Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1560 Folk Orchestra

Chapter 1560 Folk Orchestra

In Lingao County, the Central Experimental Art Troupe and the Plaid Skirt Club had a dispute in the "Literary Courtyard", which was in full swing at this time.People who pass by outside can hear the sound of piano and singing from inside even through the high wall.From time to time, beautiful young people dressed in Australian costumes came in and out of the gate: mostly young girls.

For the upcoming campus cultural festival, a grand event to promote "new culture", from a month ago, the newly established new cultural and art groups under the Senate began intense rehearsals.

As far as the new art group is concerned, including the amateurs in the entire Lingao, there are only four: the first is all-encompassing, the sub-group brand has already made more than a dozen yuan, and the Cultural and Propaganda Department is directly under the Central Experimental Art Troupe, and the second is privately sponsored by the veterans The Plaid Skirt Club, and finally the Ladies' Liberal Arts College and the Student Amateur Troupe of Yerba Meadows.

Except for the art troupes of the two schools who were relatively aloof because they were amateurs, the other two troupes held back their energy and showed their talents at the cultural festival.Who can gain an advantage in the battle for resources in the future depends on how many impression points they earn in the hearts of the veterans during the three-day performance.

In the band rehearsal hall in the compound, a rehearsal is coming to an end.As the last note fell, the already tired members began to twist their bodies on the folding chairs to stretch their sore muscles and bones.

This is the first performing group under the Central Experimental Art Troupe: the Central Experimental Chinese Orchestra.Although Shinobu Okamoto was ambitious and wanted to engage in operetta, he was still defeated in the face of reality-at present, he couldn't even get an orchestra to accompany the operetta.I have to follow Dongfang Ke's suggestion and start with a folk orchestra with a relatively good foundation.Compared with Western orchestras, which have almost no instruments and musicians, traditional folk orchestras are easier to find, both in terms of instruments and musicians.

Most of the modern folk musical instruments have already appeared in this time and space—even if they haven’t appeared yet or are only original versions, they can easily imitate them after showing relevant information to musical instrument craftsmen.There is almost no difficulty in the preparation of the instrument.

As for the performers, although relevant talents can be recruited from refugees, the performance mode of the folk orchestra is different from the silk and bamboo performance of traditional folk music.Moreover, musicians and musicians mostly rely on oral instruction to play musical instruments, and not many people can understand Gongchi notation, let alone have any music theory, let alone the concept of voice range.

"How is it? Is the ensemble okay this time?" Shin Okamoto asked Nangong Hao who came down from the podium a little anxiously.

Nan Gonghao is in his 30s, wearing a white stand-up collar shirt and frosted jeans. Although his hair is not long, he has an artistic temperament.As a professional composer and arranger in the Senate, he is the backbone of the art troupe like Liu Shuixin, and he is also the target of the Plaid Skirt Club.At this time, due to continuous rehearsal, his forehead was full of sweat.

He took the towel sent by the maid, wiped his face, and raised his eyebrows: "It's much better than a few days ago. It's just that the performance level of the bass part is a little worse. The player still has to get used to it."

Traditional national musical instruments are mainly high-pitched, lacking bass instruments.Modern folk orchestras are divided into four families: blowing, playing, playing and pulling.The overall sound range of the orchestra is large, and each family has high, middle and bass instruments.These bass instruments: such as bass key sheng, bass suona, Gehu, etc. were invented in modern times.In the Ming Dynasty, let alone someone could play it, no one even saw it.

Fortunately, the fundamentals of playing these instruments are the same as any other.As long as musicians who have mastered similar instruments can learn this very quickly.

"This way I can rest assured," Shin Okamoto worried. "When I played the ensemble for the first time, I almost didn't scare me to pee. If I had heard them play together before, it wasn't that bad..."

Nan Gonghao smiled: "The performance you heard before was performed according to the traditional silk and bamboo ensemble method. Of course, it is no problem for them. But this kind of performance is based on a single-line melody, plus flower performance, forming a multi-voice complex. Now I want them to play all the parts of their instruments according to independent parts. And the songs they are familiar with are mainly pentatonic scales, sometimes using seven-tone scales. The rhythm is different from Western music. Modern folk orchestras mostly According to the Western standard of twelve well-tempered, it's no wonder they can play well."

"I didn't expect the folk orchestra to be so particular. I thought it would be enough to gather the musicians together and perform a few more rounds."

"If you really want to do this, you can do it." Nan Gonghao picked up his handwritten score and looked at it, and scribbled it with a pencil again, "But in this way, it is no longer a folk orchestra, it is just a traditional silk and bamboo ensemble. It will definitely not reach you The desired effect. Besides, with our current scale, it is at best a folk band, far from an orchestra.”

