Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1449 Yang Xinwu

Chapter 1449 Yang Xinwu

Yang Xinwu was so restless these two days that he forgot his words in class several times: he either stood blankly on the podium without saying a word, or he forgot what to write when the chalk touched the blackboard.The students all said that Teacher Yang lost his soul.

Yang Xinwu was indeed "lost", and this emotion started when Yuan Ziguang told him the news of Lin Xiaoya's death with a strange expression.As a close "friend" of Yuan Ziguang, he is the only person besides Yang Jihong who knows about his relationship with Lin Xiaoya, at least he thinks that only these two people know.

As Su Yuanlao said in his forensic report, the relationship between Yang Xinwu and Lin Xiaoya is completely innocent, so innocent that every minute they spend together can be played on the street if it is made into a video.

Lin Xiaoya herself is not amazing—of course she is much more beautiful than his maid Yang Jihong—the first time I met Lin Xiaoya was purely to satisfy Yang Jihong's little request.After all, Yang Xinwu is an ordinary modern man, and he has no resistance to women's groveling pleas for help. As soon as the pillow blows, he agrees to Yang Jihong's request to help his "sister".

After getting in touch with her a few times, Yang Xinwu admired this girl a little bit, not only because of her youthful vivacity that many maids don't have, but more because of her clear understanding of her future and her wisdom in trying to change.

Compared with the maids who spend all day thinking about how to win the favor of the elders, how to give birth to the elders as soon as possible, and use all kinds of methods to "fixate" the maids, Lin Xiaoya thinks more about what to do in the new world ruled by the Senate. To succeed.Similar girls are full of pits and valleys in another time and space, and they are so realistic that they are annoying.But in this time and space, such girls are rare.

Needless to say, very few maid trainees have a clear understanding of the concepts of junior primary school, senior primary school, vocational training class, A, B, and C diplomas, but Lin Xiaoya has inquired about them clearly—it’s no secret. There are instructions in the brochures of the museum.It’s just that very few students take reading and comprehension seriously. They completely hold the attitude of "I will do whatever the chief wants me to do, and I will learn what I want to learn." It is also rare in Fangcao.

After meeting Lin Xiaoya for the second time, Yang Xinwu not only agreed to recommend Lin Xiaoya to enter Fangcaodi High School to sponsor her tuition, but also expressed her willingness to fully sponsor Lin Xiaoya's living expenses.

The next thing went very smoothly, his recommendation letter played its due role, and soon all the procedures were completed. On August 8, Yang Jihong proposed to hold a farewell banquet at home to celebrate Lin Xiaoya's upcoming enrollment, and Yang Xinwu readily agreed.For this reason, he deliberately left work early and asked Yang Jihong to order some high-end food and low-alcohol fruit wine that girls love to drink from the farm tea house.

Lin Xiaoya is very lively and can talk, although there are only three people eating, the atmosphere is very lively.Seeing her bright eyes and kind eyes, Old Man Yang inevitably had some thoughts in his heart.

But the idea is just a bit of an idea, although the elder knows very well that it doesn't matter what he did to this girl legally, but he is not such a beast after all.The happy time is always very short. When Lin Xiaoya proposed to go back to school, Mr. Yang found that it was almost ten o'clock.

"It's so late!" Yang Xinwu recalled that Lin Xiaoya said that her leave time was only four hours, and the gate control started at nine o'clock in the evening. "Will you be punished if you go back to school now?"

"No." Lin Xiaoya made a grimace, "There is a bamboo forest outside the wall, and everyone thought it was impossible to walk there. I built a path in it, and I can go all the way to the wall: I hid a broken ladder there. , enough to climb over the wall.”

Yang Xinwu couldn't help laughing, which reminded him of his student days.

On the contrary, Yang Jihong was more nervous: "Where's your roommate? You have to check the dormitory at night."

"I'm living in a rest dormitory - a few days ago I swallowed a piece of soap, foaming at the mouth, nauseating and vomiting - I don't have roommates, and I don't check nights."

"So..." Yang Jihong opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"I came out over the wall, and I didn't ask for leave." Lin Xiaoya blinked mischievously, "I have already asked for leave this month. But it is still too late, and it will take more than half an hour to go back. I can't give I saw it at night."

Yang Xinwu laughed, but Yang Jihong looked helpless and worried.

"Don't you have a pass issued by me? Can the school not allow you to use this to ask for leave?"

"This is not good. You have already recommended me to go to school. If I take this to ask for leave, what will others think? It doesn't matter that I am a student, but you are a veteran. Besides, this is using your power to break the rules set by Dong Yuan. , she's not happy about it either."

