Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1460

Chapter 1460

"I didn't intend to provoke your relationship with Tintin. In fact, I have to praise him on this point. From his point of view, he correctly chose the fastest and most effective protection method at the time── ─It just makes you run around without knowing why."

Pan Pan thought for a while, and then understood what Cheng Yongxin meant.

That's right, after seeing the miserable situation at the bottom of Ming Dynasty, I did compromise with the executive committee: the system of the Senate is definitely not the best, but it is the best in this time and space.

Starving to death and then being eaten by others, and implicitly being squeezed by the capital system of the Senate, she also chose the latter.

"So you think it's wise for me to give up my freedom of press?"

Facing Pan Pan who was gnashing his teeth faintly, Cheng Yongxin evoked a playful smile.

"On the contrary, I'm here to show you a way -- the art of how to dance on the edge of the executive's tolerance."

Pan Pan had to admit that she was moved.

"Are you so sure that I am willing to be used as a weapon by you? You know, I think you are a scheming woman now."

"You're wrong, I'm actually not good at scheming. In fact, I prefer not to give room for scheming at all. Whether it's saving Yang Jihong or letting the media play its true role, does it have anything to do with my personal interests? ? I have no relationship with Yang Xinwu, and I don't like Yang Jihong, a "black woman who is obedient and obedient". As for the media, I am not a reporter and I have no intention of entering this industry."

After all, Pan Pan was born as a female student of Yanma, and his heart was touched by her few words.

She started to open a bottle of soda water, put it in a glass filled with rum, and took a sip.

"But what about your purpose of promoting freedom of public opinion and media power? As far as I sound, you are obviously sensible and practical, so don't expect me to believe that you are a martyr like Du Wen, willing to give everything for her Women's Federation."

"First and foremost because I'm a woman. You know exactly what I'm worried about."

"I understand that."

"In my opinion, the supervision of public opinion is the only way to check and balance this dangerous trend. And the key is to let the media play a role. Unfortunately," Cheng Yongxin sarcastically, "consciously or unconsciously willing to turn the media into mouthpiece."

Pan Pan nodded silently.

"As for Du Wen, unfortunately, I don't want to have anything to do with her except that I happen to be a woman."


Pan Pan finally became interested.This was the first time she saw Cheng Yongxin showing obvious negative emotions.

"But your remarks are very similar to hers: you basically advocate the protection of women's rights, the monogamy system, and insist on women's right to marry, right? Du Wen also wants to expressly prohibit any behavior of taking concubines."

Cheng Yongxin snorted.

"That's why both you and her will fail, Pan Pan."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Well, can I have another jar of kombucha? I'm afraid I've got a long story to tell."

Pan Panyiyan got up and found a jar for her from the small refrigerator.

"Okay, do you need me to take notes?"

Cheng Yongxin took a few sips of drink, smiled and said:

"There is no need to be so hostile, Pan Pan. This is actually an obvious fact, but none of you realize its importance."

Panpan responded by raising an eyebrow.

"We're not in 2013, we're in 1632."

"Of course I know that."

"No, you don't know, you don't understand what this era means."

Cheng Yongxin sighed.

"Why do you think modern times are called progress? Where do you think women's rights come from? Do you also believe that all men are created equal?"

Pan Pan frowned.

"Of course not. But, if we go back to hundreds of years ago, will the power go back hundreds of years?"

"That's why I said that both you and Du Wen will fail—what do you think is the foundation of women's rights and freedom of speech?"

"Basic? The basic is of course..."

Cheng Yongxin leaned back in the chair, smiling slightly mockingly.

"Did you find it? That's right. Du Wen felt that there was a women's federation in the old world, so there should be one in this time and space. The question is, do the laws of the old time and space have any binding force on the current Senate? We just formulated a What's called the "Programme"!"

Facing the stunned Pan Pan, Cheng Yongxin stood up, leaned against the window, and stared into the distance.

"Du Wen didn't realize where she was staying at all. The situation we faced was that in the time and space of 1632, once she left the Senate, no woman except Selina had the ability to protect herself. Even The same goes for Selina, her bullets will run out one day, she needs to rest, and it is impossible not to eat at all. As long as she has patience and perseverance, any man can do whatever she wants to her, and she will only have two options: obedience or suicide. There are two paths to choose—as long as she dares to leave the Senate."

