Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1545 Investment Immigration

Chapter 1545 Investment Immigration
Even Zhou Zhongjun said that he wanted to take an exam as an acupuncturist or something.The atmosphere was one of relief: a group of people felt that now they could finally settle down in Lingao.

"Our men can finally gain a foothold here in Nanbao." Huang Zhen sighed, took off the six-in-one uniform hat, dusted it, and put it on the table, "I've been traveling all over the world for decades, and I didn't expect this to be the territory of the thieves." It’s so difficult, the number one hard ground!”

Everyone didn't know about his "adventurous encounter" today, Song Shengying thought that he was a little discouraged because of running around for many days, so she comforted him with a few words like "a man can bend and stretch".

Because Zhou Zhongjun often goes out and spends money lavishly, Huang Zhen is afraid of causing trouble, so he once again told him not to go out if there is nothing to do, and to say hello to him in advance if he wants to go out.As he spoke, he glared at Zhou Zhongjun a few more times——Because Zhou Zhongjun suffered a small loss and knew he was wronged, he had no choice but to listen.

Huang Zhen made arrangements for this matter, but found that the project funds were running short-the renovation was "all inclusive", and the bill was settled once a week.After paying the construction fee for this week, shopkeeper Huang found that there was not much left of the 1000 yuan circulation coupon.The new money has not yet been sent.This put the team into a new crisis.

You can't get anywhere without money, anywhere.Huang Zhen has seven or eight people in his hand, and a half-finished stall.Sima Qiudao went like a crane, and there was no news - Sima Qiudao was his contact person with "Qi Ye", without Qi Ye's secret support, he had no confidence at all.

After waiting anxiously for several days, Sima Qiudao finally appeared.It turns out that he has been "looking for a job" for the past few days, and now he works for a local product company under the Ministry of Commerce—specifically, he is a "purchaser", specializing in the purchase of local products.In this way, he can often travel to and from Lingao County openly.

Since Sima Qiudao refused to shave his head and purify himself, he could only be regarded as a "temporary worker".Now that I have found a job, I returned to Nanbao.

Sima Qiudao brought the activity funds handed over by Master Qi, and also brought new news: Zhuo Yifan and others had landed in Qiongshan County and were heading for Lingao.

Only Zhuo Yifan knew exactly what to do in Lingao.However, judging from the fact that they were trying to lurk from the very beginning, this action must be quite difficult, requiring a lot of time to wait for the opportunity.

However, there were more than 20 people in this group, and Huang Zhen immediately encountered difficulties.Huang Zhen complained secretly, he felt that seven or eight people were a bit too many when he opened this shop.Now there are more than 20 people coming in one breath, how to arrange them?This residence is not easy to arrange.Nanbao is better. If you want to settle in Dongmen City and Bopu, the rent alone is not a small figure-not to mention that you may not be able to rent, the housing shortage in Lingao is quite serious.

Not to mention the house, what kind of status such a person lives in is the big problem.The household registration management in Lingao is extremely tight. How can a group of men and women, young and old, apply for household registration?

Sima Qiudao said, "It doesn't matter, Qi Ye said, they have their own way. We don't need to intervene."

"The thieves' nets are all over here..."

"It's not a problem." Sima Qiudao said confidently, "Qi Ye thought of a way for them. Since there are so many people, why not come in openly. It's not a problem."

"Really?" Huang Zhen was a little confused.But since the superiors have made such a decision, it is inappropriate for him to say more.

South Wutiao of Dongmen City, the main road in the suburban junction full of wasteland and construction sites, a group of carriages and horses came in a mighty way this day.

This team of chariots and horses is quite large.A two-wheeled Dongfeng carriage led the way, followed by four four-wheeled red-flag carriages, followed by three four-wheeled cargo carriages, piled high and tightly covered with tarpaulins, and finally, another A two-wheeled carriage.

A motorcade of this size would have attracted the attention of the crowd if it had been a year or two ago. However, in the past six months, such motorcades have often been seen on the streets.Their destination is often the outskirts of Wutiao, Dongmen City.

In the late spring of Lingao, the weather is already a bit hot.On both sides of the newly opened road, the street trees are still young and have no shade.On the contrary, all kinds of flowers and trees planted are already in full bloom, and the road is full of flowers, just like in the painting.

The wheels of the convoy ran over the cinder road and stopped in front of a compound in Nanwutiao.

In Lingao, which is full of buildings, this building, which still maintains the traditional style, looks very abrupt.From its brand-new tiles and white walls, one can tell that the house has not been built for long.

There is a huge gold signboard with black background hanging at the door: "Joan'an Inn", this is the largest traditional inn in Lingao.

In the past few years, chaos has occurred frequently in the Central Plains. Not only bandits are rampant, but also civil uprisings are frequent every day, and the roads are uneasy.There are rich and powerful people in the local area, and they build villages and regiments to protect themselves.Ordinary small and medium-sized landlords would hardly be able to gain a foothold in the countryside if they did not take refuge under the protection of the powerful.

