Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1408: Song Mention of the Senate

Chapter 1408: Song Mention of the Senate
Wearing the old jeans and blue sportswear brought from the old time and space, and the fake strongman 3515 combat boots with laces on the shoulders, the barefooted Su Wan took off her head wearily. He threw his broken straw hat into the sea, and walked slowly down the gangway to get off the ship.

The "Spanish prostitute" boat was convenient, but the boat was too small, and it tossed Su Wan upside down all the way, and she was lying on the bed humming during the whole voyage.

"Hi Chief, I am a staff member of the Kaohsiung City Reception Office. Welcome to the local government to guide the work."

A well-dressed young man with full of air signed up and saluted loudly and said that it is part of his job to greet and send off every chief who enters and exits Kaohsiung.

For the young naturalized worker, he had already met many chiefs—female elders had also been here, so his novelty for elders had long since disappeared, but Su Wan's appearance still made him be attracted by them. Startled.

This female head is really frighteningly tall!He was secretly surprised that there are still such tall women in the world!
Su Wan is 1.8 meters tall, not to mention aboriginal or naturalized people, even among male veterans, this height is rare.But the weight is only 59 kg.The result of this is that she has become the female elder with the worst figure-of course, it is commented by nerds who are keen on big breasts and wide buttocks.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Su Wan waved her hand weakly, "I'm almost exhausted, do you have a car?"

"The car is ready for you," Guihuamin cadre's eyes fell on her bare feet, and she was startled again. This woman's feet are bigger than Wei Yuan!And the pair of shoes thrown over the shoulders are even more like boats.

"Why, I haven't seen a woman before." Su Wan looked at the young man looking at herself in surprise, and said dissatisfied.

"Ah, no, no." The staff was taken aback, the charge of "intending to moles a female veteran" is probably going to kill them.But he felt a little wronged again: Where did I have such thoughts?He hurriedly greeted, "The car is ready. Please get in the car."

"What about my luggage?"

"We'll send the luggage to the guest house."

She got into a two-wheeled "Dongfeng" official carriage. This carriage has been sent to Kaohsiung for a while. It has been overused and lacking maintenance in the subtropical heat, so it is unavoidably worn out. The body and tarpaulin shed have been tossed by the sun and rain. faded.In some places, the "patches" are ugly.The seat cover on the seat cushion was ripped apart and carefully mended, looking really shabby.

There was no welcoming ceremony presided over by the elders, no parade, no welcome band, and no guards on the car. The Japanese security forces who rode horses and crossed knives were directly sent to the carriage by a small clerk in a state of desperation, which made her feel a little unbalanced. : At least when she was in Lingao, police officers and students would salute her when she entered and exited, "What's the matter?" She thought a little angrily, "I am also a senior police officer."

As one of the few veteran police officers in the national police, Su Wan's sense of presence is pitifully low—her occupation predestined her to spend most of her time at the scene of the crime, in the dissection room, in the laboratory and in the classroom.Even in Lingao, few people know her.However, as soon as she appeared in a black police uniform at her height, it was enough to leave a deep impression on people.

Her face shape is fairly standard, and her skin is relatively fair.It's quite attractive when dressed up properly.It's just a pair of small eyes that often wander and are sharp, always looking at the exposed skin of everyone she sees, regardless of gender, age or age.The black hair that can hang down to the waist is sometimes scattered casually, and sometimes it is braided and hangs on the left chest. There is always a pair of black-rimmed glasses hanging on the thin neck, and a pair of nails are sometimes painted red and sometimes silver. The little hands with nails often support her pointed chin unconsciously.

For the forensic doctors of later generations, she is the Song Ci and Song Tixing of the empire, and she is also the patriarch just like a carpenter is to Lu Ban, and "the founder of modern forensic science and criminal investigation."Her marble and bronze busts of various sizes and attitudes stand in the antechambers of the Central Police University's Department of Forensic Medicine and various other forensic institutions, watching the latecomers.The dozen or so monographs she has written are all authoritative works of the professional theoretical courses, and her portrait is also engraved on the medal specially issued to forensic workers.Below the avatar is her famous saying: Speak for the dead, right for the living.

However, in the old time and space, Su Wan was just a forensic doctor in a third-tier county in Northwest China who had an average level and lost her job because of a wrong test.

In the field of forensic science, she is a genuine forensic doctor who is naturally more professional than human doctors and veterinary doctors, so she holds a high position in the new time and space just like other veterans who have no future in the old time and space.Awarded the rank of Director of the National Police Forensic Center, Regional Commander of the National Police - equivalent to a lieutenant colonel in the army.

