Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462

She noticed that the other party's eyes fell on her long hair that fell on her shoulders inadvertently, and she would secretly glance at her exposed thighs above the knees from time to time, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"I'm sorry to trouble you to come here on purpose today." Cheng Yongxin raised his eyebrows and smiled, "But I'm too busy here to leave."

"I often come here too." Ji Xin said, "Why did you invite me here on purpose?"

"You're so straight to the point." Cheng Yongxin carelessly twirled the ends of her hair that hung over her shoulders, "I just want to ask: what did you think about asking you to be Yang Jihong's lawyer last time?"

"If this is what you asked, I have already decided to accept it—of course, it depends on the arrangement of the arbitral tribunal."

"I know that, you have always respected the leader's decision." Cheng Yongxin said with a slight sarcasm.

Ji Xin was a little uneasy. He knew from the other party's words that the other party must have some kind of intention, but he couldn't figure it out.With deliberately provocative words to her, he decided not to talk about them.

"The decision of the arbitral tribunal is a procedure. Basically, I will definitely defend Yang Jihong. Are there other things?"

Cheng Yongxin took a sip of the black tea, and seemed to think it wasn't sweet enough, so he threw another sugar cube into it and stirred it.

"Oh, then it's all right. You can go if you're busy."

Faced with Ji Xin's astonishment, Cheng Yongxin still stirred her tea casually.

She was waiting for him to attack, but Ji Xin showed no anger on his face, and was about to get up.She had rehearsed it many times in her heart, a verbal dispute, and finally refuted the other party's plan to be speechless, and suddenly fell through.This kind of depressing feeling of accumulating strength for a long time but losing it is simply making people vomit blood from internal injuries.

Spoil yourself!A sentence floated in Cheng Yongxin's mind.She had no choice but to add:
"I mean, if you've made up your mind about the not guilty plea, you can go."

"Defend not guilty?" Ji Xin had already got up to leave, but was scratched by her words.Because he has studied the case files and various legal texts for a long time: it is impossible to defend Yang Jihong's "innocence", he can only make a fuss about the fact that the crime "has a reason".


"I know that you are a legal professional, and you must have your own complete set of defense ideas for this case. However, please listen to my layman's ideas, okay?"

"I'm all ears." Ji Xin nodded.

"Regarding this case, we have all overlooked a very critical situation. It is the identity of the deceased and the suspect. Both are life secretaries - or 'maids' as you like to call them. When these girls came to Lingao They signed an absolute contract. Not only can they not be freed after their service expires like ordinary contracted slaves, but even deny any possibility of redemption—only their masters have the right to give them freedom. Am I right? ?”


"Then they are actually slaves in the true sense."


"I remember that the laws promulgated by the Senate, no matter whether they have been formally implemented or have been drafted for discussion, there is no clause on slavery. So in fact, this system is currently using the clauses of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty."

"It can be understood in this way. In fact, this kind of judicial practice is problematic. It is a 'dual-track system' disguised within a certain period of time. There are many contradictions, and it is very awkward to implement."

"You're quite right. But I don't want to discuss it now. One thing I never found out was whose slaves they were, the Senate or the Senator himself?"

"It belongs to the Senate before there is no senior purchase. After the senior purchases, all rights are transferred to the personal hands of the senior. You also have a life secretary. You should see the transfer contract in her portfolio."

"I'm not interested in studying how to oppress others." Cheng Yongxin picked up a piece of snack, looked at it gracefully before putting it in his mouth.

"So, here comes the problem. In fact, both Lin Xiaoya and Yang Jihong are slaves under the "Da Ming Law" system. The trial is also in accordance with the "Da Ming Law". Can killing a slave be treated as homicide? If so, Sanya's The elders are afraid that it is not enough to hang all the telephone poles from Sanya all the way to Lingao. Therefore, this case was wrongly positioned from the beginning. This is a case of property infringement: Yang Yuanlao’s private property and Yang Jihong’s public property of the Senate Property Lin Xiaoya. The person who needs to bear the legal responsibility is Yang Xinwu, the owner of Yang Jihong, and has nothing to do with Yang Jihong herself—she is just a thing, or in other words, a horse or a dog.”

There was an expression of disbelief on Ji Xin's face.Cheng Yongxin was secretly proud, and continued:
"Older Yang's liability for damages to the property of the Senate: the value of the deceased, and the training expenses of the past few years. As for the maid, since she has no personal rights—it is not considered a person at all—naturally, she has no right to bear the responsibility. It should be handed over to the master. Strict supervision and punishment: As for Yang Yuan always spanking Yang Jihong's buttocks or punishing her to stand in a corner, it's up to you."

"You mean, Yang Jihong killed Lin Xiaoya, and Yang Xinwu paid the Senate a horse?"


"That's not quite right."

