Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1557 Cultural Festival

Chapter 1557 Cultural Festival

Zhuo Yifan was startled, but immediately calmed down again.He smiled and said, "The girl has sharp eyes, she is indeed a member of the public family..."

"Hmph," Lian Nishang said, "What kind of vision do you want? You are obviously deceiving people. Which poor doctor dresses you so well? Which poor doctor can have such superb martial arts? Poor man, rich man, you have such kung fu." If you don't have a hundred hectares of fertile land, you probably won't be able to support it."

Zhuo Yifan knew that this matter could not be concealed anymore, she was a member of the public family, so it was very easy to check her details.Immediately smiled and said: "To be honest, I do have a little property in my next family, but now the world is in turmoil, so I have to come here and hide from the noise."

Lian Nishang said disdainfully: "This is how big families and rich people like you are. You are more fierce than anyone else in exploiting the poor in peacetime. When there is a major event, you can run faster than anyone else with oil on the soles of your feet."

Zhuo Yifan was dissatisfied: his family recently sent a letter saying that he was organizing a group and asked him to introduce some of his disciples to be coaches.If we talk about matters of urgency and righteousness, what kind of things in the local area do not rely on the money and efforts of big gentry?What can you do with a piece of loose sand like mud legs?The big eaters rebelled very enthusiastically.

But he didn't say anything, just said: "I said it: the family is just a little thin, and it's not enough to organize a group to maintain the place..."

"It's not about oppressing the poor after running a group..." Lian Nishang sneered.

Zhuo Yifan was furious in his heart: Why did the big family offend you?He turned his face away to calm down a little, and then said: "It's the business of the big family and gentry to run a group. I don't dare to care about it. I'm very satisfied that I can take care of the family in this troubled world." After finishing speaking, he The topic changed: "Your swordsmanship is also good, you should be able to live as a formal teacher."

That is to say, if there is a teacher, there is a teacher. It must be a fellow martial artist, and there may be some old relationships.Zhuo Yifan felt that the girl's words were extreme, and she was probably from a good family. There was a huge change in the family, and she lost discipline alone, and was poisoned in the hands of the gangsters.If one could know the history of her teacher's school, and gradually figure it out with martial arts morality, maybe she would be able to make her abandon the dark and turn to the bright.

"It's true that I have been a teacher and studied for a few days." Lian Nishang said casually, "Unfortunately, I am young and haven't learned anything. At home..." He stopped talking, "What are you talking about, where do you live now? ? I guess it must be Joan's Inn."

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said, "I can't hide anything from you, it is indeed there."

"Hmph, you old rich landlords, you all live there when you come to Lingao. You're all vagrants! Bah!" Thinking of Bai Siwen's incident, she also slashed her hand, "Press mine If you have a temper, you have to kill it to be clean. Don’t get here to spoil the atmosphere!"

Zhuo Yifan cursed secretly: He is really a fierce and rebellious person!However, seeing her delicate face, I couldn't help but soften my heart again: Qingben is beautiful, how can I be a thief?It is necessary to teach her well so that she will know where she is going astray.Just as she was thinking about how to speak, she continued, "I just caught one a few days ago, and it's the son of a rich family who lives in the Qiong'an Inn."

"So you were the one who caught Brother Bai..." Zhuo Yifan pretended to be surprised when he wanted to catch her.

"Brother Bai? It's disgusting that you and this kind of person are also called brothers and sisters." Lian Nishang made an exaggerated vomiting motion, "It's not counting molesting women in the street, but also provoking students from the College of Arts and Sciences-this time he will suffer gone."

"College of Arts and Sciences" Zhuo Yifan has heard it several times. He already knows that Lian Nishang and the "Life Secretary" just now are all students from this Lao Shizi "College".Presumably it is the place where the "side servants" of the gangsters study, and the students there are probably people who are really close and reused...

"You want to intercede for him?" Lian Nishang's wonderful eyes had already stared over.

Zhuo Yifan smiled: "Brother Bai doesn't understand the rules: the so-called do as the Romans do, he himself still behaves like he did in Daming in the past, and it is inevitable to suffer a little bit when he comes to Lingao. It will be better for the future if he suffers a bit now."

"That's reasonable." Lian Nishang nodded, "I didn't expect you to have some knowledge. It's not those people who don't know the suffering of others, but only know the warmth and well-being of their own flesh and blood."

Originally, Zhuo Yifan wanted to say something about the defense of men and women, but thinking that he was "sitting and discussing the truth" with her at the moment, it was against the "defense" in the first place, so it was a bit ridiculous to say it.Then he said, "Where is this College of Arts and Sciences?"

Lian Nishang squinted his eyes and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Just curious. I've heard you say it a few times." Zhuo Yifan said, "If it's inconvenient to say it, it doesn't matter. I don't have the right to ask."

"It's okay to tell you: it's just a school for girls. There's nothing unusual about it." Lian Nishang said, "I entered this school when I came to Lingao. That bastard who molested her was my school girl. She looked at the sunlight outside the window, "It's getting late, I'm going to change first, wait for me."

