Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1454

Chapter 1454

"Won't you buy me something to drink?" Cheng Yongxin blinked.

"Oh, you can do whatever you want, just charge it to my account."

Cheng Yongxin pulled the summoning bell rope and ordered without looking back: "I want a cup of golden coffee without sugar."

Hearing the voice of the waiter closing the door, she continued, "You must be worried about Yang Jihong."

"That's right—" Yang Xinwu nodded absently, then he remembered something, and asked back, "How do you know?"

"How do I know that you just leave it alone." Cheng Yongxin smiled faintly, "I'll just ask you a question: Do you love Yang Jihong?"

"Of course." Yang Xinwu nodded, "Besides, she is still pregnant with my child."

"What if she's not pregnant with your child?" Cheng Yongxin's smile was slightly ironic.

"Then I like her too, she is my woman..."

"Let's not talk about those macho love declarations. Judging by your depressed appearance, you probably know the outcome of the case."

Yang Xinwu sighed heavily and did not speak.

"Well, let's assume that the truth is the same as the police's investigation results. You should know what kind of punishment your Yang Jihong is facing."

Before he could speak, Cheng Yongxin continued asking and answering: "According to the "Criminal Law" compiled by the arbitration tribunal, I guess they will convict people for causing death with intentional injury, and the minimum sentence for this crime is ten years. A term of imprisonment - I don't think they'll go to the upper limit."

"I've been thinking of a way to see if I can reduce her charges..."

"You can't think of any way at all, can you? The executive committee will not let go of an opportunity to show that they are 'just and great', almost god-like 'wise'. Yang Jihong, and you, are just players in this big chess game It’s just a pawn. Therefore, you don’t have to expect the executive committee, the arbitration tribunal, and the general office to show mercy to you. They are all people who want to do big things with their hearts in mind.”

Yang Xinwu looked at her blankly.

"Now she is pregnant with your child, so there will definitely be two or three years of residential surveillance until the child's breastfeeding period is over. But what about after that? The Senate probably won't give her an amnesty. It will probably do business and detain her to serve her sentence."

She looked at the man opposite with satisfaction, showing a sad expression.

"I'm going to go to the general office, to the executive committee, to the house party, to Du Wen, to Ji Xin..." He suddenly choked up. He actually doesn't know these people well. How useful would it be to find them? He has no bottom at all.

"Well, even if they are willing to be merciful and willing to pardon your Yang Jihong or let her execute her sentence outside the prison. Indeed, she won't have to suffer from any prison, but do you think Yang Jihong with the word 'murderer' on her head is still okay?" Can you continue to be your life secretary? Can you still be the mother of the future elder? You are too naive!"

Yang Xinwu was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought about this.He originally thought about whether he could help her reduce her sentence as much as possible and return to him as soon as possible.

"Think about it, when your child is two or three years old, when he is most attached to his mother, he loses his mother."

Cheng Yongxin deliberately paused when he said this, to let him fully understand the meaning of it.

"And you are a healthy man, not yet 30 years old. It is impossible and inhumane for you to abstain from sexual intercourse for seven or eight years. Besides, the Senate has long condoned male elders to engage in de facto polygamy, so You will definitely buy a new life secretary, maybe there will be more than one. What about Yang Jihong's child that you value most now? Congratulations, you have found several stepmothers for him—to be honest, I don't believe women can do it. Be a good stepmother—if you can’t do it well, just do it badly to the end. Besides, newcomers will give birth to you, and they definitely want their children to have fewer competitors. Children without mothers are grass—what is the old saying : Where there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather.”

Yang Xinwu lowered his head in pain.

Cheng Yongxin was unmoved: "You are so busy in Fangcaodi, and you probably just eat and sleep when you go home every day. You don't even ask how your children are doing, anyway, you will have many children by then. So one day, you When you go home at night, one of your maids will shed a few tears and tell you: Yang Jihong’s child died—probably died of a sudden illness, maybe fell into the water and drowned, or fell down the mountain and died ――In short, he is dead. At that time, I am afraid you will just 'know' the matter? Anyway, this child is not important to you anymore. "

Yang Xinwu's face was distorted due to the pain, and he couldn't help shouting: "Stop talking!!!"

"If you're not afraid, why yell at me?" Cheng Yongxin sneered and glanced at him, "You're very scared because you know it's almost certain to happen—"

"do not talk."

Cheng Yongxin watched this man slowly collapse in front of her, and felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart: I just want this effect.

"People have weaknesses. Instead of testing your own will, it's better not to let these things happen, are you right?"

