Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1431 Ideal

Chapter 1431 Ideal
Jiang Shan thought, thank goodness I didn't talk to her about the maid.He is a bit bored. Indeed, he comes from a superior family and has strong personal qualities.In my heart, I sometimes call myself the elite of society.But he is not interested in the word high society, and even feels a little disgusted.

As for deliberately hiding one's own excellence, yes.This is true, because the Senate is a governing body.Jiang Shan is very aware of the sense of crisis of the soy sauce veterans in the Senate.Although in his opinion, these people's sense of crisis is somewhat inexplicable, but group consciousness is often irrational.If you show your sharpness, it will definitely not bring any benefits to your career in the new world.

"I don't like the title of elite." Jiang Shan said, "It's easy to lose touch with the masses."

"You are no longer the masses, and you must not have the consciousness of the ruling class."

"The masses of the ruling class."

"This is really ridiculous." The woman said with a smile, "You are obviously the most powerful rulers in this time and space, but you insist on pretending to be hard and simple, and always pretend that I am a working people. I understand. I really don't know who you want to please? The common people or yourself? Are you the ruler or the ruled?"

Jiang Shan thought, what does she want to do?What are these inexplicable words implying?For a long time, he only thought that Cheng Yongxin was a literary young woman who read a little bit miscellaneously, had a little knowledge and had a high opinion of herself - he had seen many young women like this.But today she obviously had some intention to influence his purpose.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Shan smiled slightly, "We are indeed the ruling class. As for whether we have this awareness, I am afraid it will take time to prove. The transformation of identity will also need a long-term process."

"How is your life secretary?" She suddenly changed the subject, "I think she looks okay. It's just that she's a little thin."

"Very good, very capable of housework. He is quite smart. The key is that he cooks very well, and he is a rare person who can communicate tastes."

"You know that's not what I asked."

"Do you like to compare?" Jiang Shan laughed, "I don't think men and women like to compare such things."

"Just curious." Cheng Yongxin hugged his knees, "How much better am I than them? Where is the advantage? I want to know what the male elders think."

"It's a long story."

"If you are engaged in intelligence work, conciseness is not a problem."

"Tastes, topics, ideas."

"Same as I thought."

"The current maids are lacking in these three aspects."

"It's not lacking, it's very lacking."

"Then why don't the single and horny male elders look down on the female elders? Those single female elders, except for the girl from the exploration department, don't seem to have a boyfriend. Even a non-binding lover relationship is very difficult. Little." She suddenly added another sentence: "Do you know that Xiao Zishan often spends the night in Li Xiao's dormitory?"

"This is a personal matter. As for other people, it may not be fate."

"You're pretending to be stupid again." She smiled charmingly, "Well, I can't play with you. Except for some male elders who are too useless, it is actually a lesson for Liu San and Wu Yunhua."

Jiang Shan said, "Solitary evidence cannot stand. Otherwise, Bai Guoshi would be a counterexample."

"No, Bai Guoshi is the only one. Most male veterans are unwilling to pursue single female veterans. Look at that Ge Yuan from the Ministry of Chemical Industry, isn't his figure and appearance bad? Why no one pursues her? It's not because they don't want to or women The elders are not attractive—but they are afraid that their marriage with the female elders will hinder their pursuit of three wives and four concubines. Don't you think so? The divorce case between Wu Yunhua and Liu San, although it was unscathed for Liu San, was almost a successful exit Anyway, I was scared for a few days, and I ran out to avoid the wind for a few months. No one likes to have such troubles on themselves. So I would rather keep it simple."

"Your observation and analysis skills are good."

"Thanks. So I figured I should do something."

Jiang Shan asked, "Do you want to be a matchmaker?"

"I don't have that time—Minzhengkou got me a lot of files from the county government, and secondly, I am an older unmarried young woman, so I am not convincing at all to be a matchmaker." She said, "I think Train the maid."

"Training the maid?"

"It's not the kind of training you imagined. Didn't you also say that? Many seniors dislike life secretaries who don't understand the taste. Simply put, they don't understand what they are talking about. The seniors would be very happy to have someone subtly influence their maids The 'education' of their maids has made a qualitative leap for their maids - I want to run a magazine, facing the needs of life secretaries. I work in a large library, and I have natural advantages in terms of materials, and I am a modern woman Of course, Tintin has to nod."

"It's very interesting." There was a puzzled expression in Jiang Shan's eyes.

