Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1586 Face-to-face Opportunities

Chapter 1586 Face-to-face Opportunities
"Then what are you going to do about it?"

"The specific plan will be notified to the elders after it is confirmed. You can first inform the elders involved in this matter," Wu Mu said on the phone, "It is tonight. I will invite you to a meeting then."

"Okay." Although Wu Ciren was not satisfied with this set of rhetoric, Wu Mu had already hung up the phone, and he couldn't ask Mingtang any more.Why don't we talk about it until the evening.

Back in the rehearsal hall, Wu Ciren with a serious face called Yuan Ziguang, Dongmen Chuyu and others to a corner for a "small meeting". Fortunately, most of the members surrounded Liu Shuixin and did not notice the tense atmosphere. The two young veterans Zhang Yunmi and Lin Ziqi cast surprised glances, and Dongmen Chuiyu shook his head to indicate "it's okay".

"That's what I heard from Wumu's phone call just now. What do you think?" Wu Ciren asked his colleagues after relaying the news.

"This... this is too... so what... Even if Zuo Yamei really went to watch the rehearsal with someone, it doesn't mean anything? She is a reliable person who has been trained by the Senate for a long time! Or... or ..." Yuan Ziguang, an old educator, obviously didn't expect to hear about "enemy agents" in idol group activities one day, and he was a little incoherent.

If there is really something wrong with Zuo Yamei, the education mouth will be regarded as gentle.He thought, luckily she came from a maid training class!
How could Dongmen Chuiyu know the twists and turns in his stomach, and said: "I don't think we need to be too nervous. It is not a day or two for various forces to infiltrate Lingao. The grassroots police officers are not capable of distinguishing them one by one. The news about us As long as you know it, Xiao Zhang and Teacher Liu will definitely affect their mood when they hear it, and the quality of the program will also be affected, so it’s better not to tell them. Other things, we have the army, the police, and the Political Security Bureau. Where to live?"

"It's a good word, but this is the essence we have accumulated for several years. Even if I lose one, I can't afford it!" Yuan Ziguang was so anxious that there were several reservations made by the veterans of this idol group. If one is hung up, he, the direct person in charge of the education department, will have to be raped 100 times.Suddenly he realized why Xiao Zishan wanted to reorganize the maid training class, this fucking is a burden!

"I don't think we need to worry in vain. We will understand everything after a meeting. Just in case, I will arrange a car to take Teacher Liu and Xiao Zhang back. As for Zuo Yamei's question, she is from the household registration office." , I'm really not good at intervening in this matter, let's wait for the Political Security Bureau to come to a conclusion." Wu Ciren made a conclusion.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lin Ziqi, who didn't wait to get up, walked to the door and was pushed away by a guard.The food delivery team from the commercial hall and restaurant filed in with food boxes.

Dongmen Chuiyu clapped his hands and said loudly: "Dinner time, everyone line up to get the meal!"

The princes of the Plaid Skirt Club have always been generous to the idol group they dreamed of in advance, ordering the highest-grade "box lunch".The Japanese lacquer food box imported from Japan on the outside is worth a lot. Open the colorful dishes neatly arranged inside.It is completely made in accordance with the model of Japanese high-end bento of later generations.Not only are all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas available, but also pickles and fruits.

The main reason is that the girls in the cafeteria have never seen such a luxurious "box lunch", and they all took them to eat, and no one greeted them, so naturally Zhang Yunmi took the lead, followed by Lin Aili and Zuo Yamei according to their positions Order to pick up the meal.There were no extra tables and chairs in the rehearsal hall except for a few chairs. The girls consciously left them for the elders to sit on the floor and ate by themselves.

Naturally, Dongmen and the others would not compete with the girls for seats, so the three chairs were reserved for Liu Shuixin, Zhang Yunmi and Lin Ziqi.

"Damn it, there's already a difference." Zhang Bolin said in a low voice while devouring his boxed lunch.

"If you don't have a bad grade, you won't be motivated." Dongmen Chuuyu said, "At least we haven't prepared the cucumber set meal yet."

"What's your opinion?" Zhao Manxiong's soft and steady words came from the phone.

Wu Mu suppressed the excitement about to solve the big case: "Continue to monitor and find more clues." He added, "The scouts also see it that way."

"I think you have to be cautious about this." Zhao Manxiong coughed lightly, "As long as a veteran is attacked by the enemy, regardless of whether it caused actual damage to him, you will not be able to hold the position of director. Yang Cao and the others It doesn't matter, I can change their place and promote them later. But you, once you fall, it will be very difficult to get you back to this position..."

"I'm mentally prepared for this." Wu Mu said, "As long as the hidden dangers are completely eliminated. I don't care about personal gains or losses."

"Then I agree with your plan." Zhao Manxiong said, "Have you notified the relevant elders to hold a briefing meeting?"

