Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1430 Woman

Chapter 1430 Woman
After taking a shower, he didn't go to bed in the dormitory. When he returned to the dormitory, he changed into a windbreaker and picked up the PHS from the table.

After traveling for several years, although the call function of this PHS has not declined in any way, the life of the battery is almost the same.More and more PHS batteries are dead.Dr. Zhong spent a lot of effort and couldn't find a way to safely refurbish lithium batteries or nickel-metal hydride batteries in this space-time condition, so the battery lost its function and the PHS became a landline phone—two wires connected to a foot A battery with a glass case the size of Cihai.

However, PHS does not need to lay telephone lines, has a special number and does not need to be transferred through the switchboard, and has strong confidentiality. It is still the communication tool favored by the elders.

Jiang Shan dialed a number.

There was a woman's voice on the phone. Her voice was clear and clear, but it was very low, with a slightly artificial softness.

"Are you asleep?"

"No, I'm working. You know we've got a lot to do--too much to do," the woman replied, and then she lowered her voice deliberately, "I'm waiting for your call."

"It's one in the morning and you're a night owl."

"I have green eyes." The woman laughed.

"It's beautiful. Do you have time?"

"Anytime. I can get off work right away. Do you come over or..."

"Go to the old place. I have informed the guards."


"I'm going to make a few phone calls now. I have something to talk to someone about. You go first, I may be late."

After hanging up the phone, he made a few more phone calls, and then scribbled a few lines with a pencil on the memo on the desk.At last he pulled the bell-rope that summoned the orderly.

"Prepare the car, I'm going out."

Jiangshan's carriage is on duty 24 hours a day, and there is no need to register and dispatch through the duty room of the general office. This is a privilege of a powerful key department.

"Go to Lychee Forest No. 3," Jiang Shan put on his coat, boarded the car and told the driver, "Hurry up."

"Yes, Comrade Director."

Although at the meeting of the Executive Committee someone proposed to confer military ranks on the personnel of the Foreign Intelligence Service or the same "internal affairs rank" as the police and the Political Security Bureau, Jiang Shan resolutely resisted. He does not want to be a "deputy regional commander". Does the director of the CIA have a military rank?
Lizhilin No. 3 is the code name of a house in Bairen City.This is a "workplace" of the Foreign Intelligence Service.The Foreign Intelligence Service, the Political Security Bureau and the National Police all have offices here.The little-known office of the Judicial Tribunal's Investigation Executive Bureau is also located in the litchi grove here.

The carriage turned a corner with the coachman's hushed yelling and cracking of his whip, and turned from the main road into a cinder path in the woods.

Hundreds of lychee trees ranging in age from several decades to hundreds of years put up a thick canopy, making the lychee forest dark at midnight, only the torch cages burning along the carriage road barely illuminated the road.

Jiang Shan sat in the car, opened the rain curtain of the two-wheeled carriage, and watched the coachman and guards sitting in the front seat.They were all soldiers of the Lingao Garrison Battalion, and they carried two improved 9-caliber revolvers that the machinery factory launched to make up for the lack of power of the 1632mm 0.45-style revolver.

The car stopped near a two-story red brick building in the lychee forest, and Jiang Shan got out of the car.

"Park the car and go back to rest...I'm going to spend the night here today...Come and pick me up at seven tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Comrade Director."

Jiang Shan didn't go into the office here, but walked through the porch and went out the back door directly. There was a room on the first floor of this small building.This is his dormitory here.

He opened the key to the door, and the light in the room burst out at once.

There is a faint fragrance in the room, which is the essential oil distilled by Zichengji from various plants and flowers. It is very popular in the Guangzhou market, and it is also commonly used as perfume by female veterans and their maids.

He closed the door, the room was not big, only a bed, a writing desk and a double sofa were placed.The shutters were closed and the room was pleasantly cool with a large block of ice.A woman was sitting in front of the desk, looking at herself seriously in the small round mirror. There was a cosmetic bag on the desk, and some bottles and jars were scattered.

It has been almost five years since we traveled to this time and space, and Lingao in 1633 no longer has any cosmetics or skin care products brought from another time and space. These are "luxury goods" manufactured by Zichengji for export.All are "all natural products" with a short shelf life.

"You came so early, I thought it would be better for a while." The woman put down the mirror case, turned around and smiled charmingly.