"Of course, I'm not a prostitute. Wouldn't it be a strange thing if it didn't do me any good?"

"Perhaps you are protecting the overall situation of the Senate."

"Yeah, yeah, that's right," Cheng Yongxin laughed, "Look, I don't want to stay in a big library as an ancient Chinese translator for the rest of my life. Long, by the way, I have argued with him about business issues, maybe he will tell the organization department that I am not worthy of the responsibility..."

"You can come out and work, there are shortages everywhere in the administration. The same goes for the education system."

"My ideal is higher than that."

"Are you going to be an executive committee member?"

"At least at the level of the people's committee. Of course not now-I'm not so arrogant yet, and I don't have the ability. But it should be possible in ten or twenty years. So I hope to take advantage of the present to accumulate some for myself." I'm so popular. It's so insignificant to be in a big library—no one knows me."

"Why did you tell me such a grand ideal?"

"I want your help."

"What can I help with?"

"It's nothing, the adults are the Tathagata Buddha. When the time comes, loosen your hands and don't just take pictures. The little girl will be very grateful." Cheng Yongxin frowned pitifully, "You know most people in the Senate There is always a little prejudice against women."

"Is it such a low request?"

"I think it's pretty high."

"Okay." Jiang Shan said, "People with ideals should be respected."

"Great." Cheng Yongxin laughed, "Do you want something to eat? I brought sandwiches."

"No, eating late at night is not a good living habit," he stretched, "Why don't we do something interesting?" Jiang Shan smiled slightly, "Spring night is short."

He heard the steady snorting of the woman sleeping next to him.The exhaustion after orgasm made his eyelids heavy.But I couldn't sleep for a while.Lando's report broke into his mind again, and he had read it so many times during the day that the text of the report could still clearly emerge in his mind.I don't know if it's Li Yan's or some old man's bad taste to use the dragon suit in Star Wars as the code name in the foreign affair, but the reality is that if the army and navy under the Senate are regarded as clone legions, he has no right to mobilize them Eliminate this potential threat; there are no Jedi available.He could only count on a mercenary he knew to deal with another mercenary he knew nothing about.

The veterans present at the joint meeting were also at a loss as to whether to ask Lando to lead a special investigation team to assassinate Hale, or to ignore it temporarily and send an expeditionary force to wipe out Manila after the first phase of the mainland invasion was completed. Both opinions were supported.It is estimated that after the Haiqi sent the intelligence photos of the Manila Dahlgren cannon, the military industry department will definitely cause quite a stir...

Jiang Shan woke up.The sky is slightly brighter.He felt a heavy gaze staring at him.

The woman leaned against the pillow beside him, looking into his face.

"You talk a lot in your sleep," she murmured, "You're stressed."

"Did I scream or make any other strange noises?"

She sighed, looked at his forehead cautiously, stroked it with her fingers, and asked:

"It's six o'clock, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

"No," said he, "the coachman will be picking me up in an hour."

"Maybe we shouldn't meet at night, your sleep time is too short."

"Proper sex life makes people energetic." Jiang Shan said, "I'm going to get up."

She went down to the ground, picked up her pajamas and draped them casually on her naked body, walked to the sofa with bare feet, and handed him the clothes he threw messily on the sofa last night.

"Thank you." Jiang Shan said.

"It is a woman's pleasure to serve the man she loves."

"It's so good fun for men."

The woman smiled silently: "Enjoy it."

Jiang Shan left Lychee Grove No. [-] on time at seven o'clock, and when he returned to his office, he still had a faint fragrance of carnation flowers on his body.

The secretary sent him the latest intelligence compilations and internal publications that still smelled of ink.

"Coffee, no sugar." He lowered his head and flipped through the pages. "Give me another sandwich."

"Yes, Comrade Director."

The coffee is the Golden South Sea that is specially provided by the general office. According to Jiang Shan, he likes clear coffee without sugar and milk.He took a sip, picked up the sandwich and chewed it, and picked up the phone on the table.

"To the Office of the Director of the Analysis Division."

Ten seconds later, the call was connected, and Wang Ding was already in the office.

"One thing, do you know Cheng Yongxin? Yes? Okay, I want a copy of her materials. Yes, I know that the permission of the general office is required to access the files of the elder's organization department. Don't go to Wumu either— —They won't admit it. You try to find out. Don't write anything, just come to me."

"Okay, let's be prepared and see what medicine you plan to sell." Jiang Shan drank the coffee in his mouth silently.

(End of this chapter)

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