Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1410 Calluses

Chapter 1410 Calluses
"Serve the Senate." Su Wan stood at attention.

"Serve the Senate!" Chen Baibin also came to stand at attention one by one, and said loudly with a serious expression.

"Service, service." Ren echoed perfunctorily, and then said: "To be honest, you really helped me a lot by coming in time. You know, I'm actually a health and epidemic prevention worker..."

Su Wan understood what he meant.During the battle in Chengmai, she had seen him turn livid in front of a large pile of corpses of the war dead who had already taken on the appearance of a giant, and several times he ran from the processing site to the beach to "breathe the air".

It is indeed difficult for a health personnel who used to work in the city's epidemic prevention station to do the work of autopsy.What Su Wan admired was that no matter what his actual professional level was, he managed to undertake all the local autopsy work in Kaohsiung.

Although Ren also came out of medical school, he is no stranger to gross dissection, but that was in the dissection room of the medical school, where the corpses were from regular sources and had undergone basic treatment.What the forensic doctor faced were all the strangely shaped corpses at the scene of the crime.Some are incomplete, and some are highly corrupt.The stench at the scene alone is not something ordinary people can bear.

"It's okay, let's get to work quickly." Su Wan said.

"Let Comrade Chen Baibin introduce the situation first."

"it is good."

Chen Baibin nodded. He was dressed in casual clothes and kept silent by the side, looking a little shy.Only then did he say: "This case was investigated by the Executive Committee personally. To be honest, this time... it's a bit..." For about a while, he didn't know how to express it. He hesitated for a while before continuing: "We want to Verify this person's identity."

"Hey, it's not that our forensic doctors do a good job of verifying identities?" Su Wan laughed, "The autopsy can mainly detect physiological problems such as the cause of death, time of death, specific age, and past medical history. How can I find out my social identity? Implantable identity chips have no intention of being promoted even in the 21st century..."

Ren came out and explained: "It is to try to find out some of this person's physical characteristics so that they can speculate on this person's social attributes..."

"Is this person so important?" Su Wan was a little curious.

"That's right." Chen Baibin's face was a little frowning, "This person is an enemy of our Hangzhou Station. He was shot dead by our people just a few days ago. However, this person's words, deeds and thoughts in Hangzhou and other places are beyond ours. imagination..." He paused again, "He seems to have transcended this time and space—"

"You mean this person might be a time traveler like Lando?" Su Wan asked.

"We just want to know that."

"When you say that, I'm a little eager to try. Where's the corpse?"

Ryan pulled the bell rope on the wall next to the table, and a thick wooden door in the corner of the basement was pushed open, and two nurses in white isolation suits came out carrying a tightly wrapped stretcher.On the dissecting table with the stretcher set aside.

"This is a corpse that has just been transported from Hangzhou."

"How long have you been dead?"

"One week." Chen Baibin said with a frown, "the special investigation team attacked his stronghold, and he shot himself before being arrested. According to our instructions, the Hangzhou station immediately refrigerated his body and immediately transferred it to Kaohsiung. "

a week!Su Wan wondered what had become of the corpse after floating in the sea for a week.

However, there was no stench of corruption in the air. Wren added: "This time it was specially preserved with ice cubes."

How rich!Su Wan's eyes fell on the tightly wrapped body bag. It seemed that the executive committee attached great importance to this matter.

After she changed into her autopsy gown, Ryan helped her put on the gloves, fasten her belt and mask.He himself changed into work clothes to help out if necessary.

He could see that Chen Baibin was very uncomfortable with this: "You can go to the next door and wait for the report..."

"No, it's better for me to watch from the side." Chen Baibin mustered up his courage, as if he didn't want to show a shrinking look in front of women.

The corpse had already been moved to the dissecting table, and Ren Su Wan, who was well-informed, also gasped.The dead man's head was out of shape—like a smashed tomato.The entire facial features are gone.There were still black scorched marks from the gunpowder burn on the remaining skin. From her experience, it seemed that a huge bullet had been shot from his mouth and directly shattered his head.

Su Wan rarely saw such a serious gunshot wound even in the old time and space.The most powerful weapons used by the underworld in the county town when they killed each other were five-shot shotguns and Hualong-made pistols.Never seen such a terrifying deadly catchy.This bullet is simply too big...

"What is this?" Su Wan asked with a frown.

"A pistol. The caliber is 20mm." Chen Baibin managed to breathe evenly, barely facing the horrible corpse.

