Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453

When Cheng Yongxin saw Pan Pan again at the teahouse, she was sitting in the small room with a lonely face, mechanically stirring the small spoon in the coffee cup.

Although Cheng Yongxin did not intervene in Lin Xiaoya's case, she grasped all the public information of the case through Pan Pan's channel in the first place: including the results of Pan Pan's private investigation,

She knew that the investigation was not going well.What disappointed her the most was that Mu Min, Sarina, and Su Wan, the three female veterans who worked in the "police department", rejected Pan Pan's investigation request exactly the same, and refused to disclose any inside information.She originally thought that the three female elders who shared a common language in safeguarding women's rights and curbing the overflow of male elders' power would strongly support Pan Pan's investigation, but she did not expect that they all became "disciplined" slaves obediently.Selina, an American woman, is actually submissive!

According to her original idea, Lin Xiaoya must have been killed by a certain elder—Su Wan also vaguely revealed at the party that Lin Xiaoya did not commit suicide, and that the Senate would certainly tamper with the case for the purpose of protecting the sanctity of the elder: It is possible to change it to accident, suicide or other naturalized civilian killings.

With these three female veterans serving as "Deep Throat" to provide internal information and evidence, and Pan Pan, a media person who controls the largest newspaper in Lingao, she will have a piece of paper as soon as the official case report with fraudulence comes out. Good trump card.

It's impossible to reform the current system by relying on this trump card—even her Cheng Yongxin can't do it, but at least it can make a gap in the impenetrable iron curtain.In particular, he won greater news autonomy for the "Lingao Times" for Pan Pan.Pan Pan will also trust himself more and more.Having the media is equivalent to having the right to speak: not only can it affect the majority of ordinary elders, but more importantly, it can affect the majority of naturalized people and aborigines.

However, Pan Pan's investigation found nothing, and the uncooperative attitude of the three female elders also made her difficult to understand.Cheng Yongxin realized that things were not as simple as she expected.

"What's the matter, baby Panpan?" Cheng Yongxin still looked relaxed, "It seems that you are dissatisfied with your desires?"

"Stop joking, Baby Cheng Cheng." Pan Pan took a sip of his coffee and took out a page, "Look."

Cheng Yongxin took it over and read it again: "Is this the case notice?"

Pan Pan nodded: "I just got it yesterday afternoon. The official report from the police headquarters."

"Pan Pan, tell me, do you believe this report?"

"I don't even believe ghosts!" Pan Pan said angrily, "This is obviously tampered with!"

"My opinion is the same as yours." Cheng Yongxin thought: This is the same as his own estimate, "Obviously they are trying to hide something."

"I've started to investigate and it's disappointing that nothing came out!"

"Baby Panpan, your investigation like this is fruitless—"

"No, I got the permission of the arbitral tribunal early this morning: I was allowed to read the case files -- let's put it this way: the evidence is solid."

"Bah! Forged!"

"I went to interview all the witnesses, and got permission to interview the suspect, and there was no discrepancy with the testimony in the case file."

"Pah, it must have been taught beforehand. What's so strange about that?"

Pan Pan nodded heavily and said: "But when I went to interview Mu Min, Sarina and Su Wan, what they said was exactly the same as the testimony! Mu Min also told me that this case was completed by her independent investigation, without any External coercion. The facts of the case are completely true."

"Bah, forced!"

"No, I can tell if they are being forced to tell lies." Pan Pan said dejectedly, "They are telling the truth. Especially Mu, her attitude is very firm and affirmative. She is definitely not being forced. Say that."

Both of them fell into silence, and it took a long time for Cheng Yongxin to murmur, "How could this be?"

"Maybe this case is not fancy at all, we think too much..."

Cheng Yongxin pondered for a moment and said, "Can you give me your research materials for research?"

"Are you useful?" Pan Pan said as he took out a notebook from his satchel and handed it to her, "It doesn't matter to me, but I'm afraid there is nothing to know..."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to know the whole case and see if there are any other news highlights that can be discovered." Cheng Yongxin said with a smile, "Baby Panpan, in the 'new society', your sense of news is dull."

"Can you find a new focus?" Pan Pan looked at her in surprise.

"Sure, so how about it, baby Panpan, you suppress the report and wait for me to go back and study it."

"OK, it's up to you!"

Cheng Yongxin returned to her residence and told Sun Shangxiang: "Make coffee, use the best golden Nanhai, thicker!"

Sun Shangxiang was wearing an apron. Seeing the chief's appearance, she knew that she was going to be busy again, so she hurriedly asked, "You haven't eaten dinner yet, have you? Do you want me to make a sandwich?"

