Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1450 Interrogation

Chapter 1450 Interrogation
Yang Xinwu's face suddenly turned ashen, as if he was caught cheating in school and was taken to the Academic Affairs Office.Zhang Zhixiang saw his complexion changed drastically, and thought to himself, could it be that he really did something embarrassing like pushing down a female student in private, and the office wants to talk to him admonishing him?However, this matter does not seem to be under the control of the office.

However, Zhang Zhixiang had already made a decision in an instant. If it really happened, he had to clear this "scum" out of the school immediately—how much effort did he spend in the past to get rid of the group of elders who had evil intentions and wanted to take advantage of their positions to pick up girls? After being cleaned up, the atmosphere of the school must not be destroyed!
Yang Xinwu saw that the headmaster's complexion suddenly darkened, and secretly screamed that it was not good, so he had to bite the bullet and laugh a few times to cover it up.

The next day, Yang Xinwu came to the place on the notice as scheduled: the farm teahouse.

There were almost no customers in the tea house during the day, and as soon as he showed his membership card, he was led to a salon box on the third floor by the waiter.Xiao Zishan was already waiting for him there.

The salon box is mostly used as a conference room, with a conference table in the middle, surrounded by armchairs, and some rattan couches along the walls.

Apart from Xiao Zishan, there were several elders sitting around the meeting room, all of them with expressionless faces.There was only one woman he knew - Mingming's wife.

"Come on, come on, sit down!" Xiao Zishan invited him to sit on the other side of the conference table with his usual enthusiasm - facing these people.

Notebooks, pencils, and several glasses filled with clear water are neatly placed on the table. These glasses are so clean and shiny that they are dazzling.

"Let me introduce something first." Xiao Zishan coughed, "This is Mu Min, the representative of the national police... This is Anxi, the representative of the arbitration tribunal..." Finally he mentioned himself, "I am representing the general office to attend the meeting."

Yang Xinwu forced himself to be calm and greeted everyone one by one, but he was secretly apprehensive: What is the purpose of this posture to double-check yourself?
Seeing that he had already said hello, Xiao Zishan picked up a file bag from the table, opened it, and took out a file from it.

"Comrade Yang Xinwu, entrusted by the Senate, I now announce to you: Due to the application of the National Police Headquarters and the approval of the Standing Committee and Executive Committee of the Senate, I would like to ask you a few questions. I hope you can answer them truthfully. He continued, "From now on, the whole process will be recorded. This is a letter of authorization jointly issued by the Standing Committee and the Executive Committee. You can take a look." He pushed the document over.

"No need." Yang Xinwu didn't touch the piece of paper covered with several large seals, "Is this an interrogation?"

"No, this is an inquiry." An Xi, the representative of the arbitration tribunal, explained, "We just want to know something, and you don't need to answer the question."

"Does that mean the right to remain silent?"

"Yes, of course it is the right to silence in a broad sense, not in a narrow sense. You are neither a suspect nor a defendant. We are here only to hope that you can provide some useful clues." Anxi explained.

"Is it because of Lin Xiaoya's case?" He said, noticing the exchange of glances between An Xi and Mu Min.

"Yes." Mu Min affirmed, "Do you know Lin Xiaoya?"

For a moment, Yang Xinwu planned to say nothing - he wanted to protect Yang Jihong.But he immediately realized that Mu Min sent out such a big battle to find him, because he must have grasped enough clues, and whether he remained silent would not change anything at all.

"Yes, I know." He nodded.

In the next hour or so, Mu Min asked him many questions, including the relationship between Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya, and how she got his recommendation.Yang Xinwu answered one by one without reservation.However, he repeatedly emphasized that he "saw nothing" and "heard nothing".

In the end, Mu Min asked: "I hope I can extract your used water cup as physical evidence in this case, is that possible?"

"Of course." Yang Xinwu saw his fingerprints clearly visible on the cup, and suddenly realized.No wonder the cup is so new and clean!This is probably to save some face for myself, after all, being fingerprinted is not an honorable thing, "Please go ahead."

"Thank you." Mu Min put on white gloves, carefully picked up his cup, and put it into a yellow kraft paper pocket.

"If there is nothing else, can I say goodbye?" The ashamed old man Yang Yuan was eager to get rid of this embarrassing situation.

"We will arraign Yang Jihong early tomorrow morning," Mu Min said, "she is the main suspect in this case—I hope you can understand. The arraignment is conducted in secret, and if it turns out that she is innocent, nothing will be left influences."

Yang Xinwu knew from her tone that she was not discussing with herself, but just telling her.

"What if I don't agree?"

Mu Min glanced at An Xi, and he said: "In this case, the case will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Senate for discussion. If the final result of the discussion is to suspend the investigation, we don't have to issue an arraignment, otherwise the Standing Committee will order it to be enforced. "

"Looks like I have no choice."

