Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1451 The Plain Truth

Chapter 1451 The Plain Truth

"How could she leave the maid school? At that time, she was not transferred to the students who were to be assigned. It is impossible to ask for leave."

"There's no need to ask for leave. She's always had bad ideas," Yang Jihong said. "She hid a ladder outside the fence, and everyone thought the bamboo forest there was impassable—it was possible."

After dark, Lin Xiaoya would sneak out. The routine shop check at night was just to look at the door of the room. With roommates covering up for her, it was easy to slip through.

Mu Min gasped, it would be a scandal if it spread!The maid training class, which was thought to be airtight, unexpectedly has such a secret passage that can be entered and exited at any time.What's more, Yang Jihong and other people in the same dormitory obviously knew about it long ago, but they never reported it.

"Apart from the people in your dormitory, how many other people know that she has a secret passage?"

"I don't know. There may be other people. She hasn't told us." Yang Jihong shook his head.

Comrade Zhao Manxiong, what are you doing with your so-called "Ten-member Regiment" who claim to be all-pervasive, so that such a serious loophole in defense has not been discovered!Mu Min thought to herself, either you knew it, but you didn't say it on purpose—with ulterior motives!
"What's the name of the naturalized person you corresponded with? Where does he work?"

Yang Jihong said his name, but she didn't know where he worked, but Lin Xiaoya said that he worked as a clerk in the county office of Lingao County.

The following story was exactly as Mu Min thought, Lin Xiaoya got back the letter, but lied that the letter had been destroyed, anyway, they couldn't contact each other, so there was no proof.When she saw that Yang Jihong was reluctant to help her, she showed her hole card.

The helpless Yang Jihong had no choice but to agree to continue to "help". Lin Xiaoya promised that as long as she could get Yang Xinwu to sponsor her living expenses and tuition, she would return the letter to her.

"...But that night, she wasn't sure about paying it back, saying that since I'm pregnant, I will be more expensive than a mother in the future..."

"What?" Mu Min interrupted her, "Are you pregnant?"

Yang Jihong hesitated: "I haven't been here for two months..."

"Does Elder Yang know?"

"I don't know yet—I originally wanted to wait for the doctor to get his pulse and get a confirmation letter before telling him."

"Go ahead and talk."

"... She said that she was afraid that I would forget her as a poor and humble friend in the future, and she wanted to keep these letters to remind me when the time comes..."

"So you killed her?"

Yang Jihong shook his head heavily: "I didn't think about it until later she said: If I don't listen to her, she will give the letter to the chief, saying that the child in my stomach is a 'wild species'..." Having said this, she couldn't help covering her face and crying bitterly, and it took a while before she sobbed, "So I—"

Mu Min secretly sighed, in the concept of the maids: the bloodlines of giving birth to children for the elders is the only value of their existence, if they are considered "wild species", not only can't expect mothers to be expensive by their children, even the current life cannot be maintained .

Lin Xiaoya's use of this threat is not indifferent, it can be said that she has seized the other party's Achilles' heel.No wonder Yang Jihong's backlash was so violent.

"What about the letter?"

"I burned."

"In this case, why should I believe your words? Maybe you just made it up to excuse yourself?" Mu Min is not someone who can be easily moved by a suspect with a few words. , sympathy belongs to sympathy, evidence is evidence.

Yang Jihong's face was gloomy: "She only has one letter on her body - there should be a few more. I just don't know where she is hiding."

"We'll keep searching. Even so, it's never right to kill."

Yang Jihong stopped talking and just cried bitterly.

Mu Min took care of someone to take her down——Yang Jihong is the life secretary of the elder, and she may be pregnant, so she cannot be detained at will, so she was temporarily placed under house arrest in the No. [-] Guest House of the General Office, under special supervision.In addition, let Liu San go to the pulse number to check whether she is indeed pregnant.

Then she issued a detention warrant, and she rang the bell to call the on-duty officer: "Send a few people to secretly arrest this person from the Lingao County Office and hand it over to the Pre-Trial Section. Apart from the county office director, Chief Xiong, there is no one else. don't be alarmed"

Then she ordered people to send all of Lin Xiaoya's personal belongings that had been confiscated, and after another inspection, she sent Wu Xiang to the maid school to conduct a thorough search of Lin Xiaoya's dormitory and the place where she climbed over the wall.

Finally, these letters were found in an envelope hidden under the bed in the dormitory by Lin Xiaoya.

Sweat broke out on Wuxiang's forehead: "This girl is a ghost. I pasted the envelope on the back of the bed board with paste, and pasted a layer of kraft paper on it. If I didn't disassemble the bed and check it, I wouldn't be able to see it if I climbed in and took a look." !"

