Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1471 Judgment

Chapter 1471 Judgment
Not long after Xiao Zishan returned to the office, Zhao Manxiong called him through PHS:
"Actually, I don't really agree with you going to see him in person," Zhao Manxiong's voice was still gentle and soft in the PHS microphone, "but I can understand your feelings."

"I take him with a grain of salt."

"You can take him at his word. He's not a liar."

"Well, I completely trust your judgment. But is it over the line to use some means to deal with a certain elder?"

"That lady is more active than you can imagine. You and I know what she is doing is dangerous. But I think you are very clear that everything she has done so far is legal-legally you are caught Can't live with any of her braids."

"That's why I find it a little difficult to choose."

"It is not a difficult decision to give a veteran who has been severely punished for a long time a little humanitarian treatment." Zhao Manxiong said, "At present, all her actions are legal, and the Executive Committee and the Senate cannot violate her rights. Similarly, as long as Comrade Xin does not kill or set fire, or attempt to rape female elders, then his basic rights as an elder should also be guaranteed—this is also legal.”

"I see what you mean. But..."

"Listen to what he says and watch what he does."

"What if he falls into his old habit again?"

"Then follow the law."

Xiao Zishan hung up the phone, he knew the risk of one of them.Once something bad happens, the person who "loosen the chain" for him in the first place will definitely bear the responsibility-after all, Xin Wuzui is the one who was "registered".

He repeatedly evaluated the risks and consequences for a long time, and decided to trust Zhao Manxiong. Secondly, some risks had to be taken.

Zhao Manxiong is right about one thing: everything Cheng Yongxin has done so far is within the framework approved by the Senate.It can also be said that it is a conspiracy.

He believes that Cheng Yongxin himself is not interested in so-called women's rights, democracy and freedom.She is more seeking her own political power.These gorgeous talents are just using various names to grab more power in the Senate system.

It can be said that this is a kind of political wrestling between the elders, but what worries him is that some of the factors contained in it have become the beginning of the struggle between the elders and the naturalized people. Although these naturalized people currently have no subjective demands, they just It's just a tool to be exploited.

What Cheng seeks is her own political power, but from a higher level, the actions of her and some other fringe elders determine the overall political ecology of Lingao in the future.From what he has learned: Cheng secretly trains maids to act as eyes and ears to inquire about news, and Yang Xinwu intends to become the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy. It can be seen that these intentional or unintentional actions will eventually improve the level of understanding and cultural knowledge of the naturalized people, and let the naturalized people Huamin participated in the political games of the elders.

This is a very dangerous signal.Xiao Zishan thought that when Dugu proposed marriage and tried to use the police to "quell the violence" during the maid revolution, he had already shown this tendency.Now Cheng Yongxin and Yang Xinwu unconsciously embarked on the same path.It's just more subtle, and it's not easy to be caught.

What worries Xiao Zishan the most is that in the current struggle within the Senate, there is a very bad trend, that is, the conflict of interests is gradually artificially tainted as a conflict of values: autocracy and democracy, left or right, group Conflict, reign and soy sauce, male and female and other colors.

Although most of these conflicts are reasons and excuses, it is too much to emphasize conflicts of values ​​and ethnic groups among a very small number of 500 people. The essence of conflicts at this stage is uneven interests or fear of uneven interests. Development is to make the conflict develop in an irreconcilable direction-the conflict of values ​​is the most intense.It is not uncommon for family members to turn against each other, not to mention mobs gathered for profit.

"Our plate is still too small, otherwise why would it be here?" Xiao Zishan sighed, after all, the cake of the Senate is still too small.Every veteran wants to share as much as possible the dividends of time travel, and they can't be fooled by just relying on pictures like "what will happen to you in the future".

Now Lingao seems to be thriving, but in fact it is walking on thin ice.Any split will lead to the destruction of Lingao. After all, there are only more than 500 people that Lingao can actually rely on. Power struggles and conflicts of interests must be regulated and limited within a certain range.Otherwise, someone will continue to exaggerate and incite with the help of the elder's natural power, and the consequences will be disastrous.It must be contained as soon as possible.

Having said that, what kind of new position to arrange for Xin Wuzui was quite a headache. His eyes fell on a pile of documents on the table, one of which was the application for opening a senior club submitted by Hong Huangnan.Hong Huangnan had mentioned this matter to him several times, but he always felt that it was not urgent—after all, the general office had already established a special supply system.Furthermore, it is not appropriate to waste resources on such extravagant and lustful things while the engine is in full swing.In particular, some "service items" made Xiao Zishan feel uncomfortable - he also subconsciously felt that the Senate should maintain a certain "asceticism" and "magnificent" image.

