Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1294

Chapter 1294
The generals of the rebel army were beheaded and executed one by one in front of the lined up rebels-there were not enough executioners in the Li Dynasty on the island, and they specially recruited card swordsmen with execution experience from the rebels.For a while, rivers of blood flowed on the school field, and the whole army trembled.After the execution, the heads were boxed and transported to Qimu Island.

Feng Zongze did not watch this spectacular execution scene, he was still immersed in his role as the "Seraphim of Justice".In particular, he has practiced this set of Wei Guangzheng's lines for a long time, which made him fully overcome the addiction of sprinkling dog blood.

The order to execute all the rebel generals came directly from the Engine Headquarters, although some people believed that Kong Youde and others had raised troops against the Qing and had to surrender to the Qing.Moreover, Kong and Geng's commanding power and tactical level are quite high, and they can serve as the vanguard of the colonial armed forces to go to Southeast Asia-send them to Vietnam or other Southeast Asian regions to harm the local natives.

However, this proposal was rejected after discussion by the Executive Committee and the Standing Committee of the Senate.If we want to incorporate the former Dongjiang Department, we cannot keep these senior generals. This is one. Second, Lu Wenyuan and others made many shady secret deals with Li, Kong and others during the engine operation. People know that in order to ensure the legitimacy of the future regime and not give future conscientious historians an opportunity, this kind of thing must be completely erased.

Using it to attack Southeast Asia, if there is not enough control and logistical support for its troops, either because the whole army is not satisfied with the climate, or it is bought by a certain native force, it will become the enemy of the Senate; Never take orders from the Senate.

Moreover, the army withdrawn from Dengzhou City is not only mostly the direct descendants of Li, Kong and others, but also a group of evil wolves who were red-eyed and drunk with blood during the Dengzhou Rebellion. Mental shock can make them "know fear".

Nearly [-] rebels were escorted in batches to be purified and screened after observing the execution.All the servants of the generals were separated and detained separately.After the purification is completed, all of them will be sent to Sanya to serve as miners.Ordinary soldiers are organized into a "labor brigade". The first three years are not counted as points, and the fourth year is calculated according to the workload to allow self-redemption.The craftsmen, sailors and rebels who accompanied the army were plundered and the population was purified and resettled as immigrants.

On the third day after the rebels withdrew from Dengzhou, Sun Yuanhua's direct subordinate Zhang Tao who was the first to get the news first led his army to Dengzhou, and then the troops from the Shandong camp also flooded in, and Dengzhou was declared to be recovered.

In order to avoid conflicts with the officers and soldiers who were eager to seize power and occupy the territory, Zhu Mingxia had led his troops to withdraw from Dengzhou in advance, leaving the empty city to the officers and soldiers.

After the execution on Jeju Island, Feng Zongze sent a clipper to send the head box and some prisoners back to Qimu Island and hand them over to Lu Wenyuan.

Lu Wenyuan secretly returned the head boxes of Li Jiucheng, Kong Youde and others, as well as the former generals who had been spared, to Sun Yuanhua as a credit to Zhang Tao and others.As for other heads, they are sold to various officers and soldiers.

The various officers and soldiers in the Shandong camp were originally worried about having only an empty city-even if they wanted to kill good people and pretend to be meritorious, there would be no people to slaughter them-now some people sold the heads of rebel generals and came to buy them one after another.As for the extra banners, documents, seals, generals’ weapons, armor and other items that could be used as "military merit" by the rebels, some of them were handed over to Sun Yuanhua and Zhu Dadian, and some were sold publicly: the price was clearly marked, and no one cheated.

In addition to "selling", Zhu Mingxia also "buys".In the camp, he bought the people, property, and livestock looted by the officers and soldiers of the Shandong camp. , the scale of murder and looting is smaller and the frequency is less.Zhu Mingxia's camp was full of people day and night, and generals from all walks of life sent people to "do business".

During this period, some generals did not know the power of Qimu Island and tried to seize the head, but after a hard meal with muskets, they all honestly acted in accordance with the trading rules.

Zhu Mingxia's heads were priced according to their status: for general rebel soldiers, you can buy ten for one tael of silver;The higher the status and the greater the reputation, the higher the price.If everyone wants to buy a certain head, they can also bid against each other.This also made a small fortune.

Not only that, the firearms used by Xiangyong of Qimu Island also attracted the attention of the generals of Guanning towns.They have already seen this kind of firearm from some of the officers and soldiers in Laizhou, and now they have personally experienced the power, so they approached Zhu Mingxia one after another, wanting to know where they got the blunderbuss.

Zhu Mingxia sent several Guihuamin cadres from the business department to receive them, and gave them several 30-style revolvers and Nanyang-style rifles as samples, saying that as long as they could pay, they could get more.

Lu Wenyuan met Zhu Dadian and Sun Yuanhua in the former Denglai Governor's Office.