Mu Min checked these letters. According to modern people's opinion, the letters written by Yang Jihong can be called "clear soup with little water". They don't call each other brother or sister.

"Just because of this!" Mu Min sighed.

In this time and space, not to mention that Yang Jihong is now the "little wife" of the patriarch, even if she just married a naturalized citizen or aboriginal - as long as the socio-economic conditions are better, it is already a matter for a wife to pass a letter with another man before marriage. serious crime.Although the poor don't pay attention to it, it is because they are unable to pay attention to it.

Not to mention China in the 17th century, Mu Min remembers a similar story in Sherlock Holmes when she was studying.A few notes can ruin an aristocratic woman's reputation—that's the British Empire at the end of the 19th century!

"It's no wonder she wants to kill people! Feudal thinking kills people." Mu Min couldn't help but sympathize with this poor girl, "Women are so pitiful!"

Although she was murdered on a whim, no matter which time and space the law is in accordance with, she is not guilty of death-not to mention that she may be pregnant, which is usually exempt from death in ancient and modern times, but Yang Jihong's role in the "new society" Personal future is over.Mu Min is well aware that the mainstream judicial philosophy of the Senate is very harsh.Once convicted, she will face a long and severe sentence. Even if she is released after serving her sentence, she will be placed in another book, and in the future she can only exist as an ordinary labor force in the world of the Senate.

And she will inevitably lose the right to raise her own children-the Senate will not let a child with the blood of the elders grow up as a prisoner's child.The most ardent hope of the maids was that mothers should be worthy of their sons, completely shattered.

However, sympathy does not change the reality of killing.The only thing she is grateful for is that the case did not involve the elders, which finally allowed her to have a positive evaluation of the increasingly degraded moral values ​​of the elders, and more importantly, saved her from the torment of her conscience.

Mu Min began to sort out the case files.According to the normal process, after the investigation of the case is completed, the case will be handed over to the arbitration tribunal to enter the judicial process.However, this case was a bit special, and Vest had clearly instructed her to send the materials to the general office to Xiao Zishan after the investigation was over, so that she could "discuss the case."

Xiao Zishan raised his head from the file, looking at the vest sitting opposite him:
"What do you think is the best way to handle this case?"

The vest was wearing a black cotton tunic made by Lingao, which was ironed very flat, and there was a hero pen in the jacket pocket.He has carefully studied the materials in the file, and he will be confident.

"There is nothing to say about the case itself. As far as the facts of the case are concerned, it is not considered intentional murder, and there is a reason for the incident, so the crime is not culpable. I think it can be convicted as intentional injury to death. The penalty for this crime in our recently promulgated "Criminal Law" The lower limit is [-] years in prison. She is still pregnant, so even Da Ming Law will not impose the death penalty."

"I don't care about this, but whether this case will be tried in public or in secret? Should it be published in the newspaper? You don't know that Ding Ding from the Propaganda Department has been messing with me, saying that this matter has seriously affected their husband and wife relationship."

"Probably Panpan didn't allow him to go to bed. Hahaha." Waist laughed, "Actually, since the facts of the case are completely clear and there is nothing that will affect the image of the Senate, I think it is completely possible to enter the normal judicial process. Appropriate public reports it is also fine."

Xiao Zishan frowned: "After all, the elders are involved..."

The case involving veterans is bound to arouse the curiosity-seeking mentality of the masses. This is similar to the "Zhongnanhai Secret" and the like on the street stalls in the past. Although they know that there are many nonsense things, everyone still rushes to read them.It will inevitably become a topic of conversation after dinner.

"The Senate must have a sense of mystery, but it can't be too mystified. It can be tried in public, but it is not reported beforehand, but reported afterward."

Xiao Zishan nodded thoughtfully.

He knew several courts of the arbitration tribunal. Except for the simple justice court in Dongmen City, which had a lot of people "watching" because it was located in a prosperous place, most of the courts had very few people who came to listen to the court— ——One is that there are very few idlers here in Lingao, and everyone is busy making money to make a living. Secondly, when Australians try cases in the yamen, there is no ostentation of shouting "Tiger Might", and there are no various tricks such as slapping, spanking, sticking, etc. In the torture scene with pinched fingers, only a few people read the article and talked to each other. After the initial freshness, everyone felt that the trial was boring and boring.

If there is no report or publicity in advance, few people will watch this interrogation. As for the newspaper reports, it can be appropriately reduced.Some things can be avoided.The minimum degree to which the impact will be reduced.

"Will the Executive Committee hold a meeting to discuss this?" asked Vest.

"So far, no one has moved, do you want to move?"

"Since no one has moved, I think the case should be handed over to the arbitration tribunal. I don't think it is necessary to exaggerate the importance of this case. If it is too grand, it will arouse some people's thoughts."

(End of this chapter)

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