Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556 Discussion ([-])

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"This is playing badminton." Lian Nishang said, "This is a game from Australia. There is a lack of equipment here, and only a few people can play."

Zhuo Yifan saw that the players were running and jumping with the ball following the ball, and secretly thought that if it was used to practice body skills, it would be excellent for martial arts.

It's just that the player who plays the ball is dressed in snow-white, which makes people feel weird.When he was in Lingao, it was common for people to wear white clothes and white trousers, young women all wore white socks, and some even wore white shoes.If you say they are Dai Xiao, but they don't look like them.I don't know what kind of custom it is.

While watching, the ball was hit by someone suddenly, and it floated lightly across the net. The man here couldn't save him, and fell to the ground immediately.

"I won!" The people on the other side of the net cheered, but it was the voice of a young woman.Zhuo Yifan was taken aback - he saw that the person on the other side of the net had short hair, and his bare thighs were very eye-catching. In addition, it was a man here, so he thought it was a man too.

The man shook his head and said, "I'm old, I'm old." As he spoke, he pinched the racket under his armpit.He took the towel off his neck and wiped his sweat.The woman on the opposite side bent down and turned around from under the net, trotted to the side table, fetched a bottle and handed it to the man: "The chief is not old, he is still young." She then took a big towel and put it on the man.

Seeing the young woman's two light brown smooth and strong thighs dangling in front of his eyes, Zhuo Yifan quickly avoided his gaze, and said in his heart, "Shameless!".

Lian Nishang didn't take it seriously, and led him to the aisle next to him.Unexpectedly, the young woman's sharp eyes saw Lian Nishang, and raised her hand to greet her: "Lian Nishang! Lian Nishang!"

Lian Nishang stopped and greeted, "Yang Min, why are you here?"

The woman also took a big towel and put it on her body, and then came over and said: "Accompany the head here to see the venue of the school's spring cultural festival, the head said that the venue here is really good for practice, so I played a game. "

Zhuo Yifan saw that she was wearing a short white cotton round neck gown, which was sticking to her body wet with sweat. It seemed that she was not wearing anything inside, and her chest was even more majestic—as her panting was still rising and falling, she couldn't help but face Got a fever and didn't dare to look at it any more.

"Who is this young master?" Seeing Zhuo Yifan, Yang Min asked with a "bad intention" smile.

"My name is Zhuo Yifan, he's a doctor." Lian Nishang didn't care much, "He has some martial arts skills, ask him to practice."

"It doesn't look like..."

Yang Min didn't know if he was saying that he didn't look like a "doctor" or that he didn't like "a bit of martial arts". Fortunately, Yang Min's thoughts were all on the "chief", and after saying a few words, he hurried back.Only then did Lian Nishang and Zhuo Yifan escape.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved when he heard the other party mention the "chief". It was said in "Ping Kun Minutes" that "fake Kun" all called "true Kun" as "chief".In this way, the man who played with Yang Min is a "knife thief"!Unexpectedly, there is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!In order to confirm this point, he deliberately asked:
"Who is this……"

"It's my classmate in the College of Arts and Sciences." Lian Nishang said indifferently, "Now he is serving as the life secretary for the chief."

"So, the gentleman who played the game is the old man of Australia?"

"Probably." Lian Nishang said casually, "She was lucky enough to be selected by the general office. Almost none of us were selected this year."

Zhuo Yifan's heart beat faster: According to the "Ping Kun Minutes", the so-called "Life Secretary" is Zhen Kun's concubine, maid, and the like.In this way, the real kun will haunt this place-this is a major gain!
He couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, and quickly looked at Yang Min's side again, remembering the face of "Zhen Kun" who was drinking tea bored.

Lian Nishang didn't know the twists and turns in his stomach, led him into a corridor, took out a key from his pocket, and opened one of the doors.

Inside it was a large room covered with thick straw mats.There are two more doors on the side wall.

"Change first, then let's practice..."

What does Zhuo Yifan need to change clothes for practicing martial arts?He said, "I don't need it."

"I have to change clothes." Lian Nishang smiled and entered the small door on the side, but after a cup of tea, he had already changed into a white shorts and jacket.

Zhuo Yifan saw that everyone was wearing white when he entered the gymnasium. Although he knew that white is not a taboo for thieves and not mourning clothes, he still felt awkward and felt a little ominous.Seeing that Lian Nishang was dressed in a white short jacket again, with a red belt around his waist, he couldn't help but sigh secretly—what a strange style this is!

Lian Nishang asked: "What's wrong, it doesn't look good?"

Zhuo Yifan was startled, knowing that his expression was revealing, and it would be unbeautiful to try to cover it up, so he said, "It's just a little strange..."

"I know, those who just came here thought we were wearing mourning clothes. No wonder you look uncomfortable." Lian Nishang said, "If you talk about mourning clothes, it's not bad. People who come to Lingao from the mainland, if they take it seriously , which one shouldn’t wear mourning for several years.”

