Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1407 A Belated Warning

Chapter 1407 A Belated Warning

"Mother Xiao Ding, why are you bothering?" Zhuang Haoren looked at the servant woman who was held in the middle by two strong men with compassion. Her hair was loose, her face was swollen, and the corners of her mouth were still bloodstained.

"At any rate, you were a 'girl' once, covered in silk and satin, delicious and delicious. Now you have been reduced to being a rough aunt and eating leftovers. Why are you so loyal?" Zhuang Haoren raised her chin, " I’m still talking about morals, otherwise how about asking someone to strip you naked and hang you from the roof beam to serve you? You probably think that you used to be a girl in the yard, and it was commonplace to be whipped with salt water and kneel on iron chains. I can bear it—not necessarily, my Brother Chen used to eat in the courtyard and punish disobedient girls—you will become a slut in his hands if you are chaste and strong!"

The maid gritted her teeth but refused to speak, Zhuang Haoren squinted his eyes, and a thin, wretched man approached with a smile, holding a box in his hand, and put the box on the table in front of the maid, solemnly Unlock the thing and lift the lid.The dark ones inside are all kinds of instruments of torture. Although they are not big in size, they all have ferocious faces, shining with dark evil light.

"How is it? Little Ding's mother, your body is still very delicate, why bother?" Zhuang Haoren whispered, stroking the back of her neck with one hand, touching the root of her ear lightly, so that Her body trembled for a while, "It's too late to regret it now." As soon as he gestured, someone brought another ingot of white silver, which was a total of 50 taels.

"How about it? Don't worry too much about it." Zhuang Haoren put his mouth on the back of her neck,

"Recognized?" Qian Shuixie asked.

"Yes, it has been confirmed that it is Hao Yuan!" Zhao Tong couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, "The maid on the boat identified him from the sketches and photos!"

"Great! Act now!"

As soon as Zhuang Haoren left, the special investigation team and the personnel at the sticky pole immediately entered the combat deployment-there was a time limit for kidnapping people on board, and if the maid did not return to the ship on time, Hao Yuan would definitely flee immediately.Therefore, the Qianshui Association has issued an order in advance: all are ready to go, and as soon as they get definite news, they will launch an attack immediately.

"No one on board is allowed to escape." Qian Shuixie put on his whole body, "Those who try to escape will be shot! Hao Yuan should try to catch him alive, and if he can't catch him, he will leave his body!"

The latest order from the executive committee has been sent from Lingao, even if Hao Yuan cannot be caught and can only be shot dead on the spot, try to leave the body and send it to Lingao for forensic medical examination.

Under the glass lampshade embossed with the three characters "Zi Cheng Ji", the red candle is burning high.The candles are also located in Guangzhou Zichengji, and the price is three times that of the best candles on the market.However, it burns brightly and has no smell, so it has become a household item that dignitaries and dignitaries flock to. "Fangfei Xiaoyuzhou" is a business for the rich, and naturally such novelty and useful items are bought without hesitation.

Under the candlestick, Hao Yuan was writing quickly - the sky was still bright at this time, but the cabin was small, and in order to hide the outside eyes, the windows of his cabin were covered with bamboo curtains, so the cabin was very dark.Even in broad daylight, candles must be lit to read and write.

He has been lurking on this boat for ten days.The boat was rented by Dong San, his subordinate, at a large sum of money.Instruct everyone on the boat, as long as they take good care of them, they don't have to worry about anything else.

For more than ten days, Hao Yuan's mood has been a little depressed. Xihua's rebellion and the failure of the operation have dealt him a great blow.

It was the first time he encountered such an obvious failure after coming to Hangzhou.In particular, Xihua's rebellion made his well-prepared surprise attack on Wanbi Bookstore, which in turn caused a fire in Hangzhou, and his plan to force Zhao Yingong to withdraw from Hangzhou was completely bankrupt.

However, this was not the thing that hit him the most—even though he did not participate in the attack on the villa, he soon knew what happened outside the villa.The operation that had been carefully prepared for several months was easily resolved by a few shots.These kun thieves really have the most powerful power as the master said.

Therefore, he did not dare to slack off at all, following the method his master taught him back then, he immediately lurked in the urban area and kept in touch with other people through messengers and traffic stations.

Although he doesn't have a single subordinate around him, he has a clear grasp of every move in and out of Hangzhou and the situation of the organization.

Hao Yuan didn't dare to run away from home. His organization has only been established for more than two years. Although he has a group of confidants, the organization is not yet strict. Once he leaves Hangzhou, he will not be able to control the entire organization. There will be a possibility of collapse and deterioration.

He chose to lurk in the picture boat on the West Lake after careful consideration. The picture boat cruise ship has always been a place that the government doesn't care about. As long as there is enough money, the prostitute's mouth is tight enough.West Lake is outside the city of Hangzhou, so it is very convenient for contacting organizations, obtaining information, or escaping in case of emergency.

