Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1559 Additional Equipment

Chapter 1559 Additional Equipment

Kidnapping or killing a few real kuns can really weaken the kun thieves and finally subdue them?Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but have great doubts about the purpose of this trip.

He cast his eyes on the three real elders, and saw them, surrounded by guards and secretaries, strolling in the gymnasium, pointing and talking about something from time to time.

Although there was no clearing of the grounds and streets, it was obvious that there were already some strange naturalized people in the gymnasium, and they were separated by a certain distance during the past few weeks.

"Xiao Fang," Wen Desi gave a speech just now, full of sense of leadership and excitement, "Your cultural festival is a big scene this time!"

Fang Fei nodded and said, "Yes, after all, as you said, Mr. Wen: We are rich now. Since we have the conditions, how can we express the superiority under the rule of the Senate if we don't show off?"

Although this cultural festival is a matter of education, Fang Fei, as the director of the mass literature and art department, will naturally not let go of such a large-scale event-this is the time for performance!As for the veterans of the education department, it is of course desirable to have such a powerful director come forward to take on jobs, at least it will be much more convenient in the use of resources.

The other is Zhang Zhixiang, the principal of Fangcaodi. This principal Zhang is a bit gloomy. He thinks about the school's management in the "county mode", and he is not interested in activities such as "school festivals".In his opinion, the only thing students in Fangcaodi should do is to study and read more books.

However, he also knows that he is in the 17th century, and he must ensure that the Senate does not change color: the successors of these senior masters must cultivate modern thinking patterns and cultural aesthetic tastes from an early age.So he has never objected to this activity, but he will silently calculate the loss of class hours every time, and will try his best to make up for it in the next semester.

The executive committee didn't know what was blowing today, and suddenly remembered the cultural festival.The general office called Fangcaodi and informed that Mr. Wen was going to the scene to see the preparations, and Zhang Zhixiang could only come to accompany him as the principal.

"Principal Zhang, is there a performance in your school for this cultural festival? I heard that there are a few new plays?"

Zhang Zhixiang was not interested in the cultural festival, so he entrusted Yuan Ziguang with full authority to do it. When Mr. Wen asked, he said, "Yuan Ziguang is responsible for this matter. He should be here today." He called the secretary beside him: "Go and find Chief Yuan." Seeing that the female secretary was about to leave, he added, "If there are other chiefs here, please invite them to come too, and say that President Wen is here."

The female secretary hurried over and invited all the elders over in a short while.

Wen Desi looked at the lineup, isn't it the ones from the Plaid Skirt Club?This is probably another preparation for self-serving public affairs to satisfy one's own bad taste.

Satisfying one's bad taste is no problem in Mr. Wen's view: if you can't satisfy even a little hobby of yours, you will be learning when you come to time travel.The key is to be satisfied without arousing the resentment of the elders. Although there are many curious people in the Senate, the string of "political correctness" is more tense than anywhere else.

One of the "political correctness" is miserliness.This kind of habit left by the lack of material and manpower at the beginning of D-Day has subtly become a kind of group unconscious obsessive-compulsive disorder.Obviously, Hu Qingbai invited him to the gymnasium today to "take a look and make some comments". To put it bluntly, he was asking for resources and support in disguise.

"Old Yuan, Mr. Wen would like to know about your preparations for rehearsing a new play at the cultural festival." Zhang Zhixiang said.

In fact, among the people, Nobu Okamoto, head of the Central Experimental Theater Troupe, was among them, and he seemed to have more say in terms of artistic performance, but Zhang Zhixiang ignored him out of selfishness, and directly named Yuan Ziguang.

Yuan Ziguang's face was flushed, and he looked full of energy. Hearing that Mr. Wen wanted to hear it, he said in a confident manner: "This time our cultural festival will be held for three days. The first day is drama day. The performance is adapted from The puppet troupe's play "Test"; the second day is a short repertory performance, in addition to some repertoires of the cultural and propaganda department, there are also newly edited, more lively forms, in addition to short plays, live newspaper plays, there are also folk art and opera The last day is a gala and song and dance performance. This cultural festival is the first time for our Plaid Skirt Club and the Eastern Central Experimental Art Troupe. Everyone is very motivated!"

Nobu Okamoto, the deputy director of the Experimental Art Troupe, naturally couldn't let him take the limelight, and quickly added: "This time, our Central Experimental Art Troupe, in addition to the new performance of "Test", also specially formed a small band to train professional Musical talent, rehearsed some shows..."

Wen Desi nodded with a smile, thinking why Xirou hasn't come yet?
Yuan Ziguang went on to say: "Now we still have some difficulties that we can't solve, not only our club, but also the experimental art troupe. I hope the executive committee can help solve it. I made a list..." As he spoke, he took the Take out a sheet of paper.

