Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1459

Chapter 1459

After Ji Xin came back from the teahouse, he felt that this matter was very strange.Ever since he established the "Indigenous Protection Association", he has become a "weird" that the elders shunned. Except for the members of the Law Society who invite him to attend meetings from time to time due to their professional relationship, he has become a People with few social activities and personal contacts.On the contrary, it made him feel that he could play freely without worrying about anyone's feelings.

Recently, three people he was not familiar with came to him in succession, asking him to defend the Yang Jihong case—except for Yang Xinwu, the other two were basically outsiders—even Ji Xin, the ultimate soy sauce veteran who doesn’t care about worldly affairs, knows this The head is not simple.

Still, he took the case.In his view, no matter what purpose they have, since the provision of defense lawyers is a legal procedure stipulated in the "Draft Criminal Appeal Law" prepared by the arbitral tribunal, someone still needs to do it.Rather than entrusting it to a half-hearted, purely coping veteran of the Law Society, it is better for him to do it-at least he will do his best.

Ji Xin usually doesn't live in the veterans' dormitory area, but a single dormitory in a secluded corner of Fangcaodi Education Park.Common people are hard to find.He lives a solitary life here, without even a maid, and eats directly in the cafeteria.The office hired a part-time maid for him to clean his room once a day and change his clothes and bed sheets by the way.

When I opened the door, there was a cold smell in the room. The room was not big, with a single bed, a simple board-type bookshelf against the wall, and an iron safe, which was a standard configuration for all senior residences and offices.There is a writing desk by the window, and on the desk are piles of books and documents except for a picture frame.Almost flooded the entire table.

Most of the materials on the table are related to the case of Lin Xiaoya.In addition to all the investigation materials of the national police on the case, the legal documents handed over also include the discussion minutes of several meetings of the Law Society, and the opinions and opinions on the matter circulated by several key members of the Law Society in the form of internal memos of the arbitral tribunal. Discussion, and various legal texts: not only Chinese laws in old time and space, but also legal texts of the United States, Germany, Japan and Taiwan.Of course, the ancient Chinese and vernacular versions of "Daming Law", "Dagao" and related research papers and monographs published by the Great Library are indispensable.

Ji Xin opened the window and poured out the overnight tea from the cup on the table.Looking across the table, he suddenly froze: someone has entered his room!
In terms of the simplicity of his room, it is impossible to see whether anyone has come in, but his desk looks chaotic, but in fact it is stacked regularly, but now there are obvious signs of movement, and it is placed on his desk. The frame of the photo has moved, as if someone picked it up and looked at it.

The room had a padlock made locally, and he hadn't felt the lock had been broken just now when he opened the door.In addition to him, Fangcaodi's security department and his hourly workers have keys and can open the door at any time.However, the key of the administrative department is a backup and is generally not used; while the part-time workers know their own requirements and never touch the things on the desk when cleaning the room.

There is nothing important in this room, except for the bedding, some change of clothes, books published by the large library, and valuable and important personal belongings are either stored in the dormitory in the veteran's dormitory area or stored in the storage in the office.

As for the documents and materials that can be classified as secret, they are locked in the safe as usual-the Political Security Bureau and the General Office will often come to organize surprise inspections on a regular basis.As a rule, the IDs of those who violated the "Secrecy Regulations" were "hanging their heads" on the internal BBS.He will also be named in Morning Star magazine.

Although these things on the table involve materials from the old time and space, they are all things that have been edited and republished by the Office of Truth, and it doesn't matter much even if a native sees them.

Who, for what, and how did they get into his room?
"One Lin Xiaoya died, one Yang Jihong was captured, and there seemed to be more than one Yang Xinwu jumping up and down anxiously."

Ji Xin was thinking in his mind when suddenly the PHS phone in the drawer rang—this is really a rare thing, his PHS is rarely called by anyone, and sometimes no one calls for a month or two Come in.

"Is it Mr. Ji?" A charming female voice came from the phone.The slightly whiny voice made him immediately remember who this person was.

"You are--"

"Yes, your ears are really good. I'm Cheng Yongxin." A chuckle came from the phone, "Is Mr. Ji free recently?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"If it's convenient, let's have tea in the big library tomorrow. I'll sweep the flowers and wait."

"Is it still about Yang Jihong's case?"

"Look at what you said, don't we have nothing else to talk about except Yang Jihong's case? I will also introduce you to a new friend. I think you will find it worthwhile to visit."

Ji Xin's curiosity was immediately piqued: Which song are these people singing?He decided to go and have a look.As for this burglary case, he decided not to report it for the time being, but to check the situation first.

"Baby Cheng Cheng, do you really think this is appropriate?" Pan Pan asked in Cheng Yongxin's office.

These days, Pan Pan and Cheng Yongxin's friendship has been warming up day by day, and has entered a stage of getting bored—in terms of girlfriends, there is no separation between Chinese and foreign—Although Pan Pan has moved back to the dormitory, he gradually stays out overnight.She often spends the night in Cheng Yongxin's dormitory, and the two of them drink wine and talk all night long.Ding Ding has nothing to do about this——Pan Pan has begun to become able to "act".The once-sharp, generous, happy American girl who had attracted him in the past had become bitter and whiny.They couldn't even communicate with each other. Although the two still had sex frequently, the good times of talking about life, ideals and literature all night under the stars had become a thing of the past.

"Why isn't it suitable?" Cheng Yongxin asked back.

"This is a kind of personal insult to Yang Jihong, Lin Xiaoya who died, and those maids. It completely denies their personality."

"It's not me who completely denies their personality, but the Senate, which has always been glorious, great and correct." Cheng Yongxin sneered, "These absolute contracts, the maid system, and the slave trade are all policies formulated by the Senate. We just took advantage of their It's just empty."

Pan Pan was thoughtful.

"Baby Panpan, your political sense is too low. Think about it, once our defense is thrown out in court, what will happen?"

"Then Yang will definitely be able to get away with it, just ask her master to pay the general office a sum of money. Even she doesn't need to be charged with murder."

"Bingo! And then?"

"Then?" Pan Pan had a puzzled look on his face.

"The group of people from the Law Society are going to slap themselves, denying the 'governing the country by law' that they blare all day long--so they will hold their noses and admit it and follow my plan. But the follow-up in the Senate It will be very lively: Mr. Yang, who is dedicated to saving his maid, and a group of seniors who regard the status of the senior as a super-citizen will celebrate each other; and the Law Society will definitely rebound strongly. As for the seniors, there is no need for Du Wen to jump up and down—— The rabbit dies and the fox is sad, although Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya are natives, what do you think they will think?"

"Yeah, you have to make your own voice, the Law Society, and others—especially the fringe veterans who have nothing but votes. They see their situation in that old man Yang. Everyone will realize that he needs

"Newspapers, media."

"Baby Panpan, you have finally come to this realization." Cheng Yongxin opened the kvass, tilted his head slightly, and took a big gulp.

"I think you are also very clear that you are a trouble that has been deliberately downplayed in this system."

Her voice was gentle and clear, but her content was cold and merciless.

"You have to be thankful that modern education is still quite successful: Although the executive committee thinks that you are annoying to jump up and down, it will never do anything to you as a fig leaf, otherwise it will not be able to treat those soy sauce veterans who have not successfully changed roles confess.

Facing Pan Pan with a livid face, Cheng Yongxin was very indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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