Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286 Recapturing Anping
Tong Taro was bewildered by what he said. This Japanese warrior never thought that there were so many tricks and tricks, and his admiration for Qian Taichong became more and more enthralled.But he was a little curious and asked:
"Which ten crimes?"

"As the guard of Anping, when the Kun bandits attacked, he disregarded the safety of the mistress and the young lord, and disregarded the family members and clansmen of the whole city. He abandoned the city and fled without firing a single shot. This is a great crime!"


"The mistress and the young master are in trouble. There is no way to break the enemy, and there is no rescue strategy. Sitting idly by is two major crimes!"

"When a general dies in the field, he doesn't bury his body, hold a funeral, doesn't remove his auspicious clothes, drinks and has fun every day, and plays as usual. It's like 'going mad'. These are the three major crimes!"


Qian Taichong listed them one by one, and read ten crimes in one breath, each of which was a very serious "crime" in the social environment at that time.If he were to be prosecuted according to these charges, Zheng Zhiwan's head would still be light.

"Are we going to kill him?"

"If he is sensible, let him commit crimes and make meritorious deeds." Qian Taichong is not prepared to kill people—especially Zheng Zhilong's clansmen. This is a very serious matter in a patriarchal society, let alone that he is essentially an outsider.

Zheng Zhiwan himself is insignificant, but once he is killed, the Zheng family members will have a defensive attitude, and things will be even more difficult to carry out in the future.Although the Governor supports him, he is the least powerful after all.

"I'm going to meet the young master now." Qian Taichong said, "Report these things to him."

Although Zheng Sen is only eight years old, he is already sensible and memorized after all.Although he is doing his own thing right now, he will grow up one day. The relationship between the powerful ministers who assist him and the young master who ascended the throne at a young age has been very delicate since ancient times. If he can't handle it properly, he will inevitably plant the seeds of disaster for the future.

However, he didn't go to see the young master immediately, but went to see a servant who was currently taking care of the young master's daily life.

This servant woman is also a distant relative of Zheng's family. She was originally working in the inner house of Zheng's mansion and met the young master.So after Tong Tailang fled to Jinjiang with Zheng Sen, he was served by the servant who also fled here.

"I want to see the young master for a while, but how is the young master's daily life recently?"

"The daily life is normal, but there is almost no talk on weekdays. He is silent all day long. Besides, the young master has always refused to eat fish. The maid is afraid that he will not be able to support himself." The maid was very anxious.

In this way, the young master felt very sad, Qian Taichong thought to himself, but because of an unexpected situation, he didn't want to cause trouble to the people around him, so he kept silent.This kind of forbearance is better than that of ordinary children.Not eating fish is to mourn for his father, filial piety is sympathetic.In this way, the young master is a man who can be made.

"I want to meet the young master."

Zheng Sen was only eight years old. Like his father, he had a handsome appearance. Due to repeated changes, he became very deep at a young age.Seeing Qian Taichong coming to see him, he knew that this was the "Mr. Qian" who assisted him. Although Zheng Sen was young, he also knew that this Mr. Qian was now rushing for his status. He only came from Japan in 1630. Those who returned to China could not speak Chinese fluently, but still managed to say something to encourage "Mr. Qian".

After meeting the young master, Qian Taichong gained more confidence.At the moment, Tong Taro and others plan to return to Anping.

The core of the plan is suddenness—although Qian Taichong is unwilling to kill people, he can make a surprise attack when he doesn't kill people.He decided to march into Anping City with Zheng Sen in the name of returning to the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors on the day before the Cold Clothes Festival, disarm Zheng Zhiwan and capture his followers.

The plan was uncomplicated and involved gambling.But Qian Taichong believes that the possibility of success is very high.Although Zheng Zhiwan is also one of the Eighteen Zhi, he is mediocre and has no courage—this can be seen from his desperate escape from Anping.And the news he got from the spies sent to inquire about intelligence these days: After Zheng Zhiwan returned to Anping, he was drinking and having fun, and rarely asked about government affairs.From this point of view, he is a man with little ambition.

In terms of strength, Zheng Zhiwan is also the weakest - he only has more than 400 soldiers and servants. As for the more than 1000 dealers who have been armed in a hurry, Tong Taro believes that they do not have much combat power.

As long as one's own side acts decisively, Zheng Zhiwan's will can be easily destroyed, and Anping can be regained without bloodshed.

A few days before the operation, in order to paralyze the opponent, Qian Taichong sent people to Anping, expressing that the young master hoped to return to Anping to worship the ancestors on the day of the Cold Food Festival—of course he was rejected, because the ancestral hall was severely damaged and was still being repaired In the middle, the young master may not have a place to live when he comes back.

"In this case, can you allow the young master to send some sacrifices to show your filial piety?" The person sent discussed in a helpless tone.

"Ten people are allowed to come, no weapons are allowed. Come on the same day, return on the same day. You are not allowed to stay overnight in the city."

"Yes, thank you sir."

Qian Taichong thinks that in this way, Anping will put the main vigilance on the day of the Cold Food Festival.So on the morning before the Cold Food Festival, led by Qian Taichong, Tong Tailang led [-] Japanese mercenaries, Cao Xiangjiao led [-] Fubiao soldiers, surrounded by Zheng Sen who was sitting in a sedan chair, and met the yamen servants sent by the Jinjiang county magistrate. Under the clearing of the road, he suddenly set off from Jinjiang and went straight to Anping.

