Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1577 Rehearsal

Chapter 1577 Rehearsal
"Stop! The rhythm of the gong is wrong again! The string group is also unstable!"

Nan Gonghao lowered his baton feebly—this is actually more of a decorative meaning, because the current naturalized folk musicians still don't understand what a conductor icon is.

"Hey, let me take a rest first, it's a hot day." Okamoto, head of the Lingao Central Experimental Art Troupe, had a slightly gloomy expression at the moment, in stark contrast to the dazzling summer sun outside the window.

And his partner, Dongfang Ke, the deputy leader, is leaning on the old Nie Er piano at the moment, holding the black hair rope on his forehead with his right hand, and tapping on the piano box with his left hand, saying: "Obviously the people of this era Musicians are not used to what is multi-part interlaced rhythm, I think it is very difficult to play cheerful style music with folk orchestras.”

At this time, Nan Gonghao, who was sweating profusely, stepped down from the podium made of wooden boxes, picked up a glass of iced kvass, drank it down, wiped his mouth and said: "Actually, the woman surnamed Liu and Wang Qi of the security team Suo's performance is still very good, but it's a pity that traditional folk musicians don't understand and control the style that our veterans like, and even imitation is very difficult! I have spent a lot of effort to correct the naturalized folk musicians one by one. I’m exhausted! Folk music ensembles are not so easy to create the atmosphere of the old space-time party. By the way, there is also the problem of sound reinforcement and mixing in large venues mentioned last time—I don’t want the cultural festival to become like a red and white event team. As a result, we still have to find a way.”

When Okamoto thought of this effect, his face became more and more ugly, and he saw the girls of the plaid skirt club who were gathering to wait for the rehearsal for the rehearsal, each with fluttering plaid skirts, newly made gray woolen vests and red ribbons on their chests Knot, wearing all kinds of hair flowers on her head, chatting chirpingly, full of youthful vitality.

Thinking that they don't need to sing at all, they dance directly with the accompaniment - even if Liu Shuixin frowned at their dancing level, at least the level of high school art lovers is good.How obsessed this group of otaku Xiang Yuan Laohui is, Okamoto's heart is tangled together.

"Then why don't you just change the performance to something like "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon"? The style is close to the aesthetics of the southern people, and the rhythm is relatively slow, which is conducive to giving full play to the strengths of top string musicians."

Nangong said: "Yes, yes, but isn't the original intention of your folk music ensemble to warm up the atmosphere? At least there must be something like "Joyful"! "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon", the music style is also in line with the requirements of the Senate It doesn't match!"

Dongfang Ke straightened up, pointed to the piano and said, "Actually, for those red songs and red songs, it would be fine to play them with four hands on the piano. It's much better to do the opening show than this messy orchestra. For the sound reinforcement, just put it next to the microphone stand, and then Nangong, you can use your own computer to make a click with a rhythm part, and make it feel like a popular piano performance in the old time and space. Then, invite Ms. Liu over from the plaid skirt, and I asked her Remember to order simple teaching repertoires, it’s really not possible, I can also play solo, just add one track for the accompaniment part.”

Nan Gonghao seconded: "It's a good idea. It's not difficult to make an arrangement with various sound effects. In fact, if you are used to the MIDI keyboard, you can directly hang the string and drum samples on the keyboard at different octaves, and then match them click, it is a very complete performance, what track should I choose?"

Looking out of the window in the east, the silhouette of the executive committee building of Bairen City stood majestically under the westward sun. When he turned his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Just "Beijing Good News to the Border Village", um, of course, It was changed to "Lingao Good News to Lizhai", which shows the people of Li District sincerely love and respect the new executive committee with Mr. Wen and Mr. Ma at the core, ha..." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help showing a rare smile .

Nangong Hao didn't seem to have reacted, nodded and said: "The track is very cheerful and enthusiastic, and the accompaniment sound effects, those bells and horns are all ready-made in the library, it is not difficult, and in fact, these simple instruments can be used by naturalized people on the spot, which is more imposing , that's it for now."

Okamoto on the other side couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to agree: "Okay, that's it, today's rehearsal is here first, I'll go find Liu Shuixin." Turning around while talking, he whispered: "This Dongfang, bullying The members of the executive committee are not familiar with the background of the piece, and the fangs are too ruthless!" He suddenly frowned again, "I know this version, it is said to be a performance of folk music, but it is actually a performance of a modern folk orchestra. The timpani, The cello and double bass are Western instruments, and the corresponding instruments and musicians cannot be found..."