"Just tonight." Wu Mu said, "To be honest, I don't think it's appropriate. Shouldn't this matter be kept absolutely secret?"

"You can't look at this matter purely from a business perspective, you must have a political concept." Zhao Manxiong said tepidly, "When engaging in political security work, you must first maintain a correct political concept..."

"I understand what you mean." Wu Mu said.

"You must catch the net in time, and don't drag the fish into the water..."

Wu Mu put down the phone, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, the office was quiet, he opened the curtains, looked at the lights of Dongmen City, took a deep breath, and picked up the phone after a while: "Call Yang Cao, Liu Fuqing and Ke Yun come to me."

After the dinner, the members of the Plaid Skirt Club continued to rehearse until late at night, until Liu Shuixin nodded and said that the effect was basically qualified before disbanding.

After all, Lin Ziqi was young, and she was so sleepy that she fell asleep on the carriage home. In the end, Zhang Yunmi helped her into the house, and also stayed overnight at her best friend's house.

At the same time, a meeting was also going on in the building of the Political and Security Bureau of Bairen City - the "Sun Umbrella Project" cross-departmental coordination briefing.

This is a closed small conference room, with several elders sitting around the round table, Wu Mu presides over the meeting himself, and behind him sits the confidential secretary who acts as shorthand.

Because it was a briefing meeting, in addition to business-related veterans: Li Yayang, Commander of Lingao Security, and Mu Min, Director of the General Affairs Department of the National Police, several veterans who were directly involved in this matter also came: Dongmen Chuiyu, Wu Ciren, Yuan Ziguang, Zhang Bolin... Even Dongfang Ke and Nan Gonghao, who had always lived reclusively and loved to sleep in, were summoned.

After reporting the relevant situation and reiterating that the content of the meeting must be kept confidential, Wu Mu asked everyone to express their views and suggestions.

In the first dialect of Dongfangke, he once again stated his previous experience, and finally reiterated: I hope that the security battalion and the State Security Bureau will strengthen their security forces to protect the safety of performances by art groups, especially those who do not have the ability to protect themselves patriarch.

Li Yayang said: "The executive committee has approved your previous request to strengthen the security of cultural festivals, but, with all due respect, Dongfang comrades should not place too much hope on our garrison battalion, the role of garrison soldiers is more to deter Potential enemies will be scared away by a target with a large number of troops, but they will not leave, but will look for places with relatively weak defense forces to destroy! So I think Director Wu should give full play to the role of the Political Security Bureau to prevent Before it happens, find out the enemies of the Senate in advance! Only in this way can we ensure the safety and smoothness of the activities of the Cultural Festival!"

Wu Mu replied: "Yes, we have done relevant work, especially for the situation reported by Comrade Dongfang, we have carried out targeted deployment and control, and will strengthen the security of key areas in the next few days. Your folk band and plaid skirt When the club enters and exits the performance and rehearsal venues, I will send staff to follow, and I hope that the veterans in charge will cooperate."

Wu Ciren answered: "Of course we cooperate. After I received the notification last night, I immediately organized a discussion with the senior comrades of the club, but everyone agreed that our team member Zuo Yamei cannot be regarded as a suspect for the time being. After all, she has no chance to go What are you doing to sabotage!"

Dongfang Ke complained with a straight face: "Yeah, there is really no uneasy factor to mingle with martial artists of unknown background!"

Wu Ciren was so stumped that he couldn't speak, Wu Muyuan said: "Okay, we have done a detailed investigation of Zuo Yamei's situation, and the relevant clues are also being followed up. I won't mention it here. By the way, are you Dongfang?" Isn't there going to be a makeup rehearsal before the official performance?"

"Yes, just the day before, all performance units, including the Fangcaodi Theater Club, had to enter the venue and go through the performance process. Do you want to clear the venue by then?"

"No, we will do more efficient work. By the way, the general office has dispatched more official carriages and guards in response to the recent security situation. You should stop riding a bicycle all the time. Pay attention. Be safe, travel in a carriage, and don't leave the sight of the guards on the carriage."

Dongfang Ke nodded noncommittally.

"You don't have to worry too much about the security work." Mu Min said, "The detective team from Section [-] of the General Affairs Office has all been dispatched, adopting a man-to-man strategy against the exposed suspects. They are all professionals with considerable experience. In addition, personnel from the Ninth Division of General Affairs will also join the operation. In addition, the plainclothes police force of the Public Security Department will be mobilized. Ran Yao has also sent an assistance notice to the General Staff, and more security forces will be transferred to serve as security guards. Let more troops from the garrison battalion come out to perform more important bodyguard tasks."

The meeting lasted until midnight.After Wu Mu announced the adjournment of the meeting, he didn't stay idle, but immediately called Yang Cao to the office, and gave him a long time to discuss the opportunity carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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