Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1467 Highlights

Chapter 1467 Highlights
It wasn't until the National Army cooperated with the police to launch several rounds of crackdowns, shot and killed a group of criminals who "sabotaged the strategic communication line", and arrested hundreds of men, women, old and children to reform through labor, that this trend was considered to be curbed.

As soon as the trend of stealing electric wires was stopped under the severe punishment, Shaozong suffered the biggest blow since crossing.He had already taken a fancy to a maid student at the maid school, and planned to accept him as a "Second Life Secretary", but he underestimated his physical needs when allocating housing. He bought a small apartment, and there was no room for this girl. The newcomer——The existing maid's room is small enough, and can only fit a single bed and a cabinet.

Of course, it is not impossible to replace the maid's house with a double-decker bunk or simply set up a bunk in the living room. Many veterans who have a second secretary can make do with this, but the senior Shaozong is consistent with the quality of life of the staff around him. is very concerned.Just when he was hesitating about how to come up with the most suitable plan, this student was actually bought away.

Of course, no one is to blame for this, no matter whether it is the maid school or the veteran who bought the person he likes, no one knows his intentions—the most inexplicable thing is that when this maid is unsalable and hundreds of A-level maids have been neglected for many years , There will be such a small probability event.

Since it has already been bought, there is no reason to want it back.Shao Zong had no choice but to bear it, not even interested in expanding the team.

With the start of this dramatic incident, coupled with the hard work of taking turns to work on the construction site, Shaozong gradually changed his attitude and became a——in his own words: the pill party.Shan Liang often complained about the petty bourgeois weakness of this man: *** negotiable certificates have become another extreme because they are not valued by the "Executive Committee" because of their enthusiasm. Chief Dugong, I am Shaozong!But it's not a bad thing to have fewer enemies in the department.The relationship between the veterans of the telecommunications industry has been reconciled. Li Yunxing is no longer worried about personal conflicts affecting his work. He has to hide from the executive committee that this place has become a den of thieves...

"What big news can I make, it's almost an expired product." Shan Liang took out the holy boat, took out one and threw it to Shaozong.

"I'd better smoke a cigar."

"What do you call a cigarette if you don't inhale it?" Shan Liang lit himself up and took a deep breath. "What news do I want to make now? I pretend I don't know me anymore." He said and exhaled a cigarette. Circle, "The case of Yang Jihong feels that the water is quite deep, and many people have made up their minds about the case."

"Recently everyone's excitement is on Yang Jihong's case. I don't think you're going to talk to Yang Bailao, but you're running around. It seems like you haven't found a suitable way."

Shan Liang didn't take Yang Jihong's case seriously at first. He had read the bulletin about the case in the weekly news. It should be said that there was good news, but not much.In his current state, jumping out may not be able to make any new tricks.

Of course, if you want to connect with the gossip about the abolition of the maid school that you are currently active in, this can be regarded as the same line-it all involves the issue of the maids in Lingao.

The current situation is that the rumors of the abolition of the school have no basis, and if I continue my activities further, I may not necessarily have a breakthrough.Let's go back to the case of Yang Jihong to see what's bright.

However, apart from reading the official announcement of the Senate, Shan Liang lacked first-hand information on the matter. It happened that Shaozong brought the briefings, internal communications, forum discussions and various gossip records from the incident so far.

Shan Liang looked at the documents in the cowhide bag without saying a word, but shook his head in his heart, it wasn't that the information was messed up --- why did you use the special document paper of "Lingao Telecom" to write these things down, and this Did you get the secretary to copy it? !Shan Liang raised his forehead, this guy is self-aware of not being an opponent...

"This matter, I don't think I'm messing around." During this period, Shao Zong only ordered a glass of watermelon juice to relieve his boredom, and saw that Shan Liang had put down the document and thought for a while, and then he said "Trump".

"Oh?" Shan Liang raised his head, a little curious—judging from Shao Zong's rich collection of information, he even wondered who wanted to make big news, but got such a suggestion.

"Old Shan, you have your own ideas, so I'll just talk nonsense." Shao Zong said carelessly, "I heard that Yang Xinwu complained that there was no way to ask for help, and that he couldn't even keep his own woman if something happened. I think this is nonsense." Shan Liang thought for a moment that Shao Zong was cheating again, and Shao Zong quickly explained, "Old Dan, don't look at me like that... Think about it, if this is Wen Ma's maid If they committed such a thing, I’m afraid the case of impeachment against them would have come out long ago. In order to get rid of myself, can this maid be saved? Old Yang Yuan’s idea is not clear.”

Shan Liang frowned, but did not interrupt Shao Zong's words.

