Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1472 Interview

Chapter 1472 Interview
Although no verdict was pronounced in court, the Law Society has roughly reached a consensus on the issue of sentencing: convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison.Because she was already pregnant, she was sentenced to three years of probation.In addition, the general office should be compensated for some negotiable certificates—according to the opinion of the general office, the slave status of Yang Jihong and Lin Xiaoya was not highlighted, so Yang Xinwu, the owner of Yang Jihong, was not asked to bear the civil liability for compensation, but she herself should bear it.The title of compensation is also called "training fee", not "worth".

As for the arrangement during the probation period and how to arrange it after the probation, Vest has already given the people of the Law Society to do specific research.Strive to draw up relevant regulations, not only to satisfy Yang Xinwu as much as possible—the Law Society has been harassed by him many times with a sad face, and he was given the nickname "Yang Bailao" for this person—but also to "have the law to according to".

All the legal documents have been locked in the safe in the judge's office of the trial court, and they are waiting for the scene tomorrow-in a sense, this is a well-rehearsed "performance", but the waistcoat thinks that such a performance It is very necessary, naturalized people and natives can understand the legal philosophy of the Senate through this exemplary trial.

"Chief, drink tea." A naturalized citizen worker from the Dongmen City Court brought tea.

"Okay." The vest took the teacup and took a sip. The tea was lukewarm and palatable, neither cold nor hot.He just let out a sigh of relief.A staff member knocked on the door and came in:
"Chief, Chief Pan Pan from Lingao Times is here, and she wants to interview you."

"Invite her to come in." Vest raised his brows slightly. This big horse has been active recently, and has published many sarcasm articles in "Lingao Times" and "Weekly News"--and has been with Cheng Yongxin From very close.Someone reported that Pan Pan also leaked some information that should have been kept secret to her.

Pan Pan walked in, and Vest noticed that her complexion was gray, her eyelids were puffy, and her shiny blond hair was beginning to fade.And her bumpy figure, which was once coveted by male veterans, also shows signs of increasing size-the years are indeed a butcher's knife: in a blink of an eye, this lively and youthful American female student is almost 30 years old.

However, her expression of being in a state of being overwhelmed shows that she has been in a very complicated state of mind recently.Vest knows that Pan Pan occupies an important position in the network woven by that "Baby Cheng Cheng".

"Welcome." The vest stood up and raised his hands to greet him, "I knew you would come here."

"Of course, the meaning of this trial is different." Pan Pan shook his hand perfunctorily. "Even if Ding Ding doesn't ask me to come, I will come."

Pan Pan sat down opposite him and declined the tea.

"I'm here for an interview—"

"I know. Which media are you interviewing for?"

"Lingao Times, Weekly News, and Morning Star."

"Good fellow, all three families are involved." Waistcoat smiled, and took out a few pages from the drawer, "This is the manuscript material prepared by our Law Society for this case, and you can directly use it in the "Lingao Times". This is a good example of legal popularization."

Pan Pan took it and glanced at it briefly: "Does the original manuscript have to be published or is it just for reference when writing the manuscript?"

"It's best to publish the original manuscript. The purpose of the manuscript is to promote the new legal philosophy of the Senate through the report of this case. Of course, I don't object to your polishing and deletion."

"OK." Pan Pan nodded.Put the article in your carry-on interview bag.Then she took out an interview machine from inside, "Next, I'm going to do an interview for "Weekly Highlights"—do you object to my recording?"

"Of course not."

Pan Pan began to ask a few routine questions—these were all expected by the waistcoat—and he answered them one by one according to his pre-preparation.

"In fact, in the Senate, including the suspect's owner, Yang Xinwu, there is an idea: the maid is regarded as a slave, and she can be judged according to the principle of intentional damage to objects, so that she can be charged with destroying objects instead of intentional injury or homicide. Come to trial, what does the Law Society think about this?"

The vest coughed softly: "It is true that the maid is the private property of the senator. However, in law, private property is also divided into dead things such as real estate and utensils and living things such as poultry and livestock. The two are not legally equivalent. .Secondly, the concept of 'slave is a talking tool' only existed in the early slavery system. In the subsequent historical period, including the historical period we are in now, slaves are recognized as 'human beings' by both the East and the West. ', they are just 'people' with different civil powers. With our Senate as the representative of the advanced productive forces in this time and space, slavery is bound to be abolished, so it is not appropriate to introduce this legal concept in the trial of this case."

