Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1469 Dangerous elements

Chapter 1469 Dangerous elements
When Xiao Zishan heard the name, he immediately held the teapot with both hands, and frowned. The "Black Four" nickname hadn't been heard for years.When the attack on Sarina was about to "open the ocean", the four seniors who were beaten all over the place -- for the sake of the greatness of the Senate, the executive committee privately took this nickname of the so-called "secondary school" as the code name .

After being arrested, the four were sent to different departments, Haitianfang, far away from the political center.And enjoy the treatment of "monitoring use" for the first time.Xiao Zishan received "monitoring reports" from the Political Security Bureau every month.Of course, this report is not so much to prevent them from continuing to do evil, but rather to prevent them from being avenged by Selina one day.Now that Selina is also a veteran, it is not a simple matter of deliberately hurting or raping if they really want to start a movie with each other.

His mind went over the whereabouts of these four scum: one was a tiger in the army, and now he is harming refugees in Kaohsiung; one is in charge of the technical director of the industrial port; Filed; only the last person, the mastermind of the assault case at the time, was a master of fishing in troubled waters, I remember being caught by Cheng Dong and used for surveillance.

"Are you talking about Xin Wuzui?" Xiao Zishan said in a low voice.
"It's this guy. If we say that the five hundred or so people, no matter how frustrated we are in the old world, in this era, we can be regarded as people who know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. , You know, he has some skills, even in the old time and space, few people have heard of them." Zhao Manxiong glanced at Xiao Zishan, and twisted a smile.

"Hehe, Old Xiong, I kind of understand why you came here." Xiao Zishan said slowly, "It seems that the water here is not muddy enough. Since Miss Hua wants to fish in troubled waters, let's give her a big black fish."

"Well, just let me help you recall your memories." Zhao Manxiongski slowly moved up from the sofa, "I will come and get it myself in a few days." He patted the dust on his legs that did not exist, and handed He gave Xiao Zishan a document bag, tapped the trademark that he could no longer see, and walked out slowly.

DELI, Xiao Zishan understands the meaning of this LOGO very well. The plastic file bags that filled the streets in the old time and space are proper black technology in this time and space. In principle, the information in such copy bags should never be spread. Clearly, it has a different general meaning.

Open the file bag, and the red "Top Secret" on the front page of the old-fashioned plastic-sealed binder means that this is a veteran's qualification certificate and the senior file that must not be leaked:
Name: Xin Wuzui, Serial Number: 0127, Gender: Male, Han nationality... A cookie-cutter identity page.Xiao Zishan thought, the name is a fake even if you don’t need to look at it, but this is also very common among the time-traveling crowd. After that, there are some old world resumes. As expected, Xiao Zishan saw the growth history of a typical old world elite. Degree, purchasing engineer, key account sales manager, product planner, and finally a deputy in the marketing department of a well-known insurance company—it was also in the late 70s, and this guy was much better than me. Xiao Zishan secretly remembered this hateful forum showing off the party , to go to Wen Zong and them:
Wu Zuisang is a slightly fat southerner with a harmless baby face, long eyelashes and big eyes showing innocence, a pair of GUCCI glasses without lenses on the bridge of the nose, and always wearing a suit But if you pay attention to it, you can see the old thief's English cursive characters from the cuffs of the shirt or the inside of the suit, and there is always a smile on the corner of his playful mouth. From a distance, he looks like a fat Lin Zhixuan.But Xiao Zishan who has dealt with him knows very well that this baby-faced guy in a low-key Haute Couture is definitely a guy who is read as a scum by the writing elite. In fact, he is the same as Ma Dugong in some aspects. There is no difference between the sentimental party. For them, humility is a disguise, a smile is a mask, and politeness is just a means of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

But no group will refuse a person with huge benefits to join him. The time travel group has purchased excess accident insurance for all time travelers through his channel, so as to ensure that the family members in the old world will have a worry-free life in the future. And received tens of millions of funds.According to the explanation before joining, by pledging several properties in Shanghai as start-up capital, by packaging Mr. Wen’s leather bag company as a cultural development company that has dug out the dog’s head gold to create a fake project, he has drawn huge sums of money from the bank and private equity. Finally, one month before the balloon burst, he successfully came to the Ming Dynasty.

