Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1578 Dating

Chapter 1578 Dating
Even in another time and space, generally the singing on TV has been remixed—the idol star or the star who sings while acting in an opera, the voice of the actual singing on the spot is horrible... Really Those who dare to sing at live concerts have good singing skills.

The result of the discussion between several leaders is an advanced recording studio, which can be recorded into songs after post-production mixing, and the lip-syncing mode of not turning on the microphone is adopted during the performance, so that the performance effect can be roughly guaranteed.

Then came the problem: there are quite a few people in the plaid skirt club who are proficient in IDOL and Japanese entertainment, but none of them know music.And recording involves arranging, mixing, and a series of professional skills in post-production, and Liu Shuixin, the only art consultant, doesn't understand these.So the rehearsals these days are all practiced with the accompaniment, and the mouth shape has not been correct even once.

Seeing that the official performance was approaching day by day, and the recording was still not done, the several leaders started to get angry.After some emergency meetings, Zhang Bolin was sent to condescend to ask Nangonghao for advice.

Zhang Bolin, the "iron-blooded officer" of the Young Officers' Club, who was accused of being a badass, advocating big guns all day long, and making some "politically incorrect" remarks from time to time, is actually a senior idol nerd.These two attributes appear in one person at the same time, which is a bit out of tune.

Seeing that the rehearsal of the folk band over there was almost over, Zhang Bolin didn't even see a shadow.Wu Ciren started to get angry.He sneaked away for a long time to come to the scene today, just to cheer up the girls—to let the veterans in the national police know that he must spray him for his business: Recently, the national police and Lingao Telecom are jointly launching a crackdown on theft of telecommunications line of action.It would be a big mistake for him not to come to the scene to direct, let alone a pile of documents waiting for his review on the desk.

Just as he was getting angry, Zhang Bolin came back slowly with a smile on his face, obviously the negotiation went smoothly.

"What? He agreed?"

"Yes." Zhang Bolin said with a pretentiously tragic expression, "He promised to do it tonight——I paid a heavy price."

"You said it as if you sacrificed your body." Wu Ciren was in a good mood, and couldn't help joking, "I'll get you some bottles of lotion..."

"Stop selling rot, I'm not a fan girl." Zhang Bolin said, "Student Nangong is still very good. After I mentioned this, he agreed--not at all ambiguous. I thought he would be like Okamoto, The East is so prejudiced against us..."

"Thinking that opening and closing back then was also regarded as heresy. It doesn't matter if they despise our puppet group: In this way, we will have bitterness to sell in the future." Wu Ciren said, "It is the puppet's wealth to have bitterness to sell. If it weren't for the different national conditions, I would have done it a long time ago. I asked them to take to the streets to post advertisements."

"This advertisement should be sent by Zhang Yunmi. We need to find a bad weather where there are not many people on the road. Let's shoot some video materials, and then we can use it when shooting a documentary: The first generation of ACE advertised in the cold wind on a rainy night ..." As a senior idol nerd, Zhang Bolin's mind was wide open.

"Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have first." Dongmen Chuyu, who hurried over, interrupted the endless imagination of the two, "I think it's better to let them sing along with the recording a few times first, or go to the recording studio to even tune. nothing."

"The three songs we selected are all in Japanese, how can we sing along?"

"Please Liu Shuixin to record it first." Dongmen Chuyu said, "Let's split up and act as soon as possible. The Chief Staff still has a lot of things waiting for me."

Outside the gate of Lingao Gymnasium, the people of the art troupe were unloading their trucks for tidying up, and large and small musical instruments and equipment were piled up on the ground.The rising sun cast red light on the faces of Okamoto and Nangong Hao, but the expressions of the two veteran artists were not so clear.

"This Dongfang! What's the matter, why didn't such a big thing as the on-site rehearsal appear in time!" Okamoto complained helplessly. The soldiers of the garrison battalion were about to leave in their entire group, but they still couldn't help becoming anxious.

"I guess he overslept, doesn't he like to sleep in late?" Nangong Hao was a little calmer, "I like it too." He yawned loudly, last night he gave girl idols a whole night's sleep Post-production.

"Leader, Nangong, the members of the orchestra have assembled, let's go in first, it will take time to put the equipment on stage anyway." Liu Shuixin, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came over and said.

The "Flower of the Senate" is wearing a light linen-color floor-length dress today, made of starched silk and linen blended fabric. The style is simple and elegant. At first glance, I think it is from the old time and space, but it is obviously a new one. Yes, the bright silver brooch seems to reveal a little information. The word "Liu" in gothic style is held up in a V shape by two treble clef "g", which is gorgeous with a touch of art.

This is obviously not a product of the special store in the office, Dongfang is very clear: the styles of clothing sold there are very simple.Similar to uniforms or work clothes, there is no such thing as a stylish item.