Even if they moved to the county seat, they gradually became unsafe.As a result, many families sold their properties and moved to the peaceful and prosperous Jiangnan "blessed land" to "escape from the hustle and bustle".

Lingao County, Qiongzhou Prefecture, far away in Guangdong Province, has now become one of the candidate places for old rich people to "escape from the hustle and bustle".Rumors of Lingao's prosperity and peace, and the common people living and working in peace and contentment have spread more or less across the mainland.Rich people know more about Lingao because they have the opportunity to get in touch with "Australian goods".

Although there are not many laocai who know and have the courage to go to Lingao, it is quite a lot for such a remote place as Lingao.

They are willing to immigrate to Lingao, and the civil affairs department has no objection—it turns out that immigrants are always welcome.What's more, these old rich people hold a lot of funds in their hands, and settling down in Lingao can effectively stimulate consumption.Besides, the Senate also needs more gold and silver hard currency to balance the "balance of payments."

The "Qiong'an Inn" came into being. The inn was opened by Li Sunqian, a member of the Lingao Council and the former "dung bully".Since Li Sunqian voluntarily handed over the ownership of the dung section in Lingao County, he began to invest in the industry under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce.

At the beginning, the Li family only bought shares in some state-owned enterprises of the Senate. Gradually, the Li family saw the potential of real estate and developed real estate in Dongmen City.

Rich families from the mainland crossed the sea to Lingao one after another. Li Sunqian saw this opportunity and bought a lot of land in Nanwutiao area. He asked Lingao Construction Corporation to design and build "luxury mansions" and sell them exclusively to these people.

It is said to be a "luxury mansion", but it is not actually a traditional building. It just maintains the style of traditional architecture in terms of architectural features, and the internal structure is built according to modern architectural concepts.It is much better than traditional buildings in terms of comfort and land utilization.

However, Li Sunqian is a big aboriginal family after all, and he has a much clearer understanding of his own kind's living preferences, family members' status, and living habits than the elders.Therefore, the "luxury mansions" he developed were very popular with these big households, and the first batch were sold out soon after they were completed.In the middle of the second batch of construction, Li Xiaopeng, the grandson of the Li family, learned to "sell unplanned flats" without a teacher, and sold the "luxury house" that was still under construction to a big family from Duhailai.

The money has been collected, but the house is still being repaired.There is a big family with a family and a lot of luggage, and there must be a place to put it first.With an idea, Li Xiaopeng came up with the idea of ​​building a "transitional room": to build an "inn" specially for his clients.

He received a lot of guests, and knowing that these big families came across the sea, he was probably a little bit apprehensive.In order to make them feel at ease, it is necessary to provide a living environment similar to their old residence.

So the Li family invested in the construction of this "Qiong'an Inn".Generally speaking, it is the buildings of Ming Dynasty and the equipment of Australia.Under the premise of ensuring the atmosphere, guests can fully experience the comfort of the "Australian style" lifestyle.

The business of the inn was booming as soon as it opened. For the big families who came across the sea, the "Australian style" lifestyle has not affected them. Even the number one "state guesthouse" in Dongmen City, like the Shangguan, they feel that the layout is too stingy. , there is not even a yard, and there is no way to distinguish the upper and lower rooms-there is no residence for the servants, and it is impossible to house their servants.

Joan Inn took all these into consideration when it was built. The accommodation is comfortable and the service is appropriate. Therefore, although the cost of staying for one night is not small, most of the investment immigrants choose to settle here.

The convoy stopped at the square in front of the screen wall, and the guys who had been waiting at the door of the store came up to greet them. Those who helped people and unloaded luggage were very busy.

The ground was clean, and several trolleys were already standing aside, specially used to carry luggage.

From the last hansom a passenger sprang briskly down.He was wearing a fine silk jacket and a gauze scarf. He held a copper-colored sword in one hand, and patted the dust off his body with the other. He looked up at the sky and said to himself, "The weather here is really hot." ! It’s better to have a good rain!”

A store clerk came forward with a smile and was about to take the sword. The book boy who got out of the car first had already taken the sword.It is the beautiful boy that rich families love to raise.

The guys are all slick veterans, seeing that they can't please, they know that this sword is precious.He hurriedly smiled and said, "It's summer all year round here in Lingao, and it's not too cold even in winter. It's just that it doesn't like rain in spring, but it rains non-stop in summer. It's unbearable when it rains. Guest officer, Please come inside, the shop has prepared sour plum soup and fruits to cool off." He couldn't help but secretly looked at the guest officer.
This young scholar is about [-] years old, he is just in his youth, he looks full of vigor and vitality.Although he was dressed as a scholar, his skin was bronze.His long eyebrows are in his mane, and his eyes are like bright stars.The tightly pursed lips indicate that he doesn't like to talk.The lower jaw is slightly convex, showing a strong character.The facial features are slightly delicate but still masculine.

(End of this chapter)

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