"Mr. Lu is indeed not an ordinary person. Unexpectedly, there are mountains and valleys in his chest!" Zhu Dadian's expression was uncertain.Sun Yuanhua's subordinate general Zhang Tao and Tuan Lian took the first victory in recovering Dengzhou, which made him, the "prime minister" who aided in the suppression of Dengzhou, disgraced, but he was finally able to overcome Dengzhou before the New Year. Zhouzhou is like rain to the emperor who is looking forward to the good news.Furthermore, this also somewhat saved his face from the previous siege of the city.

"Don't dare, it's because Master Zhu managed it properly, Master Sun came to command in person, and all the generals march forward bravely, Dengzhou can overcome it. Lu is just a fly. A small contribution is not worth mentioning." Lu Wen Yuan bent over and said respectfully.

Sun Yuanhua nodded secretly, the words of Jiaoyou Lu were very tactful.Over the past few days, he has been very clear about the origin and purpose of this deer priest.Knowing that he was able to escape from the disaster this time, the mysterious deer owner and the forces behind him have contributed a lot.

He is an old man in the officialdom, and these insights are only hidden in his heart, and he will never reveal them to outsiders. When someone mentions the owner of Luzhuang and Qimu Island, he is just pretending to be confused.

Zhu Dadian nodded. He heard that the head of the deer manor was selling the heads of the rebels, so he couldn't help but feel at ease with him: he would rather turn the heads of the meritorious officials into silver, which shows that the other party has no ambitions and is only satisfied with Be a rich man.Listening to what he said now, I feel more and more that this Mr. Lu is quite witty, he does not take credit for himself, does not claim credit.Very big picture.

"Master Deer is indeed a role model for Denglai's gentry." Zhu Dadian said, "Students must praise you for your credit."

"Don't dare, don't dare." The owner of Lu Zhuang became more and more pretending to be a grandson, "Although Denglai is not the hometown of villains, it is also the place where villains live. As it should be."

Zhu Dadian turned his face sideways: "Master Sun, look..."

Sun Yuanhua knew that he should not compete with Zhu Dadian for credit at this time. Anyway, Zhang Tao was the first to enter the city. Not to mention that Lu Zhuang also provided the head of the main rebel general. No one can take the credit.He is in a good mood at the moment.He laughed and said: "Having a strong man like Master Lu is available, it is Master Zhu's majesty, and it is the blessing of the emperor and the court."

Lu Wenyuan hurriedly added another icing on the cake: "Lu has already prepared [-] catties of potatoes for the military supply, and the whole department will pay for it—although it is a drop in the ocean, please accept it."

These "two adults" don't know what "yams" are, but they know that they must be food.Although the number is not large, it is a good thing to get food in this icy and snowy city of Dengzhou, which is full of ruins.Immediately after another compliment, he "smiled and accepted".

The war is over, and there are still many things to do in the aftermath.Dengzhou is already in ruins, and the people are extinct.There are still a large number of bones that need to be buried.It will take time for the imperial court to allocate money and food for relief, and to send local officials.Zhu Dadian discussed with his staff: since the owner of the deer farm has grain in his hands and has a population of tens of thousands, and Qimu Island is within the territory of Huang County, a subordinate county of Dengzhou, it is all right for him to come forward to deal with the aftermath—a local gentry was appointed to be in charge after the war. Rehabilitation was a very common practice in ancient times.Furthermore, in the current Denglai area, apart from the gentry in Laizhou, the local gentry in Dengzhou has almost been wiped out, and even those who survived have already lost their families.At present, the decree was issued, and Lu Wenyuan was appointed as the head of the Dengzhou aftermath bureau.Responsible for the aftermath work in Dengzhou area.

Lu Wenyuan readily accepted. With this official title, everything he does in Dengzhou is justified.Now they have been recognized by the government as local powerful forces and have full freedom of action.

Dengzhou has already been recovered, and the place is extremely dilapidated. Not to mention the lack of food, there is not even enough housing.After Zhu Dadian and Sun Yuanhua discussed how to write the victory document, they led the Shandong camp back to Laizhou to station, while Sun Yuanhua led his troops to station on Mishen Mountain. There were still many corpses left in the city that had not been collected. Can't enter the camp at all.

As for the three people on Qimu Island, they also divided the work. Chen Sigen returned to Qimu Island to look after the house and continued to be responsible for the surrounding reconnaissance work.Lu Wenyuan and Zhu Mingxia stayed in Dengzhou to prepare for the aftermath—it is no fun to have a plague.

After the catastrophe in Dongsan Mansion, the livelihood of the surviving people will become more and more difficult, and the only way to survive is to escape.And the power of the government here has also greatly declined, and it is no longer possible to make any strong intervention in the actions of Qimu Island.They can carry out population exodus in a fair and honest manner-although the population loss in the third east mansion is serious, but there was also a flood in the third west mansion in 1632, and a large number of refugees appeared-as long as there is a way to survive, the population will naturally come.

(End of this chapter)

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