Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1543 "Cheat"

Chapter 1543 "Cheat"

Zhou Zhongjun said nonchalantly: "I went shopping, and when I arrived at Nanbao Bookstore, I saw a few people sneaking around on the counter. When they saw me passing by, they immediately hid the book under the pile of books. I thought they might be What kind of illegal activities are you doing--you think, we are the most chivalrous and righteous in our daily life, how can we sit idly by? I just followed. Guess what happened?"

Huang Zhen groaned inwardly: Miss, we are doing a murder business with our heads up. Do you think this is a qualification for walking in the rivers and lakes?You have to shout again: Zhou Zhongjun from Hengshan is here, and we all have to enter the squadron of the Kun bandits.

He knew that she was probably driven by curiosity again, so he continued to ask, "How?"

"It turns out that they sell exam questions." Zhou Zhongjun said triumphantly, "The thieves have certificates for everything they do. But the exam questions have been leaked a long time ago, and there are sales in private. You can buy anything you want..."

"You bought this?"

"Originally they refused to admit that they had this book, but I frightened them, saying that they were acting suspicious and going to report to the police, and they obediently took it out and sold it to me. It's only 20 yuan circulation coupon!" Zhou Zhongjun seemed very proud .

After all, Huang Zhen is an old Jianghu, and he secretly felt something wrong in his heart: Although fraud in the imperial examinations was common in Daming, his actions were generally relatively secretive, and he usually had to use intermediaries to bridge the gap.After all, this is a matter of taking one's own life!
Here in Lingao, although the license exam is not an imperial exam, how many people's livelihood depends on this certificate, and the thieves must be severely punished for cheating, and they will never release water to the point of selling exam questions on the street .

Huang Zhen couldn't help becoming vigilant. Could it be that he met a charlatan?Judging from Zhou Zhongjun's narrative, this is a very common trick.

Thinking of this, he quickly flipped through the tissue paper booklet in his hand. He couldn't judge whether the questions and answers in it were true or not, but when he turned to the last page, he saw a small line at the foot of the page: "According to Transcribed and transcribed from the 1633 edition of "Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Qualification Examination Mock Questions Collection" published by the Ministry of Health Publishing House. The copyright belongs to the original author." Then there is an ink stamp: "Manual Transcription License No. 66", and finally the price: circulation coupon 20 yuan .

Huang Zhen fell down immediately: This is a deceptive thing!

No wonder some of the words looked familiar.He quickly dug out a book from a pile of reference books piled up on the table. It was "Mock Questions Collection for the Qualification Examination of Chinese Medicine Practitioners", published by the Ministry of Health Publishing House.He bought the 1634 version, so the content is slightly different, and the price is only 3 yuan circulation coupons.

Huang Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that Miss Zhou had fallen for a trick of the rivers and lakes.

Seeing his strange expression, Zhou Zhongjun already knew that something was wrong, so he snatched the book in his hand, and after a look, his handsome face flushed red, his eyebrows stood erect, and his teeth were gritted like shellfish: " You dared to deceive this girl, don't blame this girl for being cruel." Saying this, she was about to run out.

Huang Zhen quickly stopped her: "No! We are in a dangerous place now, and we must not conflict with others..."

"Could it be that we are still afraid of a few mere thieves?"

"We are indeed not afraid, but this action will be in vain!" Huang Zhen was afraid that the weight would not be enough, "I am afraid that I will be ashamed to face you when I go back!"

These words had an effect on Zhou Zhongjun, she knew that our sect put a lot of energy into this matter, if it was because she missed a major event, at least she would have to be expelled from the sect.

Although the Hengshan school is not a paradise, she is free and at ease, and her master has very little control over her. Apart from not being able to go down the mountain easily and having to practice exercises every day, everything is free.Her family has a lot of money, silver and other items are constantly being delivered, and she even bought a little maid to serve her. All kinds of enjoyment are not inferior to those at home.If she returns home, she will inevitably be yelled at by her parents to get married—not to mention that she refused to bind her feet since she was a child. She has big feet. This Zhou Zhongjun was already shuddering.

However, how could she bear this breath, the circles of her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears rolled in her eyes-although it was just a trivial matter of a 20 yuan circulation coupon, she had never suffered such a loss since she first went down the mountain and walked the rivers and lakes .Right now, there are a few low-level liars in Lingao.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Huang, I know the seriousness! When night falls, let's kill these thieves together, and then set fire to the bookstore!"

Huang Zhen knew that she couldn't swallow this breath, so he said in a deep voice: "This place must not be the territory of Daming, if you let the fire out, the gangster's minions will definitely hunt down the whole city of Nanbao, you and me How to hide it?"

"So, we only have to suffer from this boring loss?!" Zhou Zhongjun gritted his white teeth.

"Be patient for now! When it's activated, let alone this small bookstore, even the whole Nanbao will be set on fire!"

