Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1466 The New Pill Party

Chapter 1466 The New Pill Party
Seeing his solemn expression, Li Xiaolu asked in a low voice, "Is it serious?"

"I don't know yet." Xiao Zishan leaned his head on the sofa, "But someone is Xiang Zhuang dancing sword."

"Who is full and has nothing to do, and wants to inquire about your affairs? Want to pull your pigtails?"

"I don't know yet, but this Sun Shangxiang is obviously instigated by someone to win over Qiqi. It's not clear what purpose her master has."

"Then I'll tell Qiqi to continue to play with her, and play tricks on her." Li Xiaolu said in a low voice.

"I'm more worried about the proposal she leaked to abolish the school." Xiao Zishan was a little worried, "This matter is currently in the stage of internal discussion, and few elders know about it. If it is leaked by her, it's hard to say whether anyone will take the opportunity to make trouble .”

"Indeed, no matter what, if you reveal this matter, at least you won't be able to escape the issue of leaking secrets." Li Xiaolu said, "I am obviously not the elder of the bill that you should disclose."

"Yes." Xiao Zishan showed a trace of worry on his face, "The big deal is that you just refuse to admit it."

Li Xiaolu drew circles on his thigh with his fingers, and pondered, "I have an idea."

"What?" Xiao Zishan asked casually.

"Sun Shangxiang got the news of the abolition of the school from Qi Qi, so we used Qi Qi to reveal some similar information to the maids in the tea room to mix up the water."

Xiao Zishan glanced at Li Xiaolu: "You really have ideas."

"That's right. I like to read Gongdou novels the most. How can I not understand this routine?"

"En." Xiao Zishan didn't speak, he was silent for a while, and said: "Why don't we apply to the general office for marriage in a few days."

Li Xiaolu burst out laughing: "Fart, you are the director of the office, you should report and approve yourself!"

Xiao Zishan pretended to be serious and said: "This is called legal procedure—very important." Comrade Xiao Zishan, Xiao Zishan himself, specially applied to form a revolutionary couple with Comrade Li Xiaolu. We meet the requirements of the Executive Committee for marriage applications and are willing to continue to work for the construction after marriage. Fighting for the great motherland, hope for ratification!'”

Li Xiaolu interjected: "The organization decided not to approve it. Xiao Zishan, the director of the general office."

Xiao Zishan smiled wryly, and Li Xiaolu was amused: "I just like messing around with men and women like you..."

Although Shan Liang was determined to take advantage of the rumor of the abolishment of the maid school to launch the "Zhan Bai Movement" and "Soy Sauce Revolution", the positive activities he and Cheng Mo and others did not have any effect: Lingao is essentially nothing. The real "soy sauce" veteran.It can be said that everyone has a job and everyone has subordinates.Even the hardest agricultural technicians or veteran technicians of machinery factories command a large group of naturalized civilian staff and workers.Wherever you go, you are full of majesty and prestige, shouting at the front and hugging at the back, although it is impossible to reach ten thousand sentences with one sentence, it is not a problem to top ten sentences with a hundred sentences.The subordinates and apprentices are surrounded by stars outside, and the maids serve attentively at home. The original sense of being oppressed, deprived, and neglected has been greatly reduced.

Although everyone has concerns about whether the quality of maids will decline after the abolition of the maid school, no one considers going to the streets just for such a legendary thing, and many people think that without the maid school, they must be able to go straight from Fang Grassland picks people—the female students in Fangcaodi are not necessarily worse than those in the maid school.

Furthermore, there have been a lot of rumors about maids in the recent stage. There are rumors that maids will be "converted" and formally accepted as concubines. There are also rumors that some maids will be divided into three, six, nine, what is first class, second class and third class? Waiting, there are also rumors that another group of "foreign ghost servants" will come... In short, there is a lot of commotion.

As soon as there were more rumors, the "abandoned school" that was originally a rumor became even paler.Shan Liang knew in his heart that the abolition of the school must be true, and these sudden rumors must have been deliberately concocted to cover up the former.But he has nothing to do: the social psychology is no longer the state of dry firewood that was suppressed at the beginning, and it can catch fire by throwing a cigarette butt.More people hold the attitude that it is not too late to respond after the official policy is announced.

What's more, in the face of the rise of the house party, his right to speak has been greatly reduced.Although many people still remember him as a veteran who "pleaded for life for the people", many people already regard him as "troublesome" and are afraid of being associated with him.The attitude towards him was lukewarm, and some simply avoided seeing him—the secretary asked the secretary to shirk "I'm on a business trip" and "in a meeting" when he came.Shan Liang thought of the scene when he raised his arms and shouted when there was a revolution, and the crowd gathered, he couldn't help feeling like a world away.

