Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1558

Chapter 1558

How about just shaving your head and becoming a naturalized citizen?This idea entered his mind instantly, but he quickly denied it: even if he shaves his head, there is still a "respect period" to pass, and he can't wait so long.

However, if you just shave your head in private, it should still be possible to pretend to be a naturalized citizen.When he went to Nanbao a few days ago, he saw Zhou Zhongjun's attire—the same as Lian Nishang's attire. Walking on the street, no one would suspect that she was actually a young lady from the Ming Dynasty!

The clothes of the naturalized people are easy to get, and there are clothing stores on the street for sale. As for shaving their heads, there are also barbershops on the street, but I don’t know if I, an “indigenous” like me, will shave them.It would be better to inquire first.

He was calculating in his mind, but his eyes kept looking around the gymnasium, looking at the entrances and exits everywhere.Seeing that the stadium is very high and spacious, the ground is as high as three or four floors from the roof, and the roof is inlaid with large glass.Although there are windows on the four walls, they are opened so high that they cannot be used for entry and exit.

The only entrances and exits are the front door and a small door on the side.The other two walls can't be seen clearly, so I don't know if there is a door. Zhuo Yifan estimated the size of the house and speculated that there should be a door.

In this way, there are very few places to go in and out.Brick walls are no more than wooden partitions used in ordinary houses, and can be easily smashed through with brute force and a sword. The skylights and windows are so high that it is not easy to climb up to the roof, and you must have a rope to jump off, otherwise you will have to fall to your death.

He immediately hesitated: Although the assassination was successful, it is very difficult for the executioner to have a chance to escape, and escape can only be through a few small doors. As long as the gangsters hold the door, they can seal the assassin in the gymnasium.How about breaking out from the roof?It's not feasible either—the house is too high, and someone must be sent to prepare ropes on the roof in advance.It takes a lot of time to climb the rope to the house and then leave from the roof. If the thieves' reaction speed is fast, they will not be able to escape.

Of course, if they succeed in Lingao, they will inevitably fall into chaos, and the gangsters will suffer heavy casualties, but in this way, the dozens of people who came to Lingao will probably be killed or injured, and the Central Plains martial arts will be severely injured.

Before setting off, Shi Weng and the leaders of each faction said: This time it is a "break the boat", and the people from each faction will not hesitate to "sacrifice themselves", even if the entire army is wiped out, it doesn't matter.But Zhuo Yifan knew that no one except Shi Weng really thought so.

Never touch hands in the gym.Zhuo Yifan cast his eyes outside the open door: Ambush at the door!From the steps of the main entrance to the street, there is an open space of more than 20 feet, paved with square stones, and decorated with some flower beds and trees.When key members of the bandit enter and exit the gymnasium, they must pass through this section, so they can secretly lurk among the spectators...

While planning how to arrange it, there was a crisp car bell from outside, and a four-wheeled carriage drove into the empty field under the steps outside the door.

As soon as the car came to a complete stop under the steps, the driver jumped down from the front seat. A young soldier with a "Lingao Guard" armband on his sleeves, a white armed belt and two revolvers hanging from crosses hung on his sleeves. Stand at attention.The moment the passenger's head just came out of the car door, he raised his arms straight up and gave a clean salute.

Zhuo Yifan frowned: Here comes the real girl!It is self-evident that this kind of ostentation must be the arrival of the "veteran".Taking advantage of the moment when everyone's attention was attracted by the real hair, he shrunk his body back to ensure that he would not be too conspicuous-almost all the naturalized people in the gymnasium, his image was too eye-catching .

The three men who got out of the car were all wearing the kind of double-breasted jackets that thieves like to wear, but the quality of the jackets they wore was much better than that of the naturalized people. It's a light gray.There is no decoration on the whole body, except for a long, slender, shiny silver clip on the chest pocket, and a strange object on the exposed wrist, which is shining in the sun. The strap fastens around the wrist.

The one who got out of the car with the men was a young girl, wearing a blue dress, covered with a white apron, with white cuffs and neckline, and carrying a black leather bag in her hand.This is probably the so-called "life secretary".Zhuo Yifan originally thought that this really handsome concubine looked like a fairy, but at a glance, he thought it was nothing more than that, but she was tall and swaying.

Several people went up the steps while walking and chatting. Before entering the gymnasium, there was already a commotion inside. Someone shouted, "The chief is here!"Zhuo Yifan didn't want to get too close at first, but when he was surrounded by the crowd, he couldn't help but squeezed along.Seeing that the situation was not good, he hurried towards the corner,

But seeing that the Guihua people were already boiling, I don't know who was the first to applaud, the whole crowd clapped their hands excitedly, Zhuo Yifan didn't know what this meant, and he didn't know whether he should clap along with him.Fortunately, he had already reached a corner, and no one around him was paying attention to him.

