Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1463 Sun Shangxiang's Internship

Chapter 1463 Sun Shangxiang's Internship
"When it comes to your knowledge of ancient prose, I'm not qualified to question your proficiency in ancient Chinese, but obviously you don't understand the law either." Ji Xin said lightly, "To be honest, before I checked the books, I really didn't expect to represent the interests of the reactionary landlord class. The "Law of the Ming Dynasty" is not completely one-sided in favor of good people and discriminates against slaves. Compared with good people, slaves are "lower people" rather than "items", let alone a dog or a horse. To the master In other words, slaves are not entirely 'items'. The master kills a slave for no reason, and he will be sentenced to sixty years of imprisonment. Although it is only one year in prison, it is also criminal responsibility after all. Obviously, a person will not be punished for smashing his own TV. Sentenced. Objectively speaking, Daming's slaves still enjoy a little bit more human rights than you imagine."

"Are you sure you really have to read "Law of the Ming Dynasty"?" Cheng Yongxin had regained his composure, and said indifferently.

Ji Xin smiled slightly, and refused to answer her words: "As for the killings of those elders in Sanya, what they did was an act of the government, not an individual murder. If it is necessary to hang the pole, the court, the police station, the army, etc. The people in the powerful agencies are going to hang the poles-of course, maybe there are many people in Hong Kong and Taiwan who think so.

"Let's go back to the case of Yang Jihong. According to the modern concept of the arbitration tribunal, the death penalty is generally not imposed for unintentional homicide. According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, the sentence is death penalty. .So I don’t think it’s better to refer to the Law of the Ming Dynasty.”

After speaking, he stood up and dusted his clothes: "If you have nothing to do, I will leave first. Thank you for the black tea."

"Crack", as Ji Xin's footsteps went away, there was a cracking sound of a teacup in the exquisite small courtyard.

Today is the first day of Sun Shangxiang's internship at the "Lingao Times" agency. She got up early in the morning and took care of all the housework at home.

These days, because Cheng Yongxin spends most of his time outside, he only comes back to sleep at night.So there's no need to cook, and less cleaning and washing.He only told her to go out more after finishing the housework every day, and to make friends with the maids of other families more often.Sun Shangxiang happily wandered around the veterans' dormitory area and the farm tea house where the maids often go, and met many maids.

"It's time to say goodbye to such a leisurely life." Sun Shangxiang imitated Cheng Yuan's sentence patterns, and said to himself in the mirror.

Sun Shangxiang in the full-length mirror is wearing an improved version of Hanfu, which was designed by her master herself. Sun Shangxiang is very dexterous, and has learned modern cutting and sewing techniques in the maid school system, and can make clothing very concretely according to the renderings. come out.

The improved Hanfu on her body was improved according to the basic style of the breast-length Confucian skirt and half-arm.The so-called improvement refers to some changes made according to the concept of modern clothing, including shrinking cuffs, shortening skirts, and tailoring clothes for a more slim fit.As for the effect on the body, a young girl like a life secretary will definitely not look ugly in it, not to mention that the satin fabrics used to make these clothes are all selected from the trophy warehouse or the Chinese clothes sent by Hangzhou Station for the office. Premium product.

Sun Shangxiang likes this dress very much, especially the material used-although she can barely be regarded as the daughter of an official family, but Jiaodong has always been poor, and her father is a small job with sesame and mung beans. It is coarse cloth woven by local farmers. Even a piece of Songjiang fine cloth is rare, let alone all kinds of silk and satin.The "red dress" that my mother never forgot to wear in the main room was only made of thickly dyed cheap Shandong cocoon silk--it was taken out to wear during the festivals and had to be put away in a hurry.

It's just that she's still not quite used to her calves exposed outside the skirt in knee socks. No matter what the elders say, she thinks it's too "".Of course, she didn't dare to say this, because some of her miss Cheng Yuanlao's skirts were much shorter than hers.As for my pair of "liberated feet" that have been tied up, it is also very ugly to show them outside the skirt: girls in the boudoir should not show their feet, but now they have to show them, and they can't wear three-inch bow shoes. A pair of black cloth shoes with buckles instead It exposed her deformed feet that had been bound and loosened.

"What kind of veteran is a bunch of savages." Seeing her ugly feet and calves exposed under the "shameless" short skirt, Sun Shangxiang blurted out unconsciously.

Immediately, she was frightened by herself.Are you trying to kill yourself!How did you blurt out this idea?
Even though she knew she was the only one in the room, she still looked around guiltily. The room was quiet, the sunlight came in from the open window, the room was bright, and the curtains were slightly lifted in the breeze—a tranquility.