The carriage bumped forward on the cobbled road.After all, Kaohsiung is not Lingao, the road conditions are limited and there is no small train to ride on, the carriage is slow and bumpy, which makes Su Wan, who is already exhausted by seasickness, feel that she is going to confess here—relatively Come on, she doesn't even want to be buried in a place other than Cuigang.After resisting all the way by grabbing the collar and braids, the carriage stopped in front of the stilt house in the center of the Kaohsiung Guest House, which is known as "full of science fiction".

Su Wan jumped out of the car and stood still after a long period of dizziness. The sentinel at the door saw the carriage and her attire, and knew that this was the "female chief" who was coming recently, and quickly raised his gun to salute: "Hello, chief!"

Su Wan raised her right hand and reluctantly returned the salute, forgetting that she was not wearing a uniform and her feet were bare.He lowered his head and yawned: "Someone help me."

The sentinel didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurriedly greeted, and two soldiers who were resting in a nearby hut ran out quickly, and hurried up to hold Su Wan's arm.Su Wan's stature is really too tall, even if the two sentinels are already burly men according to the standards of this time and space, they still look a lot shorter. After climbing dozens of steps, it took a lot of effort to send her into the house and sit down.

The room is circular, and the interior layout follows the usual simple style of the elders. There is a semicircular service desk in the middle, and rattan benches and matching low tables against the wall. Standing cabinets.

Su Wan finally recovered after slumping in the rattan chair for a while, and when she felt her head and eyes returned to normal, two waiters in short-sleeved summer maid uniforms were already standing in front of her.When Su Wan looked up, she suddenly realized that her disheveled hair and bare feet were too disrespectful and disrespectful to the elders, so she quickly shrank back into the chair subconsciously, but this small chair is really suitable for Su Wan who is 1.8 meters tall. I feel a little wronged, even if I shrink in, I can't shrink in much.

After all, Su Wan realized that she had lost her composure, so she hurriedly suppressed the tiredness and numbness on her face, and resurfaced the cold arrogance and sharpness of a female forensic doctor: "Well, comrades, who are you?"

"Report to the chief: This is the Kaohsiung Special City Guest House of the General Office, which is a residence for the chief to live and recuperate. We are the waiters here. The secretary of Chief Wei's office has given us instructions to arrange your life. We will Arrange your room, please take a rest. If you need anything, just call us." A maid said.

"Okay, take me to my room."

"Sir, please follow me."

When she opened the door, Su Wan's eyes widened: This guest house is really "fantasy" or "sci-fi".The guest house is located in a sparse tall forest at the foot of the mountain.Backed by mountains and facing the sea, it is both ventilated and shaded.The place where she stands is a large domed stilt house in the center, surrounded by open corridors, with this round stilt house as the center, two small stilt-shaped houses in the shape of steamed buns are surrounded on all sides. .These stilt houses are all connected to the big stilt house in the center by rope bridges.

This is simply the dwarf tribe in Star Wars!Too TMD corrupt!Su Wan sighed in her heart, no wonder everyone said that the dispatched veterans are all corrupt elements who don't need to be separated from each other—they are all corrupted: "I don't know how Wei Bachiyuan and the others are corrupt, they should go to the Cheka to participate. Damn one."

Two maids supported Su Wan, who was still a little dizzy, across the trembling cable bridge, and opened the door of a hut.

"This is your room. Your luggage has been delivered. If you want to take a shower, you have to go to the central hall."

"Thank you. Well, go and do your work. I'm going to rest for a while." Su Wan entered happily, and found that this place is actually similar to the express hotel in old time and space, except that the room is much more spacious and the decoration is extremely simple , but the structure of the whole wood also has a special flavor,
Seeing that there is a big bed in the middle of the room, it has been completely laid.Su Wan didn't care about the dirt on the soles of her feet, she threw her military boots on the ground, and flung her coat on the bed, tearing at Siri Hulu's skirt just like returning home from get off work in the old time and space and living in Lingao She took off her panties and bra and threw them aside, pulled back the quilt and got in.

"It's true that there is no comfortable bed anywhere." She grinned and looked at the ceiling and muttered, stretching her limbs to enjoy the pleasure brought by the rough cotton sheets and high-grade bluegrass mats rubbing against her skin, completely ignoring whether she was in bed sleep naked.

"I don't know who is the one who specially asked me to dissect it." Su Wan happily turned over, remembering her mission.Within a minute, she fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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