She is about 27-eight years old and of petite stature.Because of the hot weather, female elders seldom have long hair, but she has long black and thick hair.The appearance is not very eye-catching, but it can be called pretty, coupled with exquisite makeup and a girlish smile, making it look much younger than her actual age.

"I said it's just a few phone calls, how long will it take?" Jiang Shan took off his windbreaker and hung it behind the door.He sat down on the sofa and smiled wearily, "I didn't expect the work of the big library to be so busy."

"See what you said." The woman stood up, dragged a chair and sat across from Jiangshan, her chin resting on the back of the chair and looked down at him, "Our big library is the busiest department in the Senate, just making up those propaganda pamphlets , and revising books, translating ancient Chinese... things are simply endless.”

She was wearing pajamas made of fine silk and improved in the style of Hanfu, which set off her charming figure and showed off a pair of beautiful long legs.She was sitting sideways with her legs crossed, and the hem of her pajamas was tucked into her thighs, revealing a little bit of the smooth curve of her buttocks.

Jiang Shan wantonly admired the curves that the woman showed him, and the fragrance of carnation flowers came from his nose, which moved his heart.

Seemingly sensing his thoughts, the woman wiped the back of her ears, and sniffed her nose: "The fragrance has faded, don't you like the smell of carnation flowers?"

"No, I like it very much." Jiang Shan said lazily, leaning on the back of the sofa, "You didn't use this kind of perfume before."

"I see pink flowers all the time in your office and apartment. You like this flower very much. Maybe this flower has something to do with a certain woman."

"You are a careful woman."

"A girl's heart is always slender." The woman smiled, then suddenly suppressed her smile and stared into Jiang Shan's eyes, "Especially for the man she likes, even a little trace will make her become Sherlock Holmes. You have to drink Want a drink?"

"Of course." Jiang Shan responded casually, "So you like me."

"Otherwise why would I be here?" She brought the drink and brought herself a bottle of kombucha, curled her legs and knelt down on the chair, her smooth and delicate thighs were completely exposed to Jiang Shan's eyes , "But I know you don't plan to marry me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jiang Shan asked after drinking a glass of rum and lime juice with a cheerfulness that even surprised him.

"Let's put it this way. I'm not bad-looking, and I'm a 'modern' woman. I've seen porn, read H novels, have some sexual experience, and know how to dress up to match the 'sexual interest' of modern boys. Compared to In addition to silently dedicating the body, there is no communication, and the boring life of the secretary is obviously more in line with your aesthetic taste."


"But a beautiful rose, after all, can't compare to the various flowers in the garden that you can pick at will." The woman said with a smile, "You don't pick it now, just because there are no flowers in the flower garden in the office that you think Just the right flower - you're a perfectionist."

"So I, a perfectionist, give up roses?"

"Wouldn't it be so deserted if there was only one rose in the rose garden?"

"Yeah, it's really too deserted." Jiang Shan didn't want to talk about this issue with her at all, and of course he wouldn't talk about marriage with her.There is no need to discuss in depth a matter that has already been decided.

"Men are philandering animals." The woman brushed her hair down and took a sip of kombucha. "Perhaps it's because the cost of spreading genes is very low for men."

"I don't know biology, let alone biosociology."

The woman smiled: "I just like your aloofness and sternness."

"Some people say that this is divorced from the masses and unreasonable."

"Don't you know that women subconsciously hate good men?"

"You are a map gun. Many people in the Senate are good men."

"That's why they are so keen on creatures like maids."

Jiang Shan didn't answer—in fact, he quite agreed with this point of view, but this topic is too dangerous, it belongs to super group ridicule, and first-rate hatred.Not only can't go along with it, it's best not to touch it even when talking about it.

He never believed in the words that God knows what you know and I know.Some words, two people know enough.What's more, the woman in front of me is not a person who can keep her mouth shut.

"See, it's not very good manners for you to say nothing when someone talks, or to answer the question."

"Yes, it's rude, and you're quite right, but I don't like the topic. It seems to me that it's much better to say nothing than to throw in a random topic."

"Your tact is really annoying. I thought that a man from an elite family in such an upper class as you would disdain to do this." She curled her lips cutely.

"I'm not a member of high society. I'm not from an elite family."

"You always have a tendency to deny your excellence and belittle yourself—I really don't know what you are afraid of? According to Director Xiao: You are an out-and-out elite."

(End of this chapter)

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