But, hiding like this, how can we develop the next move?
The cooperation with Shi Weng was over, Cao Guangjiu was killed, and the three bodyguards from Beijing were also killed. The relationship was cut off cleanly.But Zhao Yingong's current counterattack is also very strong, and he has the meaning of not stopping until he is eliminated-could the other party have already smelled something?
Recently, Jia Le was arrested again—this is somewhat unexpected and expected. Recently, many people in the organization have been assassinated and kidnapped, but most of them are grassroots personnel, which does not affect the overall situation.Jia Le is the first person who is more important.

But Jia Le's arrest was no threat to him or to the entire organization. She didn't know how many secrets the organization had, nor where Hao Yuan and the other leaders were hiding.

However, he feels very sorry for Jia Le - she is very smart, and he taught her personally.In his heart, he has regarded her as his apprentice.

When the news of Jia Le's arrest came, he once had the idea of ​​trying to rescue her, but he remembered what Master once said: Once these "Australians" know his existence, they will use all means mercilessly to destroy him.

"Surviving at this time is the most important thing. Only by living can you have the opportunity to educate more people. Be patient."

Taking a step back, he also has no ability to rescue Jia Le right now.The only thing he can do is wait for the opportunity.

After he finished writing the letter to Li, Da, Li and the others, he sealed the letter and sent it out when Xiao Ding's mother went shopping tomorrow.After writing letters for a long time, I couldn't help feeling a little tired, so I stood up and went to the outer cabin.

The outer cabin is used for the living of distinguished guests. The space is small, but the layout is exquisite.In the middle is a small square table, Mei Yan'er is sitting at the table, peeling the lotus seeds wholeheartedly.

Because there are no banquets on board, and the summer is really hot, she didn't wear the complicated outfits she used to. She only wore a lake-colored skirt and a linen bija, and her black hair was loosely knotted. A bun with a bead hairpin inserted.

"You're making ice bowls again?" Hao Yuan smiled and sat down on the couch by the window, "Doesn't it bother you?"

ice bowl.Put a few pieces of crushed cooked water ice in a small bowl, put fresh lotus root slices, fresh lotus seeds, fresh walnuts on top of the ice cubes... and pour a thin sugar juice.It tastes sweet and refreshing, and it is a seasonal snack on board.

The ice bowl is easy to say, but it takes a lot of work to prepare the materials.It is a typical stuff for rich and noble families who spend a lot of time and have fun.

"The weather is hot, and you are bored on the boat every day. I'm afraid you won't lose your appetite. This is refreshing and appetizing. It will relieve the heat after eating." Mei Yan'er smiled.

Hao Yuan laughed and didn't take it seriously—although he came to Daming not long ago, he has a lot of experience.I know the kindness and considerateness of prostitutes.Naturally will not be confused by this.

"I'm fine, it's only been ten or so days, and you're on the boat every day, don't you feel bored?"

"The servants live on the water, they are used to it, but they feel free on the water." Mei Yan'er laughed, "It's also convenient in this West Lake."

"Hangzhou is indeed the best place in the south of the Yangtze River. Your boat is even more blessed," Hao Yuan said with a smile. "Although the weather is so hot, there is still ice in summer."

Meiyan'er lowered her head and peeled the lotus seeds, and said, "How do you guys know the troubles here. The ice for making ice bowls is not the river ice from the ice cellar - that will make you sick if you eat it. You need to find a place in winter If you have a large yard, use a special clean wooden box, fill it with boiled water, cover it up and put it in the yard to freeze overnight. The box should not be too big, otherwise the ice will not freeze. After it is frozen, send it to the ice cellar Save it. Take it out in summer. The ice is so small that it needs to be chilled in large pieces to keep it from melting. It takes a lot of effort for a small bowl.” She looked up and said, "Xiao Ding's mother hasn't come back yet, mother is still waiting for her to buy winter melon from Wang's Garden to make winter melon cup."

"Oh? Make a winter melon cup and go to the designated place to buy winter melon?"

"Why not, this wax gourd cup takes the most effort, and it must be good. It won't work if it's old or tender." Mei Yan'er waved her sore hand, "If she doesn't come back, it's too late to clean up... ..."

Hao Yuan was taken aback, Mei Yan'er said twice that Xiao Ding's mother "hasn't come back yet", Xiao Ding's mother usually goes ashore to do shopping and errands, and there is no regular time for coming and going, so she doesn't care about it on weekdays.But now that Meiyan'er said "I'm not coming back yet", it means that Xiao Ding's mother has spent much more time going to the office today than before...

Before he could turn his thoughts around, there was the sound of rushing water at the bow, and the boatman exclaimed: "You are—" Before he finished speaking, someone cut him off.

Hao Yuan pulled out the dagger at his waist in an instant, and with the other hand he pulled out a short-eyed musketeer from under the wooden couch, and shot at the cabin door of the bow without asking what was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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