Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1623 Local Industrial Potential

Chapter 1623 Local Industrial Potential
"Every time I look at it, I feel very surprised. After working for a long time, the steel industry is the traditional leading industry in Guangzhou!" Liu Xiang couldn't help but sigh with emotion after rearranging it carefully.

In fact, this is not a secret, but Liu Xiang rarely pays attention to the historical materials of these areas that have nothing to do with his jurisdiction.I am surprised to see it now.

Judging from the results, the current Guangzhou government has formed a certain scale of three industrial clusters in the secondary industry, namely, ironmaking, wood processing, and brewing, due to the long-term involvement of the Senate’s economic circle.However, among the three major clusters, ironmaking is still the traditional leading industry.

He opened the "Compilation of Guangzhou Economic, Industrial and Commercial Historical Materials" in the large library. It turned out that the iron in Guangdong was already famous in this time and space. The so-called Southern Railway and Guangzhou Railway refer to the pig iron produced by small workshops here.The smelting and casting industry in Foshan is very famous in history.

There is high-grade iron ore in Zhaoqing. After being collected, it is scattered along the Xijiang River in various small workshops along the way. It is smelted into iron ingots by traditional blacksmiths, and finally concentrated in Guangzhou Fucheng.The imperial court even set up iron affairs and iron departments in Guangfu to focus on this industry.

Because the pig iron here is all smelted with charcoal, it is not mixed with a lot of impurities like the pig iron smelted with coal in the north, especially it does not contain sulfur, so the quality of the pig iron is very high.Therefore, the casting of Hongyi cannons by the Ming court was arranged in Guangdong as far as possible.

Lingao's huge industrial stomach has intensified the expansion of this traditional advantageous industry - the industrial system of the Senate has always used pig iron imported from Guangdong for resmelting to supply steel needs before building its own blast furnace.Even with the existence of the Mayao Iron and Steel Company, the Planning Institute still imports some high-quality pig iron from Guangdong for direct production.

Wood processing was directly driven by the Hong Kong shipyard.The standardized production mode not only brings convenience to the Hong Kong shipyard, but also greatly improves the production capacity of the various workshops that have undergone industrial transformation. Production and other methods have been realized. In addition to the most profitable and most "craft" ship material production, these old-fashioned workshops have also begun to try to collaborate in the production of some other products according to the "Australian craftsmanship".However, they rely almost entirely on orders from the Planning Institute, and their technical level and processing capacity are still very low. To further improve, relevant technology transfer and additional processing equipment must be carried out.The latter is difficult for industrial sectors with full production tasks.Therefore, Liu Xiang felt that the potential was not great.

The biggest influence is the brewing industry driven by the domestic and foreign sales of distilled liquors such as "Princess of the Tang Dynasty", "Guoshi Wushuang" and "Lan Guiren".Due to the large-scale purchase of local brewing, and the fact that they do not consider the taste and only focus on the alcohol content, local brewing workshops have sprung up in the surrounding areas, and even farmers who have some surplus food at home—since sweet potatoes have been listed on the market in Guangzhou on a large scale. The family seems to have increased a lot—they will also make jars of local wine and put them under the quilt to cover them, and wait for the people who collect the soil to burn them to exchange for a few money.

There are more people making wine, and food seems to be more sought-after. In the past two years, many people have changed to planting food, especially sweet potatoes. It can be said that to a certain extent, the farmland around Guangzhou has changed. Agricultural structure based on economic crops of vegetable dyes.This is a huge impact across a large category of industries!
"This is the power of industrialization! Even if it is just the radiant heat energy of some industries, it can boil the water of the small peasant economy and society!"

"Vietnam and Ryukyu can also use this idea!" Liu Xiang continued to deduce in his mind.

"Ryukyu..." Liu Xiang fished out a map of East Asia and drew the length with the body of the pen.

"Looking at the straight-line distance, in fact, the distance between Jeju and Ryukyu is about the same as the main trading port of Japan. But the problem is that except for us who dare to go to Heishuiyang, other maritime merchants dare not! It must go north along the island chain. Then the distance between Ryukyu and Ryukyu An island should take the cargo distribution center as its main function.”

Liu Xiang struggled for a long time between the Sanshan Islands and the Amami Islands, and still drew a red circle at the location of Naha Port.

"It's still deeply influenced by 'Dai Koukai'," Liu Xiang sighed again, "Sulphur... well, forget it, fine-grained crushing is not something this small broken island can do. Honestly pack it up and transport it away." Liu Xiang recalled After looking at the posts on the comprehensive utilization of sulfur that had been heatedly discussed on the BBS, I found that it is really impossible to support a sulfur industry with the unreliable output of manual collection in craters.

