Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296

There are several big wave shipping transport ships moored in Foshou Bay. These transport ships arrive according to a certain schedule, with an interval of about ten days each time.The refugee formations are roughly arranged according to this cycle.

The number of ships coming to Jeju is not certain, but at least 3000 people can be transported away each time-in fact, there are very few refugees stranded here below this number.In addition to the continuous stream of refugee formations from Yunshengguan, there are also many desperate refugees who came here spontaneously.The fact that there are boats picking up refugees here in Foshou Bay has spread like wildfire in the local area. Although I don’t know where they will be transported after boarding the boat, let alone what the future will be, the imminent death still drives the refugees to this road. ——Just want to live a life: since there is a boat to pick them up, it doesn't necessarily mean killing them at sea and feeding them to the fish.

When Wang Ruixiang arrived in Foshou Bay, thousands of refugees slept outside the refugee camp as usual. These people had no shelter and food, and they only survived on the small amount of relief rations distributed by the defenders of Foshou Bay every day. Hundreds of people died every night. .However, there are new refugees arriving every day, so there are always quite a few people gathered outside the refugee camp.

Wang Ruixiang turned over and got off the horse, took out a handkerchief and wiped the clear water snot left under his nose.Watching the refugees packing up the corpses under the command of the defenders in the camp - the corpses of the refugees who died of freezing and starvation at night will be collected at dawn.Frozen and covered with icicles, the corpses were piled up on rough sledges one by one like logs, dragged to the seaside, loaded into boats and thrown into the sea.

The people who did this job were all half-dead refugees who were sleeping outside—without him, working for the transfer station would give them an extra bowl of relief.

If you want to survive in this time and space, you have to be hard-hearted.Wang Ruixiang heard the snow and ice creaking under his feet, and walked through the refugees with a gloomy face.The refugees gathered outside the refugee camp had automatically moved out of a wide road—those who were still lying on the road were either dead or about to die.

The door of the refugee camp has been opened, and Huang Xiong, the person in charge of the Foshou Bay Transit Station, is standing straight in front of the door. He is wearing the winter uniform that the Northward Detachment only got, and a white sheepskin vest outside the gray wool overcoat. .

"Report-Report: The captain of the Fashou Bay dispatch team, the infantry lieutenant Huang Xiong is reporting to you! There should be 55 people in the team, but there are actually 30 people, waiting for your instructions!"

His voice was a little hurried, as if he didn't expect Wang Ruixiang to come in person.

"Take it easy." Wang Ruixiang's gaze paused for a moment on the officer's face, and he saw that he really looked uneasy.It seems that the whistleblower of the group of ten is true.

"Disband the team! Take me to your headquarters!"

"Yes Yes……"

The headquarters of Huang Xiong is located on the pier.The pier of Foshou Bay is just Yandun. The entire pier body is built with rammed earth, and the outside is not covered with bricks. It lacks maintenance and has collapsed a lot all the year round.Around the pier is a four-meter-high wall with a hundred-meter length, and outside the wall is a ditch.

Entering the wall of the pier, there is a row of pier houses on the left side, and there is a well next to the house—but the water source has long been depleted and cannot be drunk. If you drink water, you have to go to the nearby river to pick it up. In winter, ice and snow can be melted. Water, a little more conveniently.

On the right side of the wall are the stables and warehouses of the pier army, which are used to store all kinds of necessary military materials in the pier.Although these houses are in disrepair for a long time, with broken windows and leaky roofs, they are still much better than the shacks outside.Therefore, after minor repairs, these houses were used as barracks and command posts for dispatched troops.

Wang Ruixiang walked in, and the inside was clean without any trace of ice or snow.Garbage is sorted, and firewood is piled up neatly.

The dormitory and command post of the yellow bear is located in one of the best rooms.This kind of house has two front and back rooms. The outside was originally the kitchen and main room, and the back was the bedroom. There is a fire pit through the front and back walls.After Huang Xiong moved in, he changed the outer room into a command post, and the inner room was his bedroom.

As soon as Wang Ruixiang walked in, he smelled a scent of powder.Seeing Huang Xiong's uneasy look, he knew that what was said in the denunciation materials was true.But he was in no rush to reveal.He looked at the documents, maps and stationery on the table calmly, and then at his rifle hanging on the wall.He noticed that the curtain leading to the bedroom was new, and the room was too tidy.

"Captain Huang," Wang Ruixiang sat down, "Your life is going well."

Huang Xiong was in a panic at first, but when he was provoked by Wang Ruixiang's words, he shuddered immediately, and quickly stood up to attention: "Report to the chief, compared with other teams, my conditions here are indeed better..."