"Isn't this the system established by the great Senate?" Cheng Yongxin smiled lazily, "Of course, if you do this, the members of the arbitration tribunal and the national police will not be able to explain it. They will definitely jump up. Our Du The Queen also has to start a big fight, so I have a second plan, although Yang Jihong cannot be innocent, at least it can save her from a few years in prison."

"Please tell me."

"If Mr. Yang proposed to the Senate during the court interrogation: three months ago, he planned to let Yang Jihong quit his citizenship and prepare to officially marry him as his wife, but because the education department has many tasks recently, so all the procedures It has been postponed. But according to the principle of de facto marriage, Yang Jihong should be regarded as his wife—even if the arbitration tribunal does not recognize it, there is no doubt that Yang Jihong is a free citizen. As for the unsubstantiated claims, you can ask other elders to testify—this is a favor I believe that there are many veterans who are willing to do it.

Ji Xin frowned, and he silently took a sip of tea.

"So the case changed again: it became a case of a naturalized man killing a slave in the Senate. In this way, the work of the police and the court was not in vain - the case was still a murder case. But the trial result was different: according to According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, there is a reduced sentence for a person with a high status to kill a person with a low status. A slave threatens a civilian, and the civilian accidentally kills the slave when he counterattacks. It counts as homicide, but the responsibility is reduced by half. This case is sentenced to seven years, then The sentence should be halved to three and a half years, and because the suspect is pregnant, he can be suspended for two to three years, and if he is lucky, he will be released after half a year in prison."

After saying all this in one breath, Cheng Yongxin was still calm and calm, and took a sip of tea gracefully.

Ji Xin maintained an attitude of listening attentively to her when she was speaking, and did not interrupt. Only then did he speak:

"I have a question."

"Please speak."

"Have you read "Da Ming Law"?"

Cheng Yongxin's hands trembled slightly: "I don't think there are many people in the entire Senate who can question my ancient prose skills."

Ji Xin said calmly: "I think, you must have never read "Da Ming Law", nor have you read "Da Gao" or "Da Ming Law Collection Explanation Bylaws" and other books, or even a master's degree about the Ming Dynasty. I haven't read any legal papers."

Cheng Yongxin's face turned pale, and when he picked up the cup, he tilted it abruptly, immediately scalding his tongue, and almost lost his grip on the cup.

Ji Xin continued: "The idea you proposed is indeed very interesting. But it doesn't work from a legal point of view. According to your idea of ​​'servants fight each other' or 'beautiful people kill slaves', the law of the Ming Dynasty stipulates this:
"Anyone who fights and kills shall be strangled regardless of siblings, objects, or golden blades. Therefore, those who kill shall be beheaded.

"Whether killing people in a fight, whether by hands, feet, swords or other tools, shall be punished by hanging. Those who murder intentionally shall be punished by beheading.

"All slaves and maids who beat their beloved will be treated as ordinary people.

"'Mortal' here refers to civilians who have no relationship to each other.

"Whoever a good man beats another's slaves and maidservants, he shall be reduced to the rank of ordinary people; if he dies, he shall be strangled. If slaves and maidservants beat each other and kill each other, each shall follow the usual method of fighting, wounding and killing each other. Those who invade each other's property do not use this method." law.

"Slaves fight with slaves, and they are all sluts, so whether they are beaten, wounded, killed with a blade, or killed, each depends on the theory of fighting.

"That is to say: the fights and murders between slaves and slaves have nothing to do with the owner of the property, and the slaves themselves bear the legal responsibility.

"If a lover, slaves and maidservants invade property, such as stealing, robbing, defrauding, confessing, defrauding, abducting, intimidating, seeking, etc., and thus kill or hurt, the law of addition and subtraction does not apply. Those who beat up their own property will not be treated more severely, and those who die will all be strangled; those whose lovers beat back because they invaded the property of slaves and maidservants will not be treated less, so those who kill will also be beheaded.

"A good citizen who beats a servant is less punished than a good citizen who beats a good citizen. It's just a lighter punishment, not halved as you said. The one hundred rods are reduced to ninety rods, and the beheaded punishment is reduced to one degree. Hanging, that's all. If a good citizen beats a slave to death, or kills a slave intentionally, there will be no reduction, and the punishments are hanging and beheading respectively.

"The law of the Ming Dynasty only stipulates that masters and their close relatives do not have to pay with their lives for killing slaves, but good people still have to pay with their lives for killing other people's slaves.

"The law of the Ming Dynasty even stipulates that if the cause of the fight is that good people violated slaves first, then the law of addition and subtraction does not apply, which means it is regarded as a fight between good people."

Ji Xin even endorsed and explained the legal responsibilities of lovers and slaves in such cases clearly and neatly.Cheng Yongxin was still holding the cup in his hand, unable to speak a word.

(End of this chapter)

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