Sun Shangxiang touched his chest and let out a guilty breath.

She touched her bun and headgear: the double maids wore ribbons with two bows.The bangs are also neatly combed.She took out a delicate wallet from the thick cotton satchel she was carrying across her shoulders - Chief Cheng gave her recently.She checked the contents of her wallet: the consumption supplementary card of the tea house, the supplementary card of Delong Veteran's credit card, a few hundred yuan circulation coupons in cash, her ID card, special pass...and a business card of Cheng Yongxin.This kind of business card is not the business card that was randomly distributed all over the sky in the old time and space, but something similar to the name card used by the Ming gentry.

After checking all this, Sun Shangxiang went out: she will buy some things for herself today according to the command of the chief.Prepare yourself to be an "apprentice" to that yellow-haired woman.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the chief's order, she wouldn't have learned anything from this old lady.She has a strong and weird scent that even the chief dislikes, and she speaks surprisingly loudly, with exaggerated expressions on her face and waving her arms from time to time.It was as weird as it could be.

She watched coldly on weekdays, knowing that although the master valued this woman very much, he often ate, drank tea and chatted with her, and sometimes even stayed with her overnight.He spoke very politely to her, even affectionate at times, but he didn't really like her.

As for an apprentice, she would rather be an apprentice to Chief Ji who came to visit yesterday.Although he was dressed in simple clothes, he had an elegant appearance, a square temperament, and he spoke in an orderly manner, with the official appearance of a scholar.It was the first time for Sun Shangxiang to see someone who could make her always eloquent master speechless, and even smashed a good fine porcelain teacup in anger—even though she didn't understand what they were talking about .

The activities in the veteran's dormitory area started at dawn. At this time, most of the maids had already gone out to purchase, and there were only a few maids walking around with their children in the empty field downstairs.The oldest of these Yuan Erdai is already a toddler, and the youngest can only drooling looking at this new world.

Some maids still don't take off the habit of the past, wearing cotton aprons, putting the children in the vine swinging carts, and sitting on the side picking vegetables and peeling beans.

Sun Shangxiang despised this kind of behavior very much. Although her family was not well-off when she was at home, and the women in the family sometimes had to show their faces, it was absolutely impossible for her to wander the streets with her children and even do housework.

Ms. Cheng is right: most of the chief executives and maids are from low-class backgrounds and do not understand the etiquette and enjoyment of rich and noble families.They are clearly wealthy, but they can't afford a single mansion. They live in a birdcage-like building, and each family's space is much smaller than that of her family, a small hereditary military officer.

The place Sun Shangxiang is going to today is shop No. 43 of the cooperative.This is one of a series of special supply stores for veterans set up by the general office: the No. 43 store of the Senate Cooperative Headquarters in Dongmen City specializes in daily necessities; the special fresh supply store in Nanhai Experimental Farm supplies food , Vegetables, fruits, poultry eggs, meat and aquatic products; the special food store in the general office of the farm tea house supplies various processed non-staple foods; seafood is supplied by the seafood processing factory store according to order.

Credit cards issued by Delong Bank for the elders are used in these special stores for consumption.In order to facilitate the shopping of the maid in charge of the household, a limited supplementary card signed by the elders is specially issued.

Sun Shangxiang left the dormitory area, took a public carriage to Dongmen City.The streets in the morning are already bustling: workers who go to work everywhere pour in and out from all the streets.All the shops in Dongmen City have opened for business. The early vendors with business licenses opened earlier than the shops. The aroma of various foods mixed with the steam from the boiling pot permeated the air.

Even in Dongmen City, a street where naturalized people are the mainstay, Sun Shangxiang's clothing is very eye-catching.Many eyes were cast on her immediately.Mixed with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.Both the naturalized people and the natives know that the only ones who can wear these clothes are the female students who have a bright future in Fangcao, and only the maids who serve beside the elders.

Sun Shangxiang was secretly complacent, deliberately slowing down her pace, and fully enjoying the feeling of being noticed—although she knew in her heart that such "extraordinary clothes, showing her face" to attract attention was suspected of "attracting bees and butterflies", and it was not for a chaste lady. Behavior, I still feel that my heart is very useful.

She left the main road and entered a side road.There are far fewer people here.At the end of the branch road, there are very few people.At one end of the branch road, there stands a small shop with only one bay.Although the facade is small, it is a three-story building.There is only an inconspicuous sign hanging on the facade, which says Supply Department No. 43 of the cooperative.And the house number here is also No. 43.

Bamboo curtains were hung on the facade to shade the sun, and one could not see anything from the street. From then on, Sun Shangxiang lifted the bamboo curtains and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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