"Nonsense!" Wang Ruixiang interrupted him, "Your house is feminine!" He pointed at the door curtain, "Everyone is climbing the ice and snow, rushing to rescue more refugees, you are better off, go to the golden house first." Hidden coquettish!"

Huang Xiong felt cold all over: he is indeed a treasure in the golden house.Since they set up a transfer station in Foshou Bay, in addition to the refugees sent from Yizhou, refugees from all over the world have arrived in an endless stream.For the purpose of keeping more refugees alive, Zhang Daochang and Wang Ruixiang allowed the dispatch team to use a certain amount of relief rations to help the refugees every day, which could give them some possibility of survival.but.These refugees are "unregistered", and there is no record of how many came, how many died, and how many were lost.Civil authorities only record the number of "extra refugees" who are eventually able to board the ship.

Refugees are willing to do anything to survive.For women who have nothing left, selling their bodies becomes the only means of earning a living.Some women used their bodies to seduce the soldiers of the detachment.

Although these women are unkempt and haggard, it is not a problem for soldiers who have served for a long time and look at old sows with double eyelids, not to mention that many of them are the daughters-in-law of middle households and above or even rich men who are pampered , although suffered from natural disasters and man-made disasters, it still retains its charm after all.

Being on duty for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be some slack in the records.Some bold soldiers took action.At the beginning, they just exchanged a bowl of paste for the women's spring breeze. Gradually, the soldiers developed feelings for some of the women, and they also needed someone to help them with sewing, mending, washing and rinsing, and so on. The pair quietly lived the life of a dewy couple.

The yellow bear was quickly involved, but as an officer, he didn't bother to mess with refugee women.It took him a while to choose a 16-year-old girl from a scholarly family who was both talented and attractive, and he was counted as his "wife".

As soon as the officials took the lead, things that were originally sneaky became open and aboveboard. Not only did most of the soldiers in the detachment have engaged in "temporary wives", some soldiers even took women in as dewy couples by their side, while continuing to be married. Fucking other women outside - as long as you give a bowl of paste, as many women as you want will lie down.

"It's really bad military discipline!" Wang Ruixiang scolded, "What kind of soldier is worthy of being a member of the Senate! Women, women, can't live without that hole?!"

Huang Xiong's face was red, he knew that the Senate's attitude towards soldiers was quite different from that of Daming: the soldiers of the Fubo Army were not only well paid, but also had a high status, and they were given preferential treatment wherever they went out.Moreover, no one is allowed to insult soldiers, even adultery with soldiers' wives is a crime.

But there are more men than women in Lingao, and the soldiers have almost no chance to contact the public.Not to mention ordinary big soldiers, even those like Huang Xiong who have been in the military for several years and who have been promoted to officers can't find wives--soldiers have never been a profession that attracts women.

Now seeing boats and boats of women transported away from under his nose, and women come so easily, the desire that has been suppressed for a long time is naturally gushing out.

Wang Ruixiang continued to scold: " you still have a conscience! How many refugees are starving to death outside, but you are playing with women with relief rations!"

Huang Xiong didn't dare to answer——Wang Yuan Lao's fury is conceivable: the Senate regards military discipline as its life, and among them the most taboo is that soldiers have sex with women when they are on duty——Who whoring is free during vacations—as long as they are yellow-card prostitutes There.But once they are on duty, they are not even allowed to mention the word "woman".

Thinking of the article in "Discipline in the Army" about the death penalty for raping a prostitute, the back of the yellow bear's neck felt cold.He knows a thing or two about the head of the king: it is said among the Guihua people that he is good at using an axe, and he had chopped off countless heads when he was fighting under the hands of the masters.

If the chief said: "Pull it out and kill him." He would immediately become one of the corpses loaded into the boat and thrown into the sea.

But at this moment, he didn't know how to explain it: the chief obviously came prepared, and he couldn't argue if he wanted to argue, and the Fubo army didn't like to kneel down and beg for mercy.I had no choice but to stand still and not speak.

Wang Ruixiang saw him dumbfounded, blushing and speechless, he walked up a few steps and opened the door curtain of the inner room, the supplies inside were burning warmly, the room was tidy and tidy, several sets of replacement clothes were neatly folded Kang head.There is also a mended standard shirt on the kang.

Wang Ruixiang snorted coldly and asked, "Where's the person?"

"Report, report to the chief, all...all hid in the refugee camp..."

"You know I'm coming, don't you?"

"Yes, yes," Huang Xiong shuddered suddenly. Wasn't this intentional to deceive the chief?Quickly said again, "No, no, not..."

Wang Ruixiang waved his hands and walked out again.

Huang Xiong shuddered, and said: "I have been obsessed with ghosts these days. I didn't restrain the team well, and I took the lead in breaking discipline. I ask the chief to punish me severely: I have nothing to do with pulling me out immediately and shooting me."

(End of this chapter)

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