Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1544 Tricks

Chapter 1544 Tricks
This kind of hand-copied book is also a local legal publication, and it can be regarded as a pocket book—because the Lingao Printing Factory has not yet produced extra-small type—some people took advantage of this loophole and specially made this small hand-copied book. Then deliberately make all kinds of sneaky actions to attract people who are not familiar with the situation when they first arrive in Lingao and are eager to verify, and then use a few tricks to lure them into the trap.

As far as the facts of the case are concerned, the books sold in the bookstore are officially published books, and the prices are clearly marked, and there is no false mark.Manuscripts were inherently more expensive than printed copies, and pricing was no problem.So it's not illegal.In addition, buying the answers to the test questions is itself an attempt to cheat - something that cannot be said, and the value of the case is limited, and those who are deceived can only swallow the bitter fruit themselves.

"I see..." Huang Zhen nodded repeatedly.

Huang Zhen hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, so I still want to ask the director for advice." He added, "This kindness, Huang will never forget it."

"Oh, what are you talking about, the director, you are kind, you are too polite. They all serve the Senate." The hostess smiled like a flower: she is only forty years old, and she was not born in poverty. Her appearance and skin are well maintained, which can be called charming You Cun said, "My name is You Xiu, you can call me Xiu'er." He picked up the thermos to refill Huang Zhen's water, and his full and firm chest casually brushed Huang Zhen's arm.

Huang Zhen only felt that something elastic, firm and plump pressed his arm tightly, and his heart skipped a beat. He is not a young child, so how could he not know what "Xiuer" was thinking?Huang Zhenzhen is middle-aged and a widower. It would be false to say that there is no need for this.This You Xiu's looks are not bad, although the corners of the eyes are slightly wrinkled, the caressing of a mature woman has a different flavor compared to the greenness of a young girl.

But those who practice martial arts are the most taboo about adultery, and adultery is even more taboo, not to mention their current situation...

Huang Zhen suppressed this wishful thinking. If he wanted to be on the territory of Daming, he had to correct his face and say: "Sister-in-law You, please be respectful." But he couldn't say this right now.I had no choice but to pretend to be silly and smiled, took another sip of tea, and acted dumbfounded.

But You Xiu didn't worry about it, and just said some polite empty words, asking Huang Zhen to go back and tell everyone to "review well", and then said, "It's better to get the second-level diploma first, it will always be useful in the future." Huang Zhen was very anxious, The female director spoke all the official language on the scene, so how could there be any hint of "guiding the maze"?Knowing that I looked like a gentleman, I swept away the interest of the other party. It seemed that if I didn't give her some benefits, I would never reveal the "shortcut".

If it was in the past, why should Huang Zhen be like this!It's just that the rules of Kun Thief's ground are different from those of Daming, and the routines he's familiar with can't work, so he has to make a bad move!After all, the big business is the most important thing.He quickly laughed again:
"Sister-in-law You is right, but you also know that the people in our place who can see a doctor and take medicine are not too young, and it is difficult to ask them to take the exam. If sister-in-law has any shortcuts, please give me some pointers. Huang is very grateful... ..." After that, she moved her body slightly towards the direction of the female director, still smiling, "Come on, let me offer a cup to Sister-in-law You first." Then she stood up and filled the tea mug in front of her, and picked it up
You Xiu smiled even sweeter: "The shopkeeper Huang respected the tea, I must drink it." Then he caught the teacup, and took Huang Zhen's hand casually:
"Shopkeeper Huang is indeed a strong man, his calluses are so strong."

Naturally, Huang Zhen couldn't pull his hand away, so he could only respond: "I've worked so hard and come from a hard life, I made Sister-in-law You laugh at me."

"What kind of sister-in-law is she? It's too outlandish—and besides, my husband's surname is not You."

"Yes, yes." Huang Zhen changed his mind and said, "Please take care of sister You."

"Hey, that's right." You Xiu took a sip of tea with a smile, "Since you are favored by shopkeeper Huang, call me Sister You. I have to take care of you brother." She said, from the bookshelf next to the table. Get the next book.

The covers of these books are the same as the outlines he bought, with white paper and red letters.Huang Zhen has excellent eyesight. It turns out that the bookshelf is full of various "entries" - "Compilation of Policies and Regulations and Instructions for Use".

She opened one of the pages and said with a smile: "Master Huang, you are too impatient. The license of Chinese medicine practitioners, not to mention that you just got it from the Ming Dynasty, even the naturalized people with a second-level diploma in the local area can also get it." It takes half a year and a year to study in the training class to pass the exam. It is easier to be a Chinese pharmacist, as long as you are a pharmacy clerk with a full teacher, you can pass by reading more books."

Huang Zhen knew that this was a foreshadowing, and there must be something important to say next, so he put on an expression of listening attentively.

The female director continued: "I heard you said that your doctor specializes in bone setting?"

"Yes, this Dr. Jiao is a well-known bone-setting doctor in the North..."

