Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1625 Inside Information

Chapter 1625 Inside Information
"Who says it's not?" Qian Shuixie looked at the liquid in the Czech crystal-carved red wine glass. "The domestic class conflicts are prominent. What should we do? Let's go to war to divert the attention of the masses—an old routine."

This made Liu Xiang feel a little disgusted, because he still supports the mainland strategy. If you say that you want to divert your attention, there is indeed a little bit of meaning in it, but the dignified Senate has been attacked by the Ming dignitaries. , To accumulate strength, why not just point your nose and scold the executive committee.

In short.Those in power are guilty.Liu Xiang now somewhat understands the psychology of the self-proclaimed veteran of soy sauce.He still remembered the deputy director's critical attitude towards his work when he just parachuted to Qiongshan - you are guilty of being a leader!There is a mistake!Our people are the most innocent and innocent!

Fortunately, he changed his attitude after working for a stage.It is still the most tempered person in actual work.

"The situation is compelling." Liu Xiang took a sip of beer, "If we don't launch an attack, the executive committee won't be able to explain it."

"You're right." Qian Shuixie nodded, "However, only our special investigation team can handle this matter professionally."

Liu Xiang didn't understand again. According to his understanding, the capture of a big city like Guangzhou was nothing more than the same as the battle on the Pearl River back then, with both land and sea and artillery.Even if the special investigation team is useful, that is, to carry out the work of "beheading" and "reconnaissance", they should not be asked to climb the ladder to attack the city.

Probably seeing Liu Xiang's doubts, Qian Shuixie laughed loudly: "Brother, do you still think that attacking Guangzhou is as complicated as when we burned Wuyangyi back then?"

"Then what else can we do?"

Qian Shuixie got up and poured himself some brandy: "Guangzhou at the moment is actually no different from being undefended. As long as we want to, we can have a party in Guangzhou tomorrow: there are three in Guangzhou World alone." The strength of the company. There are about a dozen cannons."

"Doesn't this mean that you have already prepared to go to war?"

"That's not true," Qian Shuixie shook his head, "Brother said that there was a debate within the Executive Committee on whether to attack Guangzhou, and the focus was still on the trade issue with Daming——Skaide, the capitulator, has always been afraid of reconciliation. A war in Ming Dynasty would cause trade interruptions—of course he doesn’t object now. As for sending a few companies in the past, they mainly served as sentry guards and construction teams. The investment in this big world is not small.”

Not much is it!Liu Xiang complained in his heart! "I have been planning the actions in Guangzhou according to the plan of the underground government! This is good, is this the rhythm of overthrowing and starting over?"

Liu Xiang thought depressingly in his heart: It is not good not to be in the ruling center!Lack of gossip channels!

It's true that people are working and the sky is watching. The two of them seemed to be engaged in underground work just now, but the sound of Qian Xuanhuang's footsteps broke the mysterious atmosphere.

"Sir!" It was Qian Xuanhuang's voice. "The people from the general office came and said that they were assigned to the servants and guards of Old Liu Yuan in Lingao, and the official letter is here with me."

Qian Shuixie sat upright and said loudly: "Please come up."

Liu Xiang took the official letter and looked at it, and it was indeed stamped by the office, so he asked Qian Xuanhuang to bring the person in——the official letter had a special handwritten note saying that there was something to be handed over to Liu Xiang in person.

"Hi, Chief! Guard Lin Dengwan (Leader One), Eighth Ge (debug), and servant Ye Siman (yesman), report to you!" The three of them introduced themselves in a unique manner as soon as they arrived.

"Hi, Chief! This is the package that the Executive Committee appointed you to sign for!" Another young man with the cloth label of the Executive Committee liaison officer took out a package and handed it to Liu Xiang.The vellum envelope was stamped red: HIGHLY SECRET.After Liu Xiang unpacked it, he took a look: it was another thick document "Research on the Historical Materials of the Liberation of Shanghai and the Suppression and Elimination of Counter-revolutionaries", with a return receipt attached.Liu Xiang took out a pen from his breast pocket, filled out the receipt form and handed it to the liaison officer, and the hot-tempered young man left.

He turned around and talked with these three people for a while, and made fun of the rare surname in the eighth frame, and then sent them to wait outside—as usual, the Feiyun ship does not accept people other than veterans and veteran maids
"This is really ready to fire!" After calming down again, Liu Xiang patted the "Research on Historical Materials" in his hand and said to Qian Shuixie with emotion.

Seeing Liu Xiang's obvious helplessness and anxiety, Qian Shuixie understood after a little thought—this guy probably didn't know from the beginning that this time he was going to carry out armed recovery, maybe he thought it was going to be like Leizhou underground government.

After chatting for a while, Liu Xiang expressed his grief that he always thought it was an underground government, and never thought that Guangzhou would be taken over by armed forces.Firstly, Liu Xiang was very eager to study the newly released "Historical Materials Research", and secondly, Qian Shuixie was also eager to contact the Xiaocang - the sun was about to set, and the girl Duoduo slipped out for a day After this point, there is still no one to see, which is really worrying.

