Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1597

Chapter 1597
"What?" Huang Zhen didn't react for a moment.

"This 'that' didn't come."

"What'that', please explain clearly." Suddenly, Huang Zhenyizheng: "Your menstruation did not come?" You Xiu nodded shyly. What does it mean, "about how long?"

"It's about ten days late."

"It's not a problem. Menstrual disorders are common among women. Maybe you've been too busy at work during this time, or maybe you've eaten cold food."

"I'm usually pretty accurate."

Huang Zhen pressed her pulse, and it really looked like a happy pulse.He lost his mind for a while, and he didn't expect that life and death were imminent, and he would make such a fuss again!
Huang Zhen lost his mind at this time. When he was in Huashan, he also married two wives, but they both died of illness and left no children.Thinking about being a childless person, and fearing that he will end up alone in the future, he will die and continue his heart, but he never expected that not only did he find a gentle home in this land of dragons and tigers, but now he has good news.

If it was in the past, it would be a great thing, but tomorrow I will meet the heroes who escaped from Dongmen City, flee into Li District together, and try to leave Hainan Island.It is said that there is someone to respond, I am afraid it is a narrow escape, and I don't know if I can escape smoothly.

You Xiu saw that his expression was solemn and uncertain, not only did he not show any joy, but instead showed a hint of embarrassment and embarrassment, she burst into tears.

"You heartless, do you despise me and this child?" She was startled suddenly, "You must have another wife and children at home! It's hard to deceive me!" After saying that, she burst into tears.

Huang Zhen had no choice but to think that this is really a "bad fate".Forget it, even though it is stated that life and death will be uncertain from now on, if one and a half daughters can be left behind, it will be for the Huang family at last.

Thinking of this, he comforted him gently: "Where do I dislike it? I am a widower, and my knees are empty. It's just that I own such a pharmacy, and I have to support your mother and child..."

"Where do I need you to support me?" You Xiu couldn't help but burst into tears when she heard his words, "Brother Huang, don't worry, I know you are a trustworthy person, but the word title is the most important thing in the world... "

Huang Zhen smiled wryly, thinking that You Xiu would use this opportunity to force a marriage. He thought that what he said today was all lies, so he said: "You can rest assured. I always want your name."

"I know you are the most reliable person." You Xiu was full of joy, and slipped into his arms, "It's late at night, let the servants take care of the master in a different way tonight..."

While they were lingering in the bed, a group of Japanese security forces entered Nanbao Town silently, and the final arrest was about to begin.

Dongfang was already slightly pale, and Zhuo Yifan and Sima Qiudao finally came to a hill near Nanbao.

Although Zhuo Yifan was able to walk with his support and did not have a fever due to the medicine of Kun Thief, he was bleeding profusely and was weak, and stopped and stopped along the way. He thought he would arrive at Nanbao late at night. , and Huang Zhen and the others took over.I didn't expect to come here reluctantly until the cock crowed.

Seeing that the sky is getting brighter, it is very dangerous to rush into the town.They hid in the woods on a hill, not far from the town, and there were several families at the foot of the hill.The two drilled into the depths of the forest, saw no one was around, and sat under a tree to rest.

"Brother Zhuo, we should have come out, there are no pursuers behind. You rest. I will go to the town to find Huang Zhen and the others after dawn, and we will try to escape together!"

Zhuo Yifan ran all night, his energy was exhausted to the extreme, and he could hardly speak.Sima Qiudao changed his medicine and took some dry food. Fortunately, he replenished water along the way, so he wouldn't have to venture out to find water now.

Sima Qiudao asked Zhuo Yifan to lie down and rest. He took Zhuo Yifan all the way and was very tired.Besides, it's too early now.He leaned against a tree and took a nap.

In a trance, it seems to hear the sound of rustling, no!Someone, he immediately sat up holding the knife, looked up, and saw a thin figure passing by more than ten steps away.

Sima Qiudao was horrified, his drowsiness disappeared without a trace, he jumped up, drew out the short sword in one hand, and rushed towards the direction where the figure disappeared!
Sima Qiudao's movements were extremely fast, and with a single leap, he had already crushed the person in front of him to the ground, and with a swoop of the dagger in his hand, it pinched the opponent's throat.

Looking closely, he was a ten-year-old boy with "shaven hair", wearing a blue cloth double-breasted jacket, with a lot of mud stuck to his trouser legs, bare feet, and a pair of cloth shoes with strings hanging around his neck.There is also a canvas bag with me.Nothing but a crumpled student ID card on him.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Sima Qiudao asked in a low voice.

Seeing the man in front of him with his hair cut to pieces, his clothes covered in mud, and a knife in his hand, the boy couldn't help being terrified, and stammered, "Pick some herbs before going to school—take them to town on the way." On sale..."