"What exactly is Yang Bailao asking for? If it's just to save Da Bobo's life, in fact no one wants to kill this maid. He has already given him a guarantee. In the end, he will never let the pregnant woman go to jail. It is said that it is just It is said," Shao Zong showed a mocking expression, "Yang Yuan wants to get acquitted by the law, saying that it is not good for the child."

Shan Liang laughed: "Actually, he shouldn't be making such a fuss if he is not good to the child. The more you toss around, the more you will remember the Yang Jihong murder case... oh no, intentional injury and death." There is no legal discussion on the Internet, but it does not prevent most people from guessing a general result according to the laws of the old time and space, but no one mentioned the Great Ming Law.

"So what Yang Xinwu needs is not the law, but the man in black. Only when the little stick flashes and everyone forgets about it can his wish be fulfilled." Shao Zong drank the watermelon juice, "By the way, Ji Xin is the defense lawyer in this case. "

"I know that. Old Ji is a nice person, but she is stubborn." Shan Liang thought of the slightly twitching corners of Cheng Yuan's mouth when he mentioned Ji Xin, and he didn't think it was a bit funny-this haggard man who looked like wood and ashes didn't know how to irritate him. Sister Cheng has reached this point.

"Now we can only lead to the path of accountability." Seeing that Shan Liang was still listening, Shao Zong continued, "If you want to say that I am very dissatisfied with the police station, I heard that in order to close the iron case, the evidence is solid I just waited for the autopsy for a week! You have to be responsible for the elders involved in the case, and the residents of our community will not listen to the calls to solve the case as soon as possible! Why don’t you just deal with this?”

Shan Liang shook his head, this can only be regarded as nitpicking, and it can be said that the other party waited for Mu Min to come back to deal with it because of the relationship with the elders, and from the perspective of legal procedures, there is nothing wrong with the powerful agencies and the general office can catch.I spend a lot of time to ask questions, and it is inevitable to make a big fuss about the evaluation.

"Then, there must be something wrong with the management of this maid school, but well, their principal is Dong Weiwei..." Shao Zong's meaning is obvious. You were a "movement leader" back then, although you have not had a sense of existence in recent years Well, the first shot of this return can't hold a female veteran...

Shan Liang didn't care too much about men and women. He said, "Dong Weiwei doesn't have any good things on her body. If there is trouble, at most she will be forced to step down and become an official in another place. What's the point? Maybe she will take the blame and resign in a few days."

For the current Lingao regime, there are too few carrots and too many pitfalls in the officialdom.Resignation serves no purpose other than symbolism.

An idea came to his mind, by the way, if Dong Weiwei resigned in the next few days, it means that the abolition of the school is real.According to the consistent urgency of the members of the Executive Committee, everything should be fully utilized for its value. Since the maid school is going to be abolished, Dong Weiwei can easily choose to take responsibility by resigning.

"Further up, the maid school is under the leadership of the general office, so you can talk about Xiao Zishan's issue..."

"Xiao Zishan has nothing to offer. He has always been good at disguising, and he is even better at attracting elders. Many people have been deceived by him." Shan Liang shook his head while exhaling smoke rings. Responsibility is of no use except to draw hatred."

After such a clarification, Shaozong felt that the pile of materials he had collected seemed to have limited meaning.

"Let me take a closer look." Shan Liang thought, he is not moving to the executive committee or a senior veteran with real power, let alone re-election. The power to speak out - the only purpose is to create a sense of existence.

Shao Zong spread his hands: "Of course, we have always looked at things superficially, so I'll just say that. Anyway, the Law Office is still driving around. Take your time to see the situation."

"This package of documents?"

"I'll give it to you. Return it to me after reading it." Shao Zong's face showed a hungry expression, he vacated the table two or three times, and Shao Zong couldn't wait to ring the doorbell to call in the waiter.

"Come on, waiter, let's go! Let's eat your meal tonight, hahaha!"

"I'll eat mine. It's okay." Shan Liang secretly scolded you for not having less field work subsidies than me, and for taking advantage of it.

While the two were eating and drinking, chatting, Shao Zong started talking about his "painful history", and then started bragging like a man:

"If it weren't for the small size of the house, it would be impossible to make a row, and a cooking team would have already been assembled—now I have to make do with one maid, and I can't do it every day. I can't bear it if I shout too much... "

"What did you just say?" Shan Liang asked suddenly.

"My secretary chick says too much work is too much..."

"Not this one, in front."

"The house is too small—"

Shan Liang nodded, the house is too small, no matter how strong the ability and desire are.No matter how bold and unrestrained the elders are, they are not livestock after all, and the necessary privacy and personal space are indispensable.The current so-called surplus of maids is more caused by the shortage of houses.If you use this as a reason to abolish the school, you are putting the cart before the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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