"You see, in this case, you can let him take the 'special Chinese medicine doctor' license instead of the ordinary Chinese medicine doctor's license. There are also regulations on this."

The so-called "characteristic Chinese medicine practitioners" are actually special channels opened by the Ministry of Health for some special Chinese medicine talents.There are quite a number of "one trick fresh" physicians in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. They either master certain unique treatment techniques: such as acupuncture, red wounds, massage, and bone setting; Willow disease and so on.

These categories are relatively unpopular professions in the field of Chinese medicine. Originally, the status of doctors in the society was not high, and the status of these "secondary schools" was even lower. Some doctors—such as snake doctors—were simply regarded as beggars.

They are often the origin of family education, father to son, master to disciple, master a little unique technology, and have a few proven prescriptions for a living.Often the level of education is not high, and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is not even mentioned, and it is completely empiricism.

It is impossible for these people to rely on the license of Chinese medicine practitioners.But it is obviously a great waste of talents to prohibit them from practicing medicine.At Liu San's suggestion, a special channel was opened: instead of taking the theory test, he was taken directly to the hospital for an on-site assessment.Those who pass the assessment will be issued a "characteristic license".Naturally, they can't get involved in other subjects besides their own.

People like Jiao Gongli actually only need to take this test.Of course, this medical shop can only set bones for people.

It turns out that there is a doorway hidden here!Huang Zhenxin said, no wonder everyone said that "officials are as cunning as oil". Otherwise, how could he figure out that there is such a trick in it?

Now, the heart that had been hanging in the air finally settled down.Jiao Gongli is not good at school, but this skill is ready-made.Can't help but say thank you
"Thank you for what I did? It's all based on the policy of the Senate." You Xiu stroked Huang Zhen's hand, "I think Huang's hands are thick and strong, and they are probably very strong. Why don't you learn the technique of Daoyin massage? I can get a license." As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes flickered.Huang Zhen only felt that You Xiu's thighs were squeezing against his knees.Although it was warm and soft, it made Huang Zhen, who has always been upright, a little uncomfortable.

However, this Director You is so familiar with the situation of the thieves. If he wants to lurk here and gain a foothold, he must ask her to help him a lot, but it's not a problem to get bored like this... Huang Zhen rolled his eyes, thinking about it, and talking , but stretched out his hand under the table, and twisted You Xiu's thigh heavily.

"Hey! Yo..." You Xiu felt pain in her thigh, and she couldn't help crying out, but she immediately suppressed her voice, the word "Yo" dropped all the way, and the ending sound was faint, which was very nice.

"Damn ghost! You hit so hard!" You Xiu said angrily in a low voice, caressing her leg with one hand, but her eyes were as charming as silk, and she was extremely charming.

Huang Zhen said in a low voice: "I thought my sister liked it. To be honest with my sister, Huang just likes this..." Then he twisted her thigh several times.He intends to scare You Xiu off, and he strikes hard.

You Xiu groaned a few times in a low voice, out of breath, and water seemed to drip from her eyes: "Da da... Try harder, slave girl, slave girl likes to have heavy hands..."

Huang Zhen couldn't help crying secretly, he probably saw You Xiu's thighs were bruised these few times.Unexpectedly, Director You had quite a strong taste, and this move aroused her anger.

What's more terrible is that "Sister You"'s thighs are warm and elastic. Even though they are separated by several layers of clothes, they feel quite good to the touch.After unscrewing it a few times, he also experienced physiological changes.

Seeing that Youxiu's eyes were blurred, she kept leaning towards her body, holding his hand with one hand and was about to press on her chest, Huang Zhen knew that things were going to happen soon, and if she didn't rein in the precipice, she didn't know what would happen, so she hurriedly said: "Sister You! This is your office!"

You Xiu was already burning with desire, but when he said this, it was like pouring a basin of cold water on her head, and her mind suddenly cleared up a little.There are people coming and going outside the office, and someone will come in at any time.If someone sees it, it will be a huge scandal immediately!
Thinking of her gaffe just now, You Xiu's face flushed immediately, she couldn't say a word, she just lowered her head.

Huang Zhenxin said: "It's dangerous!" He quickly got up and said, "Sister You, I'll take my leave first..." No matter what she said, she just resigned.

Back on the street, I felt relaxed all over.In my heart, I secretly scolded the rou thieves, the atmosphere here is depraved, no wonder fake ku women like to wear those shameless clothes!

However, for some reason, Huang Zhen felt a little regretful in his heart: This You Xiu is really a "beauty"...

Although there is some suspicion of sacrificing the color, but since then, the relationship between myself and the female director has also taken a step forward, which is good for future activities in Nanbao.Just have to master a "degree".

Back in the store, I told everyone the news that I could take the "Special Chinese Physician" exam. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the depressed atmosphere that had been a little bit dissipated.Needless to say, Jiao Gongli, Song Shengying, who has retreated, also intends to give it a try-he is quite accomplished in guiding massage and bruises.

(End of this chapter)

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