Zhuo Yifan felt that her words were extreme and somewhat disapproved.Then he deliberately diverted the way: "Fist or sword?"

"Let's do boxing first, I haven't practiced swordsmanship for a long time." Lian Nishang said.

Although Zhuo Yifan specializes in swordsmanship, he also has considerable attainments in boxing and kicking skills-after all, once a sword is unsheathed, it seldom returns without blood. Injury or kill the opponent, although with his martial art background, it doesn't matter as long as he doesn't get into trouble-it's always a troublesome matter.Therefore, regardless of boxing or swordsmanship, the moves generally pay attention to leaving room for death.

However, as soon as Zhuo Yifan started to fight, he found that the opponent's moves were very different from ordinary fists and kicks: the movements were extremely fast, almost to the extent of instinctive reactions, there were no tricks, all were straightforward moves, but the movements were very clever, and it was very ingenious to him. Every attack can be quickly escaped, and the movement is extremely agile.As for the attacks, they were all vicious and vicious all the way, almost all of them rushed to control the enemy with one move.

Zhuo Yifan was still a little contemptuous at first, thinking that a woman, no matter how good her skills are, lacks in strength after all.Unexpectedly, the opponent's move was completely unexpected and swift, and it was different from all kinds of kung fu he had seen before, so he couldn't help but get serious.

He began to fight seriously, and the level of martial arts training since he was a child is different from that of a half-way monk. Besides, although he was born as a nobleman, he was not spoiled and raised by a woman; After a while, he gained the upper hand, and forced Lian Nishang back again and again with fierce fists and feet, and he was already at a disadvantage.

Lian Nishang blushed, and tried desperately to fight back, but the woman's strength was limited, and she couldn't hold it for a long time. Zhuo Yifan's leg swept her calf, and the chassis was unstable and fell out immediately.

Zhuo Yifan restrained his fists and feet, seeing that Lian Nishang rolled over as soon as he fell out, rolled far away and then got up again, his reaction was very quick.

"Acceptance, acquiescence." Zhuo Yifan clasped his fists and said.

"You are amazing!" Lian Nishang came over, her hair was disheveled, her breathing was a little urgent, her peaks were undulating, her belt was loose, and her skirt was partly undone, revealing a small piece of wheat-colored chest under her neck.

Zhuo Yifan didn't dare to look too much, so he quickly looked away: "It's just a trick. It's not worth mentioning."

"Stop being modest." Lian Nishang's eyes sparkled, "You are very capable." He said, tucking up the hem of his clothes, "Do you know swordsmanship?"

"Slightly clearer."

"It's been a long time since I practiced swordsmanship, let's try it out." Lian Nishang said as he opened the cabinet next to him, took out two sabers from it, and threw one over.

Zhuo Yifan took the sword, but felt that it was very light.The scabbard is a very common wooden scabbard. It would not be a good sword if you put it in the training ground, but when you pull it out, your eyes shine: the sword body is made of high-quality steel, and the pattern on the sword body is that kind of sword. It can only be seen on the best Japanese swords. With a slight flick of the wrist, the blade hums, which is light and tough.He held it in his hand and looked carefully, but there was no sharp edge, and he couldn't help secretly screaming: such a good sword, if it is sharp, it would be a very good sword.

"What a good sword."

"It's not a good sword, it's just for practice." Lian Nishang didn't care.Zhuo Yifan looked in the cabinet again. Apart from this kind of saber, there were also several kinds of Japanese swords of different lengths and some strange-looking swords—all of which were probably exotic.

"There are quite a lot of things here."

"They're all for show, for practice." Lian Nishang drew out his sword, "Come on."

This competition became less and less suspenseful. Zhuo Yifan won it because he spent a lot of effort on his fists and feet just now. This time, he was full of energy from the beginning. Just let Lian Nishang clumsy left and right, and she was defeated immediately-it can be seen that she has practiced swordsmanship, but she is not very good, just at the entry level.He couldn't support more than three or two moves, but he had already hit several swords in succession.

Zhuo Yifan hurriedly stopped the sword, and said with concern: "The abrupt girl! It doesn't matter, right?"

Although it is a sword that does not open the front, it is not good to be stabbed continuously.Lian Nishang touched Zhongjian's arm and said, "It doesn't matter, your swordsmanship is really good!"

"When I was young, I had to be taught by an expert. I have a little skill. I haven't let it go." Zhuo Yifan put away his sword, "Practicing medicine is also traveling around the world. How can you do it if you don't have the skills to protect yourself?"

"How is business here?"

"I'm new here, I don't know how to do business..." Zhuo Yifan had already heard Huang Zhen talk about the "textual research", and there was no flaw here.

Lian Nishang put the saber back into the cabinet, and laughed out loud when he heard what he said, "You really know how to deceive people."

"Where did you say that?"

"You are not a poor doctor at all—which poor doctor dresses so well?" Lian Nishang smiled and pointed at his fan, "Just this fan is worth at least four or five taels of silver." (The novel "Lingao Qiming") 》There will be more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to "add friends", search the official account "qdread" and follow , hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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