"Go ahead, lettuce with cheese, not ham."

Cheng Yongxin sat at the table and began to study the case report and Pan Pan's investigation notes.Judging from the information collected by Pan Pan, there is indeed no doubt about the case, and the chain of evidence is intertwined—unless a complete tampering has been made during the investigation.But Pan Pan said that Mu Min did not lie.

Cheng Yongxin still agrees with Pan Pan's views: as a reporter, he still has considerable observation skills on people.In addition, whether it is Mu Min, Sarina or Su Wan, in several contacts, they all expressed a sense of worry about the current moral standards of the elders and the institutional defects of the Senate. It can be said that they have a common language. The "sympathizers" of Cheng Yongxin's career—not counting allies for the time being—even if they are really threatened by some kind of threat and cannot tell the truth, they will not be so stubborn that they will not give any hints to Pan Pan.

In this way, the case is really the same as in the report?
Since Lin Xiaoya was not killed by the elders, the Senate did not need to tamper with the case, and the script she had written was completely useless.Even if you can play a little trick on reporting skills, it won't make a big difference.

Her eyes lingered on the table, where there was a pile of poorly printed and bound booklets: These were specially borrowed from the large library for this case: the results of the past two years of work by the arbitral tribunal and the Law Society.
Yang Xinwu spends his time in the farm tea house every day these days—after Yang Jihong was arrested, he didn't bother to go home, no one cooks at home, and the Yuan Lao cafeteria has been disbanded because the number of diners is getting smaller and smaller.When Mr. Yang went out in the morning, he went to the welfare club in the dormitory area to have breakfast, and had lunch in the school cafeteria. After get off work, he went to the tea club to have dinner, and then played cards with others in the tea club to pass the time. Sometimes he just prepared lessons in the small private room. , Go home and sleep until after ten o'clock.

He was very depressed.When Yang Jihong was by his side, he never felt how important she was: Yang Jihong was the first batch of maids Zhang Xin got from Guangdong.Yang Yuanlao drew a C grade at that time.When he was choosing a maid, he was very disappointed when he saw her face and height for the first time. Fortunately, after seeing her, the adrenaline began to secrete and immediately changed his brain thinking, which was very rare in southern China in the first half of the 17th century. It made him make up his mind—looks, anyway, the electricity was cut off at night in Lingao, and when the lights were turned off, only hearing and touch were left.Make do with it now, and buy a new one when you have a better maid.

Yang Jihong is not sexy and beautiful, and Yang Xinwu has nothing in common with her.But in the past two years, she has served her in a comfortable and comfortable life.He is 12 points obedient and considerate to himself.Love has grown in love for a long time, originally he didn't care about the life secretary at all, he just used it as a babysitter temporarily, and the idea of ​​​​changing for a new one gradually faded away when there were new ones.

After Yang Jihong was captured, all he was left with was an empty home.Yang Xinwu found painfully that his home suddenly lost its "soul". When he returned home, there would never be a woman to welcome him, take off his shoes and put on slippers for him, hot water was prepared in the bathroom, and the dining table was heated again Steamy meals.Sleeping at night without a warm and soft body by his side - he especially misses that pair who can soothe his soul at any time...

That night, after he had finished his dinner, he was preparing lessons in the small private room while reminiscing about the bed with Yang Jihong back then, when suddenly the door of the private room was knocked lightly a few times.Then the door opened and a waitress came in:
"Chief, a female chief wants to see you—"

"Female chief?" Yang Xinwu thought it might be Du Wen, but before he could express his consent, a figure had already flashed in, shaking his long hair like noodles in clear soup, and said with a smile: "There is no need to report, I will Let me introduce you." She said to the waitress with unquestionable taste: "You go out."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Cheng Yongxin, and I work in the big library." The visitor closed the door casually, "Can I sit down? I have a few words to say to you."

"Of course." Yang Xinwu was caught off guard and could only express his welcome, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm—"

"Yang Xinwu, the teacher in Fangcaodi. I know." Cheng Yongxin smiled and touched the pearl necklace on her neck--today she has carefully groomed herself, wearing a simple gray short-sleeved top with a V-neck and a pair of deep Plaid mid-length skirt in green.The moment you enter the teahouse, you already attract a lot of attention.

A glamorous woman will be more convincing when facing men.She deliberately groomed herself precisely to achieve this purpose
Sure enough, her "stunning" outfit, which can be called "rare" in Lingao, had a considerable effect. She noticed that Yang Yuanlao's eyes were instantly confused.

(End of this chapter)

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