Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1458

Chapter 1458

"What legal question?"

Wu Nanhai thought to himself, it's too bad. His pretentiously deep questioning aroused the other party's suspicion and vigilance.This is not good, you should guide the other party in a casual discussion.

He immediately restored his peaceful and generous smile at the meetings of the Council of Agriculture and the Senate: "I mean, although this case does not involve the senator, at least it is the naturalized person who is closest to the senator. underestimate."

Ji Xin didn't speak.A few days ago, he just attended a meeting of the Law Society. The main content of the meeting was the trial of Yang Jihong's case: professional discussions on the litigation process, applicable law, conviction and sentencing.However, he did not express much opinion at the meeting.In his view, the Yang Jihong case has something deeper than simply discussing how to interrogate.

Wu Nanhai saw that he did not show an expression of refusal, so he continued:

"You know, I don't know much about legal issues, but Yang Xinwu——I don't know if you are familiar with him. Since the incident with Yang Jihong happened, he has spent every day at my place, hanging down his head and drowning his sorrows with wine. The young people made it decadent. Out of comradely friendship and a responsible attitude towards customers, I am a little worried to be honest... Yang Jihong’s incident, no matter how you say it, is "pity". She is such a lonely girl. We work as a maid here—to put it bluntly, it is very pitiful. Now she is pregnant with Yang Yuanlao’s child and has become a suspect and detained. Although she is only a naturalized citizen, she still has two lives. No matter what From any point of view, we should all carry forward the spirit of humanitarianism-I personally think that she can be lenient."

These words are sincere and touching, and with Lao Wu's tolerant and loving face, the persuasion is quite strong.

However, there was a strange expression on Ji Xin's face. Wu Nanhai felt that something was wrong, but the words had already been spoken and he couldn't swallow them back, so he could only continue to speak according to the original train of thought:

"You see, the core of this matter is the identity and rights of the aborigines. As long as sufficient legal assistance can be given, I believe it is still..."

Ji Xin nodded, and interrupted him: "Are you suggesting that I become a defense lawyer for Yang Jihong?"

For a moment, Wu Nanhai felt slightly embarrassed, but since his purpose had been seen through, and the futile cover-up was useless, he could only nod: "That's right." It seemed to explain his suggestion, "Although she is a naturalized native , after all, two lives are involved, as well as the flesh and blood of the elders, it really fell into the hands of Fu Youdi—oh, I can’t even imagine it. I can’t bear it myself.”

Ji Xin said: "It's impossible to fall into Fu Youdi, but the maid system itself is reactionary and inhumane. I don't agree with it."

"That's right, I don't agree with this kind of slavery. So I hope you can use your legal knowledge to save her." Wu Nanhai picked up the teacup, "Same sky, same face."

This is a lyric from an old time and space, which is now used by Ji Xin as the slogan of the Indigenous Rights Protection Association.Ji Xin was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said:

"I am duty-bound to this matter. Since I have established this association, even if it is my one-person association, I will go all the way to the dark - I will do it myself. However, the recent situation makes me feel that the case is a bit complicated..." He pondered After a while, he said, "You are the third person to suggest this to me in the past few days."

This time it was Wu Nanhai's turn to show a surprised expression, and he couldn't help asking, "Who else?"

"One is Elder Yang himself." Ji Xin was thoughtful, "There is also a female elder I am not familiar with."

"Female elder?!"

"Yes," Ji Xinxin began, scratching his chin, "I can't remember her name, maybe her surname is Cheng."

"Cheng Yongxin?"

"Yes, that's the name." Ji Xin nodded, "She also came to talk to me about this matter, and she also talked to me about the protection of the rights and interests of aboriginal women - I feel that she is quite a thoughtful person, if not for herself Explain, I thought she was sent by the Queen."

"Oh," Wu Nanhai said noncommittally.What is she doing here to help?Wu Nanhai realized that there was a problem here. Last time when Xiao Zishan made a special call to find out who talked to Yang Xinwu and which elders, he saw the name Cheng Yongxin from the hospitality consumption record book of the tea house.Moreover, the waitress also said that she saw Cheng Yongxin entering Yang Xinwu's box.Elder Yang also specially ordered more coffee.

Wu Nanhai regretted his involvement in this matter.But things have come to this point and can no longer back down.He half-jokingly said:
"I just like to meddle in other people's business. I don't want my comrades to be depressed. It affects my business. Besides, I'm going to be a father soon—a baby daddy can't see children suffer. Don't say that Yang Jihong's baby is a veteran Even if it’s not her bloodline, for the sake of the unborn child, we should try to save her.”

