Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1473 Nitrated Starch

Chapter 1473 Nitrated Starch

The vest watched Pan Pan leave, he opened the drawer, took out an old pocket recorder from the table, and pressed the stop button.In view of the rapid "old time and space" of Lingao's news media, he had to be more careful - tampering with the interviewee's remarks, and taking them out of context is the "good tradition" of the news media.

Compared with audio files that can be edited at will, Lingao has no ability to edit the original soundtrack, which is more effective in evidence.

"This won't work." He thought, what has become of us.If this goes on, the Senate will take pills sooner or later.

"Chief, the general office called just now to ask when you are free. Director Xiao of the general office wants to make a confidential phone call with you." A female clerk from the "Ma Ban" of the arbitration tribunal came in and reported.

Ma Jia wondered if Xiao Zishan wanted to talk to him about the maid school?This matter has recently begun to quarrel in internal forums.He has the channel of the Law Society, and the news is quite well-informed. The activities of Shan Liang and others, their collusion with Cheng Yongxin, these things mixed together, made him smell dangerous.

"You replied to them that I've been in the office since six o'clock in the evening." Vest responded.

"Is this the entire interview recording?" Cheng Yongxin asked with a smile after listening to all the recordings.

"Yes, all of them. I think he's on point."

Cheng Yongxin didn't care about her evaluation: "This is excellent material."

Pan Pan was puzzled: "This is just interview material, what's the matter?"

"I'll explain it to you later, but you don't mind if I take this now?"

"Since you want to write these manuscripts, of course I don't mind."

"OK, thanks, Baby Pan Pan."

Cheng Yongxin left Pan Pan's office.Before going home, she went to visit Sun Shangxiang again—this girl is currently studying to be a text editor. According to Cheng Yongxin's request, Pan Pan arranged for her to spend half of her time with reporters who went out to work and learned to interview and write reports. work, and the other half of the time is spent studying publishing and editing.

Sun Shangxiang's work is very busy, so naturally he no longer has time to take care of her in every way, but for Cheng Yongxin who is used to living alone, this is not too embarrassing.Besides, a media person is much more useful to her than a maid.

When she got home, she called Jiang Shan.

"I'm sorry, I have been working too much these days." Jiang Shan said from the other end of the microphone, "We are busy now."

"It doesn't matter, you go to work first, I won't disturb you anymore."

Cheng Yongxin put down the microphone.With a woman's intuition, she felt that Jiang Shan seemed to be deliberately avoiding too frequent contact with her.

Could it be that his recent actions have aroused his vigilance, and he wants to draw a clear line with himself?She was lost in thought.

When Li Yan walked into the director's office, he saw Jiang Shan leaning on the table with his elbows, his fingers buried in his growing hair, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem.The sun shines on his thin body through the thin window screen, and an elongated figure is reflected on the wall. The room is filled with the mellow aroma of coffee. Li Yan suddenly feels that the appearance of his immediate boss is quite like someone intoxicated in love fantasy. The artist in the book, he thought the idea was ridiculous, so he coughed lightly.

"Oh, Lao Li?" Jiang Shan raised his face from the palm of his hand, his beard was unshaven and his eyes were haggard.Li Yan guessed that he spent another sleepless night in the office. "Sit down, I'll ask the secretary to make some hot coffee. Do you want sugar, or milk?"

"No, just make coffee." Li Yan pulled out a chair and sat down, "Jiang Ju, Mr. Zhan called just now, and the long-distance survey team has submitted the list of candidates who are going to the Philippines. What do you think? It’s mainly about the security situation. This matter has been mentioned several times by the Planning Institute and the Manufacturing Director’s Department, and I think the bureau should give a clear statement.”

Jiang Shan rummaged through the file tray for a while, found a report and threw it on the table: "Look at it first."

"A telegram from Manila?"

"The Xu Yingjie Laboratory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry sent it last night, and it has something to do with Lando's work."

Li Yan opened the report and looked at it at a glance, and read a few words lightly from time to time: "...Physical properties: white and light yellow powder...insoluble in water, partially soluble in ethanol...nitrogen content...explosive properties: 5 kg drop weight test...Detonation velocity...Compared to lead casting, the expansion value is 97 (bitterness/taste/sour=100). The explosion force is slightly lower than the theoretical value, which may be due to the process of boiling and washing the product to improve stability. Caused by adding too much alkali..."

Li Yan put down the report, picked up the coffee cup and drank it down.The emotion of surprise made his hands tremble constantly, and the coffee was scattered everywhere on the skirt of his clothes, the table and the floor, but he didn't notice it at all.