Zhuo Yifan thought in his heart that the young master of the Bai family must have suffered a lot this time: all the girls in the liberal arts college are
After Lian Nishang changed his clothes, the two came out of the room, only to see that there were already many boys and girls in blue and black cloth running around the gymnasium, and there were many cardboard boxes on the ground.Zhuo Yifan saw that a stage had been set up at the north end of the gymnasium, with ladders erected on it, and several teenagers were hanging red silk banners on the wall.It had already been written in big white characters, but it didn't make sense after reading it. Only then did I remember that the Kun thief read it from left to right.What was written on it was: "The Fourth Campus Cultural Festival".

Although these words are in vulgar style, Zhuo Yifan can understand all of them, but he doesn't know what they mean when they are connected together, especially this "cultural festival", which is especially unreasonable.Asked: "What does this mean?"

"Fangcaodi and the College of Arts and Sciences will jointly hold a cultural festival: it means that everyone gathers to have fun, and there will be acting, singing and so on."

Zhuo Yifan understood: "It's like a fire at a temple fair? No wonder it's called a 'sacrifice'."

"Exactly, as expected of a scholar." Lian Nishang nodded and smiled, "In short, it is quite a lively event. The place here is big, and everyone can come and see it during the performance."

Zhuo Yifan nodded deeply: This is an excellent opportunity!He said with a smile: "It seems that it's just a matter of bowing."

Lian Nishang gave him a blank look: "Don't read it with your old brain, don't read it again, you will be 'indecent', 'immoral', 'gentle sweeping the floor' and other sarcastic remarks non-stop, heartbroken ..."

When she said this, her nose wrinkled up, and she was so cute for a moment. Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and said involuntarily: "Although I've been here not long ago, I'm not an old brain, at most I was a little surprised..."

"It doesn't matter if you are or not. Lingao is like this. What does it matter?" Lian Nishang said indifferently, "How do the scholars of the gentry and big families view the Senate, the chiefs don't..."

She stopped talking suddenly and waved her hand not far away.A girl emerged from the crowd and trotted towards them.She was wearing a white double-breasted jacket with a red belt hanging loosely around her neck, and a pleated woolen plaid skirt underneath.Zhuo Yifan's heart skipped a beat: This skirt is too short!But she and the girl Bai Siwen molested seemed to be dressed in the same attire.Probably also a student of the College of Arts and Sciences.

"Sister Lian, are you here too?" The girl looked at Zhuo Yifan, and suddenly lowered her voice enough for him to hear: "Who is this?"

Lian Nishang gave Zhuo Yifan a blank look: "Young master is a great Ming. Know some kung fu, come here to learn from him."

Zhuo Yifan only felt that the opponent's thighs were shining brightly, so he bowed politely: "I am Zhuo Yifan."

"You're so polite, you look good, you must be from a wealthy family." The girl took a meaningful look at Lian Nishang, and bowed halfway as a return, "My name is Zuo Yamei."

Lian Nishang briefly introduced: "She is my colleague and a policeman."

If Zhuo Yifan hadn't seen a few charming household registration policemen, and there was such a person as Lian Nishang in front of him, he wouldn't have believed that such a charming and lovely girl was "deserving publicity".Anyway, after arriving in Lingao, there are many strange things, and it can be regarded as numb.

However, this "policeman" has a very high status in the Kun Bandit, far from being a "cheap servant" of Ming Dynasty, he can be regarded as the "National Leader" of the Kun Bandit Senate. The "Gancheng of the Country" is dressed so immorally, the taste of this gangster is really unique!

Lian Nishang asked, "Why aren't you on duty? Don't you rest today?"

Zuo Yamei smiled and said: "Our Plaid Skirt Club will also participate in the performance of this cultural festival, and the head will give us a holiday to rehearse. This is a big battle, and the Fangcaodi Theater Club will also perform - it is said that the first performance will be It's time for a new play."

"A new play?!" Lian Nishang also became interested.

"That's right, it's said to be a new one. It's very good-looking. Our girls from the College of Arts and Sciences also participated." Zuo Yamei said, "The heads of the Plaid Skirt Club are also very supportive, and they even asked us to go for an interview. Let's see if I can play a small role."

"You should play the leading role..."

"Students from the Learning Academy will also participate this time, so how can it be the lead actor's turn?"

"That's true. But people probably don't care about such things."


The two of them chattered about the performance, leaving Zhuo Yifan aside.He was overjoyed: It seems that this so-called "Cultural Festival" is not a small scene, and there are really many people who will come here. If they can make trouble here, they will definitely hit the thieves hard!
In an instant, he thought about it countless times in his mind. The immediate plan is to gain the trust of Lian Nishang first!No matter how big this gymnasium is, no one will be allowed to come in and out at that time, and those who can come in and out must be those who are trusted by the thieves.It can be seen that Lian Nishang has a good impression of herself, but her image as a bright and handsome young man makes her always have doubts about herself.

(End of this chapter)

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