Yang Xinwu nodded slowly: "What should I do to save her?"

"It's actually very simple." Cheng Yongxin smiled lazily, "You are a veteran, what does the "Common Program" say about the power of veterans? It's not too late."

After seeing off the last visiting elder, it was already very late.Xiao Zishan looked at his calendar, he had almost finished the things to be done today, and the rest would be in time tomorrow morning.

Just as he was about to order the car to be ready to go back to sleep, another clerk suddenly came to inform: Elder Yang Xinwu wanted to see him.

"He has been waiting for quite a while. I told him that you might be late at the reception, so I asked him to come back tomorrow, but Elder Yang Yuan just refused and insisted on seeing you today."

"It's okay, let him come in." Xiao Zishan knew that this person came again because of Yang Jihong's affairs.

To be honest, Xiao Zishan didn’t think it was a big deal at first, without Yang Jihong and Li Jihong, there are so many students in the maid school, the pain is temporary, masturbate, drink a cup, sleep, wake up and go to the maid school A new girl with longer legs than Dong Qian and plumper Zhang Quanling will soon forget about Yang Jihong's big boobs and her baby.I didn't expect him to be excited.Asked all day long how to keep Yang Jihong.

Yang Xinwu's face was gloomy, and even Xiao Zishan's "enthusiastic handshake" was perfunctory when he entered the office, and asked directly: "How should the office deal with Yang Jihong?"

"The general office is only Yang Jihong's management department. How this case will be judged depends on the arbitration tribunal." Xiao Zishan thought to himself, this old man Yang is really affectionate, "Don't worry too much, after all, this case happened for a reason, no She will be sentenced to death. Besides, she is still pregnant. Don't worry, she is now under house arrest in the second guest house, and she is taken care of in daily life. She will not suffer."

Yang Xinwu didn't speak, he seemed to be hesitating, and after a while he said: "Director Xiao, I have an idea, do you think it will work?"

"I want to take the case down. I'm a veteran. Killing Lin Xiaoya is only fined three drinks. I don't have any political ideas..."

Xiao Zishan was dumbfounded, Yang Xinwu's behavior greatly exceeded his expectations.For a moment, he believed in love again.

But it's one thing to believe in love, and another thing to be crazy about Yang Xinwu's actions.

That's right, according to the provisions of the "Common Program", Yang Xinwu can indeed use this loophole to protect his maid.But this is tantamount to completely rejecting all the investigation results of the police headquarters so far, and instantly clearing the established evidence chain to zero.Xiao Zishan is very aware of the consequences of this matter: the police headquarters and the arbitration tribunal will have strong reactions, and Yang Xinwu's culpability is not the same as the Senate's amnesty. have to.

"This—you sit down first." Xiao Zishan knew that he had a good meal in Li Xiaolu's dormitory, and his good expectation of having sex was constantly being postponed.Maybe it will be a protracted war. "It doesn't seem so good, does it?"

"I know it's not good, but I can't think of a better way." Yang Xinwu sat down on the rattan sofa and put his hands in his messy hair. Living, a mother with the title of murderer probably won't be able to stand up in the crowd... I don't want to do this."

Xiao Zishan shook his head: "I know you have deep feelings for Yang Jihong, and you also consider the child's problem, but have you ever thought that if you take the blame, you will become a 'murderer'—"

"I am a veteran. Killing aborigines and naturalized people is not subject to criminal prosecution. This is clearly stipulated in the "Common Program". As for black materials and so on, I don't care: anyway, I teach in Fangcaodi, and I will be a teacher in the future. An educator who is too mediocre does not want to be the Minister of Education, nor does he want to be a member of the Executive Committee or the Standing Committee..."

"Okay, let's analyze the pros and cons." Xiao Zishan has already sank, "Yang Jihong was convicted, but one of your children became a 'murderer's child'; if you take this crime, then all your children They've all become 'children of murderers'," Xiao Zishan drew his voice, "Don't you want your descendants to carry the ancestor of a murderer's elder on their backs for generations?"

Xiao Zishan's words were like thunder, and Yang Xinwu, who had been in a daze, seemed to have a bucket of cold water poured on his head.Suddenly, I broke out in a cold sweat. I thought that I could save Yang Jihong's mother and son by sacrificing a little fame, but I didn't expect it to be a poison that would harm the children and grandchildren.

"I understand. I understand." Yang Xinwu stood up, he almost collapsed, "I'm going to take a rest."

"Prepare a carriage for Elder Yang!" Xiao Zishan opened the office door and greeted him.

"No, I can go back by myself—"

(End of this chapter)

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