Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1585 Emergency Notice

Chapter 1585 Emergency Notice
As the sun set in the west, the Huoshaoyun dyed the buildings, platforms, carriages and horses in Lingao County with a layer of light red.

A Dongfeng carriage drove through the newly paved street at a leisurely pace. The driver lifted the reins lightly, and the well-trained draft horse slowly stopped beside a building with a plaque with the words "Central Experimental Art Troupe".A female senator stepped out of the car, her black hair rolled up into a "Paris Bird's Nest", her skirt fluttered, her manners were upright, her elegance was slightly charming, she was Liu Shuixin.

It just so happened that another carriage of the same type came right after it. Before the carriage stopped, a figure jumped out. It was a girl in a blue dress with a sailor's lapel and a white border.

"Ah, Teacher Liu! What a coincidence! Long time no see! You look so good! Wow, such a beautiful dress is still so new, it looks like it was born in Gaoyi, and they finally learned how to make clothes!"

The girl jumped all the way in front of Liu Shuixin, asking questions like a cannonball.For Liu Shuixin, she is familiar with every "little veteran", especially the girls, and she gives them body lessons every week.

"Ziqi, what are you doing here? You don't participate in the show." Liu Shuixin smiled, "I think you can also come to a show."

"I can't do it," Lin Ziqi waved her hands again and again, "Singing is like a scene of a car accident, dancing is like a group of demons dancing... I have no talent. Today I will rehearse with her!" She pointed to Zhang Yunmi who just got out of the car behind her. Putting on the performance costume, he greeted with a smile: "Hello, Teacher Liu! I'm still here to guide at this time, thank you for your hard work!"

"Hello Yunmi! For the quality of the show, it doesn't matter if you work hard, but it's great that you can lead the dance! The rehearsal is about to start, let's go in!" The rehearsals of Zhang Yunmi's dance in the past few days can be said to be progressing rapidly, Liu Shui My heart is very appreciative, this girl not only has a good understanding, but also can bear hardships: Dancing is easy-as long as she looks cute, has a good figure, and a little sense of music, a girl who dances to the music can get Countless "likes".But if you want to dance well and expressively, you have to practice hard.Zhang Yunmi doesn't have any dance foundation. When she started dancing, her body was a little stiff. She practiced repeatedly by sacrificing rest time, so her words were kind.

Liu Shuixin didn't have a good impression of what kind of idol group the Plaid Skirt Club was running.The reason is that in another time and space, she has seen many girls who upload dancing videos to the Internet. In her opinion, there are some girls with great looks, figures and smiles, but they don’t put much effort into dancing. Even the very simple Japanese-style idol dance is done in a way of slightly waving hands and feet that seems to be extremely sparing of physical strength.If Dongmen and the others hadn't explained in various ways that they were creating a "professional group", and she was indeed a bit eager for skills, she would have been reluctant to accept the job of rehearsal teacher for this idol group.

But these days, she is enjoying it.After so many years, this is the first time that she has been rehearsing a dance for someone to prepare for a performance. The long-lost work made her look radiant, and she felt a lot younger.

The three entered the building, and Lin Ziqi, who was trailing behind, did not forget to signal the guards to leave with the carriage.

As the performance of the cultural festival approached, several organizers of the Plaid Skirt Club paid special attention to this overtime rehearsal. Not only were they all present, but they also directed the team members to make various stage preparations.

Zhang Bolin was standing behind the mixer, his forehead already covered with fine beads of sweat.

Since Nangonghao himself has multiple skills, he really has no time to take care of the troupe's performances in four seasons. Of course, the "old men" in the plaid skirt club think that this must be an "intentional" arrangement by Okamoto, so they operate the playback and amplification equipment on the spot. The task fell to Zhang Bolin of the club.The main reason why he was allowed to go was that he was the youngest and said to have the fastest response.

Operating the broadcasting and sound reinforcement equipment on the performance site is a technical job, and it is also a careful job. You must not make mistakes with your hands. Otherwise, the music will be chaotic and the dance will be ugly, and the equipment will be burned due to misoperation.Especially the order of the accompaniment, once the wrong passage is placed, the actors who dance strictly according to the rhythm of the music will immediately fall into chaos.

Zhang Bolin had no choice but to study with Nan Gonghao. After a few days of hard study, he could barely operate the recording and playback equipment independently.

In the rehearsal hall, the area has been marked with paper tape on the floor according to the size and shape of the stage.Sunlight casts down from the skylight, reflecting the numbers on the floor clearly.

White Arabic numerals, from 0 to 15, from front to back, a total of three rows, sixteen stations.

A group of girls are already waiting in the rehearsal room. They have already put on makeup, head flowers and small accessories according to the requirements of the performance.In order to keep the beauty and integrity of the clothes and accessories, no one sits, but stands by the wall.

"Okay, everyone stand according to their positions! Let's start rehearsal." Liu Shuixin didn't care to greet the princes of the plaid skirt club, and got into the state directly after coming out of the locker room.