"Old Yang Yuan, human life is at stake."

"Okay, I got it. Feel free to do whatever you want." Yang Xinwu said heavily, lowering his head as if overwhelmed. After a while, he raised his head: "Don't torture her..."

"Certainly not. You can rest assured," Anxi said quickly, "The legal philosophy of our arbitral tribunal is to emphasize evidence and despise confession."

Elder Yang Yuan waved his hands, not knowing whether to express his disbelief or not, he stood up feebly: "I'm going back."

"Quick! Prepare a car for Mr. Yang Yuan!" Xiao Zishan saw that his face was not looking good, so he quickly opened the door and greeted the waiter outside.

"Do you want to arrest Yang Jihong immediately?"

"Give them some time." Xiao Zishan said, "A husband and wife can enjoy a hundred days of kindness..."

"Since when did maids become husband and wife in your eyes?" Mu Min sneered, "Ming Mei is marrying a wife who can just dump her."

Xiao Zishan smiled slightly, and he didn't care about it. He raised his hand: "Okay, okay, I won't interfere with your affairs."

The fingerprints extracted from Yang Yuanlao's glass confirmed Mu Min's inference: the fingerprints on the railing were not his—in fact, from the distance between the fingerprints, Selina had roughly guessed that it was a woman's fingerprints.So Yang Jihong's suspicion became very high.Then, Yang Jihong's fingerprints were compared, and it was determined that the fingerprints belonged to her.

Mu Min made persistent efforts to interrogate Yang Jihong, who had already been arrested. Since this was the first time she was interrogating the elder's maid, the sensitive topic of "the elder's interests and secrets" might be involved. In order to prevent people from finding the topic, The entire inquiry was recorded, and at the same time, a staff member was sent by the general office to supervise it.

Even so, the experienced Mu Min still didn't make much effort, which made Yang Jihong admit the fact that she beat Lin Xiaoya with a railing on the roof that night, and finally forced her to the side of the building and fell to her death.

"It's my fault. I just wanted to teach her a lesson so she wouldn't force me..." Yang Jihong covered her face and burst into tears, "I didn't expect her to fall..."

"Aren't you best friends, good sisters? Why did you make such a murderous move?" Mu Min asked the motive.

"A good sister?!" Yang Jihong stopped crying and gritted his teeth, "I have such a good sister, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

"What the hell did she do?"

Yang Jihong cried again, and from her intermittent narrative, Mu Min roughly pieced together the whole story.

It was completely different from what she had imagined. There was no maidservant jealousy in the case, and Lin Xiaoya didn't mean "he can replace her".

Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya are roommates at the Maid School, and they had a good relationship when they were in school.After Yang Jihong split up, the two have maintained a correspondence relationship.Just a few months ago, Lin Xiaoya asked for leave to meet Yang Jihong.After the two met, Lin Xiaoya suggested that Yang Jihong ask Yang Xinwu to recommend her to go to high school.

"I had a good relationship with her at that time. I thought it was not a bad thing for her to want to study and improve, so I asked the chief. The chief was magnanimous and immediately agreed. I was also very happy, so I wrote a letter to tell her that the chief had agreed."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoya asked her out again, and this time her request was much more serious, asking Yang Jihong to lobby Elder Yang Yuan to provide her with sponsorship for tuition and living expenses.Yang Jihong seemed reluctant, so Lin Xiaoya took out something.


"Letter." Yang Jihong burst into tears immediately, "I'm so stupid!"

The letter was written by Yang Jihong before entering the maid school, and the recipient was a fellow villager of hers, who was also a refugee who was taken in.The two have similar family backgrounds on the mainland, they are both small rural landlords, they can read a few words, and they have always liked each other in the past.

Yang Jihong's family was ruined, and when he was displaced, he became a little more stable. By chance, he saw his fellow countrymen also come to Lingao and lived in the quarantine camp.

After going through an ordeal, living alone in the world, suddenly seeing an old acquaintance in the past, who still has a good impression of each other, the admiration in my heart naturally flourishes

The two met several times by taking advantage of the opportunity of dispatched work, because usually dispatched work does not allow long talks, so they communicated by letter.

Later, Yang Jihong entered the maid school, and the gate control was strict, and this matter gradually faded away.But as they knew that she would become the woman of the "chief" in the future, Yang Jihong became afraid again, because once the letters between herself and her fellow villagers were exposed, it would destroy her entire future.What the fellow villagers wrote to her can naturally be burned.But what I wrote to the other party cannot be kept in the world.Out of fear, she consulted with Lin Xiaoya.

"I didn't expect her to be so bad that she lied to my letter!"

Lin Xiaoya gave her an idea, telling her to give her a certificate, she sneaked out to find the fellow countryman, and told him to destroy all the letters.That's it.

(End of this chapter)

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