There are only 30 musicians in the rehearsal room, including trainees and amateur musicians, which can be regarded as a folk band, while a formal and complete folk band must have at least [-] players.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let's take it slowly. Is there any problem with cultural festivals at this level?" Shin Okamoto is most concerned about this matter.

"Of course it's not enough to fool the elders, but the naturalized people and the aboriginals should be enough." Nan Gonghao said, "It's good to be able to play. The folk band says it's folk music, but in fact there is a lot of Western music. Apart from musical instruments , it can be said that they are all performed according to Western music theory. On the whole, the folk orchestra is a product of a combination of Chinese and Western music. It is difficult for us purely Chinese-style performers to adapt.”

"Sir, please drink tea."

While talking, a 30-year-old Guihua woman brought a teacup.She is not tall, and her appearance is not outstanding, a pair of "liberated feet" are exposed under the dress, but her demeanor and expression are all charming.

"Thank you." Nangong Hao took the teacup. He didn't like this woman named Liu Yisi very much. Strength always makes him uncomfortable: full of wind and dust.He reckoned that Liu Yisi used to be the head of the theater troupe, and most likely used to be a prostitute in the teaching workshop.

The problem is that this Liu Yisi is also Liu Siyu's mother in the orchestra, Zhao Jinghan's "adoptive mother".Several young girls in the orchestra came from her school - they all called her "Master".

In other words, she taught one-third of the weakest musicians in the orchestra.When it comes to the number of instruments she can play and her high level, she is also one of the best in the orchestra, and she acts as a half teacher in the orchestra.Moreover, Liu Siyu is a student of the Women's College of Arts and Sciences, and Zhao Jinghan is the life secretary of the veteran Zhu Mingxia. These together make Liu Yisi always look arrogant in front of the naturalized folk musicians in the band.

Liu Yisi was a little disappointed to see that the chief was not pretending to her. She is an old person in the party, and she is best at distinguishing appearance and color. Seeing Nan Gonghao put down the teacup, she quickly put it away and returned it.

Nan Gonghao picked up the baton, walked to the podium and knocked on the music stand: "Okay, let's review "Youth Charm" again, you should be very proficient in this piece. When playing, pay attention to the rhythm Showing a cheerful and youthful atmosphere."

The musicians of the folk orchestra couldn't even understand the staves, and naturally they couldn't understand Nangong Hao's conductor. Nangong Hao did this purely to let them have a feeling and adapt to the new playing mode.

The practice lasted for another hour. Seeing the sky getting dark, Nan Gonghao announced the end of the rehearsal. But this is only for the overall rehearsal. The musicians will continue to practice individually after dinner. Have to ask someone to open a small stove.

As for Nan Gonghao himself, he still has more important work to do.Arranging music for cultural festival performances.After all, the existing conditions are different from those of another time and space, and the music must be re-arranged in a targeted manner.

Wang Qisuo stood up, cleaned the flute and put it into a special wooden box.After sitting on the folding chair for almost a whole day, I only felt sore back.As a soldier of the garrison battalion, he still wants to be a "musician" for Lao Shizi, which makes Wang Qisuo very painful. Although his duty this month is only one-third of the usual number, he plays the flute here all day long. Nor is it a pleasant errand.

I knew what I was doing playing the flute if I had nothing to do, and now I have to come here to rehearse every day, what a mistake...

He is only a part-time "entertainment activist", and he will be on duty tomorrow morning, so he naturally doesn't need to stay for "additional classes".After handing over the flute, he went to the locker room to change into his uniform, stretched his waist, and then quickly walked out of the yard - he would take the subway back, and he was in time for dinner in the cafeteria, the band sent him Meal supplements can save money...

Just as he was about to go out, he was stopped by the gatekeeper: "Qisuo! You have a letter!"

"Letter?" Wang Qisuo was very surprised. His mailing address is not here. If someone writes a letter, he will post it to the station.

"It was specially sent by a soldier. Tell me to hand it over to you before dinner."

Wang Qi thanked the janitor, but there was no stamp on the letter, it was obviously sent by someone specially, and when he opened the envelope, there was only a thin piece of plum red paper inside, which turned out to be an invitation card: Invite him to go home feast.

The guest is Huang Ande, in order to celebrate the "joy of housewarming", a banquet will be held in his new residence tonight.Since the end of Operation Engine, Huang Ande has not only made meritorious service and been promoted to the military rank, he was also selected and transferred to the tactical class of the General Staff for half a year.Although Wang Qisuo was neither a member of the old security regiment nor an old brother in Penglai Shuicheng, he had fought together under Lu Wenyuan's subordinates, and went out to investigate many times in teams, and had a life-and-death acquaintance.There are also frequent contacts on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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