At this time, Qian Xuanhuang came up: "Sir, there is a call from the port. Miss's ship has just passed the monitoring point of the fort..."

"I'll go there now!" Qian Shuixie stood up abruptly, "It's against her! Do you still have any sense of crisis!" He hurriedly smiled at Liu Xiang and said, "I have to go there first, my brother and sister-in-law are busy. Dodo, this girl..."

"It's okay, it's okay, you're busy first." Liu Xiang said quickly.

"Xuanhuang, you serve Mr. Liu first, and bake it first."

"No hurry, no hurry." Liu Xiang said he was not in a hurry, but he was already very hungry.

Of course, nothing happened to Qian Duoduo, but this girl was finally not satisfied with crawling along the coast, and today she ordered the ship to sail towards Xu Wen in the name of the captain on the Xiaocang.Xiao Lin and Xiao Zhang, the "oldest" girls in the Women's Rangers, felt that there were more patrol boats in the strait recently, and the route to Xuwen was straight up and down, so it was difficult to get lost, so they argued with Qian Duoduo for a while Next, I made several chapters of one, two, three, four, and five, and finally agreed.

The boatswain on board was an injured and retired sailor who had participated in the Xuwen naval battle, and was specially hired by the Qianshui Association, and he was familiar with the Xuwen route.The whole boat went back and forth without any surprises or dangers, but on the return trip, Qian Duoduo insisted on going to the sea where the ancient pirates were encircled and suppressed to "look up" and wasted time.

After talking with the Xiaocang through the PHS radio, Qian Shuixie knew that the Xiaocang was about to enter the port, so he went to the anchorage in the park to "pick up" the person.Liu Xiang began to study "Research on Historical Materials" after Qian Shuixie left the restaurant, and took out "Compilation of Situations" for comparison.Qian Xuanhuang came in from time to time to deliver a few plates of grilled seafood, meat skewers, and vegetables, and added beer to him.Before I knew it, more than an hour passed, and it was getting dark—Guo Linger was already sleeping with the little girl in the guest room on the ship, and had no time to come over to serve her.

When you are pregnant, you cannot share the same room; during the breastfeeding stage, because there is no aunt to report, it is easy to accidentally get pregnant again in the same room, and you cannot have the same room; after weaning, the baby starts to recognize people again, and it is extremely inconvenient to have the same room.But many veterans who use their lower body to think, especially some people who treat life secretaries as toys at all, don’t care about these at all, so in the past few years, there have been several cases of miscarriage caused by intercourse during pregnancy, or unplanned pregnancies caused by intercourse during breastfeeding Ai Beibei, Shi Niaoren and other medical professionals were enraged by this incident.Finally, under the operation of Du Wen and others, an "education campaign to establish good living habits" was launched, and sex education pamphlets were distributed to every elder.

Just after this incident, Shan Liang and others who had been criticizing Du Wen and Sanitary Kou's "education campaign" for "trampling the power of the elders and interfering with the lives of the elders" once again launched an attack, asking the executive committee to distribute free second secretaries to all the elders And expand the living area to solve the problem of the five girls of the expectant fathers and new fathers working again without a license. After all, not all the elders bought a second maid. For example, the money was spent, such as repairing their own private villas I went, for example, I was controlled by someone... This matter has been procrastinating for a long time, and there is still no result yet, but many veterans with teams under their hands have developed themselves in their own nests. "Secretary N" - undocumented.But is this undocumented mistress, life secretary, or something else?In short, things are getting more and more troublesome.

Liu Xiang also wanted to develop a second secretary, but Lu Cheng, who he didn't want to get in touch with, always moved to his side - this basically blocked the way for other people to "lucky" and it was not easy for him to meet him face to face. I told this Land Women’s Federation that I’m not interested in you. As a result, the entire “best excuse period” passed and Liu Xiang failed to “accept new people.” He had to find a few naturalized craftsmen from the timber factory to build boats with after get off work. Model to kill time and energy.She never expected that this would become a typical case. When Du Wen wrote an article to judge a group of elders who could only think with their lower body, they even took out Liu Xiang as a positive figure, which made Liu Xiang want to cry without tears.Of course, when Guo Linger, who was in charge of reading the newspaper for Liu Xiang, read this paragraph, her eyes were obviously tearful, and her reputation soared from full worship to fanaticism.

Liu Xiang, who sat for an hour, didn't realize that such a long time had passed—you must know that the migrant workers who were kicked had very strong sitting skills.Just finished reading an essay "New China's Initial Attempt to Consolidate Urban Power", and was about to turn the page when Liu Xiang heard reprimands from the Qianshui Association and rebuttals from Qian Duoduo from outside.

The arguments between the uncle and nephew went from small to loud, all the way to the deck.Qian Duoduo was tanned, with a sun hat on her head, and her sea soul shirt was stained with water stains and some salt flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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