Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1598 Pursuit

Chapter 1598 Pursuit
The young man was submissive at first, but now his face revealed a dissatisfied expression.But he was afraid of the sharp sword in his hand, and he only muttered: "The government has never done anything good except for money and food..."

Zhuo Yifan took a breath: "How can you call it no good? You have been enjoying 200 years of peace in the barren land of Hainan, and you have no worries about food and clothing. Isn't it my kindness? As for paying money and food, it is your duty In addition, I heard you said that the family was originally a tenant tenant, and the money and grain were not paid by the tenants..."

"Before the head of our place came here, he had been making noises about Li bandits, and the government never cared about it. Besides, the money and food from the tenants are also from our tenants..." The young man said, "Master Zhou's family has increased the rent every year. It is said to be the imperial court's will. But after the chiefs came, Mr. Zhou didn't dare to increase the rent, and even reduced a lot of rent!"

Zhuo Yifan sighed, "Could it be that the gangster forced him to reduce the rent?"

"That's not true," said the young man. "The chiefs have opened many industries in Nanbao. There are mines, shops, and large factories. My parents don't have great skills. They only know how to farm, so they went to the farm to do long-term work. Although it is hard work, the whole family has food and clothing, and now the house has been overturned. It is much better than the half-starved and half-fed days when I was a tenant for Mr. Zhou, who wants to rent his land?" Speaking of which, he I couldn't help being a little proud, "Master Zhou is begging others to take his land now, who cares!"

There are still places in the world where the landlord begs the peasant to share his land!Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but be a little surprised. He has seen a lot in the rivers and lakes, and he has seen a lot of things where people are killed because of the dispute between landlord and tenant: unless the king's law disappeared on the ground or the farmers were dispersed after encountering a catastrophe; Otherwise, the matter of tenant land will always be a seller's market.The main purpose of the conflict between landlord and tenant is to "seize tenant/oppose tenant" and "increase/decrease rent".

The world in Lingao is too strange, grain households are the foundation of the imperial court, if the gangsters treat grain households like this, sooner or later they will lose their hearts.He sighed slightly, and suddenly felt that these thieves were quite capable in "governing the world", but they were just pursuing the fallacies and heresies of who knows which family. If they continued to mess around like this, it would be a waste of their "hundreds of businessmen" talents.Thinking of this, he felt a little regretful.He couldn't help but said: "It's a pity! The Kun thief has the ability of Lu Ban and he is also good at Tao Zhu's talent, but it's a pity that he didn't learn the right way." He looked at the young man again, and felt that he was a talented person, and sighed, "The Kun thief is really misleading the younger generation! It's all useless miscellaneous knowledge!"

Zhuo Yifan didn't know that when children in this period had the strongest interest in learning and the strongest desire for knowledge, the "Australian" had been in Nanbao for several years, despite the fact that the boy had only been in school for a few months. Watching Nanbao transform from a barren village in a mountainous area into a bustling town, it is a new generation of people who feel the changes in life.Hearing that Zhuo Yifan belittled the knowledge of the "chiefs" in every possible way, saying that reading the books of the chiefs is useless, he couldn't help arguing: "Master, you are too arbitrary to say such a thing, I will learn the knowledge of the chiefs in the future, and then I can grow Produce more rice, weave more cloth, make useful farm tools, and work more conveniently, we can all live in tile-roofed houses, and our children and grandchildren no longer have to suffer from hunger..."

When Zhuo Yifan heard this, he sneered in his heart: the thieves used to draw big cakes to fool the people.Mud legs are mud legs, and they were confused by these few words.Seeing his pious face, he was probably already deeply bewitched, anyway, he was in danger, so why bother, he is not talking right now.

He was seriously injured. Although he was treated with medication and had no inflammation, he lost a lot of blood, and he spent another night running around.After talking for a while now, he felt dizzy and dizzy. He was very vigilant, and before he realized that he was about to faint, he quickly tore off a piece of rag and blocked the boy's mouth.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt his body being shaken. Zhuo Yifan opened his eyes and saw that it was Sima Qiudao with an anxious expression on his face.


"What about the boy?!" Sima Qiudao blurted out and asked.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, and looked next to the tree, only to see that there was only one schoolbag strap left on the ground.The schoolbag strap is made of canvas, very strong, but the material is very hard, so it was not tightened, and the boy broke free.

"not good……"

"Let's go quickly." Sima begged, "It's not suitable to stay here for long!" Then he helped Zhuo Yifan up.

"Brother Huang, what about them?"

Sima Qiudao said: "I went into the town, but I didn't go far when I heard the commotion in front of me. The thieves have sent a team of Japanese pirates to surround the Huang's medicine shop!" His tone was extremely sad, "I don't If you dare to go there again, you will come out quietly."

Zhuo Yifan's heart sank, but at this time he couldn't care about much anymore, now he cares about himself, and he can only seek happiness for himself.

"Let's go around Nanbao, it's not far from Li District." Then he supported his body with a wooden stick and walked forward.