Need to find out where she got it.This thought flashed through his mind for an instant.

"Okay, let's go in first, and you can use the phone inside to call the Bairen dormitory area to see if Dongfang has woken up." Okamoto said.

Lian Nishang hurriedly walked, the morning breeze blew the skirt of the white sportswear, there were not many pedestrians on the road by the Wenlan River at the moment, and the direction leading to the gymnasium was very empty, she had already seen the front of the Lingao gymnasium square.

Suddenly, she stopped, because at some point Zhuo Yifan appeared beside the light pole in front of her, looking at her with a smile, as if she still had something in her hand.

"Ah? Why did you arrive so early? I thought you would come here by yourself and look for a while!"

The outspoken policewoman showed her habitual "superiority of naturalized people", as if Zhuo Shaoxia would get lost without her guidance.

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said nothing, thinking that with such a magnificent building and such an open road, I would lose face if I lost my way, and said softly: "I got up early and went shopping because I had nothing to do. I have heard about pancakes for a long time, and I just happened to see them, so I bought some." He raised the paper bag in his hand, "Have you had breakfast? If not, you might as well try it."

The paper bag contains multigrain noodle pancake fruit: there are deep-fried fruit, and it is served with a strong spicy sauce and sweet noodle sauce. Although eggs are scarce and expensive, eggs are generally not added. The taste is not as good as the original version. It has been welcomed by naturalized people and indigenous people, and the comments are: very hungry, satisfying gluttony.It will be even more delicious if it is served with a bowl of bean curd or soy milk.

He, a pampered young master, should not have done the chores of buying breakfast himself, but right now, the female police officer Lian Nishang is one of the few reliable sources of news for him, a "dragon crossing the river" in the local area. Datu used such methods of enticing and wooing to make use of it, which is quite decent.

Lian Nishang was stunned for a moment, bowed his head and said: "Thank you for your trouble, my lord, I have eaten, you can put it away first. Ah, Zuo Yamei should have arrived, let's go in quickly." After speaking, he quickened his pace, Zhuo Yi Fan readily followed.

Gym office.

"What? Confirm that Dongfang Yuan just left the dormitory area? It's fine! Thank you!"

Okamoto put down the phone receiver, raised his head and exhaled, and said to Nangong: "Okay, this kid is really peeing! Fortunately, he has already gone out. Let's test the sound first without waiting."

There was no clearing of the gymnasium. First, the rehearsal of the art troupe only needed to occupy the space of the central basketball court. Second, the Cultural and Propaganda Department of the Senate hoped that the core naturalized people would accept the influence of "mainstream culture". Minister Ding Ding specially sent reporters to follow up According to reports, "Lingao Times" has recently published some articles introducing "Australian literature and art".All units also promoted and encouraged the naturalized people to watch the rehearsal of the cultural festival, and the aborigines would not be stopped if they wanted to go in, but they were not allowed to get close to the elders.

Zuo Yamei came to the gymnasium early. Although the rehearsal of the Plaid Skirt Club was later, after the instrumental ensemble of the art troupe, today she was invited by her friend Lian Nishang to practice fighting.

Of course, if I hadn't been too impressed with the face of Mr. Zhuo who had a quick glance last time, I'm afraid the young policewoman wouldn't give up her early morning sleep so easily.

Sitting on the bench, she took out a pack of dried purple heart sweet potatoes from Lingaoyi and chewed them. While humming to the soundtrack of the club program, she watched with great interest the "music band" conducted by the chiefs carrying the dazzling "Australian Musical Instruments" took to the temporary stage.

At this time, a chirping sound came through the door, and a teacher led a team in Fangcaodi school uniforms into the venue. These were the "excellent students" selected by the education department from the Fangcaodi Drama Club and the selection team members. The Art Observation Group" is specially here to receive the influence of the advanced culture of Australia and Song Dynasty.

Fangcaodi has already changed into summer uniforms. The boys wear white short-sleeved shirts and navy blue trousers; the girls wear white sailor lapel pullovers, red scarves, and blue pleated skirts, forming a pleasing picture of the elders.

Not to mention the natives, even among the naturalized people, this team caused a burst of envy.Some girls are almost as if their eyes are about to burst into flames.

Even a person like Zhuo Yifan who is not very interested in "Australian style" is attracted by the team: he has never seen this kind of youthful and neat beauty before.

Zhuo Yifan and Lian Nishang happened to be blocked at the end of the passage by this team. The Huashan hero was very curious about the "young fake hair" in front of him, not only their peculiar Australian clothes, but also these boys and girls who were eye-catching He looked extraordinarily lively, his face was full of red, and his stature was much taller than that of Daming's peers.

(End of this chapter)

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