In order to ensure suddenness, all the people and horses did not rest all the way, and the bearers changed their sedan chairs without stopping. They walked thirty miles in four hours and arrived at Anping City at noon.

The city wall of Anping has not been repaired, and it is still in ruins.Due to the limited force of Zheng Zhiwan, he put the main force in the city to guard near several key points such as his own mansion.The main force was deployed facing Zhangzhou Bay.In the direction facing the mainland, only a simple gatehouse was built at the original city gate, and some soldiers were sent to check pedestrians.

Seeing this group of people suddenly appear, the guards were at a loss - they had indeed been ordered not to allow people around Zheng Sen to enter Anping, but it was Zheng Sen himself, the general's son.

"I will send the young master back to the ancestral hall to prepare for the cold clothes festival to worship the ancestors. Anyone who obstructs the young master's worship of the ancestors is an unfaithful and unrighteous member of the Zheng family." Qian Taichong rode on the horse and shouted loudly, "Who dares to stop? "

The officers and soldiers of Zheng Jun on the bayonet looked at each other hesitantly, at a loss.Even the soldiers knew who the general's son was, not to mention the people from the government who came with him.If you really want to do it, no one can afford this responsibility!Besides, there are only 30 people on the bayonet, and they are not opponents of the opponent's Japanese mercenaries who are like wolfs and tigers with sharp swords.

At this moment when everyone was hesitating, Qian Taichong whipped his horse and said, "Young master enters the city!"

The Japanese mercenaries and the Fubiao Chinese Army unsheathed their swords together, forcibly broke through the checkpoint, entered Anping City, and drove directly to the Zheng's Ancestral Hall in the city.

Zheng Zhiwan, who got the news in advance, turned pale with shock—he didn't expect Zheng Sen to come in person suddenly.Not to mention that he would drive directly to the ancestral hall.He originally thought that even if Zheng Sen entered Anping, he would first snatch the original Zheng family mansion.Therefore, arrangements were made there, and capable henchmen were also sent.Instead, no soldiers were sent to guard the ancestral hall, only some servants were sent to clean and guard it.

I was at a loss for a while.When it comes to military strength, he has more than 2000 people in his hands, and it is very easy to resist by force.But he didn't dare to attack his nephew. Once he hurt Zheng Sen, not only would it be difficult to explain to the court, but also someone in the Zheng Group would use this as an excuse to attack him.

He gathered his family members and rushed to the ancestral hall in a hurry. The sacrificial offerings had already been set up in the courtyard of the ancestral hall. The Japanese guards and soldiers who held the bid were standing in silence in the courtyard, creating a chilling atmosphere.

"This is Zheng's ancestral hall, no soldiers are allowed to enter!" He was stopped at the gate by Mr. Qian, who was dressed in bright armor and all over his body.Zheng Zhiwan could tell at a glance: This is an upright court military officer: Chief Qian of the Fubiao Battalion.

Zheng Zhiwan hesitated: he is not the kind of person who is bold and dares to risk the world's dissatisfaction.Now Zheng Sen has arrived in the ancestral hall, not only has his own armed forces but also officers and soldiers guarding him.The only way to solve it is to rush in and fight and then expel the nephew.This will ruin his reputation forever.

Besides, his hundreds of servants are probably no match for this group of tigers and wolves, seeing that the servants around him all look cowering.Zheng Zhiwan gave in: "Okay."

On the first day of October in the lunar calendar, Zheng Sen, as the eldest grandson, presided over the ceremony of the Cold Clothes Festival at the ancestral temple in Anping.Zheng Zhiwan was disarmed and placed under house arrest.The ships, army, farms and property of the Zheng family that were originally under his control also fell into Zheng Sen's hands.

"Mr. is really a god!" Tong Tailang threw himself into the ground in admiration. Qian Taichong led them to capture Anping City and Zheng Zhiwan's power "without bloodshed".

"We still have a lot of things to do." Although Qian Taichong had the excitement of a small test, he still had great worries.This sudden seizure of Anping is certainly gratifying, but as a result, other forces will also be wary of the young master, and it will be difficult to achieve such a sudden effect with any further planning.

"Please give orders, Mr. Qian!" Tong Tailang and the others were very excited.

"The first thing to do is to mourn the general!" Qian Taichong said, "I will go to the governor again for this matter. I will leave it to you in Anping."

Qian Taichong went straight to Fuzhou non-stop, and reported the news to Zou Weilian that he had successfully captured Anping.

"...It's all thanks to your majesty's power." Qian Taichong said and presented the gift list.

On the gift list are precious gifts of four colors, all of which are rare foreign goods.Great value.Zou Weilian nodded slightly: "Mr. Qian is indeed a great talent, I don't know what you plan to do next?"

"I implore my lord to guide me astray!"

"Don't you dare. If you have anything to do, please just say it."

"Qian is only a green shirt. There are many things and inconveniences..."

Qian Taichong said unabashedly: For the next step of the plan, he needs an official position.

(End of this chapter)

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