Nan Gonghao said: "This problem is not big. You can use an 88-key MIDI keyboard to hang up the tone samples and play in real time. The 88 keys can be divided into three keyboard areas. One area plays the timpani tone, the other area plays the cello, and the other area plays the cello. In addition, if you can’t find that kind of bass horn instrument, you need to use a MIDI keyboard to play this sound. You can edit the sample sound source software by yourself, and assign the sounds of the three instruments to different keyboards. Octave. It’s just that 2-3 people may need to play this keyboard together, and each person is responsible for one or two timbres. Of course, if there are more MIDI keyboards in the warehouse of the planning institute, it will be more convenient. We Now I only have one with me, and I think there is one in the recording studio—I’m afraid I can’t borrow it.”

"I see this group of animals..." Okamoto quickly swallowed the word "mouth", and will have to go to the Planning Institute for advice later, "I can't think so thoroughly."

This is not conjecture. There are almost no artists in the core of the Senate. From their thinking, they can realize that it would be good to bring some musical instruments and recording equipment.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be a MIDI keyboard," Nan Gonghao said, "Electric pianos, electronic organs and electronic synthesizers can also be used as MIDI keyboards."

Dongfang nodded: "Someone may not have an electric piano, but someone probably has an electronic piano. Let's post on the forum to find out. If there are enough keyboard players and equipment, it is completely possible to simulate the effect of any band. Of course , There will be a little difference in the sound details between playing the sampled sound with the keyboard and the sound played by the real instrument. As for the bell and clapper sound in the music-this should be an easy-to-find instrument. If you can’t find it, it’s okay to make it now. It’s also very simple to play, and the percussionists in the troupe can do it proficiently.”

"I'm going to post right now!" Okamoto couldn't wait.

"Don't worry, let Nangong pick up a score based on the original orchestral music recording and do a good job of sound sampling. You can make a report and implement the equipment first. Let's discuss the arrangement first." Dongfang's expression has returned to normal from a smile.

"I'm afraid this is too nervous. Tonight I have to re-arrange the song for the girls in the plaid skirt club. They are waiting to enter the recording studio." Nangong Hao showed a powerless expression.After more than ten days of rehearsals, he not only had to act as a composer, arranger, and conductor, but also as a music teacher. He had never been so tired before, and he was physically and mentally exhausted.

"What?!" Before Dongfang could speak, Okamoto had already shown a distraught expression, "You actually..."

"Popular music is also a kind of literature and art." Nan Gonghao is obviously not as good as the chief and deputy director of the art troupe.

"Forget it, Okamoto, the girls in plaid skirts have worked hard. At least we should give them a chance to show off." Dongfang Ke is not as resistant to idol groups now as he used to be.Watching them go from completely unfamiliar mechanical imitation to being able to complete a few pieces of music now, it also has a certain expressiveness.This feeling is completely different from watching the performance of the finished product directly off the stage.

As he said that, he sat down in front of the piano, his hands and fingers fluttering, striking out a passionate melody, while Nan Gonghao went to direct the Chinese orchestra to pack up the instruments.

While the art troupe was having trouble with the performance, several bigwigs from the Plaid Skirt Club were also struggling.

Their concerns are the same as those of Okamoto.That is, the on-site sound amplification and mixing equipment has not yet been implemented.

Regarding the importance of sound reinforcement and mixing equipment, Wu Ciren has been "educated" by Liu Shuixin.The first performance was not in a small theater with 100 people as they expected, but in a huge stadium.

In such venues, if there is no amplification equipment, unless Italian opera singers have received special training all the year round, they can open the mouth, lower the larynx, enlarge the pharynx, open the nasal cavity, and pass the vibration of the vocal cords through the pharynx, oral cavity and nasal cavity. The moderate amplification drives the resonance of the head cavity and chest cavity, and turns the body into a "large human flesh resonance box" so that the audience can hear what is being sung.

Not to mention half-baked singers like the idol group they just pulled up, even someone like Liu Shuixin with a professional background, standing here without a loudspeaker can't sing at all.

Since the emergence of microphones and speakers, singers no longer need to rely on their bodies to produce huge volumes. The volume is determined by the power of the speakers.Therefore, pop singing that is more natural, closer to human vocal habits, and more likely to resonate with the audience has become popular all over the world.

Then, coupled with the advancement of recording technology, there is a living soil for idol stars.

No matter how idol stars "don't ask for good singing skills", they must at least be heard by people!At least it has to make people feel "pretty good", in order to have fans.

Therefore, after a few times of vocal training, the members of the Plaid Skirt Club gave up the idea of ​​singing live-although the amplification equipment has been basically solved-the idea of ​​​​even half-opening the microphone is gone, and the "lip-singing" is completely firm. "Determination.

For IDOL, who has no vocal foundation and insufficient training, it is difficult to adapt to live performances even with amplifiers.

(End of this chapter)

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