Yang Jihong sent Lin Xiaoya out, and Yang Xinwu went back to the study alone to prepare lessons—Fangcaodi's work was particularly heavy.In addition to ordinary teaching tasks and administrative work, he is also responsible for the education of accounting vocational training.In addition to teaching, he also edits the textbooks and supplementary materials currently used by the accounting professional class in Fangcaodi.

Mr. Yang Yuan graduated from a second-rate local business university majoring in finance. After graduation, he taught for a few days in a low-level higher vocational school.After failing the postgraduate entrance examination, he applied for a job in a large state-owned bank. After working from a teller to an accountant supervisor, he moved to a large joint-stock commercial bank and started a corporate credit business.

Mr. Yang Yuan is "as light as a chrysanthemum" on weekdays, and he seems to be 12 points satisfied with his current life. Only he knows that deep in his heart is a turbulent heart of a middle school boy.

However, turmoil is turmoil, and he does not intend to take the risk of changing the trajectory of his life.At the beginning, he participated in the training camp purely for fun. In his own words, he wanted to "look around and see the brains." However, when Mr. Wen showed the wormhole, Mr. Yang died on the spot. After he realized it, he immediately followed a group of wavering elements Run away.

As soon as he went back, he received a call from his best friend in the same industry: he had previously coveted the high kickbacks given by the customer, and he had operated a steel trade loan worth hundreds of millions of dollars. As a result, the customer's capital chain was broken—the loan was overdue, and the whereabouts of the customer's family were unknown. , Not only is his career in jeopardy, he may even have to bear legal responsibility.Thus, Yang Yuanlao's life path was rewritten.

After D-Day, although he was more interested in the military, he was only at the amateur level, neither proficient nor interested in the development of the military system; although he called himself an "industrial party", he came from a financial background, and he was not involved in the industry. land.Has always acted as "soy sauce" role.Until the establishment of Delong Bank, Minglang saw that he had experience in bank accounting management, and originally planned to appoint him to be in charge of Delong's accounting work, but Yang Yuan refused to do it, which made Minglang very embarrassed.It wasn't until Zhang Zhixiang's strict management in Fangcaodi forced away a group of senior teachers who were greedy for comfort and wanted to attract female students, causing a "teacher shortage". Fangcaodi—this time, Mr. Yang took office happily.

"Teaching and educating people is fun." Just as he raised his eyes and saw the calligraphy works hanging on the wall of his study room—this was drawn up by himself, and he asked Liu Dalin to write it in hand—he suddenly heard a loud noise from outside, When I opened the window, the soldiers guarding the outside had entered the city and pulled up the cordon. Some maids and elders had already arrived downstairs, discussing something loudly.

Lin Xiaoya's sudden death shocked him a lot. He was joking with him less than an hour ago, and the young girl fell down to her death suddenly.What worried him even more was that after Yang Jihong came back, he never mentioned why Lin Xiaoya didn't go to the station, but died downstairs in the service agency less than 50 meters away from his building.

The police took away the body, the cleaners cleaned the ground, and the senators and maids who watched the excitement went home.At dawn, everyone went to work, and life in Bairen City returned to normal.
From this day on, Yang Jihong became in a trance, although like a precisely manufactured machine, she continued to run exactly on schedule: doing housework and serving the elders.But the man became taciturn, usually alone in a daze when he was free, and rarely even talked to him.Only when she woke up at night would she hug Yang Xinwu tightly, her face was wet.

Although he knew from various signs that the death of Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya were inseparable, he couldn't imagine it.Two people with such a close relationship will have such a thing: such a lively, cute and smart child is also her best friend, why does Yang Jihong want to harm her?

Yang Xinwu couldn't figure it out.

He tried to talk to Yang Jihong several times, but in vain: when she spoke, she either shed silent tears, or burst into hysterical wailing, which couldn't be stopped.Made him helpless.It also made his worries bigger and bigger day by day.

Looking around in a daze, he realized that he had no one to talk to. Although Yuan Ziguang knew about his relationship with Lin Xiaoya, he didn't know that Yang Jihong was suspected of murder. As for the others, he didn't know how to speak.

We need to find a chance to talk again, he thought, with Ran Yao's ability, it will not take a few days to find out the truth.What if Yang Jihong really had something to do with Lin Xiaoya's death?

"Old Yang, what's going on with you recently? Have you been a little distracted?" The office door was pushed open, and Zhang Zhixiang came in.

"Ah, nothing, nothing." Yang Xinwu quickly covered up.

"It's fine, if you have something to say, everyone, staff, don't get sick from feeling bored in your heart," Zhang Zhixiang said, taking out a letter from his pocket, "This is just from the correspondent, the general office has an appointment with you tomorrow Go talk, I have arranged the time for you, and I will find someone to replace your class."

(End of this chapter)

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