Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1295 Arashiyama Head

Chapter 1295 Arashiyama Head

"What a terrible place." Even though it was sunny and windless, Wang Ruixiang couldn't help shivering.Shandong is easy to get along with in winter—even though he was also a big man in Shandong in another time and space, now he is wrapped in a thick fur-lined coat for the elders and thermal underwear from the old time and space, and he still feels cold when he wears a fleece hat biting.

However, in order to maintain the image of a veteran in front of the naturalized people, Wang Ruixiang still kept his head high and his chest full of confidence in front of the refugees and soldiers.

The last time I felt the embarrassment of this cold winter should be more than ten years ago.Wang Ruixiang looked back and looked down the hillside. Thousands of refugees lined up neatly in five columns, forming three hollow phalanxes around several cauldrons, and were eating in an orderly manner.Refugees leaned on two-meter-long wooden sticks and half knelt on the ground on one knee.Only the innermost gang leader in each row was running around, taking the steaming relief wooden bowls from the cook, and handing them to the other four people in the same gang one by one.After everyone got their wooden bowls, the musician at the back of the phalanx blew the bugle three times.

"Save the world, help the people and secure the world, the Senate is the greatest!" Although the refugees shouted with their bowls in unison, and it is estimated that few people fully understand the meaning of this sentence, the shouts of thousands of people in unison are still very powerful.After finishing the pre-meal ceremony, the refugees put down the wooden sticks they used as sticks, took out the relief cakes warmed by their bodies from their arms, and started to gobble them up.

It appears that the weeks of training before departure were not in vain.That is, this sense of accomplishment that is changing the world can also make me feel that it is worthwhile to abandon everything in the old time and space and come to this impoverished place for this time travel.

Destruction and construction are the most fulfilling, not to mention that what you are doing is destroying the old world and building a new one.

In the old time and space, before all kinds of high-tech thermal products appeared, my young self once wore thick and bloated cotton-padded clothes and stood like this on this land shrouded in cold winter.It's just that the current self is quite different from the situation at that time.The old time and space also used to be extremely disgusted with the status quo of the military dead house like a dick, regretful and nostalgic for the past, and more than once fantasized about how to change his life if he could return to that age again.Although this trip was not quite what I hoped for, after much hesitation, I finally made up my mind: "If you can't change your past, then change yourself and the future of this world." Only then did I firmly embark on this path with an uncertain future.

Wang Ruixiang put his hand on his forehead, cleared the memories of the past from his eyes, looked down at his watch, then looked up at the vast wilderness, then turned around and walked slowly down the hillside with the special investigation team guarding him.

At the foot of the mountain, several soldiers from the northbound detachment who were performing escort tasks were cooking in a pot.The army distributed better-tasting and higher-grade grass rations to each soldier, but the soldiers could also get an extra bowl of relief mush.Trekking long distances in the wild in this severe cold weather, the calories consumed are far beyond what the ordinary version of grass rations can supplement.But the high-calorie cold zone version of the grass ration is only rationed to the veterans and special detectives

"Chief!" The soldiers around the pot saw a veteran approaching, and immediately stood up straight and saluted.After Wang Ruixiang returned the gift, he waved his hand to let them continue.He and the special investigation team ate a stove.The pot is also boiled, the difference is that dried vegetable leaves are added in it, and the grass ration is the cold zone version.There are more fat and minced meat.

If you eat it like this, the taste is bland.However, the chili sauce that Wang Ruixiang brought with him made the difference between the small stove here and the big pot of rice for the refugees.

After the group finished their meal, Wang Ruixiang looked at his watch, and it was almost time.He signaled to those around him to move on.The musicians returned to the line and blew the bugle.The refugees picked up the wooden sticks and stood up. After drinking the remaining hot water in the bowl, they shook off the water and stuffed it into the pockets around their waists. The innermost part of the phalanx went back to the far right of the line.After a few more bugles, the refugees slowly turned from the square formation to the five-row marching column.

The entire refugee team had turned into a half-mile-long marching column, and several soldiers walked to the front of the team with flags.Several cavalrymen of the northward detachment who acted as scouts mounted their horses and went out for a mile.

"Let's go!" An order was given, and after a few horns sounded, the sound of the drum changed abruptly.The whole team began to move forward slowly and firmly, continuing this long and difficult journey.

"It's the fourth day now, and it seems that we can arrive on time tomorrow." Wang Ruixiang returned to the central transportation team, thinking in his mind.