"These grandsons! You deserve to be ruled assholes!" At noon that day, Shan Liang came out of the compound of a certain agency cursing.The one inside was more thorough, saying that he was "very busy", and if he wasn't "contacting work", please ask him to "come back later." When Shan Liang refused to give up and asked for an appointment, the female secretary said softly with a standard smile : "The chief's schedule can't be disclosed." Shan Liang was so angry that he almost vomited blood-you must know that after the maid revolution ended, this man drank the most when he drank soy sauce and drank the celebration wine, and he patted him on the shoulder and said loudly: "Brother Shan , just for your urgency and righteousness, I will follow you! From now on, as long as you say a word, I will immediately copy the guy to show off to the grandsons of the Executive Committee! See whether it is the hard fists of the people or their mouths hard!"

"You grandsons who eat and wipe clean, treat me like disposable gloves!"

Obviously, he has lost his influence among the masses.The elder's "spotting" is much higher than before, and the abolition of the maid school does not attract much interest from everyone, let alone incite the anger of the elder.

In contrast, Cheng Meizi is still right. In a stable social environment, the power of the media is the most critical. The media can analyze the "background" in depth, influence concepts subtly, and create a certain social trend of thought... …In contrast, street politicians like me, who rely on public speeches and separate persuasion, are not suitable for the current situation.

However, I used to brag in front of Sister Cheng. If I have no performance at all, how can I "invest in shares"?Although the other party revealed the meaning of "partnership" between the two parties, the larger the "share capital" of one's own side, the greater the right to speak in the board of directors. Otherwise, relying on the little reputation of the year, what can be done?
While he was thinking wildly, his cell phone rang.

The waitress skillfully introduced Shan Liang to the best private room - he was already an old regular customer, that is, a veteran, and he was quite generous, unlike some veterans who are simply stingy with small bills.So as soon as they were seated, hot towels, cigars, and good tea were all served.

Shan Liang drank his tea one after another, and soon heard the sound of going upstairs.

"Old Dan!" Shao Zong, who is also from the telecom head office, opened the door and came in, put down the file bag in his hand, and dismissed the waiter. Then he laughed in a really ugly way: "You are going around so much because you want to make a big deal." News!"

But a few years ago, the relationship between Shan Liang and Shao Zong was still very bad.During the maid revolution, Shao Zong was still a five-circulation coupon with his own dry food, and he supported all the decisions of the executive committee 120 points. That night, he was on duty and was nervous all night in the telecommunications department. After that, his impression of Shan Liang It's almost the same as looking at Fang Fang's remnants; in addition, if he didn't see that the wind direction was wrong, he would still want to support Dugu's proposal.

On the other hand, one of the important evidences that helped Dugu propose marriage and escape severe punishment, the mysterious PHS phone records came from the Ministry of Telecommunications, and the elder Shaozong was just in charge of managing the switchboard.Based on the conspiracy theory, it is not that Shan Liang has not suspected the possibility that he has carried out some "information operations", and at the same time he despises the latter's professional level - the guy often hides in the computer room to play games...

However, things are unpredictable.After the completion of the first phase of the first-generation manual telephone exchange system project of Lingao Telecom, which consumes a lot of modern electronic components and is destined to have no long-life "Little Smart" replacement—most of the circuit diagrams are drawn by him, Comrade Shaozong is very happy. They dragged their feet and named it "Prism" - the Planning Institute completely gave up the idea of ​​connecting the whole of Hainan Island with telephones before this time and space, and replaced them with much lower-cost wired telegraphy, and of course all of them were dialed into the telecommunications port .

The expansion of Lingao Telecom into Hainan Telecom is gratifying, but the establishment of the veterans has not expanded at all, and everyone bid farewell to the previous leisurely time.Unlike the landline telephone network that only covers Lingao and the PAS mobile communication network that covers less than [-] subscribers, building and maintaining a provincial telegraph system—even for a small area on Hainan Island—has already taken Lingao Telecom's work. The old man vomited blood.Although they have all been promoted to executives, they have to take turns to go to the construction site.Not only have to endure the harsh environment and hard work, but the most exasperating thing is that they also found themselves in a situation that was rarely seen in the old time and space: the local aborigines learned to steal electric wires!This is not something that can be solved by brushing "optical cables have no copper, so cutting them is useless" on utility poles.Although they used cheap iron wires, this space-time iron was also a rarity for local residents.Such a slender and strong iron wire can be of great use in daily life and production.

Ever since, they were erected during the day and cut at night. A few days after the telegram was received, the line number was interrupted. The dispatcher sent to check the line, and five or six miles had already been cut off.In some cases, the whole village was mobilized to cut the wires, and the wires were not counted, and the telegraph poles were also pulled out—the telegraph poles processed by the sawmill, coated with asphalt and treated with anti-corrosion treatment, are the best beams for the local aborigines. column material.

For the issue of the theft of telecommunications equipment, Shao Zong was not less worried. He ran to Lingao to find the police and the army.Finally, not long after the Qionghai Public Security War, no one dared to openly resist under the prestige of the Senate.

(End of this chapter)

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