When Sima Qiudao saw Zhuo Yifan's pale face and bloodless lips, his heart tightened.He took a step forward, supported Zhuo Yifan with his right hand, and said, "Let me help you go. Let's rush to Panbao Mountain before dark, and sneak across the pass when it gets dark. Qiye said there There is no barracks anymore, there is only a control card, and it is easy to go there."

The two of them walked down the mountain with each other's support, and walked across the field to a hill ahead.Although being supported, Zhuo Yifan felt pain in the wound every step he took, especially his ribs, and it hurt for a long time just to take a breath.

Could it be that he is going to die?

He dragged his steps reluctantly, only to feel that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and his head was gradually dizzy.

Because they were worried about being discovered by the thieves, the two circled in a big circle, avoiding places where there were people, and only chose places with dense forests to move forward.This is getting harder and harder.

Walking all the way, after walking for about half an hour, Sima Qiudao saw that Zhuo Yifan was too wobbly to walk, so he sat down behind a big rock.

"Take a rest for a while, I'll get you some water." He said as he untied Zhuo Yifan's clothes, but saw that the bandage had been stained red with blood, knowing that the wound hadn't healed after a tiring journey.

Sima Qiudao was secretly worried: If this continues, Zhuo Yifan will die on the road sooner or later!

The only thing we can hope for now is to escape into the Li District smoothly, and rely on the local connections of the martyrs who are supporting us, to see if we can find a hidden place for him to recuperate.

He picked up the bamboo tube and was about to get water, Zhuo Yifan grabbed his arm and said in a deep voice, "Listen!"

Sima Qiudao listened attentively, but he didn't hear anything. Just as he was about to speak, suddenly a strange sound approached from far away, coming from the hill where he rested last night, like a roar.

"It seems like a dog barking." Sima begged.However, this is not the barking of dogs seen on ordinary streets, it is a sound similar to growling.Sima Qiudao quickly pushed aside the trees and looked towards the place where the sound came from.I saw a black and yellow dog coming out of the woods on the opposite hillside. This dog has a round head, drooping ears, and two big white spots on the eyes, which looks like four eyes. It is a strange thing. Boy, this dog looks like it has no tail!
Behind the dog were three or four short and sturdy soldiers wearing lacquered hats, with their waists inserted into their ribs. Sima Qiudao knew that these were Japanese pirates raised by the Kun thief!

The dog was tied by a chain, and someone was leading it, smelling it constantly on the ground. The dog was surprisingly big, as big as a calf.The person holding it behind can hardly pull it back, and it always drags the person holding it back and forth, as if it is about to fall.At this time, three dogs of the same kind came out from the woods one after another, and they all kept smelling on the ground.Behind the dog-leader appeared more than a dozen sergeants with guns, including pirates and ordinary soldiers.A boy who looked like a military officer was standing beside him, pointing and pointing, Sima Qiudao was shocked: "The boy who picked the herbs ran away!"

Zhuo Yifan also saw it now, and he was secretly annoyed.But it's useless to say anything at this time.You can only shrink your body to minimize the target.

The dog on the opposite side was walking towards here while sniffing on the ground, Zhuo Yifan whispered: "Maybe it smells of blood."

"The thief is so cunning that he used such a trick!" Sima Qiudao didn't turn his face when he looked at the other side, and said, "Brother Zhuo, let's go separately, otherwise once they come up, we won't be able to get away alone. Go over this hill and walk a few more times." The road is Panbao Mountain, you walk slowly, as long as you arrive before dark, you will have a chance to escape at night!"

He paused and said: "I'll go down the mountain right away, go through the valley in front of me, walk up the hill on the left, and then go to Panbao Mountain to meet you."

Zhuo Yifan was startled, the road that Sima Qiudao took was almost under the eyes of the thief, he was deliberately trying to distract the thief away.

"Brother Sima, don't do it! I'm seriously wounded, and I'm afraid time is running out. If you're not injured, go fast, you go. Leave Yifan here to hold back the bandits and pursuers. If you can kill every one!"

"Brother Zhuo, don't refuse. I, Sima Qiudao, crawled out of the dead and escaped from the chaos of the army. Now I have earned my life. Besides, I run fast, and the thief will definitely chase me with all my strength. In this way The farther I run, the more time you have to escape - let's go one by one!"

While talking, he tied up his clothes and pants, and tucked the knife into his waist.

"Brother Dao!" Zhuo Yifan choked up and was speechless.

Sima Qiudao looked at him and smiled intentionally: "Brother Zhuo, how do you know that I can't escape? Don't worry! The Tartar cavalry didn't catch up with me back then. Why are the dogs running away? We will meet later!" Clasping his fists together, he said, "Sima is going to seek the way!"

Just as he turned around to leave, Sima Qiudao suddenly stopped again. He turned his head and turned his back to Zhuo Yifan and said, "Brother Zhuo, if you can escape your life and go to Beijing if you have a chance, you can go to Yuan Yingtai for me." Burn a stick of incense on the grave, when I served as his aide, I should have died with him when Liaoyang City was broken... let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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