Wen Desi took it over and glanced at it hastily: "Is it all under the first-level control? This large speaker, as well as audio cables, microphones, and colored light bulbs... If I have to transfer them all to you, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

Yuan Ziguang hurriedly said: "There is no need to transfer it, just borrow it for three days. This place is too big, and there is not enough sound reinforcement equipment. I am afraid it will not be possible to perform at all."

Wen Desi nodded and said: "It's okay if you just borrow it. I'll go back and talk to Lao Wu, and you will also make a report. As for the nylon socks..."

Seeing this, he couldn't help showing embarrassment.Because the list also lists 32 pairs of nylon stockings, a worthless little item of clothing that has become extremely scarce these days.Even if the female elders and some male elders hid a lot in their personal luggage, there are not many left by now.As a result, some people still wear stockings with hooks and holes.Even if the nylon socks are completely damaged and can no longer be worn, the planning institute also requires the veterans to hand them in as reserve materials-it is uncertain whether there will be any industrial use in the future, and the technology tree of nylon is a bit high.

The crystallization of this modern petrochemical industry still exists in the warehouse of the Planning Institute is entirely the contribution of Lando: a part of the clothes that accompanied the ship A out of the water.But the quantity is very small, and it is only sold once to all veterans, and each person is limited to one pair.

Wen Desi doesn't care much about the number of remaining nylon stockings, but he probably remembers that there are not enough pairs for each senator, so he will keep them in the warehouse of the Planning Institute-because no matter how they are distributed, they will be criticized by others, so they just keep them. I plan to use it as a prize in the future.

Now this request is really embarrassing for Wen Desi: he knows that many elders want to buy nylon stockings for their maids, but they have not been able to do so.If Yuan Ziguang's request is met now, it goes without saying that he will be sprayed to death.

Looking at Fang Fei again, he just smiled apologetically with a blank face. Wen Desi knew that he probably agreed to the application. After all, the cultural festival is his achievement, and having these stockings must have added a lot to the performance.

"Can't we use self-produced products? Don't we already have knitting machines? We have also made socks." The elders are now wearing knitted cotton socks.Other than the rough texture, it's okay to wear.

"We have tested, and the performance of the material is not good. Whether it is cotton yarn or silk, the elasticity is not as good as nylon. It doesn't have that effect." Okamoto Shin said helplessly.Since he became the head of the regiment, he hasn't done much art work, but the logistics have taken a lot of his energy.The biggest difficulty is the problem of clothing fabrics.

No matter how "ingenious" the handicrafts of the past are touted by young literary and artistic youths, at least in terms of fabrics, the level of color, pattern and texture of modern fiber textiles is beyond the reach of ancient textiles.Nylon stockings are just one of the difficulties.When making practice clothes and performance clothes for actors, although the Planning Institute stated that as long as they are fabrics that can be found in this time and space, whether they are in stock in the warehouse or sold in the market, as long as they need them, they can get them.But Okamoto and Liu Shuixin have seen almost all the materials that may be useful, and they are still not satisfactory.

The best royal gauze bought at a high price in the south of the Yangtze River is still not as good as the cheap chemical fiber georgette.

Shin Okamoto remembered reading a memoir written by an old ballet dancer. He recalled that when the National Ballet of China was founded, everything was scarce, and there were no stockings, no dance clothes, and the substitutes made of cotton and satin were of poor quality. , with no effect at all.Later, it was Premier Zhou who specially approved the import of fabrics to solve the problem.

Now their situation is even worse. Anyway, they could still import from Hong Kong back then. Where can they find these things now?

Unfortunately, Okamoto Shin is still a perfectionist. Every time he sees the members of the art troupe rehearsing in costumes made of substitutes, he feels tortured.

"Okay, I'll go back and discuss with Lao Wu. You also know that there are few things. You should still base yourself on the existing conditions." Wen Desi said, stuffing the catalog into his pocket, and changed the topic, "This Apart from the students, who else are you going to invite for the audience of this performance?"

Fang Fei said: "The main thing is to invite activists among the naturalized people - people who have won awards from the Senate and the Central Government Affairs Council, as well as representatives of various industries, enterprises, and administrative departments. In addition, some indigenous activists, including more important business leaders, will also be invited. Partner. Due to the limited area of ​​the gymnasium, roughly everyone has only one ticket for one session. Try to ensure that as many people as possible come to watch.”

"If you invite the natives, you should pay more attention when arranging the performances, so as not to frighten them." Wen Desi said, "For example, don't let Liu Dalin and the others watch the performance of your plaid skirt club."

"Of course, our Plaid Skirt Club's performances are mainly for naturalized people. Even for indigenous people, they are young people who are easily influenced by new ideas." Yuan Ziguang said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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