"However, this case is indeed a bit of a headache. I have read the materials. The facts are clear and the evidence is sufficient. It may be difficult to defend innocence. It can only be played from a 'humanitarian' perspective."

Wu Nanhai originally thought that he had mastered the "rare goods" to solve this case, but he decided not to reveal the current situation for the time being, so as not to make Ji Xin doubt his over-enthusiasm.

"It's up to you to worry about it. What are you trying to do in this time and space? Do you want to be a master soon? The key to Popova's matter is about the face of the old man Yang, and it is also about the face of many soy sauce veterans. Please handle it with the law enforcement officers."

"I'll do my best."

After seeing off Ji Xin, Wu Nanhai quietly returned to the "tentative room" - the "manager's office" office of the tea house.The scale of the teahouse is expanding day by day, Chuqing seldom goes to the front desk to greet guests in person.It is mainly to "catch the boss" in the "counterhouse".At the beginning, she specially studied simple business accounting by herself, and now she is in charge of all the accounts and operations of the teahouse.

Although he didn't know exactly what kind of medicine Cheng Yongxin sold in the gourd, he had already started to pay attention to this mysterious woman after the last inquiry from the office, and asked Chu Qing and the waitresses to pay more attention to her movements.

"Sanggong, what's the matter with you? What's the matter?" Chu Qing asked with concern after seeing him come in with a cloudy complexion.

"Nothing," Wu Nanhai shook his head, "Are you busy now?"

"Don't be busy, those two girls are very smart, I have already taught her the bookkeeping method of the tea house, which made me feel a lot easier..."

The business is very good, so good that the loan from Delong was paid off two-thirds of the time in advance.After the busy business, the "account room" has been upgraded to "manager's office".Because Chuqing was found to be pregnant three months ago, Chuqing discussed with Wu Nanhai to buy two maid students with good financial performance from the maid school, and arrange them to be in charge of the teahouse's finances at the "manager's office". Accounts and administrative work.

Wu Nanhai originally wanted to be promoted from among the senior waitresses in the teahouse, but Chu Qing felt that all the waitresses in the teahouse were now naturalized citizens who had taken off their citizenship. She was worried and insisted on buying students with absolute contracts from the maid school .

Wu Nanhai doesn't think this is good—but Chu Qing thinks it's good: "This way I can feel at ease, and it's convenient for me to teach and discipline. Otherwise, I won't be able to beat or scold, and it's hard to manage. Besides, if I do well in the future, I will Just let them get rid of their citizenship. If they don’t do well, they will be demoted to become waiters. Use both grace and power to control them.”

Wu Nanhai couldn't hold back his wife, so he agreed.

"You do one thing for me. Do it quietly." Wu Nanhai lowered his voice, and Guan Zhaoqing sorted out all the consumption records of Cheng Yongxin in the teahouse since the Yang case happened.

"... When did she come, how long did she stay, what did she spend, which table did she sit at, and who sat at the same table or in a box with her, you sort it out, register it separately and give it to me—— You do it yourself."

"Okay, Mr. Chu Qing." Chu Qing was a little confused, but she never asked much about the matters between the elders.

The account books of the tea house are very complicated, all of which are stored in a small locked room in the tea house tent.Only Wu Nanhai and Chu Qing have the key.In one of these is a row of black-painted filing cabinets, where records of visits and consumption by the patriarchs are kept by date.With the help of the card index, it is easy to find the consumption records of each veteran, including what they ordered, the amount consumed, the seat number or box number, and the naturalized people who came together.

The account book does not include the content of the conversation, which is absolutely taboo. Wu Nanhai will not be so stunned by Li Lingzhi, but just who has sat at the same table with whom, or entered a box, is enough to deduce a lot of situations .

He saw the materials Chuqing sorted out the next day.Wu Nanhai was surprised when he saw her spending records in the teahouse these days.From the records, Cheng Yongxin came to the teahouse almost every day these days and met with some people frequently.Only Mu Min, Sarina, Su Guan, Yang Xinwu, and Pan Pan and others were the only ones who had an obvious connection with the Yang Jihong case.

Wu Nanhai took a pencil and sketched on the white paper: Mu Min, Sarina, and Su Guan are all members of the national police and are directly responsible for the case. Pan Pan is the propaganda department. What these four people have in common is that they are all woman.

Three women in one drama, now Cheng Yongxin and Mu Min are added, five women, all of them are veterans, what do you want to do together?Wu Nanhai hesitated for a while, took out the PHS from the locked drawer, and dialed a number:
"Director Xiao? I'm Nan Hai, I have something to report to you—"

(End of this chapter)

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