Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1446 Suspects

Chapter 1446 Suspects

"Yang Xinwu? This veteran has never heard of it—" Su Wan poured tea for Mu Min.

"It's the veteran teacher of Fangcaodi. He has no position, so he is not very famous."

"The teacher in Fangcaodi? It's really imaginative." Su Wan said maliciously.

"Obviously, this old man Yang and her life secretary are the biggest suspects in the case. From the perspective of solving the case alone, the case is almost clear. However, the chain of evidence is not complete, especially that night The so-called record of Yang Jihong sending Lin Xiaoya away at 22:10 played a very troublesome role."

"This small action proves nothing at all. The body is in the dormitory area, and there is no silver 300 taels here..."

"I also find this rather strange, because if the corpse is taken out and thrown away, it will bring more trouble to the work of solving the case." Mu Min nodded, "However, in most cases, the criminals are flustered, and they can really look forward and backward. Not many people think calmly."

The dormitory area was deserted, and it was working time now, and almost all the elders had gone out; the maids were either busy with housework at home, or went shopping, and there were only a few cleaners in the dormitory area sweeping the streets.

The crime scene remains the same.Because there were neither veteran police officers nor veteran forensic doctors in Lingao at the time of the incident, and those who came to the scene were their disciples and grandchildren, the natural level was worrying.Therefore, at that time, apart from recording the situation of the crime scene and taking some photos, they did not disturb the scene too much. They only pulled up a cordon around the scene to prohibit anyone from entering or leaving.The roof leading to the third floor where the fall occurred was also sealed off.

The positions of the corpses marked with lime in the cordon are clear, and the bloodstains on the cinder floor can still be seen clearly.

"Where's the body?" she asked Wuxiang.

"It has been sent to the forensic center."

"When will the autopsy report be out?"

"I'm afraid it will take a few days. Chief Su has gone to Kaohsiung, and the office said that he will not come back until several days later."

A naturalized policeman was in charge of guarding the scene.Seeing the arrival of the senior police officer, the policeman who had been standing guard crookedly immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Seeing Mu Min, a naturalized policeman, gets angry—although they wear the same uniform, the staff of the Political Security Bureau, regardless of age, are capable and upright, and they all exude the style of "secret police". The police described each one as wretched, and some were simply mildly disabled soldiers transferred from work.Not only is he not as energetic as others, but his uniform is also worn like a flour sack without exception, and the armed belt hangs loosely on his body. He has an old 9mm revolver and a baton.

"Name? Police officer." Mu Min asked without taking his eyes off the corpse.

"Yao Dacheng, district commander!"

"Okay," Mu Min asked in a gentle voice, "When did you find out?"

"At 22:16 last night, Chief. We were on duty at the time. After receiving the call from the duty room here, we were dealt with according to the first-level priority. We arrived here in 10 minutes." Yao Dacheng seemed very proud of his speed.

"Who found him?"

Yao Dacheng pointed behind his shoulder.

A slightly fat middle-aged naturalized woman in a gray skirt "cadre uniform" walked over.She is the manager of the Veterans Service here.She was gray and looked very depressed.

"How did you find the body?"

"My dormitory is on the third floor, and I get up late at night. When I came back from the toilet, I saw that the door leading to the roof was open-although the door was usually not locked, it was usually closed. I went up to have a look. Downstairs there is—a dead body.”

The female manager seemed to be in shock, she pressed her chest: "It's too miserable, it's full of blood..."

"You didn't hear any unusual noises before this?"

"No, I fell asleep."

"Why do you sleep here? Who are the veterans living in this senior dormitory building? Is there a list?" Mu Min felt that the building at the scene of the crime was a bit strange - it was much smaller than other buildings.

"This is not the dormitory building for the veterans." The woman who was the manager of the service agency said with a sad face, "This is the building of the service agency."

Such a big incident happened in the veteran's dormitory area, and this girl fell to death downstairs of the service agency. I can't keep my position as a manager, and if I make trouble, I will be arrested and tortured. scapegoat……

As the name suggests, the service agency is an institution that serves the elders in the dormitory area.There is a large-scale laundry room in the building, which provides one-stop laundry and ironing services; a convenience store, which provides simple fast food, snacks and daily necessities for the elders; a sewing agency that provides clothing making and mending services... a cleaning team that serves the dormitory area The offices of the horticultural group and staff dormitories are also located in this building.

"How many people were in the building on the night of the incident?"