She changed into tights and dancing shoes, and her hair was tied behind her head with a handkerchief without getting in the way.With a serious expression and a serious expression, she seems to be completely different from the charming young woman just now.

The girls quickly took their positions according to the rehearsal. Although there were sixteen positions, there were three who did not have a position. They stood in the last row. They were acting members, although they also dressed according to the requirements of the performance Clothes, makeup and participating in the whole rehearsal, but during the performance, I can only stand aside and wait for the substitute.

Zhang Yunmi stood at No. 0, that is, in the center of the front row.This position is the so-called C position.The focus of attention. The No. 1 seat belongs to Lin Airi, and the No. 2 seat belongs to Zuo Yamei.It is said that this was instructed by Dongmen Chuyu. Originally, Liu Shuixin's opinion was to let Zuo Yamei take the No. 1 position.Dongmen's reasons are also sufficient: Zuo Yamei is an "amateur activist", and Lin Airi is still a full-time student.Lin Airi is also younger in age, and obviously has greater potential as an artist.

"Come on, the first song!" Liu Shuixin slapped her hands and shouted in Zhang Bolin's direction, "The only flower in the world!"

The music of the style of another time and space sounded, and under the leadership of the veteran Zhang Yunmi, the girls in plaid skirts danced lightly.

Liu Shuixin stood aside, watching everyone's dance moves seriously, nodding or frowning from time to time.

At the end of the song, Dongmen Chuiyu and others sat beside them and applauded, but Liu Shuixin shook his head slightly: "There are still some minor problems, starting with Yun Mi, come to me individually one by one, and I will emphasize the details."

Lin Ziqi found a comfortable chair to sit down a long time ago, and when she saw her best friend walking by Liu Shuixin, she hurriedly took out kvass from her bag and handed it over, at the same time boasting: "You look so good in Japanese clothes! If you are here In the old time and space, there must be many people gathered around to sign!"

Zhang Yunmi took the drink, but didn't answer the conversation.Because she was afraid of messing up her makeup, she didn't dare to wipe her face with a towel, but just used a paper towel to absorb the sweat: "Huh, I'm so tired. Uncle Dongmen is organizing rehearsals at this time, should we arrange dinner?"

"Of course!" Lin Ziqi replied loudly, "Our No. [-] Class of Fangcaodi is here, how can we neglect it!"

Zhang Yunmi showed a shy smile, shook her head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, what have I become?" She didn't pick up Kvass, and shook her head, "You have to insert a straw for me."

Because of the relationship between lipstick and foundation, I can only use a straw to drink water after makeup.

"Ah, I forgot!" Lin Ziqi quickly found a straw from her bag and inserted it into the bottle.Pass it to her again.

"Thank you. Ziqi, you are so considerate."

"You're so lucky." Lin Ziqi looked lovingly at her best friend holding the glass bottle, sipping the drink in small sips, "I thought it was just for fun..."

"Actually, I think it's okay. Dancing is very interesting. When dancing, my mind is blank. You don't have to think about anything. You just dance to the rhythm. It's like floating." Zhang Yunmi smiled slightly, "It's a pity that I can't dance well. "

"If you don't dance well, other people don't have to live..."

Zhang Yunmi shook her head: "Ms. Liu said just now that my expressiveness is not enough."

"That's too picky."

Zhang Yunmi smiled slightly: "I kind of like being an idol. Although I'm not very good at dancing."

Dongmen Chuiyu happened to come over, heard Lin Ziqi's words, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, you actually dance very well. The stage feels much better than those girls. After all, their expressiveness is limited by the times. It’s no match for you! I’ve already arranged for the commercial restaurant to deliver food later, so you won’t be hungry. Take a rest first, and I’ll go and see what’s going on with Teacher Liu.” After saying that, he walked to the other end of the hall. .

"Hmm...Uncle Dongmen is very thoughtful, it's okay, I don't need to go back to eat." Zhang Yunmi squeezed out a slight smile.

Lin Ziqi naturally understood the meaning of the words, she didn't know what to say all of a sudden, she just patted the slender shoulder of the girl beside her.

At this time, a security soldier walked into the rehearsal hall, and after talking with several elders, Wu Ciren's expression changed, and he said: "I'll walk away for a while, and tell everyone not to disperse," and quickly followed the soldier out of the rehearsal hall .

They came to the office of the art troupe, and an officer on duty handed over the receiver to the "chief of police" who was enthusiastic about art.

"It's me, I'm Wu Ciren, who are you? Director Wu Mu of the Political Security Bureau? Wait a minute!" Wu Ciren covered the phone, waved his hands back to the left and right, and waited until the soldiers and employees had left the office before he spoke to the phone: " What are you doing?"

After listening to Wu Mu's narration on the phone, Wu Ciren frowned, especially the last sentence: "At present, there is no evidence to prove that the police officer Zuo Yamei has any actions against the Senate, but his suspicious social interactions have been arranged. monitoring, please pay attention to your safety and cooperate with our work in due course." He was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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