Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1551 Advertising Brochure

Chapter 1551 Advertising Brochure

"Actually, you are not at a disadvantage. Please think about it, if there are no reliable and capable people, how easy is it to manage the land?" Li Xiaopeng said, "As for the expenses, they are all used on their own land. In the future, if I don’t want the land anymore, and selling it is not the price you can buy for wasteland and thin land—and you won’t suffer a loss.”

"What about the half pack?"

Li Xiaopeng said that the half-package means that all the expenses needed for farming are invested by the landlord. Whether the water and soil are improved or not, and the construction of water conservancy, these investments are all frugal and frugal, and the tax is also borne by the landlord himself.Tiandihui is only responsible for the operation and production, and collects corresponding service fees, and does not participate in the profit sharing.

If the landlord himself has more financial resources to invest independently, half a package is obviously more cost-effective.If the financial resources are insufficient and the input is limited, then the production level of Tiandihui will not increase quickly.

In addition to the half pack, there is also a single service, with a one-time service fee.Pest control, mechanical irrigation, mechanized plowing and harvesting... Anyone who needs agricultural production can purchase a single service.

There are also people who are unwilling to give up and keep asking if they can buy land and build a house by themselves. Is it difficult to recruit tenants?Li Xiaopeng explained the relevant policies again: Australian laws do not prohibit this, but it is difficult to do so.

However, when he said this, many people were still skeptical.Li Xiaopeng did not swear, saying that if you want to try it yourself:

"Our Li family is in business. The so-called business is not about benevolence and righteousness. If you have other ideas, you can give it a try. If you don't understand, as long as we know, we will know everything."

Next, Li Xiaopeng answered a lot of questions from the wealthy households, which involved all aspects of buying a house and living in Lingao.Thanks to Li Xiaopeng's extensive knowledge and strong memorization, he basically answers every question, but he is very crisp and straightforward, and he has the demeanor of a shrewd and capable businessman.

Zhuo Yifan didn't come here to buy land and real estate, but this is the first time he participated in the explanatory meeting. He was somewhat curious, wanting to see what kind of ingenuity the thieves have, which can both confuse the poor and lure the rich to join him Lingao.

However, after hearing so much, I only feel that the rich and gentlemen came here only because they lost their minds—this kind of place where people are easily blamed and punished with severe laws is no different from the Tyranny of Qin—even building a house has all kinds of trivial details rule!Not to mention all kinds of "taxes".I have heard that the Kun bandits are "extravagant", but I didn't expect to exploit the common people so badly!He is so unscrupulous towards the gentry, and it is even more cruel to the common people-but this is completely different from his perception along the way.

Zhuo Yifan was puzzled. Seeing that the lecture was over, he followed the crowd slowly out of the flower hall and back to the courtyard.

That night, Li Xiaoliu made a special trip to send several thick books.It said, "Men and wives, please take a look at it slowly. If you like it, make a list, and you can arrange viewings from tomorrow.".

This book is bound in the Australian style, the cover is bound with a good sheepskin binding, it is hard and heavy in the hand, and it is twice as big as an ordinary book.

When I opened it, I found that there was exquisite thick paper inside, with various patterns of houses, gardens, and courtyards painted on it. Each pattern was also equipped with a special floor plan, which was explained in small characters.

This is not uncommon in the first place: ancient Chinese architectural craftsmen also had plan drawings and special renderings-it is not necessary to build houses for ordinary people, but it is just as unambiguous to build houses for dignitaries or emperors.There are a large number of such drawings in the archives of the Qing palace and the archives of Shisei Lei.

However, the pictures in this book not only do not seem to be drawn by Chinese people, but also are exquisite in design, rich in color and exquisite in detail, which is amazing.

Zhuo Yifan is the son of an official family and the first disciple of Taoist Baishi. He has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot. He has never seen such an exquisite thing.He read a few pages carefully, and knew that it was developed and built by Lijiapo Real Estate Company—that is, the name of Li Xiaopeng's family.

These houses were all built in a place called "Big Rose Garden". Zhuo Yifan had never heard of it, but it didn't matter, he didn't plan to buy any houses at all.

Just looking at it like this, apart from the layout and form of the house being slightly different from that of Daming, there is nothing special about it.

It turns out that the pictures behind are all interior renderings, which was something that never existed in China in the 17th century. Most of the interior decorations at that time were expressed in words in the form of "furniture accounts".But the renderings of the Australians reflect another style that they are unfamiliar with.

Large glass windows provide bright lighting in the room; bamboo and wooden floors are clean and tidy; porcelain floor tiles and wall tiles in various color patterns are beautiful and shining; luxurious crystal glass chandeliers radiate soft light Color... Coupled with a variety of beautiful and practical furniture, it greatly subverted Zhuo Yifan's understanding of "luxury".If they hadn't been to Ziming Tower in Guangzhou to experience it, they would have thought it was just a whimsical doodle.