"If I want to do this, I'm afraid I will have to write about the advantages of the single-center star logistics system. I don't know if those in the logistics department will endorse my 'theory'." Liu Xiang looked at the eastern part of China. With the arc-shaped coastline, the confidence in my heart has increased a little: they have grown up like this, and if we don’t engage in star logistics, what a waste of capacity!
"Vietnam, I feel that the chances of me going to this place are very high! Coal and grain, isn't the situation the same as what I did in Qiongshan! It's just that Jiazi Coal Mine has been replaced by Hongji Coal Mine. This is full of familiarity Feeling!" Liu Xiang was the least concerned about Vietnam, because from an industrial analysis, if he went to Vietnam, apart from increasing the military proportion, the rest would be just an enlarged version of Qiongshan County - and he would be even more unscrupulous!After all, Vietnamese are not "same language and same race" as Liu Xiang thinks, so they can act more intensely.

"However, we must express our attitude that we will never implement a governor-general system in Vietnam!" Liu Xiang thought to himself again: "Many veterans took the maps of the Han Dynasty and said that the two lands of Beiqi and Zhongqi have been China's inherent territory in history. It's Jiuzhen and Nichinan County. If the governor system is established, then when the core territory of ancient Kyushu is conquered, will the governor's mansion be established? This is purely a matter of not starting well and causing trouble for myself." Liu Xiang sighed.

"Three Lius came out of Beijing, stopped the assassination of the Ministry of History and set up the state herdsmen, the beginning of the chaos of the Han Dynasty! The one who started it has no heirs!" Suddenly, the thinking circuit in his mind jumped to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Liu Xiang started to express emotion again.
Looking at the map, recalling the infinite cycle history of attachment, surrender, rebellion, and independence in this land of Vietnam, someone who claims to be "the best in engineering, the best in liberal arts, the strongest in science, and the best in engineering". I have already begun to conceive the "Discussion on the Rebellion of South Vietnam".

"...Er Nanyue's hundreds of ethnic groups were all barbarians before Qin established Guilin and Xiangjun. They did not respect their ancestors, did not contain writing, and were not known as a state. It was not until Zhao Tuo became self-reliant that there was civilization...Now I am traveling to Australia in the Song Dynasty In the Senate, [-] elite soldiers and [-] ships will be dispatched to hunt in the land of South Vietnam, just to restore China and save the common people! You should obey the heavens and respond to people, and eat pots of milk to welcome the king's teacher... "Liu Xiang took a deep breath, pushed open the porthole, and shouted the last sentence loudly to the sea: "Don't say that you are unpredictable!" After shouting, Liu Xiang suddenly felt that he was added by a hundred BUFF All kinds of light and shadow effects are sprayed out for the purpose of blinding all krypton gold dog eyes.

"Ba... baaaa..."

Liu Xiang was hit by the "Moe Sound of Straight Death", and his expression softened immediately.

"Miss! Are you the rescuer invited by the monkey?" Liu Xiang, who was unable to fight, picked up the little girl who woke up from a nap, tickling and teasing her.

Guo Ling'er looked at the father and daughter who were grinning loudly with puzzled expressions.

"What monkey?" As soon as she asked, Guo Linger saw the documents on the table, especially the map of the Indochina Peninsula, which she had seen many times, and she was familiar with it. What about national affairs?

"Sir, the boat is coming soon, do you want to change?" Guo Linger asked while tidying up the things on the table.

"Well, raise my flag." Liu Xiang nodded.

Ever since Elder Ming hoisted his general flag on the Lichun, the masses have expressed that such a promotion can't be popularized by all the elders?Coupled with the instigation of veterans such as Hong Huangnan, who had been sparing no effort in promoting the establishment of the Academy of Arms, the executive committee followed suit and did whatever they wanted: allowing each veteran to design their own coat of arms and flags.arts
As soon as the piece was sent out, the five hundred people immediately felt like cold water pouring into a hot oil pan. In an instant, the thresholds of various art and design-related veterans' homes were stepped through, and foreign artisans like Trini became even more famous. Meat and pastry.

The pattern Liu Xiang designed for himself was not complicated. Originally, he only planned to use a character Liu in seal script.But Liu is a common surname, and many of the elders have the same surname. In order to distinguish them, Liu Xiang circled the outer circle with a red dragon and a white python. The red is on top and the white is on the bottom. allusions.This approach was firmly resisted by other elders surnamed Liu, and finally had to make a compromise, that is, elders surnamed Liu could use this red dragon and white python mark as long as they wanted.

Although the red dragon and white python are more complicated, compared with the complex European-style coat of arms of various flowers, grasses, griffins and so on designed by other veterans, it is already very simple and clear-at least the embroidered red dragon and white python is very suitable for Jiangnan transport. Refugees are not a difficult task, and the embroidery girls over there are considered skilled workers for these.

First up is the Venus Star flag, and then Liu Xiang's personal flag.Liu Xiang stood on the deck with his daughter in his arms, enduring the glaring setting sun even though it was sinking in the west, and looked at the private pier for seniors in Lingao.

"It's back again!" Liu Xiang sighed in his heart.Although Liu Xiang returned to Lingao many times during his tenure in Qiongshan because of reporting work or "running the department for money", he always felt like a rubber band was tied behind his back, and he pulled it back after a short stay.This time when I came to Lingao, I really felt like I was "home". Although the new work will soon be overwhelmed, this time I can have a good rest in Lingao for at least a month.

(End of this chapter)

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