The words are harsh, but Pan Pan must admit that this is the truth.

"Since we cannot do without the Senate, we must admit a premise: this organization is a group established by young and middle-aged men. Limited by this structure, any laws or associations that clearly damage the interests of men cannot be established. Because it violates the interests of the majority. When you get the legislative power, the correct approach is to not let the laws that are not good for you appear in the first place, rather than waiting for the laws to be introduced and then exploiting loopholes.”

Pan Pan bit his lip hard.

"So, because most men want a concubine, even if Du Wen's Women's Federation proposes it, it will be rejected by the majority, right?"

"Yes, I'm glad you finally accepted the truth."

Pan Pan said wearily: "Then what? Just accept the facts like this?"

"How is this possible? If Du Wen's jumping is so powerful that many soy sauce veterans who don't understand the study will subconsciously feel disgusted when they hear women's rights, I wouldn't be so bored with her."

Sighing, Pan Pan raised his hands:
"Okay, I beg you, don't tease me. Since you came to me, it means you must have an idea, right?"

"I have an idea, of course I have it."

Cheng Yongxin smiled, turned around and sat down beside Pan Pan.

"We are a minority group. If we are against the interests of the majority, we will definitely have a bloody head. So, what do you think should be done?"

Pan Pan swallowed his saliva.

"What shall we do?"

Cheng Yongxin lowered her voice, it sounded like a demon bewitching whisper:
"Then let our interests become greater interests-the interests of all the Senate-at least the interests of some of the senators-let us become the majority."

"However, you said that we are a minority, how could our interests be the interests of the majority."

Facing the surprised Pan Pan, Cheng Yongxin shook his head:

"You are wrong. How do you think women's rights in Europe and the United States developed? It was because too many men died in World War I. If they insisted that women can only stay at home to cook and have children, who will work and where will they come from?" Going to serve in the army? That’s why the concept of women’s rights came into being. The same is true for women’s voting rights. To put it simply, someone found out one day that if there were a thousand men and a thousand women in this country, he would There can only get [-] votes there, but women can get [-] votes, so why doesn't he let women have the right to vote? There is no such thing as male or female votes. If there are enough votes, you can be elected president .”

Cheng Yongxin took a sip of kvass and continued:
"To put it bluntly, the reason why Liu San has not scratched the skin at all except for the symbolic punishment is that the benefits he brought to the Senate far exceeded what Wu Yunhua and Du Wen could bring. Women’s rights are definitely not something that should be born. I feel that I am a girl so I should get preferential treatment. Under the premise of this group, the concept of women's rights can only become a consensus when enough elders feel that defending women's rights is defending their own rights, or harming women's interests is taking their interests. , Du Wen jumped up and down, did she help Wu Yunhua? No, not at all. Instead, it wiped out the favor of some veterans who sympathized with women, and it just added trouble to my plan."

Now Pan Pan understands.

"So, it is absolutely impossible now. There are almost no women in the army, and women are also weak in technology-related parts. It is even less likely that there will be female executives in the short term. It means that you don't have to fight and you know you will lose The only thing we can rely on is public opinion."

"That's right. Pan Pan, I don't know if you've noticed that many elders haven't changed their mentality yet. They still think in terms of the ruled, not like a ruler. These marginal elders have always implied There is a worry that they will be gradually marginalized and deprived of power..."

"So they have the same concerns as our female senators, right?"

"Bingo! Now you know why I helped Yang Xinwu. With your help in the media, this originally insignificant case will become a magnifying glass, and many people who were originally indifferent will see clearly through your report Many things, especially when they see their own situation and crisis. Only then will they know what they should support and what they should oppose. When things come to fruition, "Weekly News" and "Lingao Times" are not just a piece of paper written by someone or a certain committee You can kill the news at will and modify the propaganda tools of the report-you are the uncrowned king of public opinion!"

Cheng Yongxin used a low, provocative tone to describe to Pan Pan a brilliant scene that even journalists were thrilled with.

"It's so wonderful, I love you so much, baby Cheng Cheng!" Pan Pan almost hugged her and took a bite.

(End of this chapter)

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