Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622
"I used to say that there are more radishes and fewer pits, but now that the sub-bases are opened, it turns out that there are more pits and fewer radishes." Liu Xiang shook his head and decided to make a list to sort out his thoughts.

Vietnam, from the current point of view, is mainly positioned as a coal base and a rice supply base, but the large library specially provides materials on the southern war. If you go to this area, it is probably to engage in armed colonization?The population explosion has reached the point where, no matter food or fuel, the needs of the crossing group are like black holes that suddenly erupt.The warm and affectionate trade with Vietnam in the past can no longer satisfy the stomach of the Senate—and the boiler.Judging from the recent "two periodicals and one newspaper", there are very high voices for taking more direct measures against Vietnam, and the saying "take back Jiuzhen and Rinan County of our great Han Dynasty" has appeared many times.

As for Ryukyu, after reading the "Historical Research" in the Great Library, Liu Xiang generally understands that the current historical period is the period when the Ryukyu-Diaoyu Islands issue has gone wrong "since ancient times": the Satsuma clan forcefully forced the Shang Dynasty to pay tribute to the Satsuma clan , and actually controlled Ryukyu.From this time on, Japan started the process of Japaneseization, colonization and localization of Ryukyu.Although Ryukyu still surrendered to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has actually become a vassal of Satsuma.

Leaving aside this historical hot issue that has just begun, Ryukyu is now an important maritime landmark in the entire East Asian region—except for the Senate—in the Northeast Asian route.Judging from the topographic map, the trading ships from Fujian traveled northward along the Ryukyu Islands, and there were islands and reefs along the way to guide and replenish their routes. It is an important central hub for navigation in East Asia.Controlling Ryukyu is of little significance to the Senate, which can rely on sea charts to sail along ocean currents, but it indirectly controls the Sino-Japanese trade routes of other maritime merchants, and monopolizing trade with Japan is just around the corner.The sulfur from several volcanic islands in Ryukyu was an industrial raw material urgently needed by the Senate.Therefore, the goal of going to Ryukyu seems to be very clear.

But Ryukyu is insignificant compared to Vietnam and Guangzhou. It is an idle move, and it doesn't matter whether it is won or not.As a local administrative official for many years, it is a bit "overqualified" to be sent there.

"Guangzhou—" Liu Xiang began to mutter again in his heart.The hardest thing to guess is this.When it comes to Guangzhou, everyone in the Senate knows that it is the site of Dongzhu Guo, the basic site of the "Guanglei Department".Especially the big world project, which is about to complete the first phase of the project, has aggravated this impression.

"Could it be that we want to rotate cadres? To prevent them from being overwhelmed?" This question came to Liu Xiang's mind again.Judging from the consistent policy of the Executive Committee, no matter whether it is a political faction or a veteran's personal political speculation, as long as they do not pass the line, they are generally allowed to move freely, but no faction or individual will be allowed to take the lead.

From the point of view of local factions, the weakest one is Hainan Island's "main island faction". Even the Sanya region where Wang Gong personally sits is actually completely attached to the central government. As for Vietnam, Hangzhou, Jeju Island, Shandong, and Taiwan The expatriate teams in other places, although they have considerable strength, still rely heavily on the central government.

Only the Guanglei Department controls the largest and most important trade gate of the Senate.Even after Hangzhou Station opened up the trade channel from Shanghai, more than [-]% of the Senate's trade with Daming was still conducted through this portal.Not only that, but Leizhou's sugar industry can be called the money printing machine of the Senate.The importance is self-evident.

It is a matter of course that the executive committee should carry out a certain personnel reorganization of the Guanglei Department to avoid a big tail.

However, this matter is not easy to handle.Although Liu Xiang was looking forward to going to Guangzhou to show off his skills, his enthusiasm quickly died down.The situation over there is different. It is not possible to change the county office director here with a transfer order.Randomly change someone to take over the class of Guo Dongzhu. It is easy to say in my own system that Guo Yi will never disobey the order of the organization. The problem is that his transfer will cause great shocks in the local business district of Guangzhou.

Do those people who come and go frequently with the Zizi shop recognize you as the new owner?Liu Xiang has been a magistrate for several years, and he understands the thinking of the aborigines very well. The thinking of the rule of man is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although everyone in Guangzhou knows that Guo Yi represents "Australians", the transfer of Dongzhu Guo, regardless of whether it will be considered It was his personal "loss of power", and "death and government" is the norm-not to mention that it is the 17th century, even in the 21st century, when the leadership of the street office or county changes, it is not uncommon for the predecessor to deny all the accounts.

Even if I take over the post, I'm afraid that all the money temporarily stored on the purple cabinet will be taken away in a few days-after all, commercial credit in this era is based on individuals rather than legal persons.If this happens, it's too embarrassing, regardless of whether it's a big deal or not.