But right now, "bread and circuses" are really needed to appease the restlessness of the veterans who were provoked.Xiao Zishan thought, this person is also a talent in this field, and he can be used here, and by the way, he can continue to squeeze out his human calculation function-the office in Dongmen City is much closer to the Finance Director Department than Gao Shanling.Lao Hong is also a very sensible person.

Out of caution, he decided to make a phone call to Vest, who was the main legal adviser when the Black Four case was tried.Just ask Xin Wuzui about changing his job.

However, Ma Jia was not in the office. His secretary said that today was the day when Yang Jihong's case was in court, and Ma Jia went to the Dongmen City Court in person.

Vest is resting in the judge's office of the court at the moment.After coming out of the trial court, I only felt relaxed.Although he had been in the auditorium of the court for more than half a day and already felt a little sore and backache, he was in a very happy mood.

The trial of Yang Jihong has finally come to an end—although the official verdict will not be pronounced until the next court session, overall, the whole trial process is much better than he expected.It can be called a perfect law popularization performance.

The trial of this case followed the policy of "no publicity, no concealment" of the executive committee, and the public trial was held in the Dongmen City Summary Court.According to the normal procedure, the announcement was made in the bulletin board in advance.

Although the principle of "no publicity" was implemented, the Yang Jihong case was only briefly reported in the "Lingao Times". Anyone who has a little understanding of the Australian system knows that the two parties involved are the "pillow people" of the elders. Therefore, there are many people who are very interested in how the elders will hear the case: the old rich and the new rich in Lingao County who care about every move of Australians, the naturalized citizens of the middle and upper classes, and the life secretaries who have close ties with them still pay attention The announcement of the court hearing arrived.Therefore, when the trial finally started, although the court was not as grand as the previous trial of the sabotage of the military marriage case, the audience occupied two-thirds of the seats.

At the meeting of the arbitral tribunal, Majia asked all members of the Law Society to fully implement the "rule of law" and emphasized that "the procedure is completely legal." Therefore, every step in this trial was carried out in full accordance with the draft "Criminal Procedure Law".When the relevant personnel appeared in court, an oath to the "Senate and the people" was added.

In order to implement the new law's principle of "emphasizing physical evidence and ignoring oral confessions," Vest specially arranged for naturalized trainees to serve as forensic witnesses and forensic witnesses to testify and demonstrate evidence on the spot.

Obviously, although the naturalized people and natives who were watching didn't quite understand these things, they showed great interest in it.The post-mortem and physical evidence links also existed in the yamen trial in ancient society, but limited to technology and concepts, it was still very rough, almost going through the motions.Trials are mainly based on the testimony of both parties and witnesses.Obtaining confessions is often the only purpose of the trial, and a large number of corporal punishments are used for this purpose. Not only the prisoners will inevitably be tortured, but the innocent witnesses will also be tortured because their testimony cannot meet the wishes of the presiding officer.

In contrast, although Australians also have confessions and witnesses, the key lies in the physical evidence. Through the prosecutor's description, a complete case sequence is gradually formed, and the physical evidence is used to prove it one by one. clear.In contrast, superiors and inferiors make judgments.

Vest is very satisfied with today's trial.The entire trial process was completely in line with the legal process, and all parties performed well: whether it was the newly made Dasong-style robes and caps, the redecorated solemn and solemn courtroom, the "Newspeak"-speaking naturalized civil legal work Personnel... Among them, Ji Xin's performance was particularly outstanding: the prosecution charged the crime of "intentional injury causing death". Due to the solid evidence, he did not use the defense of innocence when defending, but on the basis of "the incident happened for a reason". made an article.Not only summoned many naturalized witnesses, but also read the testimonies signed by several veterans to prove that Lin Xiaoya's death was a tragedy, but her own behavior was also an important reason for this case, so Yang Jihong was the one who lost control of his emotions. "Passionate killing" under the law, I implore the court to consider it in sentencing.

The defense not only has sufficient arguments, but also his sad face and compassionate words have aroused the sympathy of many naturalized people and indigenous people present.When he finished his concluding statement, Yang Jihong in the defendant's seat broke down in tears, and the auditorium also sighed.Individual emotional women have already burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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