This guy really has some energy, Xiao Zishan thought to himself, it took several months for the Big Three to transport Clark porcelain for primitive accumulation before they got tens of millions.After this guy came to defect, he quickly used financial instruments and collateral to repeatedly pledge, easily expanding the original capital cost, and greatly reducing the financial pressure.But this man is a dangerous element.Xiao Zishan recalled that after Sarina's assault case, the first real interrogation meeting was held in the Senate for comrades who were also time travelers. Some details were lost, but he still clearly remembered that this guy How to steal the beam and change the post, clever words, and strong words.People with less social experience and less moral conduct may be immediately swayed by him, and they will fall into his hook without knowing it.

"You can think about some ideas, you can do them, but don't say them." Xiao Zishan thought to himself, "Wu Zui is an extreme patriarch, and he yells out loudly. In his opinion, no matter how good a woman is , are just men's playthings. In the old world, this guy not only obeyed his wife at home, but also had several long-term lovers outside, from girls to young women. He was also proficient in writing and loved to read SM Art, as a senior gentleman with a legendary American gun, used to ask everyone to donate gasoline and put thermite on the forum.

But as said in the novel, the protagonist finally got into trouble with the wrong person and the wrong girl. At a high-end annual meeting, this person easily hooked up with the daughter of a wealthy family in a certain place.The girl who just graduated from college soon fell under the unhealthy middle-aged demeanor, and when the girl controlled by the uncle was still dreaming of love, the photo of Wu Zuisang walking with other women was taken by someone. The PO went online, and the glass-like girl's heart was broken in an instant. After more than an hour of heart-piercing roars with the big gentleman, the moment she turned around wearing a collar and jumped from the balcony of the 1nd floor, the most sang I know that I and the world are going to say goodbye.

As a former senior SM enthusiast and a failed sex training expert, he confessed to the criminal plan of planning hijacking and providing equipment and planning to train Selina, who was not a veteran at the time, without feeling guilty.Roaring his famous words loudly:

"Every life in nature has its place. The place of a woman is at the feet of a man."

"You bastard, it's John Norman who said it!" Xiao Zishan cursed secretly
And his firm belief in the "philosophy" of how to truly "liberate" women made the interrogators think that they had met someone from another world, so that Mu Min, who attended the meeting as a non-veteran consultant, directly took the case Zong directly slammed the face of the old hooligan before knocking on the door, while Wu Zuisang, who possessed extraordinary contributions and status as a veteran, enjoyed the pleasure of sacrificing himself without any psychological pressure.

Xiao Zishan turned to a key part of the binder, a sub-document beginning with a cover in red letters on a black background——"The Case of Violation Cases in 1629", in which Xin Wuzui and other four people were sentenced to never get close to Sarina, and must Only under the condition of monitoring can he work together with other female veterans, and Xin Wuzui also added that without the approval of the executive committee, he is not allowed to take up assignment positions and department leadership positions.This is tantamount to not only keeping Wu Zuisang in Lingao, but also putting a transparent ceiling on him.Then he saw the work experience of this gentleman comrade. Because of his background as an actuary, this product has been used by the planning department and Wudaokou for a long time as a human data analysis machine for big data analysis, and the use of the computer center to cooperate with the planning department to carry out the five-year plan The data model was established, and later with the upgrade of Fangcaodi Academy, Wu Zuisang was also arrested by Hu Qingbai. Under the supervision of the special personnel from the State Administration of Political Science and Security assigned to the school, he conducted enlightenment education on data analysis for high school students twice a week, and For the basic training of SOP, Xiao Zishan closed the binder, thinking that this is the time when he hooked up with your State Security Bureau, right?Wen Wuzui, as an ISO standard fanatic, Xiao Zishan understood why Zhao Manxiong came to find him instead of Mr. Wen. This guy is simply the natural ally and aide of Mr. Wen who is also not stingy with women. It is famous for not intervening in the dispute between Wen and horse.

The key is how to release this vicious fish and how to get it back.Xiao Zishan couldn't help but drank another mouthful of Longjing. Zhao Manxiong seemed to have planned it long ago, otherwise he wouldn't have revealed this female public enemy to me.He came to me just to let me know.Xin Wuzui is indeed a strong medicine, throwing him out will definitely cause an uproar, even if most of the elders don't know the truth about the four Heizhi people, just talk about his woman, don't talk about Queen Du, Even the female elder who is the most calm and concubine to the male elder has to fight him desperately.

"The best way to extinguish a fire is to cause a bigger explosion next to it?" Xiao Zishan fell into deep thought as he recalled Chairman Qian's famous words.

(End of this chapter)

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