Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1411 Conclusion

Chapter 1411 Conclusion
However, it is not so easy to be the king of Monkey Mountain.

The working conditions in this time and space are really unacceptable to her - she brought several complete sets of forensic toolboxes and related spare parts, and also won a certain share of the total material reserve, but even this is often affected by the shortage of equipment and materials troubled.

Many things that were easily available in the old time and space are gone here. The stainless steel dissecting table has become a cement table with tiles, and there is no electric craniotomy saw. You can only rely on the strength of your own arm to pull the saw.Fortunately, after recruiting a few students, I handed over all the clumsy work to them.

The dissecting knives made by the industry are far from easy to use in the old time and space-especially the lack of stainless steel makes the cleaning and maintenance of the equipment very complicated, and even this will inevitably cause the problem of tool rust.Fortunately, the autopsy doesn't care about disinfection. It's not a big problem, but it just makes her feel very uncomfortable.

There are not even plastic bags for "waste" such as viscera after dissection, but kraft paper bags coated with tung oil... Everything can only be crude and simple. As for the protective equipment, although it is a bit crude, it covers everything from masks, isolation gowns to labor insurance Glasses are done.It's just that the safety glasses with flat glass sheets and leather frames are too heavy, and deep marks will be left on the nose every time they are taken off.Moreover, the necessary latex gloves have not been solved, so they can only be used repeatedly after careful cleaning and disinfection.The only thing that satisfies her is that the chemical factory can provide enough formalin and other agents for preserving the corpse.

"To force the executive committee, you can't even get a set of standard dissection equipment, and you want me to be Song Tixing from Australia and Song Dynasty?" At the beginning, I didn't have so many gadgets to solve the case, so what did I complain about?

It's been a while of cranky thinking, this time the thinking is even more limitless, from whether I am a real emperor or a fifty cents wearing an emperor's skin to whether I should join the Huaxia Society or the Zhai Party, from supporting the Manchu Dynasty or Li Chuang Bloodletting the Ming Dynasty to himself and Wei Aiwen of the Young Officers Club, Zhang Bolin and everyone, is the relationship between friendship or love? Finally, when he thought about when his virginity would end, the food was finally served.

The food delivered by Ren's life secretary was very rich, especially the venison steak with a lot of spices, which was kept creaky on an iron plate and exuded a charming aroma.Other delicacies such as slippery pheasant slices and stewed rabbit meat are rare in Lingao, but Su Wan is not interested in any of these, and focuses on a large bowl of vegetable salad.Eager to eat, he simply pulled the big bowl of salad in front of him and started chewing like no one else.

Ren just tasted it, and Chen Baibin sat at the table, his eyes were staring, and he didn't eat a single bite.The whole table was filled with the sound of rabbits squeaking like eating.

Ren thought that this woman could really eat. He raised his head when he saw her finish a large bowl of salad by herself, tomato juice flowed from the corner of her mouth, and she was still chewing carrots, and said vaguely, "Are there any potatoes? "

"Yes, yes." Rein replied——since the successful introduction of potatoes from Jeju Island, there will always be a lot of fresh potatoes, dried potatoes and potato flour on board from Jeju Island. Kaohsiung's potatoes are in sufficient supply.

"Have some sauerkraut and potato soup!" Su Wan said loudly, "Put more potatoes!"

"We can't make sauerkraut here, so let me make you a vegetable and potato soup."

Su Wan said she had no comment.So soon another large bowl of potato soup with green vegetables floating in it was served, and Su Wan drank it all without being picky.

After eating and drinking, the life secretary cleaned up the leftovers on the table, and made tea again.

"This is the real Taiwanese oolong tea..." Ren poured tea for her, "The tea garden here grows and ferments itself—it's a pity that it's not frozen top."

"I can't drink anymore," Su Wan waved her hand, "Let's talk about work—give me a toothpick."

Don't look at her eating so hard, in fact, her brain didn't rest at all when her stomach was vigorously exercising.Constantly summarizing the various situations in the anatomy just now.

"The meaning of the executive committee is actually to find out if this person is another time traveler." Su Wan picked her teeth, and hugged one leg to her chest, "It seems a bit hard to say now..."

Ren said: "Didn't you just say that it is very possible? The evidence with a pen? Except for modern people, who would write like this."

