Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447
"Fangcaodi?" Su Wan was a little surprised.In order to solve the problem of the lower body of the male elders, the Senate paid a huge cost in manpower and material resources. The life secretary who spent such a large cost to train was directly transferred to Fangcaodi?This is not a big loss!Once you go to Fangcaodi, you are a "female student" under the Education Committee, not a "female slave" under the control of the general office, but still a "slave" belonging to the Senate, but in terms of the wife's personal autonomy, at least on paper, it is better than "female slaves" There are more secretaries in the life of "excellent contract".

"Whoever said no, I'm also very surprised." Mu Min said, "It took such a huge price to get these life secretaries here, and let her leave? Can these men agree?"

"Do you know how many students we have in the 'to be assigned' state?" Dong Weiwei smiled wryly.

"do not know."

"About 300 people. According to the rating document issued by the general office, two-thirds of the current colleges are grade B or above. There are almost no D and E."

"so much!"

"Sufficient quality and sufficient quantity——" Dong Weiwei suddenly realized that the female students were suspected of "objectifying" the self-deprecation of women. She paused, and then said, "The students will not be able to tell the difference for quite a long time."

Since 1630, the first period of life secretary students entered the school, and a small batch of students entered the school from time to time every year, but there were a dozen to 30 students in each period.Although there are fewer life secretaries above level B, the elders who are in a state of hunger and thirst are hungry and hungry, basically there is no backlog.A small number of D and E level students who really can't be assigned, except those who stay in school, will be transferred to the human resources department for reassignment.

After the engine operation started, the number of trainees increased sharply. The quarantine camps in Shandong, Jeju, Taiwan and Zhejiang all sent "good seedlings".Then came maid trainees from Europe, North Korea and Vietnam.For this reason, the scale of the school has been expanded-fortunately, the general office had a full estimate of the ambitions of the elders' ethnographic museum plan, and made a backup when enclosing the land.As for the teacher gap caused by the expansion of the scale, it will be filled by students who have not been allocated in the previous sessions and have outstanding achievements in various majors.

The result of a large number of arrivals is a large backlog.The elders' interest in maids has been greatly reduced, and the limited housing area and busy work have further suppressed the need for second-life secretaries.After all, the time, energy, and physical fitness of the elders are limited. After the initial "resolve whether or not" problem, the result is that most of the elders did not build a harem according to their imagination.

In the past few months, except for a very small number of S-level maids and European slaves who are still in short supply due to the scarcity of arrivals, there has been a situation in the school where students have finished their studies but no one cares about them.A state that cannot be allocated even at the A level.

In order to solve this problem, the General Office and the Education Commission stipulated that after the students complete the six-month study, a six-month "standby" period will be added.During this period, they continue to receive various vocational trainings according to their abilities.Accept the selection of the elders at any time.

If no one cares about it after six months, it will be handed over to the human resources department for distribution according to the content of vocational training.Those who have good grades stay in school to teach or transfer to various vocational training classes in Fangcaodi, and the rest is assigned to the Human Resources Department, leaving them as maid trainees.

"In this case, it's better not to pick this group of people, at least the way out is not bad: there is a severe shortage of people in the administrative department, and it is better to go out and do anything than to be a professional wife."

"The executive committee has finally returned to personnel affairs." Being the boss alone for a long time made Dong Weiwei unrestrained, which made Mu Min slightly nervous. Fortunately, she didn't continue to play on this issue, "But Lin Xiaoya's matter is a bit special."

"How special?"

"According to the document, maid students who transfer to Fangcaodi will enter the vocational training class. Unless they have a particularly good grade in basic subjects, they can enter the teacher training class. But Lin Xiaoya is admitted to Fangcaodi's first grade."

The students of the maid school generally have to reach the same level of academic ability as junior primary school before graduation. From this level, there is no problem in entering a senior primary school, but there is no entry for entering a senior primary school in the placement documents.

"How is this possible? Since there is no such item in the resettlement documents, who will pay for her tuition? Besides, Fangcaodi High Elementary School will not accept it."

"It is enough to have the recommendation of the elders. And also agreed to fully fund her tuition and living expenses."

"So generous, who recommended it?"

"Yang Xinwu—a veteran teacher in Fangcaodi."

"It was him."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing." Mu Min covered it up. The fact that Yang Xinwu is the main suspect hasn't reached the point where he can talk about it everywhere. "However, irrelevant veterans are not allowed in the school. How could he know Lin Xiaoya?"

"It's actually not surprising," Dong Weiwei said. "His maid Yang Jihong is Lin Xiaoya's roommate. They have a very good relationship and are best friends. I think Yang Jihong is probably the one who helped—their relationship is really good."