"The small vial of samples sent by the postman on the 7th last time," Jiang Shan called the merchant ship of the Southeast Asian company who received the mission of the Foreign Intelligence Agency and went to Manila as a courier, "was collected by Lando from the artillery testing ground on the outskirts of Manila. He said in the telegram It said that there have been several blasting tests in a row recently. I will send it for appraisal, and you have seen the conclusion."

"That guy actually took out the high/explosive/explosive/powder—"

"Nitrate/chemical/starch/powder," Jiang Shan said. "After seeing the appraisal results, I asked a few veterans of the military industry and chemical industry in a small range. This is the explosive that terrorists prefer, because the raw materials are relatively easy to obtain. , The safety is also better. As for Hale, using a small amount of nitrate/chemical/starch/powder mixed with black powder to load the shell can significantly expand the power. He should be made by laboratory methods, and the quantity will not be large. "

"As for how much he can increase the production under the existing conditions, an important constraint is the production of raw materials, especially nitric acid and starch. Regarding the latter, we must start from the current Philippine agriculture."

"Most Filipinos grow rice. Is this stuff high in starch?"

"Sweet potatoes, you forgot that the sweet potatoes in Fujian were introduced from Luzon during the Wanli period. The Spaniards also brought corn and cassava. These crops can be used to extract starch by simple means. The problem now is, what do we know about the current Philippine agriculture? We don’t know much about the situation and food production, and a lot of the information is contradictory. If the colonial authorities want to expand the planting of starch crops, do they have enough conditions and what step can they do? After all, Lando was only a soldier before. He cannot be expected to have expertise in this area."

"So the exploration team needs experts in the agricultural field. As for the exploration activities, they must be carried out under the cover of Lando's work."

"Send a telegram to Lando, asking him to find out about the nitrated starch as soon as possible, especially to find out whether that Paul is producing in a large-scale organization."

The Tagalog maid stood in front of the living room door on the second floor of the villa and hesitated for a long time before reaching out to pull the rope hanging from the door frame.As soon as the doorbell rang, the continuous sound of the piano inside stopped.

The count stood behind the door with no expression on his face, but when his eyes swept over the maid's face, the latter shivered involuntarily.The master didn't like to be disturbed when he played the piano in the morning. "Mr. Sebastian is here," she said tremblingly.

"Go to the bathroom downstairs and arrange for hot water. Get the maids ready." Weiss waved the maid away.The large bathroom in the earl’s private residence has already spread its fame. The walls and floors are paved with colored porcelain, and the huge white porcelain bathtub is all jaw-dropping; not to mention the special machine that can adjust the temperature, and the gold-plated hot water that is more gorgeous than the Roman fountain nozzle.Among the rich and powerful in Manila, if they are lucky enough to be entertained by the Earl and enjoy a fragrant wave bath served by a beautiful maid, it is enough for them to brag at various social occasions for several weeks.As for the pedantic theories of priests and doctors about bathing, they have long been blown away as a gust of wind. After all, this is an "Oriental enjoyment" that is unheard of even in the East.

Of course, for the sake of cleanliness, Lando himself never used that big bathroom, and had his own bathroom in the garden.As for his subordinates and servants, they also enjoy a special collective shower room.So as not to catch some noble epidemics such as syphilis from dignitaries.

He closed the door again, walked into the bedroom and pulled the bell rope, and then opened the cover of the speaking tube: "Mimi, tell the captain: the Esmeralda will leave in two hours. I will go to the Cavite Shipyard, and There was a Spanish official with him."

"It will be ready, sir."

Putting down the phone, Weiss returned to the living room and continued to sit in front of the double keyboard harpsichord made in Florence.After his train of thought was interrupted by the maid, he had no choice but to play those familiar but fragmented phrases repeatedly. After playing for a while, he wrote down a few notes on the staff paper he had drawn.Although the harpsichord is far less smooth to play than the piano, and the difference in timbre is even greater, Weiss bought it from the sacristy of the local church for a lot of money.Re-playing the notation works that he is familiar with and loves in the old world is his only leisure after the intense spy work.

Sebastian Andrade has a new job.After Genolino Panio was dismissed and put in prison, the Governor unexpectedly ordered the public treasurer to also manage the Royal Dockyard. Everyone said that this was just a duplication of duties by the Governor in order to give the treasurer a little advantage. - Ender Mr Ladd knew nothing about shipbuilding or boats.The first task of the newly appointed "His Excellency" is to supervise the shipyard from being disturbed by the fire, and at the same time urge the new director of the shipyard, Caluccio Panio, to complete the order for the new patrol boat as soon as possible. .Of course he didn't know that the mastermind who planned the arson and assassination cases was standing with him on the front deck of the Esmeralda talking and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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