"Don't forget that our modern way of writing was actually introduced from Europe." Su Wan took out a big hand from her pocket and wiped her mouth, "I didn't notice this in the past. But I went to the Ministry of Health last week The anatomy class was mostly used by a Spaniard who died of illness and was sent from the detention camp. This person was a clerk on a ship before his life, and he had similar calluses on his fingers. Because it was very rare, I cut it off and made a specimen……"

Chen Baibin hastily interrupted her explanation of further dismemberment and embalming: "Let's not talk about this—so we can't be sure?"

"Yes." Su Wan nodded, "I also thought of another question just now. That is, since the popularization of computers, except for students who have more written assignments and a few occupations, modern people's writing has become very indistinct. Some people don't even have it at all. So it's obviously not enough to judge by that."

"But he is a yellow man, and look at his photo—" Chen Baibin took out a photo from the folder and handed it to her, "This is a Chinese face. If he is an aborigine in this time and space, he should not You know how to write in European style." Chen Baibin immediately realized that his inference was too absolute, because it was mentioned in the investigation report of the Political Security Bureau that some merchants engaged in foreign trade and members of the Church of Ming Dynasty also used quill pens to write. But there are very few of them.

Su Wan took the photo: "The young man is quite handsome. One more thing: I didn't find any vaccination scars on his arm."

In modern Chinese, the older ones generally have vaccinia scars, and the younger ones have BCG scars.The scars of BCG are generally not obvious, but they can still be identified through dissection.

"There is no trace of surgery, no trace of vaccination on his body, no trace of tooth filling and extraction." Su Wan said, "He is as original as the natives in this time and space. Speaking of teeth, there is another piece of evidence."

She took out a kraft paper pocket, and took out a clay dental mold box from the pocket, which contained the bite marks of Hao Yuan's teeth.

"I took the occlusal marks of the teeth, and I checked his enamel wear - definitely not a modern human tooth."

Although modern people have a high incidence of dental caries due to more sugar intake.However, because food is generally highly processed, they basically do not eat too hard food, and seldom bite bones, so the wear of tooth enamel is much lighter than that of ancient people.Stone tools were often used to grind grains in the medieval society, often mixed with a large number of tiny sand and gravel particles. Even the upper-class people who are not tired of eating and eating have more serious tooth enamel wear than modern people.

"This person's teeth are quite worn out, not only worse than modern people, but even worse than the corpses of several rich people I have dissected."

"Finally, there is that strange thick callus on the knee." Su Wan was finally thirsty, and drank the oolong tea in the bull's eye cup, "I really can't explain it."

These evidences put together basically confirm that Hao Yuan is not a modern person.However, he is obviously different from the indigenous Chinese in this time and space.

Chen Baibin had no choice but to hold on to his last hope:
"Forensic Doctor Su, can you verify whether this corpse is the person in the photo?"

Ryan thought to himself: the face of the corpse was severely damaged, and from a certain point of view, such suspicions are justified.The problem is: the body was recovered directly from the scene by the security department personnel and the special investigation team of Hangzhou Station, and the veteran was the leader of the team-this kind of suspicion is simply that the traitors are the same among the two.

No wonder people say that the Political Security Bureau does not recognize its relatives.Ren slandered in his heart without saying a word.

"No problem. Although the face is severely damaged, it can still be reconstructed." Su Wan nodded, and asked again: "Do you have a pot here? It doesn't need to be too big, as long as it can cook a human head."

Chen Baibin turned pale again.Ren said: "There is no special one. But I can ask someone to bring a large new casserole." After saying this, Chen Baibin got up and left the table.

"I'll take it to the basement in a while, and there's a charcoal stove and so on. It will take a long time to cook." Su Wan said, "I also need some clay and thin wooden sticks."

Su Wan worked all afternoon and got a skull that was cleaned up.She carefully reconstructed the facial model - this technique should be in charge of a special person, but the county-level forensic center where she works has run out of staff for administrative positions, and there will be no staff for a while, so she has to learn part-time .

Although the reconstruction effect is not perfect, it can still be seen that the main features are consistent with the photos - this is Hao Yuan himself.

Chen Baibin was stunned. He had already determined that Hao Yuan was a modern time traveler, but the forensic doctor's conclusion was more inclined to be "indigenous in this time and space".In this way, the already ambiguous case became even more confusing.

He went back to the inspection team's office, but Yifan and others were not there.As a member of the inspection team, he had very little work in Kaohsiung. The task assigned to him by Wu Mu was mainly to find out Hao Yuan's identity.How to report to the bureau?

He flipped through the illustrated autopsy report that Su Wan gave him over and over again, and went through the information about Hao Yuan in his hands upside down several times, but there was still no conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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