Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

As soon as the short Spring Festival holiday in 1633 ended, and the winter snow had not yet melted, the various agencies under the Executive Committee quickly resumed operation.In the holiday arrangement of the Senate promulgated by the People's Committee of Civil Affairs, there are three days off for the Spring Festival.In fact, many industrial and mining enterprises and institutions only take one day off on the first day of the new year, and then go back to work immediately.

Time is now the most precious thing for the elders who were often in a daze before D-Day.If it weren't for the consideration that Lingao's work rhythm was too intense, and the majority of naturalized people and contract slaves had less than a few days of rest throughout the year, it was necessary to let people take a breather, and the elders would definitely prefer not to have a holiday.

As for the elders themselves, most of them work from the first day of the new year to the 1633th of the new year, all year round, and work overtime every day.The laziest employees and laziest students in the past are now bursting with great enthusiasm for work: as the saying goes, power is not only the best aphrodisiac, but also a wonderful stimulant. In [-], under the comprehensive efforts of the executive committee and the personnel department of the general office, the phenomenon of "soy sauce veterans" and "basic labor veterans" was completely eliminated, and all veterans were promoted to leadership positions—even those like Selina The "Pure Soy Sauce Veteran" also became the Director of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Information Group of the Great Library.And make sure that every veteran has a position, power and deployment to ensure that they give full play to their expertise. Even if they don't know anything, they can at least be the leader of the teaching and research team in the People's Committee of Education.

The office building of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs in Bairen City is currently working intensively - since the start of the engine operation, it has been running almost 24 hours a day.The resource collected by the engine operation is people, and all the population is under the jurisdiction of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs.Therefore, counting and resettling refugees became the main work of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs in 1632.

The task is very heavy. Although the collection and transportation of refugees has nothing to do with the People's Committee of Civil Affairs, once they arrive in Jeju, Taiwan and Hainan Island, they will take over the responsibility. The details include purification, collective data registration and population whereabouts. allocation.Therefore, in 1632, the Civil Affairs People's Committee carried out a large-scale expansion, which not only added a large number of naturalized civilian clerks, but also built additional office buildings and added many newly manufactured office and computing equipment.

The confidential personnel of Lingao Telecom will send the latest population statistics of the engine operation's overseas stations every 12 hours.The hand-cranked mechanical computer and key counters in the computing center crackled and counted the latest figures continuously.

In the large office of the Human Resources Department, the naturalization clerk updated the chart on the wall every 12 hours according to the numbers on the telegram.Refugees are represented on the graph by four groups of figures: stock, loss, flight and arrival at each collection point.Make sure that the chiefs are aware of the specific results of the engine operations at all times.

Yang Yun, director of the human resources department, was the first among all the veterans to know the exact figures.He is sitting in his office right now, drinking a cup of strong tea, and rereading the population acquisition summary report of Operation Engine that he has made so far.

As Kong Youde was killed in Jeju, Dengzhou regained power and Taoist priests succeeded in "defending Taoism" in front of Yunsheng Temple, completely stabilizing the basic situation of "New Taoism" in Yizhou, and the curtain of the engine operation has begun to fall slowly.Although natural disasters in the coastal areas where large-scale population collection was possible after 1633 are still continuous, such an action of collecting refugees with the power of the whole country will not continue-eating too much at once will cause indigestion, and the Senate will lose Digest this batch of new immigrants well and let them bring out the benefits as soon as possible.

Now, the latest statistics have come out. Countless manpower and material resources have been invested in this "number one job" in 1632. It can be said to use the "power of the whole country" to pull the head. I know.


In Yizhou, Shandong, 5.1 refugees from southern Shandong and northern Jiangsu were collected.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, collected 1.4 refugees from Zhejiang.

This is a direct gain in engine action.Among them, 17.5 have been transported to the "resettlement site", and the resettlement site includes: Jeju Island, Taiwan Island, and counties of Hainan Island.Another 18 people were temporarily placed in refugee camps in Qimu Island-Zhaoyuan, Jeju Island, Yizhou, and Hangzhou, waiting to be transferred.

In addition to the engine operation, other populations were acquired, mainly through several military operations.

Occupying Jeju Island, the local Korean population was "naturalized" about 4 people, and about 2 Fujianese people were abducted after the capture of the center left.

There are also about 2.3 spontaneous immigrants from Guangdong.