"Besides me, there are about five or six people. According to the regulations of the general office, there are people on duty in each department to serve the elders at any time."

"Give me a list."

"Yes, Chief."

"Let's go upstairs and have a look."

The roof is a platform that is rarely seen in the dormitory area.According to the female manager, it is mainly for the convenience of drying clothes in the laundry room.

"People probably fell from here." Wu Xiang pointed to a place where the railing was broken.

There are photos of this place in the dossier.The railings on the roof are made of wood and are very simple. The upper one of the two railings at the gap is completely broken, and the lower one is intact.

"Where's the railing above?"

"Sent to the forensics center."

"There are serious corrosion marks at the broken place - it should have been hollowed out long ago. It broke after being hit by a heavy object." Wuxiang said.

Mu Min didn't say anything, the national police didn't have forensics professionals, the so-called forensics center was a few of them who came from criminal police, based on the materials in the big library and what they learned from the TV series CSI, combined with their own experience. do it.God only knows what useful things can be found on the railing.

Other than that, there were no useful clues left on the roof: no footprints worth extracting, no fragments of clothing or anything else.

But by this time, Mu Min had roughly understood the facts of the case, and the suspect was also generally clear.Although the motive is still unclear, the case itself is a very simple case.

"Okay, tell them they can clean up the scene." Mu Min took off her gloves, "Let them take a statement. Xiaowu, you go to the traffic office of the general office in the afternoon and ask the driver who took Lin Xiaoya out last night to take a statement."

"Yes, Chief."

"It's obviously impossible for the driver to see Lin Xiaoya." Su Wan said.

"Yes, after the coachman drove the car to the gate of the dormitory building, Yang Jihong came out and asked him to carry things upstairs, and then told him that he would send someone out together. After arriving at the destination Bairencheng station, Yang Jihong asked him to go to the station again I went to the store to buy something, and when I came back, it was said that the person had already entered the station and left. The driver never saw the person who went out with the car from the beginning to the end."

"It was a lie."

"The evidence must form a chain." Mu Min went on to say, "My people took Lin Xiaoya's photo and asked the police on duty at the station at this time of the night, the ticket clerk, and the clerks of nearby stores—no one said they saw her. pass her."

"Actually, there is no need for investigation in this case. Elder Yang and his life secretary are the biggest suspects."

"Yes, maybe the forensics center can find some new clues from the railings—they are undoubtedly the murder weapon for beating Lin Xiaoya."

Having said that, both of them fell into silence. The next step is to summon Mr. Yang Yuan for interrogation—this is beyond the power of the police.It needs the approval of the Executive Committee and even the Standing Committee of the Senate.

"I'm afraid this process will take a long time..."

"It may not be a joke," Mu Min said, "The elder killed the naturalized people and fined him three cups of wine." She let out angrily, "It's a pity, such a young girl, at the same age..."

She suppressed her feelings and returned to the narrative of the case.

*** ***
After Mu Min came out of the dormitory area, she did some paperwork first. She sent a letter to the general office, requesting to read Yang Jihong's personal file, and if possible, Yang Xinwu's organizational file.Then she went to the maid's school-because she had a pass issued by the general office, she was able to enter this place, which was also very mysterious to the senator.

Led by a female staff member, Mu Min walked along the open corridor to the director's office of the "Office Life Secretary Training Center".On one side of the corridor is the central garden, full of greenery and blooming flowers.On the other side are classrooms with large glass windows.Through the glass windows, students can be seen in class.The sound of lectures was heard in the corridor from time to time.

"... Now let's go to the review of the seventeenth measure, pay attention to the rhythm, and the movements must be steady..."

"...When cooking noodles, you must first pay attention to the control of the heat..."

"...The advent of the elders has freed our suffering people from the sea of ​​suffering..."

"...Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the setting sun is shining brightly..."


Dong Weiwei was already waiting for Mu Min in the office - Mu Min had already called beforehand.

"Thank you for your hard work, I came here for a special trip."

"Where, it's hard work for you. There are children at home to take care of, and you have to give it to the elders here, um..."

"Cultivate a little wife." Dong Weiwei sighed, "As a woman, this job is really bad. But after all, it is much easier than the social work department here. I will change my job when the child is older. What do you want to check? ?”

"I want to investigate Lin Xiaoya's school situation."

"I've prepared Lin Xiaoya's file," Dong Weiwei handed a file on the table to Mu Min, "Poor child, she was going to report to Fangcaodi in three days."

(End of this chapter)

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