The road that Wang Ruixiang led the team this time was not the road they took to reach Laizhou Bay before the Dengzhou Rebellion.Although the war has subsided now, the temporary supply points set up along the road in the past have all been abandoned.It was too difficult to walk there with all the dry food that the refugees brought along the way.And the food consumed along the way is too much.So instead go to sea from Lanshantou.

To be precise, it goes out to sea from Foshou Bay at Lanshantou.This place is the Arashiyama Port area in the old time and space.Lanshan Port has relatively wide waters and good water depth conditions. The natural water depth at the front of the 2-ton berth can reach 10 meters.Lanshan Port is an ice-free port.In the Ming Dynasty, it was under the jurisdiction of Rizhao County, Juzhou, Qingzhou Prefecture.

This is the delivery dock selected by Wang Ruixiang and his people after many times of scouting.In addition to the hydrological data obtained from old time and space data, he found that this place was sparsely populated in the Ming Dynasty, and it was a full 40 kilometers away from the nearest Ming army garrison, An Dongwei. The entire defense force was nothing more than a beacon tower and five soldiers. Guarding the pier army.If there were no large-scale warnings, Antonwei's hungry and cold Cao Jun would not have come here.Neither the docking of ships nor the movement of refugees will be noticeable.


According to the people of Song Dynasty, a soldier with six buckets can support ten days of food.This is also the maximum number of rations that each soldier can carry with him.But this is a healthy young and middle-aged man, which is not the same thing as a group of refugees who have been suffering from malnutrition for a long time.

Given the physique of the refugees, it was impossible to carry ten days' rations, and Wang Ruixiang did not dare to carry such a large amount of rations for them: if no one was watching, many people would eat three days' rations on the first day, and some They will also be suffocated to death by dry food without water, and some refugees will take the opportunity to escape with rations-this kind of thing has happened many times before.

Therefore, at present, Wang Ruixiang adopts the transportation team to carry rations in a centralized manner, and the transportation team uses wheelbarrows.Pushing carts and pulling carts are performed by young and middle-aged refugees on a daily basis.The baggage train was escorted by the guard.In this way, food can be safely rationed without adding manpower.

The refugees marched in formations of five people and one fire, and everyone except young children had to carry wooden sticks-this thing can effectively save energy for long-distance travel, and it can also be used for self-defense when necessary.During the march, the young and middle-aged refugees were outside, and the luggage team, women and children were included.Young children and the infirm marched in wheelbarrows in the baggage train.If someone is sick or left behind on the road, the transport team will also take care of them.

Every refugee marching column sent to Foshou Bay is equipped with a guard: it is composed of a mixture of Beishang Detachment and Yunsheng Guanxiang Yong.Yunsheng Guanxiangyong is responsible for maintaining the order of the team and guarding the delivery team.The Northward Detachment sent scout cavalry forward to conduct reconnaissance, and used force to disperse hostile forces when necessary.

It is not easy to carry these thousands of people across more than 100 kilometers of disaster-ravaged areas.The famine caused most of the settlements along this road to be abandoned, and hungry people were scattered all over the place.Not to mention supplementary food along the way, it was not easy to raise firewood and drinking water.The weather was extremely cold again, and by the fourth day, dozens of people had been lost—this was an operation with a small loss. It was not uncommon for hundreds of people to be lost due to blizzards or other natural disasters a few times.

At noon on the fifth day, the refugee column finally arrived at Foshou Bay, where there was only a small fishing village and a pier.Since Wang Ruixiang and Taoist priests chose this place as a port for refugees, the Beishang detachment sent a detachment to directly control this place. Most of the people in the fishing village have been taken captive to Jeju Island, leaving only a few who are familiar with the hydrological and tidal conditions of Lanshantou. Fishermen are used as pilots.

The pier platform was also controlled by the Northward Detachment, and the five pier soldiers and their families were taken as prisoners. Wang Ruixiang didn't make things difficult for them, as long as they "business as usual"-of course, they have to accept everything that happened in Foshou Bay right now. Very sensible "didn't see".

Seeing the piers of Bergamot Bay in the distance, the young guards let out a slight joy.In Foshou Bay, in order to transfer the refugees temporarily, in addition to the trestle for boarding the boat, some supporting buildings were built: a simple camp was built with the fishing village as the core, and there were many shacks, which can accommodate up to 10 people Refugees and three hundred guards and labor personnel.There is also a simple warehouse that can store relief rations for [-] people.

The ships that came to pick up the refugees were all loaded with relief rations, and the refugees were loaded after unloading locally.The grain that arrived was transported back by the returning guard.Sometimes it is necessary to send a special transport team to Foshou Bay to pick up and transport food. The food consumption back and forth is very large. If it is not for the purpose of obtaining more people, it is quite uneconomical to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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