Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1470 Evaluation

Chapter 1470 Evaluation
His eyes were black, bottomlessly black, like the eyes of a child, but without the innocence of a child, they were as deep and cold as a black hole.He stared at Xiao Zishan's whole body.

Xiao Zishan felt that his back was sweating—a demon.

"Just mineral water."

Xin Wuzui pulled the bell rope, a bell rang somewhere, and then he seemed to speak to the air: "Please send me a bottle of mineral water."

After a while, the female secretary brought mineral water in a glass bottle.

"Thank you." Xiao Zishan took the glass bottle and glanced at the female secretary's neck—this girl is very beautiful, and she is probably Xin Wuzui's life secretary.Xin Wuzui bought a life secretary very late, and easily bought an S-level and an A-level maid.Xiao Zishan was deeply impressed by this - this person's insight into timing is indeed extraordinary.

Didn't even wear a collar.Xiao Zishan thought silently.

"Does Director Xiao think that there should be a naked woman with a collar on her neck and a tail stuck in her anus?"

Xiao Zishan was startled, and hurriedly said, "Where is that?"

"You see, when a person becomes an official, his adaptability and sense of shame will be greatly improved—you don't need to go through your brain and you won't blush when you tell a lie. If you want to see it, I can call Let her act..."

Xiao Zishan laughed a few times: "It seems that you are living well here."

"Thank you for your concern. As a patriarch, I have a good life. Director Xiao, you must like to read Russian literature very much."

"is acceptable."

"You must like to watch it. When you feel alienated from someone, you will automatically switch to 'you'—this is not a Chinese speaking habit."

Xiao Zishan didn't speak.He realized that the other party had strong observation skills and good speaking skills.When facing himself who holds power, he adopted a method of undermining the other party's self-confidence-he decided not to argue with him in order to avoid his edge.

"You've seen through all of this," Xiao Zishan raised his hand, "Actually, I don't really like it, but I do like that Russian style. Let's not talk about it, are you still used to it here?"

"Since I suffered your so-called 'just punishment' until now, I have been doing pretty well—although I don't like how many times I peed, and I have made love with the maid a few times. People care about things like this, but generally speaking Saying that you have fulfilled your promise - you have given me all the enjoyment of life that a senator should have. Of course, I was actually put into a glass coffin by you. But I am used to it."

Xiao Zishan nodded with a smile, as if he didn't hear what he said at all, he said to himself: "So you're doing well."

"Has Li Xiaolu changed his perfume recently?"

"Probably so." Xiao Zishan tried his best to hide his astonishment. Although the relationship between him and Li Xiao is not necessarily airtight, not many people know about it, and most of these people who know believe that "silence is golden". It will not be circulated at will.The most important thing is that there are very few elders that Xin Wuzui can contact on weekdays, and the possibility of knowing this matter is zero. He couldn't help asking, "How do you know?"

"Your clothes are stained with smell." Xin Wuzui twitched his nose and took a deep breath, "This is a kind of local perfume, but it has a first fragrance, a second fragrance and a tail fragrance, which is better than yours. In the past, the scent of perfume on your body was deep and complex—the lady who made the perfume is good at crafting."

"I mean, how do you know Li Xiaolu?"

Xin Wuzui stared at him for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "You love her very much, right?"


"When I mentioned this name, your sudden alertness made me realize that this is an important woman in your life." Xin Wuzui picked up a cigar with a smile, and the secretary who had just brought the tea appeared immediately, half Kneeling at his feet, he struck a match and lit it for him.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"Am I obliged to answer your question?" Xin Wuzui stared at his cigar with a playful smile, "Look, you have your little secret, and so do I."

Xiao Zishan realized that he was blackmailing himself—but he had no choice, this villain knew his weakness, and he would make full use of it.

"Well, what do you want?"

"Awesome! Ever since you became chief of staff, you have been known for your political wisdom. But you are still a little too cautious. What did you do before D? Although you are very good at administrative and logistical work now, I think you Should have been a sales rep before."

Xiao Zishan was shocked this time. He never told anyone what kind of work he was doing before the D day, and only Wen Zong and Wang Luobin knew about it.Very few people have seen his personal files.