Su Wan shook her head: she carefully inspected the remaining head and torso of the corpse, and then looked at the hands, feet and joints——judging from the degree of stiffness and spots, the preservation of the corpse is acceptable, and many details should be found.

She opened the anatomy toolbox, took out her "eighteen weapons", skillfully moved her hands, and narrated while checking:

"...Well, the deceased was a male, of yellow race, about 25 years old, about 1.5 meters tall, with good nutrition and neat teeth. He was in good health and had no hidden diseases."

"that's it?"

"Almost. I can also check the stomach contents to see what his last meal was..."

"No need, it's been mentioned in the Hangzhou station report." Ren felt nauseated at the thought of checking the contents of his stomach.

"If you can remove all the skin and flesh, you can observe more details through the bones... Do you have a special cauldron here?"

Chen Baibin's complexion had turned livid, he suddenly covered his mouth, turned around and trotted out.

"I don't think it's meaningful to remove the skin and flesh. You can tell what other characteristics he has in terms of skin and anatomy."

"Well, my feeling is that this person is not a laborer - his muscles are not developed enough, his bones are not strong, he obviously does not often participate in physical labor, and the skin covered by clothes is not too rough, and it can even be said to be more delicate. The soles of the feet The calluses indicate that he often walks with shoes instead of bare feet." Su Wan inspected carefully, "Hands are smooth and there are no traces of long-term labor. He is not a soldier either, and there are no calluses left by holding a knife or spear or gun for a long time. , and none of the scars that archers often have on their fingers."

Su Wan picked up the corpse's hand and looked at it carefully: "His index finger and middle finger have calluses from holding a pen for a long time. He should be an intellectual..." Su Wan frowned suddenly as she spoke, and looked at it over and over again. Several times, "Weird!"


"The calluses on his middle finger and index finger were left with a brush for a long time. But the other calluses between the first and second joints on the left side of the index finger and the first and second joints of the thumb are not right..."

"It's not easy to hold the brush." ​​Ren watched carefully, and subconsciously moved, he suddenly called out, "This is the trace of frequent use of the pen!"

"That's right." Su Wan nodded, "Judging from the callus, the part where the brush is used is thicker and harder, and the part where the pen is used has softened. Obviously, that happened earlier."

"So it is really possible that he is a modern time traveler?!" Ren shouted.

"It's very possible." Su Wan frowned again at this point, "But I don't understand it, the calluses on his knees are very thick, and he seems to be a person who often kneels. I can't think of anything in modern society. This kind of work requires kneeling for a long time?"

"Let's see if there are any other clues."

The autopsy continued until after three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Baibin
"Okay, there's nothing to check now. Let's sew it up." Su Wan took off her gloves and looked at Ren and Chen Baibin with a bit of relief——since she left the scene once and came back with a much better look—"I'm hungry It's broken, I really want to eat."

Ren was fine, but Chen Baibin's complexion turned pale again, and he quickly turned and ran out.

"What strange thing did I say?"

Ren smiled and started to clean up her stitches.Hao Yuan's body will be temporarily stored in the underground morgue of the Kaohsiung Health Center.How to deal with it will have to wait for the Political Security Bureau to issue an order.

"Come on, let's go up to get some air." Ren said apologetically, "You haven't eaten lunch yet, I've already asked someone to prepare it."

The two came to the backyard of the Kaohsiung Health Center, where there was a small garden specially arranged for the elders—in fact, it was dedicated to Ren.Ryan's life secretary had already set up a small table under the parasol and waited.

"Sit down and take a rest. I'll ask them to bring what they can eat." Ren said, "We have all the delicious food here, all of which are seafood, but there is enough venison and a lot of game."

"I don't like meat, and I don't like seafood. Are there any vegetables?"

Ren was stunned, and quickly said: "Yes, yes. There are quite a lot of varieties, so I will take care of them and prepare."

Su Wan sat down on the chair with her whole body limp—it has been more than four years since she left the old time and space. Li himself is just a little-known little forensic doctor who lost his job because of a wrong test, but here he has obtained countless things that he could not even imagine before-official position, money, honor, respect, and he became a national doctor when he was less than 30 years old. Sole authority, what's it like?
Thinking of the daily scolding and reprimanding by the sadistic leader in the old time and space, the neglect and indifference of colleagues, and the ridicule and reprimand of family and friends after losing their jobs...all the troublesome things have gone to hell, thinking of Su Wan again I feel a little proud.

(End of this chapter)

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