Of course, it would be great if Xiao Guo's team could stay on.But this matter is not up to him to decide.

Not to mention internal problems, but only three major troubles in the Guangzhou government: the bureaucrats in Guangzhou, the Portuguese in Macau, and the elders in Hong Kong.

Fucheng is where the bureaucrats of a province are located. If people are sent here to run the underground government and the shadow shogunate, then the nobles in Fucheng must not be as willing to cooperate as background props like Wu Mingjin.It took Guo Yi several years to establish a relationship. Once he leaves, will he be able to connect with him?

Macau is currently in a state of "legitimate land lease" with the Ming government. If an underground government is established, should we recognize the colonial status?From a national sentiment point of view, it should not be recognized.Although the colony of Macau is different from the five-port trade and various land cessions carried out by "My Qing Dynasty", it will belong to normal land lease in legal terms, but a large part of the Senate still does not recognize the core territory of the Chinese nation. There are colonies of other countries, in whatever form.Therefore, the call to drive away the Portuguese and take back Macau has always existed in the Senate, and it is still very strong.

However, from the perspective of actual interests, Liu Xiang saw that Macau is still the most important trading port for the Senate and the Portuguese.In particular, most of the Indian goods imported by the Senate are still through the Portuguese channel.Driving away the Portuguese has no real benefit other than satisfying national pride.What's more, the Portuguese who lost their motherland are now extremely submissive to the Senate, which is far easier to deal with than the rebellious Dutch.

The most troublesome thing is actually Hong Kong.If Guangzhou is controlled, what kind of relationship will it have with Hong Kong?Liu Xiang knew that the veterans in Hong Kong were all trying to make a big career out of it.However, the possibility of Hong Kong becoming the Pearl of the Orient in this time and space no longer exists.Since the Senate can directly rule Guangzhou, why bother to use this small island in the mouth of the Pearl River, which is scarce in all aspects of resources.In the past, the establishment of a base in Hong Kong was just to monitor Guangzhou. Once Guangzhou fell under the control of the Senate, the value of Hong Kong would disappear.

At present, Hong Kong's industry has almost achieved a certain scale of shipbuilding development by relying on the primary labor cooperation provided by handicraftsmen in Guangzhou. Almost all of the several agricultural product processing enterprises established in the industrial system serve the Joint Logistics Headquarters, and they still rely on the supply of agricultural products in the Pearl River Delta.

In other words, except for its function as a port, Hong Kong is completely dependent on the mainland.Apart from being meaningful to the navy, the function of the port is completely meaningless in terms of trade: since you can directly rule and use the various ports in Guangzhou, why do you need to go around Hong Kong?

After taking office, how do you get along with the elders in Hong Kong?Do you want Hong Kong to be classified as a part of Guangzhou?

My brain hurts just thinking about it...

Opening the "Compilation of Situations", Liu Xiang decided to focus on local conditions first.

After years of intervention by the Senate, the economic and social structure of Guangzhou Prefecture has undergone earth-shaking changes, so this time the Great Library did not participate in the "Compilation of Situations" at all.This important social survey document was mainly compiled by the Guangzhou Station, and the Intelligence Bureau provided sufficient data support.Because of the detailed data, it is more suitable for Liu Xiang's reading habits than the compilation of several historical documents crawled out of large libraries.

Liu Xiang scanned the data again, wrote and drew on the paper himself, and made a coarse-grained clustering and classification of the data according to his own understanding, making the data more suitable for his understanding of political economy.

"Well, in terms of pop, this is the situation now!" Liu Xiang divided the data into squires, bureaucrats, farmers, laborers, laborers, technicians, Handicraftsmen, military households and other large types took out a printed Cantonese administrative division map, and marked different labels and numbers in different regions.After working hard for more than two hours, he finally filled out this picture-then he took out another one that had already been filled out for comparison.This one was generated by a program he wrote in his spare time when he was studying the three "enclosed with gifts" documents in the past few months. The processing process was similar to the manual one just now, except that all the calculations were handed over to the computer.

This comparison, sure enough, the two pictures are quite different in a few places...

"I'm so idle!" Liu Xiang resolutely discarded the result of his two hours of busy work, and still used the computer-generated picture for analysis.As for going back to check things, Liu Xiang simply gave up - the laptop has already been packed, and it is inconvenient to rummage through the box now.Anyway, Haikou is just over 60 kilometers away from Lingao, and this turtle-speed regular tugboat will arrive after dark.But just now, after all the data went through my mind, it is more understandable than simply looking at the pictures processed by the computer. Many ideas popped up after a glance or a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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