping is the center of the Zheng family, not only the location of Zheng Zhilong's mansion, but also the location of Zheng's ancestral grave and ancestral hall.Zheng Sen, as the young master of the Zheng family, re-entered Anping. Its symbolic significance is self-evident. It has a great appeal to the members and generals of the Zheng clan who are currently scattered everywhere, unable to participate in the hegemony in Zhangzhou Bay, and who are waiting and watching.

Once Anping was occupied, the young master would have established the "orthodoxy" of the Zheng Group, and Zou Weilian's official "endorsement" would occupy half of the country in terms of morality and legal authority.

Economically, Anping is an important trading port for trade with Japan.Many Anhai ships heading to Japan depart from here. Seizing Anping is equivalent to controlling a considerable share of the trade with Japan. Some Anhai ships that did not return when they were attacked will choose to seek refuge with the young master. There is economic strength.

Totaro had no sense in choosing Anping, but he was a little worried and said:

"Our troops are insufficient, and we need surprises to win."

He Lang has long been spying on Anping who is close at hand, so he has been sending people to investigate quietly.Zheng Zhiwan's servants had hundreds of soldiers, and more than 1000 armed dealers. In order to guard against the invasion of other generals, he was on guard day and night, relying on the [-] stragglers gathered by Tongtaro's men. It is still difficult to win Anping. Of course, if you really want to plan well, there is not no chance.A Japanese samurai-born mercenary like Totaro is best at fighting in small groups and sneak attacks, and he is bold and reckless.

"We can't use force—— Zheng Zhiwan and the young master say that they are uncles and nephews, and we must not let this talk go." Qian Taichong seemed to have a plan in mind, "We must take Anping peacefully."

"Although Anping is in ruins now, Zheng Zhiwan even has to push through a farm in Jinjiang County, let alone Anping City?"

"It will be the Cold Clothes Festival on the first day of October (1632.11.12. [-]) soon." Qian Taichong said, "The Zheng family ancestral hall always worships the ancestors and burns cold clothes. Go back to the ancestral hall to preside over the sacrificial ceremony—even if he is too young to see things, he must be present. We will return to Anping in the name of worshiping our ancestors!"

"What if Zheng Zhiwan obstructs it?"

"He didn't dare to do this, otherwise he would put himself in the situation of 'disloyalty and disfilial piety'. Even if he goes to sea to become a pirate in the future, I'm afraid he won't be able to get along. At that time, we will list his top ten crimes. There is no way, dignified and upright, and the name is justified!"

(End of this chapter)

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