In addition, after Operation Overlord, the influence of the Zheng family in Taiwan was devastated, and the more than 4 Fujian immigrants in Taiwan could be annexed without much cost.

In this way, excluding the population currently stranded in refugee camps waiting to be transferred and the population not annexed by Taiwan, by the beginning of 1633, the Senate directly increased the disposable population by about 25.If the current population waiting for transshipment is fully transferred, the actual increase will be 43 people, plus the expected controllable population of Fujian in Taiwan, the total increase will be about 48 people.

48 people, Yang Yun thought, this is not a small number. Although it can greatly alleviate the current employment problems in various industrial and agricultural production departments, so many people need food, clothing, and housing...

If it weren't for the windfall made by Operation Overlord, it's really hard to say whether the Senate's finances can bear it.He then looked at the age and gender ratio of the refugees. As a former sweatshop HR, he was very satisfied: nearly 18% of the population are young men and women between the ages of 45 and 5, followed by children, and those over 40 The elderly are the least, less than [-]%.Under the harsh environment, the elderly and infirm have little chance of survival.The proportion of women is more than [-]% - this is a very high number, obviously it is deliberately done by various collection points, especially the Qimu Island, otherwise it is hard to imagine that so many women can survive.

For ordinary veterans, the high proportion of female refugees is nothing more than a substantial increase in the base for selecting "maids", but for Yang Yun and Liu Muzhou, the People's Commissar of Civil Affairs, the arrival of a large number of women will help balance the current terrible gender in Lingao Imbalanced condition.According to the current male-to-female ratio of nearly 8:1, a large number of naturalized people have no possibility of finding a wife-the price of dowry is already as high as housing prices in another time and space.

Not being able to marry a wife and have children means not having a home.In order for people to feel at ease living under the rule of the Senate, the marriage problem must be resolved.At the beginning of its establishment, the Xinjiang Construction Corps deliberately recruited "female soldiers" from the mainland to Xinjiang. In fact, it was to solve the marriage problem of the soldiers who entered Xinjiang.

How to solve the marriage problem of immigrants has always been the primary issue of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs. For this reason, they have indeed made some efforts: sending people to Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi to buy female population; The General Administration collected "concubine tax" and "concubine stock tax" in the areas under the Senate to curb concubine behavior; but these measures were just a drop in the bucket for the huge single male population.

Now there will be a population of 10,000+ young and middle-aged women, which can be said to be rain after a long drought.Moreover, the proportion of unmarried or widowed women is quite high, which can just solve the marriage problems of a group of naturalized people who have served the Senate for many years-this is much more inspiring than rewarding them as model workers and awarding medals. up.

After Yang Yun finished his report, he went to Liu Muzhou's office.

Like him, Liu Muzhou also regards the office as his home.Except for XXOO with his life secretary, he eats and sleeps in the office on weekdays.Over time, as soon as People's Commissar Liu left the office and went home, everyone knew that he was going to "do business".So once a senior came to talk to him, and Liu Muzhou happened to go home to pick up some daily necessities and was away. A naturalized clerk of the "Liu Office" who was in charge of receiving the visiting senior blurted out: "The chief is going home to have sex gone."

"Papapa", as a synonym for XXOO, was originally only circulated among the chiefs, but now gradually the senior naturalized people also know this "Australian slang" and start to use it.

Liu Muzhou is working at his desk at the moment - as a people's commissar of civil affairs, he has many and complicated tasks.After the engine operation started, the workload increased exponentially, and the energy was not enough, and the number of times to "snap" was greatly reduced.

"Old Liu, this is the summary report on the population collection of Operation Engine, which I counted. Please take a look." Yang Yun handed over the folder.

"Don't worry about it, I have roughly the numbers." Liu Muzhou said, "Now our problem is how to arrange these people."

"How to resettle? Most of them must be resettled in Lingao—after all, this is our main industrial and agricultural base..."

"There is no doubt about it." Liu Muzhou leaned back on the rattan chair, staring at the ceiling, "However, Wu Nanhai told me a few days ago that he hoped to resettle 10 people in Wenchang, Qiongshan and Chengmai, three major agricultural counties in Hainan. million agricultural population."

"so much?"

"It's not a lot to say." Liu Muzhou frowned, "There are only more than 3 people in a county. Compared with so many reclamation plans, it's still far behind."

(End of this chapter)

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