Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1297

Chapter 1297
"It's good for you to know." Wang Ruixiang said, "You have been a soldier of the Senate for several years, and you should know that the Senate is the most discerning right from wrong. You and your subordinates have seriously violated discipline, and this matter must be dealt with seriously!"

"Yes, I'm an asshole!" Huang Xiong hung his head and dared not speak.

Wang Ruixiang scolded Huang Xiong severely, seeing that the other party didn't dare to quibble, and his attitude was quite correct, half of his anger disappeared.Originally, this matter wasn't too big: the Senate would generally not interfere with military affairs involving women, as long as the two parties are willing to do so.This is mainly due to the fact that most of the officers and soldiers of the Fubo Army do not have families at present, and there is almost no chance for officers and soldiers to retire in recent years.

Regarding the establishment of facilities such as military brothels, there have been many small-scale discussions within the Senate, but they have never been put on the agenda because of the fierce opposition of many seniors.However, the needs of the military in this regard cannot always be ignored-they must always be given an outlet to vent their desires.

In this incident, it is not so much to be angry at them for messing with women, but rather to be annoyed at their way of messing with women without prioritization when performing duties on the battlefield.This is not only a disregard for discipline, but the insensitivity revealed in it is a very dangerous signal: openly accepting women who have not undergone purification and political scrutiny, and entering and exiting military secrets like the headquarters, it is easy to leak secrets. A woman with ulterior motives can easily get a lot of information. Those who are on the line say that they may even assassinate officers, steal pistols and then assassinate veterans.

Wang Ruixiang said slowly: "I know that you are living a hard life in this icy and snowy land. Let alone soldiers, you are in your thirties, and you are an officer, but you don't even have a home..."

Huang Xiong originally thought that Wang Yuan's next sentence would be: "Pull him out and kill him!" He didn't expect the chief to mention his suffering first, and he was moved in fear, his eyes became hot, and his nose twitched a few times.

"However, discipline is discipline. As the chief officer of the detachment, you don't stop your subordinates from committing serious violations of discipline, and you take the lead in messing with women yourself!" Wang Ruixiang changed the subject and returned to the topic of "discipline violations". What do you have to say?!"

"Report to the chief: no!" Huang Xiong straightened his back and said tremblingly.

"You be honest: Have you embezzled relief rations and spent them on women?"

Huang Xiong quickly shook his head: "Report to the chief, I, Huang Xiong, guarantee it with my head, no!" He distinguished that there is a fixed number of relief rations cooked every day, and he would never dare to embezzle it in private.

"What do you spend on women? They don't have a share of rations. They stay here and don't take food from the refugees outside. What do you use to feed them?!"

"This..." Huang Xiong lowered his head, "At the beginning, when we hooked up with..., we really gave them half a bowl of extra bowls—this is true. We all have an extra subsidy for relief rations, everyone It’s the one who used this to support women—if you talk about embezzlement, everyone doesn’t have the guts, they all know discipline..." He raised his head, with a very sincere expression, "Well, if I, the yellow bear, lie a little bit, God Hit five thunders!"

"Swear and swear that there will be no need, and the people I brought will immediately check the accounts. Tell your chief secretary to handle the handover immediately!" Wang Ruixiang said, "As for the matter you said that you used your own rations to support women, we also have a way to find out: You know best if there is such a thing.”

The guards brought by Wang Rui according to the photos took over the warehouse, and then began to check the accounts.In the evening, the results came out, and the various inventory accounts were checked.The suspicion of embezzlement of relief rations can be ruled out, but the misappropriation of rations for additional refugees cannot be found out by checking the accounts alone.This depends on further information provided by members of the Ten.

However, the Senate and the military have no intention of delving into this matter: the personal issues of the officers and soldiers of the Fubo Army should indeed be put on the agenda, otherwise similar incidents will only continue to happen. It's no secret that soldiers go through life and death, but they can't start a family and start a career. If they are too strict on this, it will cause alienation.

As long as nothing like corruption is involved, the problem of using your own rations to seduce women will not be more serious than that of the US and Soviet soldiers using military rations and nylon stockings to seduce German and Japanese women in World War II.

Now that there is no corruption of relief rations, the severity of the problem is reduced by half.But the necessary punishment is still needed.Although it is not as serious as "infringement on the property of the Senate" to keep extra refugees privately, this matter is still a typical case of false public benefit.

"Bring your woman." Wang Ruixiang said.

"Yes!" The yellow bear ran out quickly, and brought in a young woman after a while.

She was wearing an old winter coat from the Fubo Army. Although it had been patched a lot, it was mended and tidy.Wrapped in a thin body, it looks very small, and a small face with a pointed chin makes Wang Ruixiang look like a little girl.