The soldiers wearing the "Lingao Guard" armbands maintained order, but several female students had already rushed up, one by one holding Zhen Kun's arms, and surrounded them. Looking at the happy smiles on their faces, it seemed that they were enjoying To the bliss of the world is general.

Zhuo Yifan was secretly surprised, he had heard for a long time that kun thieves were the best at deceiving people's hearts, and countless poor people were deceived, and today it seems that the rumors are true.

The real men just waved their hands frequently, and at this moment, a few students came up to meet them, grabbed their hands, and said something loudly, as if they were asking them to "speak something".

Seeing that the leader Zhen Kun raised his hands with a smile on his face, the applause gradually subsided, and he said loudly:
"Comrades, students, we will soon usher in the fourth cultural festival. Many people present have experienced the first cultural festival. At that time, our Fangcaodi was created without a big house. It was in The performances were performed in a shed built of bamboo poles and reed mats. Most of the students came to Lingao not long ago—they had suffered from hunger and suffering, and they were all black and thin and out of shape. For the first time, they were able to eat enough and wear neat clothes , happily acting, singing, and laughing. Although the conditions are simple, I can feel the taste of being a person. Today, the factory of the Senate has smelted more steel and more cement. We also have Such a magnificent gymnasium, the appearance of the students is much more beautiful than before..."

Speaking of this, the surrounding students and naturalized people burst into laughter.The speaker Zhen Kun waited for their laughter to subside, and continued, "Although our Lingao and our Hainan Island are becoming more and more beautiful, Lingao and Hainan Island are only a very small part of the whole China. If you look at the world, That's just a speck of dust. As a student of the Senate, you must have the world in mind, cherish every day, study hard, exercise hard, and master your skills. Now, youth is for struggle; in the future, youth is for memory When you will make contributions to the Senate and the people of the world in various positions in the future, everything today will be the best memory at that time."

As soon as his words fell, the crowd immediately burst into warm applause. Zhuo Yifan saw the male and female students and naturalized people around him, all of them were mesmerized, some people shed tears, and their palms turned red. I just feel scared and disgusted.Although he couldn't understand some of the words, he still knew the general meaning.It's not as simple as being a rebel -- the rebels Zhuo Yifan has seen before don't have the idea of ​​"having the world in mind".

However, judging from today's scene, although the Kun thief has bodyguards with him, the protection is not strict.That is, the roads and streets are not cleared, and idlers are not allowed to avoid them.If the crowd themselves were willing to go all out, it would be no problem to assassinate one or two of them just now.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Zhuo Yifan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Lian Nishang was looking for him not far away, he hurried over.

"Where did you go, you disappeared in a while." Lian Nishang complained, "This place is so big, how can I find you?"

"Being squeezed, I can't help myself." Zhuo Yifan concealed it.He saw that there were tears in Lian Nishang's eyes, and he felt contempt in his heart: looking at her words and deeds, she seemed like a strange woman, but she didn't expect to be bewitched to such an extent!

He asked, "Those people just now are the elders of Australia, right?"

Lian Nishang nodded and said, "Exactly."

"Seeing that Miss Lian is so happy, could it be the girl's benefactor?"

Lian Nishang nodded and said: "It's okay to say that it is a benefactor, but I don't know these chiefs."

Zhuo Yifan was a little hard to understand for a while, but fortunately, Lian Nishang continued, "I have received great kindness from the Senate. If the Senate hadn't rescued me at the time, Lian Nishang would have been turned into a dead bone."

"So that's how it is." Zhuo Yifan knew that Zhen Kun probably had "life-saving grace" for the naturalized people here, so it was no wonder that they were all fascinated by the Kun bandits.The thieves are doing charity and helping refugees on the mainland. Their sinister intentions are really shocking!Small people are ignorant and ignorant, and they are most easily deceived by selfish favors. It is no wonder that the Kun bandits have been calling the wind and rain on the coast these years, winning every battle and laying down so many territories.

With such thoughts in mind, Zhuo Yifan's heart became a little heavier.He was born in a family of officials and eunuchs. In addition to practicing martial arts since childhood, he has also read poetry and books, traveled all over the world, and dabbled in business and official circles. Although he is young, he is a well-informed young talent with both civil and military skills.What he saw and heard in Lingao these days gave him a strong impression that the thieves are powerful, far beyond the imagination of the court.And their danger to Daming is far greater than the Eastern captives who repeatedly entered the customs and overwhelmed the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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