Wan Lifeng and the others standing beside him were also engrossed in watching, and there was no sound in the room for a while.

"It's no wonder the rich people are scrambling for it, like moths to a flame." After a while, Wan Lifeng sighed and said, "It's too luxurious! Even the emperor probably doesn't like this."

"Your majesty is working hard to govern, how can he indulge in pleasure." Zhuo Yifan deeply felt the same way.He probably knows a little about the things in the palace. Although the enjoyment in the palace is not comparable to that of ordinary gentry, but compared with this album, it does look a bit "earthy".

He picked up another one and flipped through it.They had seen a real estate brochure; this one was a brochure for household goods.Although the Li family's company does not produce and distribute these "Australian household products", as an important package, it also specially made an advertising brochure to promote them in order to earn greater profits.

It is said to be "Australian household products", but in fact, quite a few of them are selected products imported from Southeast Asia, Europe, Persia, India, Japan, North Korea and other places.It can be called a master of groceries with all kinds of "uncanny skills and obscene skills".Even Zhuo Yifan, who had a lot of foreign goods at home, felt dazzled, seeing many things for the first time.

The content of the album was so tempting that gradually everyone in the room gathered around, tsk tsk.Everyone has an eye-opening feeling.

"The thieves are so extravagant and extravagant, the gentry and common people in Hainan are suffering from their troubles!" Zhuo Yifan covered his scrolls and sighed, "We can only do our best to get rid of this serious trouble for the people of the court!" After finishing speaking, he threw the album away step aside.

All the knights and knights expressed their determination to firmly support the imperial court and fight the Kun bandits to the end.However, this album has become a hot topic, and everyone rushed to see it, pointing and discussing it endlessly.It's like a child seeing a Toys R Us advertising brochure: if you can't play it, it's good to see it.

Today, Sima Qiudao also got off the small urban railway train from Bopu as usual, ending a day of running around.

His job today is to go to the northern coast of Lingao to see samples and check the completion of the production progress: the native product company signed a purchase contract with the fishermen locally.After Sima Qiudao got off the bus from Bopu, he ran around on two legs, almost a whole day.

When he got out of the car, his whole body was sore and limp, he couldn't even lift his legs: this gangster's food is really not good.

Although Sima Qiudao was still wearing "old style" clothes, traces of "Australian style" or "new style" clothes had been left on his body.He was wearing a canvas satchel with the shop's name embroidered on the surface. Inside the bag were notebooks, ink cartridges, sample books, blank agreements, contracts and other things. The kettle has a lunch box on the other side, which is very suitable for his status as a buyer.

He also carried a "Russian" style toilet bag on his back, which contained samples of local products collected from near the bo shop.

Sima Qiudao followed the crowd out of the station and bought a copy of that day's "Lingao Times" from the newspaper vendor at the gate.

He bought a newspaper every day: because "Ping Kun's Notes" told them that reading newspapers can get a lot of important news.There are not only the dynamics of the Kun thief, but if something goes wrong with Zhuo Yifan or Huang Zhen, there will be news in the newspaper.

Today's newspaper is still safe and sound.Sima Qiudao folded up the newspapers and put them in his cloth satchel.

These days, Sima Qiudao went to the designated place to check for safety signs every day after work, anxiously waiting for the news of Zhuo Yifan and his party.

Last night, he had already seen the long-awaited signal for the safe arrival of Zhuo Yifan and his party at the agreed place.

This made his heart that had been hanging on him finally relieved.

This time, people from all walks of life acted separately. Although they knew what they were going to do, the specific details would not be communicated until they all entered Lingao and settled down.Although Sima Qiudao was only Huang Zhen's deputy, he acted as the chief liaison.

Therefore, as soon as Huang Zhen and others settled down in Nanbao, Sima Qiudao immediately left Nanbao and went to Dongmen City, lurking and waiting for Xinde's instructions.

So far, he has always gotten new news from Qiye—through a prostitute or a letter from the post office—not only providing all kinds of latest internal information about the thieves, but also providing them with various conveniences for their activities in Lingao. Lurking at Lingao's safety played a big role.

But Sima Qiudao didn't know the specific content of the action.

Although he said that Zhuo Yifan knew it when he set off, Sima Qiudao knew that this was a lie: Zhuo Yifan, like Huang Zhen, did not know the specific details of the mission.

From Shi Weng's extreme carelessness.Sima Qiudao was vaguely worried. (Want to know more exciting news about "Lingao Qiming"? Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right, select Add friends to add a public account, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public account, and never miss every day update!)
(End of this chapter)

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