Sima Qiudao saw that there were indeed some herbs in the small bamboo basket next to him, and asked, "Are you from Nanbao Town? How far is this from the town?"

The boy trembled and said, "I... I don't live in the town, I just live in the village at the foot of the mountain. It's less than a kilometer away from the town..."

"School—where do you go to school?"

"Nanbao Primary School...was opened only recently. The small family was poor, so they couldn't afford to go to school. Later, the chief said that they don't need money to go to primary school, and they will give them a meal and a suit of clothes." He pleaded again. , "Small home is poor, no money..."

At this time Zhuo Yifan also woke up, and upon seeing this, he came over and said, "Little brother, don't be afraid, we are not bad people. We don't want your money." He opened his schoolbag, and there was nothing but a piece of sweet potato wrapped in a banana leaf. In addition, there are books and stationery: there are several "Australian style" bound books, notebooks, pencils and the like.They are all high-quality white paper, and the printing and binding are exquisite. It is impossible to imagine that they are things that a student like a mud monkey can use.

Sima Qiudao let go of his hand, and gestured with the short sword in front of him with one hand: "Sit down quietly, don't talk or move, and your life will be saved!"

The boy was so frightened that he couldn't speak, he just nodded repeatedly.

Zhuo Yifan said in a low voice, "Inquire how Nanbao is doing now."

"I know." Sima Qiudao whispered.Turning his head away again, he asked, "Let me ask you, is there anything unusual in the town recently?"

"Abnormal?" The boy said blankly, "It's's almost the same as in the past..."

"Are there many soldiers and public servants?"

"Do it publically?" The boy hesitated for a moment, then suddenly understood, "You mean the police, right? No, I haven't seen many police coming over recently."

"Kun thief, um, chiefs, have any shops been seized and who has been arrested?"

The boy shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this..."

Sima Qiudao shook the dagger in his hand, and said threateningly: "If you lie to me, I will kill you immediately!"

"Don't dare, dare not," the young man shook his head repeatedly.

Sima Qiudao asked a few more words, and roughly knew that everything in Nanbao was normal. He thought Huang's medicine shop was safe and sound, and Huang Zhen and the others were fine.His heart was more than half settled.

"The pharmacy is fine. I'll go into the town to contact Lao Huang. You are injured and rest here. As for this child—" Sima Qiudao's eyes showed a fierce look, and he raised his dagger, ready to kill him directly.

Zhuo Yifan said in a low voice: "Brother Sima, you can't do it!"

"If you don't kill him, what if he goes to report the letter?"

"Brother Huang, you and I are both well-known and decent. The purpose of coming here this time is to save the common people. How can we kill innocent people indiscriminately and humiliate the family style. If this is the case, will we not be like that gangster? Besides, this is a child! "


"We won't let him go either. He won't be able to report the news after he's tied up and thrown here. We'll leave in a day or two, and it won't matter if we get rescued again."

"Okay." Sima asked for trouble, but what Zhuo Yifan said was somewhat reasonable.Said, "Then you rest here, I'll tie him up and go to town."

Immediately, he tied the boy upside down with a schoolbag strap, tidied up a bit, and then went down the mountain to Nanbao.

Zhuo Yifan saw that the young man was in panic all day long, so he comforted him immediately: "You can rest assured that your life will not be ruined."

The young man nodded vigorously.

Zhuo Yifan sat down slowly leaning against a tree, holding the short sword in his hand. He sat bored and asked, "What do you do at home?"

"A farmer. Originally tenanted a few acres of Master Zhou's land. Now he works as a long-term worker on the farm..."

"That's a good man." Zhuo Yifan saw that he had a good appearance and articulate speech, and felt that he was not an ordinary ignorant villager, so he wanted to talk to him, "Since you are studying, why don't you go to a private school and read the Four Books and Five Classics? The evil book of the Kun thief?"

The young man was puzzled and said: "My family can't afford the school money, and the small family is very poor and can't even get enough to eat. If the chief didn't say that there is a meal provided, the family would not let me go to school..."

Just for a meal, Zhuo Yifan was secretly short of breath. He originally just wanted to relieve boredom, but now he had the idea of ​​asking him to go on the right path, and said, "You know, you studied in the school of the gangster, didn't you? The study of sages is all Australian heresy, so what is the use of reading it? Even if you are illiterate, it would be better."

"Heretics?" Apparently the young man didn't quite understand the word, he said timidly: "The chief's school teaches literacy, arithmetic and so on."

"It's said to be literacy, but it's a vulgar style, not a regular style. If you take the imperial examination, I'm afraid it will be typed out by the examiner immediately..." Zhuo Yifan felt a dull pain in the wound, "As for the arithmetic, the imperial examination does not test it. Yes, your family does not engage in business, so what is the use of learning it? Even if you can’t read books, be an honest farmer, even if you don’t know how to read, it’s the cornerstone of the court. water……"

(End of this chapter)

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