These words finally appeased Zhou Zhongjun.Even so, Zhou Zhongjun was still unhappy. When he went upstairs, he saw Nan Wan'er sweeping the floor, and scolded her: "Wonderful hooves! It's nothing to sweep, just pretend!"

Huang Zhen saw it clearly, although he was very upset about Nan Wan'er, but at this moment his mind was full of exams and opening a shop, so he had no intention of appeasing Nan Wan'er.

The matter of the current textual research is more ominous than good, Jiao and Song have already retreated, even if the Huang family brothers can pass it is still unknown--he inquired, this textual research is not easy, Even the naturalized people who have been in Lingao for a year or two have to enroll in a "training course" or something like that in order to pass the examination. Those who pass the examination by studying hard at home are very rare.

As for this "training class", it is said that it was held in Dongmen City, and it was called "Xin Lingao": it was jointly organized by Runshitang, the largest pharmacy in Lingao, and the Ministry of Health. The chief's private stock, but this is just a rumor in the rivers and lakes.In short, as long as you sign up for the training, you have a high pass rate.

Huang Zhen originally thought that this was a similar transaction from the Nan Paper Store in the capital, which specially provided access to fraud in the examination room.I thought it would be okay to just spend money to buy a way.I didn’t expect that if you want to enroll in this training course, you have to take a certificate first: no matter whether you are a naturalized citizen or an aborigine, you must have a diploma training course of level B or above before you can accept it.

This made Huang Daxia go crazy, is this still a place for people to stay?This certificate and that certificate are that when the Taizu of this dynasty was there, the yellow book guide system was strict, and the net was not so tight.Here, they are simply struggling.

And there is Zhou Zhongjun, an uneasy presence beside him.At that time, when the master and others taught him the opportunity, he said that all the women in the gangsters came out to do things, and they could bring a few more female disciples to deceive others.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in Lingao, Zhou Zhongjun was unwilling to pick up his shoulders and do things. He only knew to go shopping every day-not to mention deceiving people, he was simply an eye-catching existence.

If she doesn't open a shop to give her a proper identity, something will happen sooner or later!

Huang Zhensi thought about it, and despite all his helplessness, he had no choice but to ask the female director for advice.Maybe we can find a way through her.

Knowing that she would not accept presents, he simply forgot the presents as well.When I arrived at the branch office, there was no need to report here. I asked the concierge and said that the director was in the office, so I went to visit directly.

The female director was very happy when she saw Huang Zhen came to visit again.First ask him to sit on the rattan chair, then serve him tea and water very enthusiastically, and then ask if he is in good health?Is there any prospect of opening a store?Is there anything I can do for help?

Huang Zhen recounted his current hardships: "...I and others came from Ming Dynasty. As for all kinds of textual research, they are all Australian rules. I don't know anything about it. I want to take the exam, but I also find it extremely difficult--I extended the invitation. They are all people who have been practicing medicine and selling medicine all their lives, and they are very proficient in medical skills and pharmacology, but after all, they are old, and now it is too difficult for them to memorize the things in this book..."

The female director nodded while listening, showing a sympathetic look. After Huang Zhen came to an end, she smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Senate has always encouraged industry and commerce. However, the pharmaceutical industry is related to the safety of the people, like Daming In that way, anyone can practice medicine and sell medicine, which is a disregard for the health of the people. That's why our Senate formulated these rules."

"Yes, yes, the spirit of the Senate to love the world and serve the people wholeheartedly is greatly admired by Huang." Huang Zhen echoed respectfully, and the last half of the sentence was the slogan he saw on the street a few days ago.

Then he told the story of Zhou Zhongjun's being deceived again: it's not "asking the master Qingtian to make the decision", but thinking that once these people are captured by the gangster's yamen, the matter will be known to the gangster's officials.

Instead of interrogating him when he is discovered, and causing more incidents—Zhou Zhongjun is very worried about how he will deal with him—it is better to just say it in the front. Anyway, the case is not worth much, so it should not attract too much attention.Fortunately, the Kun bandits don't engage in "thieves blooming" here, and the tricks of the Daming Yamen to make money by borrowing money are out of place here.

Sure enough, the matter did not arouse the hostess's great interest, she just nodded:

"Situations like yours are not uncommon in the local area. You spent half your life wandering under the old society and the old system in the Ming Dynasty, but you couldn't adapt to the new society and the new system for a while. It is hard to learn new things when you are old. Fear of difficulties, wanting to do some crooked ways and take shortcuts, I understand this." She put her hands on her heart, smiling, full of spring.

"Yes Yes."

"This is not the first time this has happened. You are not the only ones who have been fooled. But for the time being, we haven't found a good way to deal with it. The guys in these bookstores are taking advantage of loopholes in the law." The female director explained, "It is you who are taking advantage of it. These people are eager for success.”

(End of this chapter)

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