"Let's put it this way, in fact, you don't like your job at all. It's trivial, tiring, and humble--you should be doing sales of fast-moving consumer goods--ah, this job is indeed disgusting: you have to listen to your words and cater to you in every possible way. Sometimes you have to swallow it and make it better. And you’re not happy with your income level.”

"I'm also catering to the needs of the elders now."

"That's the courtesy of the superior. I would say thank you to any aunt who sweeps the floor and water, and I would also say thank you to the little brother who delivered to me. This does not mean that I love them or fear them, let alone respect them .”

"Let's get back to the subject—"

"No, no, that's not right, it's stupid. When others are talking non-stop, your sudden interruption will make the conversation disjointed, which is not good for the atmosphere of the conversation. The atmosphere we can talk about depends on it. You have to Learn to naturally transition to the topic you want to talk about."

"Okay, go ahead, I'm all ears." Xiao Zishan thought, he was trying to manipulate the conversation.

"That's right. You are not very smart, but you are wise, much better than some people who are smart but not wise." Xin Wuzui said, "Talk about your previous work."

"The same boring job. Meeting every morning, then going out to patrol the store, talking about promotions, and then going back to the office to make reports."

"Then why don't you jump ship?"

"It's hard to change jobs, and there's not much choice."

"Obviously you don't have confidence in your own abilities, and you really don't have the ability to change jobs, so you're satisfied with your current job—at least it looks decent, doesn't it?"

"Roughly so." Xiao Zishan didn't evade.

"Yes, you can calmly face your own weaknesses." Xin Wuzui nodded, "Okay, my request is very simple, change the environment."

"Please explain in detail."

"I'm sick of being a human computer in this prison. I think you know what I mean."

Xiao Zishan nodded: "I understand your feelings."

"No, you won't understand, because you don't feel it." Xin Wuzui turned his back to the sky, and exhaled a mouthful of blue smoke, "For more than two years, I have lived a life of seclusion—of course it was forced .”
"There are no orders restricting your movement other than prohibiting your contact with—"

"Don't tell me the two big soldiers in the guardhouse with handcuffs and batons are here to keep me safe."

"In a sense, you can think of it that way." Xiao Zishan said, "Sarina has a very good memory."

Xin Wuzui's face twitched, and he moved his lips silently. Xiao Zishan didn't understand lip language, but he still pronounced the word: "Bitch."

He continued: "Don't fool me. My request is very simple: Change to a job where I can see other elders frequently. No one will 'watch' me all the time..."

"I can't do that." Xiao Zishan flatly refused.

"You can do it, because you are the one who implements the policies, aren't you? Don't evade the Political Security Bureau. You have always been in charge of the work of the internal guards."

"Impossible." Xiao Zishan shook his head, "I can give you some convenience in activities, but issues of principle cannot be negotiated."

"It's a pity." Xin Wuzui shook his head, smoking his cigar with his face upturned, and stopped looking at Xiao Zishan.

"Well, you are using your reputation to threaten me to make an exchange with the woman I like." Xiao Zishan said, "But the guard you mentioned reminded me: the key to the chain is in my hand. In the past few years you You can’t break free from the chain, and as long as I don’t open it for you, you won’t be able to break free in another 20 years—and you reminded me how dangerous you are, so I’ll keep watching the chain to see if it’s rusted.”

"You have so much confidence in your ability to be in a high position forever?"

Xiao Zishan finished drinking the water in the bottle: "I have already responded to your proposal, now you answer my proposal. Let's see if there is any possibility of a deal."

Xin Wuzu didn't answer, and he said after a long time: "Before I answer the question you are interested in, please answer me a question."
"it is good."

"Why did you suddenly think of coming here to find me?"

"This is my job……"

"You're lying again—in the two years I've been here, no one has ever come to me except for the occasional veteran of the financial department. You and I should be honest: I don't have a tape recorder, I don't have a recorder, and I don't have a recorder. There are no cameras or smartphones - these are all 'expropriated' by you 'in the name of the Senate'."

"Well, to be precise, you've been offered certain jobs. I'm not sure about that and need to check it out myself."

"What about the confirmation result?"

"Obviously, it's not suitable." Xiao Zishan had already made a decision of veto in his heart - this person was too dangerous.

"You are wrong." Xin Wuzui sighed, "Let me tell you one thing first: from last week to now, besides you, there are actually two elders who have come to me."

(End of this chapter)

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