"Kowtow to the chief..." Huang Xiong couldn't think of what to ask her to salute for a while—the chief is not happy to kowtow.But this woman is blessed with generosity.

"how old are you?"

"Looking back at the words of the chief: the maidservant is 16 years old." Wang Ruixiang thought he looked 12 years old!But the girl spoke Shandong dialect, which made him very kind.Looking at her slender wrists and fingers, and her white and delicate skin, she is obviously not the daughter of a poor family.Then look at the pair of small feet under her, and you will understand a bit.

"It's the daughter of a grain household."

"Yes, yes." Huang Xiong quickly interrupted with a clumsy tongue: He saw Wang Ruixiang saw the woman's little feet, and knew that the chiefs were most jealous of this, so he hurriedly said: "This is to let the feet go. But she can't walk if she puts her foot down..."

Wang Ruixiang ignored the yellow bear and asked, "What's your name?"

"The servant girl's name is Wang Bao'er."

"How did you end up here?"

"The family was hit by a flood... and the bandits were over, so the family had to escape. I heard that there was a way to survive here, so I went here..."

"Is there any relatives?"

"No more..." The girl had tears in her eyes, "...on the way...all dead...extinct..."

"You are the daughter of a grain household, probably literate."

"Yes, I studied with my father for several years when I was young."

"Oh, it's still from a scholarly family." Wang Ruixiang smiled slightly, "Does father have any fame?"

"Don't dare, Dad has only read a few books and knows a few words."

Although I speak modestly, I am an intellectual after reading the Thirteen Classics in this time and space. I can say that I have read a few books, and my tone is not small.

"Are you really willing to follow this yellow bear?"

"Naturally it is sincere." Wang Baoer blinked a few times, trying to force a smile, "Being able to follow Master Huang is already a great blessing..."

Looking at her aggrieved expression, I also knew that she didn't think it was a "great blessing" in her heart. How could a daughter of this kind of Xiaobiyu's family like a brave warrior like Huang Xiong.It's just that in troubled times, human life is as cheap as paper, and as a weak woman, she just drifts with the crowd and has a way to survive.

But that doesn't matter, from a good point of view, this is also a manifestation of the superiority of the Senate to break the old order and establish a new society.He thought, if you feel aggrieved now, when the yellow bear flourishes in the future, you will feel that you are very lucky.

Wang Ruixiang said with a smile: "I see you are a woman from a good family. You have kept this place in order. In the future, you must be a good daughter-in-law who will take care of the housework—you are so lucky, Huang Xiong."

Huang Xiong was overjoyed. Knowing that the chief approved their affairs, he quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Thank you, chief, for fulfilling everything!"

"Don't worry, thank you. You seriously violated discipline this time, and you will never escape the punishment you deserve! And your subordinates will also be punished!" Wang Ruixiang said seriously.

"Yes, Chief!"

"Blow the horn, assemble!"

"Yes!" Yellow Bear saluted and ran out.

The detachment quickly assembled, and Wang Ruixiang then announced the preliminary decision on the serious violation of discipline in front of the detachment: "The yellow bear will be dismissed on the spot, and the whole detachment will be transferred to Jeju Island for training."

However, as an expression of openness: he announced that all refugee women who have established a cohabitation relationship with soldiers can be transported away with this refugee ship-after they are purified, they will be sent back to Lingao for resettlement. If you are married, you can go through the formalities after the Beishang Detachment returns to Lingao.Anyone who does not want to marry a soldier will have their cohabitation relationship terminated and treated as an ordinary refugee.

As soon as the order was announced, the soldiers who were originally anxious were relieved. Originally, this matter was just a matter of seizing an opportunity to have fun and vent their desires. However, after getting along with these women for a long time, they inevitably fell in love with each other. I feel inseparable from it.Although the club said it was going to be transferred to Jeju Island for "training", the head of the club also admitted their relationship as a husband and wife, so when the command to "disband" came out, everyone burst into cheers.

"Don't be too happy, now your team is responsible for loading relief rations." Wang Ruixiang said, "Reflect on your own mistakes with sweat!"

The yellow bear's detachment happily went to load the car.On the contrary, it attracted a little envy from the detachment who came to replace them.Wang Ruixiang called the team leader over:

"I know what you're thinking—but you'd better fasten your belts!" he said. "When the operation is over, you will have to be rewarded for your meritorious service, and you will be able to solve life-long problems. Don't worry about this temporary situation." Happy to delay your own future!"

"Report to the chief! I promise to fasten my belt!" The sub-leader blinked, "And my subordinates!"

"That's right," Wang Ruixiang nodded. "In addition, I will add [-]% to the daily relief rations for additional refugees. Let's try to live as many people as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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