Mu Min nodded, and the interpersonal relationship between the victims was completely connected.He opened Lin Xiaoya's file, and in the black and white photo of Lin Xiaoya taken by the glass plate wet photography method, Lin Xiaoya's appearance was not amazing, and her grade was C——According to Dong Weiwei, even A grades in maid schools can't be separated, and C grades are full. It's full of holes.

Her file is very brief, just like most maid students. On a few thin pages, there are only her birthplace, age, naturalization time, academic record, physical examination form... and finally a document for changing student status.The seal of the Maid School has been stamped, but the place where the accepting party stamped is still empty—it will always be empty.

"If the elders are allowed to recommend funding in this way, wouldn't it be possible to bypass the procedures stipulated by the general office and choose life secretaries at will?"

"Lin Xiaoya's waiting period has expired, theoretically she is no longer a maid student." Dong Weiwei said, "Besides, she is not a 'best seller'—I'm sorry, I have to describe it that way."

"So that's how it is." Mu Min asked again, "Can I see Yang Jihong's file?"

"No problem, the original copy of Yang Jihong's file is in the office, but we have a copy here." Dong Weiwei stood up, rummaged through the file cabinet for a while, and pulled out a file.

Yang Jihong's file is also not very bright, her rating is only D.She is 2 years older than Lin Xiaoya.She noticed that Yang Jihong started school earlier than Lin Xiaoya.

"That's right, she's in the second period, and she was assigned even though it was a bit late. Lin Xiaoya was late for a few periods, and she didn't get assigned after the alternate period. In terms of appearance and grades, Lin Xiaoya is actually much better than Yang Jihong. Hey, look It's so hard to be a beauty when you wake up."

Mu Min is not interested in Dong Weiwei's literary and artistic emotions. She realizes that the relationship between Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya must be the breakthrough point to solve the case.As for what role Yang Xinwu played between these two women, it is hard to say.

It doesn't make sense to say that he is greedy for Lin Xiaoya's beauty. Since all A-level maids can be chosen at will, there is no need for Yang Yuan to stare at a C-level maid.Unless this girl can meet his special needs, so that he insists on her—even so, he can go through the normal process to buy Lin Xiaoya back directly, without going through the troublesome road of recommending and subsidizing school.

Logically speaking, Yang Xinwu's recommendation showed that he was not very interested in Lin Xiaoya, and it was probably only because of Yang Jihong's request.The murder was probably a matter between Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya, and had nothing to do with Yang Xinwu.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is why Yang Xinwu issued a pass for Lin Xiaoya to enter the veteran's dormitory area.If this is also Yang Jihong's request, then what is Yang Jihong's purpose?

From a common sense, even if it is a best friend, Yang Jihong is unlikely to recommend a competitor of his own to the master.

"Is the relationship between the two of them really good?"

"It should be." Dong Weiwei said, "If you feel worried, I can ask a few students."

"Thank you so much."

Dong Weiwei rang the bell and gave the female secretary a few words.He asked again: "If there is anything else you can do to help, you are welcome! I also want to catch this murderer as soon as possible."

"Can the students here usually go out? Is there a restricted time?"

"Students are usually not allowed to go out. They can only go out in groups when participating in social activities and visiting and studying. However, for students like Lin Xiaoya who have passed the waiting period and are about to transfer or enter the allocation process, they can go out. Every day There are three opportunities to ask for leave to go out every month, four hours each time. The access control is until nine o'clock in the evening."

"Doesn't come back from a night out or is late?"

"If you don't return to a night out, you will be confined in a dark room for three days. If you want to enter the teacher training class, you will be sent to the human resources department for direct distribution; those who return late or exceed the leave will be ten to sixty rattan according to the length of their late return. Confinement in a dark room for one day. During the confinement period, only relief rations and clean water were given.”

"Really strict."

"There are no rules. I don't have any opinion on corporal punishment. It's just for what purpose corporal punishment is. I reserve my opinion."

Mu Min remembered that Dong Weiwei was a bright girl, and knew that she was not too resistant to these things—no wonder the executive committee chose her as the principal.

"Dong Weiwei found me a few students who were familiar with Lin Xiaoya and Yang Jihong. But they didn't provide anything particularly useful. Yang Jihong was taciturn, while Lin Xiaoya was lively and active—considering their origins: the former is a peasant girl, the latter The latter was born in a poor urban family, such a character is not surprising. It is said that Lin Xiaoya is a very thoughtful and smart girl, and she usually has a lot of tricks."

Su Wan said: "Actually, girls like this are more attractive to those men."

"Yes, it's a pity that Lin Xiaoya can no longer prove her ability." Mu Min said, with regret in her words.

(End of this chapter)

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