"So whether it is Yang Jihong or Lin Xiaoya, they are all equal to the status of naturalized people."

"Is such that."

"Since this is the case, what about the slave labor in Sanya?"

"This has nothing to do with this case. I don't need to answer you. But to put it simply, the phenomenon in Sanya is only temporary, not an institutionalized normality. This is a temporary emergency measure we adopted during the initial stage."

"Is this a form of hypocrisy?"

"My personal opinion is that there is no hypocrisy in the use of slave labor by the Senate. Needless to say: slaves were the 'fuel' or 'consumables' of the Senate's industrialization process. The Senate did not claim to save their souls , and did not say that they are not incompletely evolved humans."

"There is also a saying that, as the closest life partner of a senator, a maid should enjoy certain legal privileges. After all, the idea of ​​the Senate is that 'senators are more equal'. What does Jurisprudence think about this?"

"It's obviously inappropriate. 'Everyone is equal, elders are more equal', that's our philosophy."

"I'm not negating the laws you enacted, but I'm raising a real issue. This so-called 'more equality' is actually an admission that people are unequal. If people are unequal, then their punishment will also have a ladder Yes. The so-called elders can be exempted from committing crimes is clearly written into the common program. Then the maids, as the most trusted and intimate people around the elders, are actually slaves who are completely attached to the elders. Shouldn’t their punishment be graded? , everyone is equal, but the saying that seniors are more equal is limited to one generation of seniors or the subsequent generations of seniors?"

Vest thought, here is the key point.These are sensitive issues.If she is caught in the pigtails, she can concoct a wonderful essay full of fangs-speaking of Pan Pan's recent Chinese writing level can be called "skyrocketing", the vest doubts that someone is shooting her, or Said that someone was using her name to write articles.

There have been a lot of articles like this recently, which makes Vest very worried.In his view, such articles are deliberately exaggerating "you" and "me", highlighting group differences, and are suspected of splitting groups.

"It is up to the Senate to decide whether the principle of greater equality among senators is to be extended to the next generation..."

"What is your own opinion?"

"My opinion is that the privileges of the elders will be gradually reduced from the second generation—at least to the extent that they do not become an express law. After all, there is a lot of room for maneuver within the framework of the law. As for your previous question, I My opinion is that it is dangerous to give them some kind of privilege. If we give some kind of preferential treatment in the case of Yang Jihong, it will inevitably form a "coated class" in our new society—do you understand what a "coated class" is? ?”

"It's like Mamluks."

"Roughly so."

"Lingao's coats or Mamluks are bound to gradually become domineering and superior to all naturalized people-in fact, there is already such a trend now. Is it possible that no one will learn from the instigator? Because you just admitted it They are the first privileged class under the elders..."

"The enslaved privileged class?"

"There are many people who want to be enslaved but cannot." Majia said, "Egyptian Mamluks, Turkish Guards, and Qing Dynasty Baoyi, although they are slaves, they are all privileged slaves above everyone else. I If you don’t know much about coats, then you should know very well about the role of Mamluks and Turkish Guards in history-I really don’t think this is a good system.”

"Some elders may think that the lack of special treatment for maids in this case is an offense to the dignity and privileges of the elders. What do you think of this issue?"

Vest smiled and took a sip of tea: "It's true that the elders are more equal, but the person involved is not the elder, and the person was not killed by the elder or ordered by the elder--for the time being, the key is that the privilege of the elder belongs to the elder himself-- The rights and interests of the elders stipulated in the common program are the foundation of our country and the most important weapon of the country. They cannot be granted to anyone other than the elders at will. If Yang Jihong’s incident today can set a precedent, then our future legalization process will be thorough. Powerlessness. The elder is a social person, and he inevitably has to contact many people to establish social relationships. If the "closest of the elder" can get special treatment, then this opening is really too big, and it is difficult to Therefore, I personally and the Law Society both advocate that the privileges of the elders are limited to themselves, not the people around the elders. Otherwise, the future will be unimaginable. The more we strictly follow the law with Yang Jihong today, the easier it will be to stop such things in the future, otherwise you Are you going to see how many similar 'damage property cases' come out in the future?"

"Your point of view is very reasonable." Pan Pan said, and the vest realized that she said this from the bottom of her heart.

"Governing the country by law has always been the purpose of our Senate, and it is also the goal pursued by our law school."

(End of this chapter)

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